PMB Shirt and Hat Bundle & Rolex Giveaway
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Seth Fowler
141-I Rte 130 S,
# 383
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
#SethFowler #ROLEX #Unboxing
I just spent $113,000 on one of my Biggest Grail pickups ever oh was hot And I've got it right here inside this Bag and I actually have not yet seen it In person so this is going to be a Surprise for you guys and for me and It's ironic because on top of the thing That I bought I've actually got a brand New pretty much broke hat which is now Officially releasing in AB bundle along With the brand new pretty much broke Shirt which you guys have been asking About for forever seriously we get Comments and emails all the time of People asking for a pretty much broke Shirt and now we're officially releasing Them and you can grab them as part of The pretty much broke bundle which of Course comes with a pretty much broke Hat one of the most popular things we've Ever made and also now the brand new Pretty much broke shirt so you can grab It on our website right now apothec Linked In the to of the Description below but like I said this Pickup is crazy and stay tuned till Later on in the video because I've got Probably one of the most insane Announcements that I've ever made coming Up so please stay tuned for that cuz It's going to blow your mind so yeah I Spent $ 13,000 well $122,450 on this thing so I'm going to Drag out this intro a little bit it is
In a lapstone and Hammer bag it did not Come from lapson and Hammer this is just The bag that it was given to me in so uh I mean you guys can speculate to what This is I mean it looks like either a Small pair of sneakers or something else In order to get this thing what I Actually did was sell the Dior Jordan Once I don't know if you guys remember But from the $20 sneaker collection Season 1 I bought a pair of Dior Jordan Ones from Tom I think I paid like eight Grand for that and my plan was always to Sell those or trade those in order to Get some cash to buy the thing that I Just picked up and uh what I ended up Doing I think was trading it for like a Couple different pairs of sneakers Because it's kind of hard to sell that Pair of sneakers on stockx like there's Not a lot of buyers so of course what I Ended up doing was trading for like Three pairs of off-white grils I think It was like the Preston Um I don't remember exactly what it was But I traded for three pairs of sneakers And I sold them all and I got cash and I Waited and you're probably thinking wow Okay well $8,000 you spent $12,400 on This thing I mean you still had to put a Lot of money on top and yes that's true That is true that's a lot of damage how About a little more but for something Like this it was absolutely worth it and
You guys will see why in a second so let Me pull out of the uh the bag right here A lot of you guys might already know What this is based on the size of the Box and even just the the type of the Box itself this is crazy crazy okay it's Got some nice weight to it let me slide It Out oh my gosh I'm going to try and keep This piece of uh cardboard safe cuz this Is actually part of the value too it's Crazy but it is just from that logo Alone you probably already know what This is I probably should be unboxing This on a table cuz if I drop this I'm I'm going to be distraught I might Actually cry so let's pull up the top of This box and place it very gently on the Table next to me which I should have Just filmed the unboxing on there we go So there's the top of the box oh my Goodness oh look at that let me pull Down the front of this Box Okay I'm the clumsiest person in the World uh you've got Rolex written down There on the uh the flip front part of The box and then of course you've got The green Rolex box so by now you guys Know what this is a Rolex watch that I Spent a lot of money on and to be honest I haven't even seen this watch in person Yet so let me just take a really quick Look at the outside of the box because
The outside of this box is gorgeous You've got this beautiful green color Sort of a forest green you got the Rolex Logo right there and then of course the Sort of rippled texture I guess pressed Into the top of the box I actually Already have a Rolex um this is a Smaller Oyster Perpetual it's actually a Pretty small Oyster Perpetual I've got Very small wrists but this is a uh let's Just say a much more classic watch that Um I've been looking forward to for a Very long time so let's pop the top on This here we go moment of truth I'm just Going to do it for you guys and then Look at it Myself this is one of the most classic Watches of all time and unfortunately as You can tell by the price I had to pay Resale for this watch I'm on a couple Different lists and no one's called me It's been over a year and a half 2 years So I did end up paying full resale for This but honestly I think it's worth it Because look at how incredible that Watch is okay let me pull it out look at That look at that I love watches I Haven't really gone too deep into Watches because it's an even more Expensive hobby than Sneakers but it's Something that I really love and a Submariner is something that I've always Wanted and if you guys don't know Anything about watches the Rolex
Submariner like I said is one of the Most iconic watches of all time there Are definitely watches out there that Are much more desirable than this watch This is definitely a watch that I think A lot of watch collectors have because It's like their standard go-to watch but For someone like me who only has this Rolex and then a Seiko skx um this is Crazy so this particular sub's model Number is 116610 Ln and it's a 40 mm automatic With easyglide bracelet which in theory Should mean that I should be able to uh Adjust this watch for my tiny wrist Without having to um have it resized one Of the things that I love about watches Besides the fact that they just look Absolutely incredible is the fact that They really hold their value well at Least when you buy the right watches the Sub is a watch that's always going to Hold its value and for a sneaker head Who buys a lot of sneakers one problem That I have a lot of is that I'll buy a Pair of sneakers for a lot of money and Then couple years later it won't be Worth as much especially after it's worn With watches you can wear them and they Will maintain their value um at least in Most cases or in some cases I guess let Me pull off my my Oyster Perpetual look At the difference in size there that's Ridiculous like I said I have tiny
Wrists I have tiny wrists I bought this Watch for my wedding I actually did an Unboxing on this watch well it must have Been before 2020 cuz I got married in 2020 it must have been like early 2020 If you guys want to check that out I Think you can just search like Seth Rolex on YouTube or maybe um click the Link uh in the description below but I'm Going to try this on that's crazy okay I Definitely need to figure out the slide System but look at that so there are Obviously different versions of this Watch like different colors different Years different all sorts of things this One is the date version there's also a Non-date version of the sub I prefer the Date version I just love having that Little Cyclops lens right there it's Beautiful it's obviously got a black Dial and a black ceramic bezel it looks Incredible it can go down to a depth of 1,000 ft or 300 M superlative Chronometer officially certified Swiss Made obviously obviously it's Swiss made You know I don't know why I'm doing an Italian accent so the 116610 Ln or I Think that's how you say it was first Introduced back in 2010 it's a Millimeter smaller than some of the Newer uh Rolex Subs but the big change On this version of the watch is that it Features a ceramic bezel which was new For the
116610 or 116610 Ln and uh man it just Looks it just looks incredible it just Glistens man it's crazy obviously this Is a diving watch so you can turn the Bezel for your uh I guess oxygen levels Um I know nothing about diving so you Know I just think it's cool that it Spins I just had to throw this on my Wrist I had to I had to see what it Looked like but I guess at this point I Can probably now tell you the crazy news And that is that this watch although I Did buy it and although I love it and it Is my dream watch We're actually giving It away which I'm not going to lie Pretty tough for me but it is what it is And I'm going to keep waiting for my ad To maybe find one somewhere in the back That he can send my way for retail I Don't know if that's going to happen but I'm going to stay on the list and see What happens so I guess to uh to play to The irony we're throwing this watch into A random order of the pretty much broke Hat and combo well okay we're not Literally throwing the watch into that Order you're not going to open the box And see this watch sitting there we're Going to find a way to get it to you Whether it's hand delivered or shipping To you in some way that's very very Secure and it kind of seems crazy that We're giving away a watch it's the Biggest thing I've ever given away or
Even been a part of giving away so we Basically just wanted to thank you guys For supporting the brand and supporting This drop by giving someone a Rolex it Sounds crazy but it's true I mean even For me the pretty much broke line is my Favorite line of stuff that we make I Know it's crazy we make socks but uh the Hat is like my favorite piece of Clothing I wear it in every video I love The hoodie as you guys can see and now We've got shirts which again you guys Have been asking for for a very long Time so we wanted to give you all the Opportunity to finally grab the shirt And the hat that you guys have been Asking for but also for one of you to Get a Rolex a Grail Rolex one that uh I Don't even have yet I I literally I I Don't like I'm holding it but it's not Mine it's going to be one of yours so if You want to grab the pretty much broke Shirt and hat combo it's linked at the Top of the description below this combo Is only going to be available for 3 Weeks so if you guys want to grab it Then make sure to click that link at the Top of the description below and again Randomly we're going throw in a Rolex Into one of these orders seriously one Day I'm going to own one of these I Really will at one point I'm going to Own one of these and I'm going to be Stoked on I'm going to wear it every day
Although I did buy this so technically I Own it or I guess Apothecary owns it but Either way it is owned by us but guys That pretty much wraps things up for Today thank you all so much for the Support on my channel and also on Apothecary because of you guys I'm able To do giveaways like this so I can't Thank you guys enough for that again if You guys want to grab the pretty much Broke shirt and hat combo it's available On our website right now Link in the top Of the description below and I will see You all in the next one