Be sure to follow Nate on youtube @natethompson254
Can you put together a stylish outfit for under $100? Watch as we take on the $100 Mall Outfit Challenge and see what we come up with! Let’s see if we can find some clothes without breaking the bank.
Excuse me you have really great style if I gave you $100 could you build me an Outfit yeah let's do it okay let's start With the uni L damn chinos for $49 this is going to be tough okay we Got our first Contender here pair of Shorts 29 bucks okay so we got some Leads however this is our first store so Let's check back and see what other Stores have okay let's give Zara a try Oh that one's nice yeah it's 65 bucks Though ooh this is clean too looks like The S section is our only Option all right so this is been a lot Harder than we initially thought okay We're getting a bit desperate let's try Out Walmart hey I heard they have a Couple joints every once in a while are We're going accessories at Walmart both Of these are $15 let's go with these a Little bit more stylish back to UNI CL Okay how about these shirts what are you Thinking I'm thinking yes now we do have Some budget left so let's go with Everybody's favorite uni sock all right So here is the final outfit Nate you did A great job I was going to say I'm not Don't mind if I do but I I think I Killed it for the budget that we had This is honestly the best that we came Up with and the total only came to