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Today I’m reviewing the upcoming Air Jordan 12 Flu Game 2025! The Flu Game 12’s release on March 1st 2025 and they will cost a retail price of $210! The Jordan 12 Flu Games aka the Black and Red 12’s are jam packed with history because Michael Jordan dropped 38 points in them during the 1997 Finals. Check out my full 2025 Air Jordan 12 Flu Game Unboxing, Review and On Feet to learn more!

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Seth Fowler
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#SethFowler #sneakerreleases2025 #flugame —————————————————————————————————
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There are certain shoes that every Sneaker head must have pairs that are so Iconic that even if you don't wear them You've got to at least consider picking A pair up whenever they retro and this Is one of those Releases first released in 1996 and Designed by Sneaker Legend Tinker Hatfield the Air Jordan 12 has become One of the most iconic sneakers of all Time however this particular Air Jordan 12 the black and red colorway became Legendary in and of itself on June 11th 1997 it was game five of the NBA Finals Between Michael Jordan's Bulls and the Utah Jazz the series was tied 22 and the Bull star player Michael Jordan was Experiencing severe flu like symptoms But Against All Odds Michael laced up His black and red 12 and took on the Utah Jazz not only did Michael play he Had a temperature of 103° and put up an Incredible 38 points defeating the Jazz By a razor thin margin the final score 90 to 88 however according to the Last Dance documentary there might be more to The story it's thought that a local Pizza place that Michael went to the Night before the game might have messed With his order so technically it's not Really flu like symptoms it's more like Food poisoning like symptoms regardless The Bulls went on to win the next game Which ended the finals and earned

Michael his fifth ring because of his Legendary performance during game five Now known as the flu game the Air Jordan 12s exploded in popularity particularly The black and red pair that he wore During the game since 1997 the shoe was Released to the public four times Including the original release however On March 1st 2025 we are finally get Getting another retro for the first time Since 2016 the 2025 Flu Game 12 is Expected to retail for 210 bucks and Hopefully this release was worth the Wait I grabbed my pair from my friend Flight Academy kicks you can grab your Pairs from him as well or check them out Through the YouTube shopping tab on your Screen oh really quick don't forget About the $200 stockx giveaway that I'm Doing with core all you need to do to Enter is get all four core badges the Second one is in the description below But first things first let's check out The box like the 2016 release the 2025 Pair comes in a box designed to look Like the original you've got a cardboard Top with a black Nike logo orange edges With just do it and the Nike logo on one Side and then of course the rest of the Box comes in Black the words engineered And built to the exact specifications of Championship athletes from around the World can be found on the back of the Box now I'm pretty sure on the OG box it

Used to say something different it was Something like quality inspired by the Greatest player ever or something like That but seems like on this particular Box it changed things up a little bit of Course on one side you've got the size Tag and the colorway of this particular Pair is black Varsity Red but with the Box out of the way I shouldn't have done That let's get in the sneakers as much History as the flu games have the 12 Isn't really a silhouette that you see On many people's feet in 2025 but you Know what let me try them on see what my Wife thinks yo so I've got a new pair of Shoes to show you and I want to get your Thoughts on them and let me know whether You think this is a pair of shoes that I Could Rock in 2025 and still look clean I guess still look like I'm uh you know Fashionable so what do you think these Are the flu game 12s flu gam why are They called that so in 97 during the Finals Michael Jordan wore these when he Was like experiencing flu like Sy Symptoms and he put up 38 points won the Game pretty crazy and he did it in these Shoes well yeah they look a little retro To me yeah that's kind of how I'm Feeling too like I don't I like tws a Lot but I also don't wear them a lot Because they feel a little bit too much Like boots in my opinion okay I can see That yeah but you but what would you

Give them out of 10 just right off the Bat first impression I mean they're cool I'd say I don't know like a seven seven Wow that's higher than I thought I mean They're cool it's just that they look Like a little dated but that doesn't Mean gotcha they're not cool if you saw Someone rocking these like just around You wouldn't be like ah looks like They're wearing old shoes no plus like Oh maybe but it also like depends on the Rest of their fit like if it looks good With their outfit I actually the only Thing that matches with these shoes Right now that I'm wearing are the Apothecary lip socks pop art lip socks Your faves which just dropped this Friday check them out Apothecary dcom I'll actually link them through the YouTube shopping tab but that's the only Part of my f that actually magic these Sh let me throw these on really quick See how they fit give you guys some Sizing advice now I actually have the Pair from 2016 of these and they look I Mean basically identical at least first Glance so in terms of sizing right off The bat I would say Fit Seems the same I'd say true to size how Do you feel about them on foot though Yeah I think they look nice on foot do They look better with like a pair of Jeans kind of Christmas tree snow all of

Them um they look better with a pair of Jeans kind of yeah I like them with a With black jeans nice okay cool yeah I Wish I wish I had some I guess there is Some red in this shirt that kind of like Ties it in a little bit but not too much Yeah a little it's not no it's not bad Because like you said they give a boot Vibe so like like you know it makes me Think like worker Boot and I feel like Flannel fits with that kind of aesthetic Nice so you you think these look like Worker boots I mean they look they I Under I wouldn't have said that until You said the boot thing but I see what You're saying and fair enough so and Like I said I think it kind of depends On the fit I really I think what you're Wearing is fine got work yeah wait what About aren't you wearing the Apothecary I am actually wearing That's crazy cuz I Wasn't I I completely forgot this is the Apothecary workware te I don't know if It's still in stock but it's on our Website that was a great promo Transition thank you I wasn't even Planning to do that perfect there we go I just kept saying work so much and then I was like wait a second yeah the Apothecary work wear te right there There you go so I think your fit goes Well with these more than you thought Yeah I mean for real there's a little Bit of red in there too so I forgot to

Mention that these are actually a size N9 and a half so I'm usually a size N I Have other size n and a halfs pair or I've had other size n and a half pairs Of 12 my regular pair is a size n and I Think I think I do prefer the size n Although like I said they're very Boot-like so they kind of feel they all Kind of feel just oversized on my feet Wait so you'd rather have a half size up Or no I think I'd still go true to size This is a half size up um but I will say The tws are crazy comfortable they've Got like some nice air units in there They're not very breathable at all cuz It's all like basically a boot but it's Really soft under your feet Michael cuz This game not Kobe I mean shout out to Kobe RB but Michael for today all right Well that terrible ending back to the Studio but at this point why don't we Check out the materials that make up the 2025 Air Jordan 12 flu games and Actually later on let's compare it to The 2016 pair and see if there's Anything different starting off from the Tae we've got a red kind of reptilian Skin mudguard it's asymmetrical like Every other pair 12 laying mostly on the Lateral side moving up in the sneaker You've got a black tumbled leather Toe With Stitch detailing above that you've Got a black leather tongue with the Words two and the number three

Embroidered on both sides of the pair And then at the top of the tongue you've Got this little Jumpman embroidered in Red weaving over the top of the tongue You've got some thin black rope laces no Extra laces in the Box not that I really Expected any but just in case you were Wondering at the top of the tongue Opening you've got two black lace loops With tiny Jumpman on them actually Giving you five Jumpman logos just Towards the top of the shoe inside the Sneaker you've got this really nicely Paded sock liner which feels great Against the sides of your feet the Sneaker itself doesn't really have any Ventilation to speak of so it definitely Will get hot but for winter that's not a Bad thing the insole comes in black and Is sort of a thickish foam and then You've got a red Jumpman printed on the Heel like I said earlier the shoe does Fit pretty much true to size this is a Size 9 and a half so it is a half size Up but compared to my other size N9 and A halfs feels the same really the same As other pairs of 12 so I'd grab what You usually grab in Jordan 12 or Whatever your standard size is of course If you can try the shoe on first before You buy it I don't know if you guys Caught my top 10 most comfortable Jordan Retros video from a couple months back There are a couple changes I would have

Made to that video now looking back on It but I will say that the Air Jordan 12 Because of the air units in the midsole And because of this super well padded Upper it's really one of the most Comfortable retros that has ever been Made I know the 13s are up there and I Know the 14s are up there and all sort Of good stuff but the 12's genuinely Feel amazing underfoot I mean not as Amazing as some Modern running sneakers But they feel great for a retro moving Back on the shoe you've got more tumbled Black leather with black stitching the Lines all seem to sort of radiate out From the midfoot in the midfoot of the Shoe just below the mudu guard you've Got this TPU panel with the word jump Man pressed into it then moving around To the back we've got the heel pull tab It comes in primarily black and says Jordan inspired by the greatest player Ever in fact that was a text that was Actually on the original Air Jordan 12 Box the top of the tab is rounded off With the Jumpman logo in Black on this Sort of red square there's a lot more Jumpman on this shoe than I remember There's five towards the top of the Tongue one on the insole one on the heel One on the toe of the sneaker I mean That's a lot that's more Jumpman than I Think is on any other pair of retro Jordans am I wrong let me know in the

Comments moving down on the shoe to the Midsole the front half comes in red with The same reptile style pattern like mudu Guard the back half sort of mimics the Upper with lines coming out of the Midfoot and it comes in black on the Heel you've also got the 23 logo as part Of the outsole that wraps up onto the Back of the shoe speaking of the outsole It primarily comes in red with black Traction pods on the forefoot and on the Heel both of those pods feature a Herring bone traction pattern you've got The Jumpman on the toe like I mentioned Earlier and then on the midfoot you've Got some exposed carbon fiber that also Sort of features a herring bone style But at this point why don't we look at The 2016 pair and compare it to the 2025 Pair and see if really anything's Changed okay so here we go we've got the 2016 Air Jordan 12s I actually picked This pair up maybe 2 years ago I had a Pair that released back in 2016 but I Got rid of it regretfully cuz it's a Pair that I've always kind of wanted to Have in the collection even though I Don't we 12's that much but first glance They're very similar I mean they're very Very similar I will say that some of the Colors are slightly different the Outsole on the 2016 pair is definitely a Lighter red than it is on the 2025 pair I don't know which one is trer to the OG

I would assume this one but I'm not 100% Sure wow there really isn't many Differences other than that I guess the Midsole foam right here is slightly Darker than the midsole foam on the 2025 Pair that could just come from age it Might not even be darker it just might Look darker because of the outsole uh Leather quality feels very similar very Very similar uh laces look the same Tongue is the same there's not much Different they really went like as true To the OG as possible not not that this Is the OG but I'm pretty sure this was Pretty heavily based on the OG as well Designed to look like the original cut Of the shoe not that the 12 has changed That much over time not like the ones That changed drastically over time and Needed an 85 cut to actually look like The original but I mean they they look Very very similar I tried this pair on Yesterday it is a size n um but it does Fit how this one would fit if it was a Size n overall I mean the changes are Minimal at that maybe the maybe the sock Liner is slightly different like the Fabric is slightly different yeah it's More um I don't know felty on this one On the 2016 pair than it is on the 2025 Pair they're very similar I think if you Missed out in the 2016 pair you're going To be stoked because the 2025 pair is Exactly the same almost exactly the same

Except for the outsole color from what I Can tell the shoe is about as close to The OG as you can get without having a Pair of ogs in front of me it's really a True retro rro and I'm happy with that It's a solid release and one that we Only get every 6 to 9 years I wouldn't Be surprised if Jordan brand ends up Dropping a bunch of these but still we All saw what happened with those blue And white 12s and this release is sure To be way more popular and will most Likely move very very quickly I don't Think they'll be impossible to get but Definitely do not sleep on the release What do you guys think about the 2025 Flu Game 12s are you grabbing a pair or Are you passing let me know in the Comments