
The Adidas Terrex Agravic Speed Ultra is Adidas’s first trail-running shoe to deploy the combination of EnergyRods and Lightstrike Pro foam that we’d normally find in its top road-racing shoes like the Adidas Adios Pro 3. The result is a trail super-shoe designed for fast off-road running over any distance. But is it up to the ultra distance? There’s only one way to find out. Run Tester Kieran took it for a solo 50km on some runnable trails to find out if it lives up to its name. Hit play for our Adidas Terrex Agravic Speed Ultra review – the ultra test edition.

0:00 – Intro
0:32 – Price, drop, lug depth, weight
2:17 – Impressions after 10 miles
4:12 – Impressions after the marathon
6:24 – Verdict after 50km / 30.1 miles

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Hey people welcome to the run test it's Kieran here and in this video I am going To be ultra testing the Adidas agravic Speed Ultra I've wanted to get these Shoes on my feet for a long time now is The opportunity they are fresh out the Box on my feet and I'm going to be Taking them for a solo hopefully 30 m Run I know Nick's already tested these So if you want to check out his video You can go and see what his thoughts are When he was running on some more Technical Trail and the forest PS out in Eping East London I'm going to go and See what they're like to go and push big Mileage though let's go and find Out let's give you some quick details Then and the Adidas agravic speed Ultra Stack comes in at 38 Ms in the heel and 30 MS in the 4ot for an 8 mil drop they Weigh in at 267 G or 9.4 o in my UK Men's size 8 and 1 half test shoe They've got two lug depths youve got 2 And 1 half and three mil lugs on the Bottom on price they're 200 in the UK And $230 in the US and they're coming on Sale on the 9th of May I think get 11:00 In the [Music] [Applause] [Music] UK So the plan then for this run I've Got a route that I've met which around 36 miles there's a big chunk of road to

Get there so I'm doing a bit of Commuting on the road to test the shoes Out their road to Trail potential but Then we'll hit two of the kind of Biggest sort of Trail friendly parks in Westland we've got Richmond Park and We've got Wimbledon Park I'll do a few Big Loops I'll sort of take it a little Bit off the compacted Trail paths as Well when I can to try and find some Decent more technical terrain and we are Going to try and go for the 36 miles We'll see how that does if I come up Short I come up short but that's the Plan [Music] [Applause] [Music] So I've done 10 miles about an hour and 40 taking it nice and steady first thing To say about these shoes the Comfort on The feet is great I what's worried about Kind of whenever I see those kind of Really thin heel colors and those kind Of minimal setups on shoes it always Worries me and for when Who start going Longdistance Ultra often you know I'm Going to want to look for a little bit More padding in the sort of more Traditional heel color they've been Absolutely fine the hold has been good The on foot Comfort the stepping Comfort Has been massively disappearing really Nice wrapped across the top of the foot

Without feeling constricted rooming the Toe box without feeling too loose and Baggy and overall the ride has been Absolutely perfect for what I'm doing Now you can see these kind of hard sort Of mainly compact kind of sort of trails They get a bit softer and a bit muddy in Places 6 miles of the road but the Energy from the shoes for this kind of Sort of flat undulating but sort of Untechnical easy running terrain it's Absolutely bang on this shoe has been a Dream so far it's moving really well and If I was attacking this kind of run on This kind of terrain at a much faster Pace these shoes I think would be Absolutely excellent I find there's a Good amount of energy from that Light Strike Pro midsole I'm getting really Good kind of propulsion and energy but It's sort of it's not crazy I don't feel Wildly unstable I feel like I'm kind of In control of the shoe not the other way Around it's going to be interesting Later I'm going to get on to something Into a little bit more uneven maybe a Little bit more Stony a little bit more Technical it won't be technical but It'll be a bit more off-road a bit more Of a challenge for the shoes but 10 Miles in these shoes are running like a Dream and I'm really enjoying them [Music] So that's the marathon done in around

Kind of 4 hours for the last 10 miles Since I spoke to you last these shoes Just run absolutely bang on no trouble At all they've been absolutely perfect Just lots of energy to them they're so Comfortable under foot of the ride feels Rocked it feels sort of springy but Controlled it's cushioned it's Protective it's not fussy it's just Feels very natural I think actually Underf foot on this kind of terrain and When I say natural I kind of mean in That sort of sort of supero natural Sense but you know they're not I don't Think they're interrupting my kind of Style they're not making me aware of my Feet Landing I'm Just landing and just Being given a little bit of energy in Each step as I roll through I've been on Some harder terrain this is not Shaman This is not you know Colorado this is Not going to be the kind of southwest Coast PA it's all quite tame in here There was some sloppy stuff back there Some tree roots and some rocks and Whatnot but it's not basically Technical And it might be different when you start Landing on you know more uneven ground You're not going to get maybe the Consistency out of that Midol foam and It might become less stable and a bit More wobbly bit more difficult to Control on steeper descents the same Might be true but for what I've done so

Far and you know I'm thinking in my head I've got things like the nor New Forest Marathon where it's sort of a mix of Road and off-road light off-road it Would be perfect for the shoot to be Racing that I also think you know a lot Of things I always say like the temp's Path 100 mile I think you'll be happy on The South Downs in this shoe I think You'll be happy on the North Downs in This shoe I think there's loads of UK Trail runs that this will work for Really nicely yeah it feels like it Saved my legs got four to go though so We'll see at the end how I feel after That [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] So that is the ultra test of the Adidas Agravic speed Ultra done I didn't end up Doing 50ks just over 30 mil took me 5 Hours so I think for an ultra that was Moving for me anyway sort of reasonable Clip actually for how I'd move over Normally I'd run at kind of 5 miles an Hour so I was six or more um obviously Not hugely technical terrain out there But actually interestingly that's Exactly what I think the shoe excels at

It would be interesting to try it on Sort of trickier Mountain routes and if Anyone has I'd love to hear how he got On with it how the that kind of midsole Is impacted when you're trying to kind Of keep you know connection with the Ground and moving over uneven terrain Where you maybe need a bit more Stability and you want a little bit more Firmness and ground contact and you know That kind of Road shoe punchiness that Might not help you but here in the last Sort of 5 hours I've run on this where I've been on terrain that's very Manageable very runnable not too steep Easy that shoe has performed absolutely Bang on it was brilliant I was really Worried kind of fresh out the book Sometimes when you do these things you Can be a bit concerned about how your Feet are going to hold up in a Sho That's quite minimal in the hill collars It looks very racy it's you know it's Got that big stack of the midell foam Which is quite springy and bouncy and I Was worried about how that so much so That I put an spare pair of shoes Actually in my ultra vest here that I Carried the whole way just in case but None of that problem they were they were Great I mean the Comfort on the foot is Exceptional for that distance these Shoes I'm in no hurry to take them off They just feel really natural there's

Plenty of room good wiggle in the toe Box I don't feel cramped at all I've had No rubbing no cramping up of the toes Yeah that's really really nice and then Underf foot the ride has been you know Tip Top basically I mean I just sort of Smooth it rolls there's a little bit of Propulsion it's got a real kind of Road Shoe feel to it this is definitely a Shoe that is Road shoe DNA morphed for The trails and if you like that kind of Ride then this is going to be a shoe That you'll enjoy I definitely having Done this think this is a shoe that I Would choose to go racing if I was Taking on some flat more runnable trails Where you're not looking at anything That's sort of too technical too Rocky Too lumpy underneath this is a great Shoe it can definitely handle bits when You get back into the road as well I Mean this this runs better than some Road shoes I've run in recently you know I could name a bunch of them that this Performs much better lemon Blissfield All of those I'd rather running these You this this I I'd almost be happy to Race a marathon in obviously it's very Grippy and it's very sticky on the tacer You probably wouldn't want to do that But is not far off that kind of sort of Road shoe Super Shoe feel that you've Got so yeah I mean mean I'm super happy With this I'm very very surprised

Obviously I think if you sort of taken It into anything that's a little bit More tricky and a bit more difficult to Run On it might change that kind of profile But for that kind of running this is a Winning shoe so there you have it that Was my ultra test of the Adidas terx Agravic speed Ultra to give them the Full name it's pretty uh mouthful anyway I hope you've enjoyed it give us a like If you did if you're wearing up off-road Ultra shoes I'm dropping a video up here Now it's worth a look it's one of my Other favorite shoes for long hauling Otherwise thanks very much for watching And we hope to see you again soon on the Run test that's Happy running people