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Today I’m reviewing the upcoming Air Jordan 3 Lucky Shorts 2025! The Air Jordan 3 Lucky Shorts release on February 22nd 2025 and they will cost a retail price of $200! The Air Jordan 3 Lucky Shorts are inspired by Michael Jordan’s infamous UNC practice shorts. Check out my full Air Jordan 3 Lucky Shorts Unboxing, Review and On Feet to learn more!

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Seth Fowler
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#SethFowler #sneakerreleases2025 #sneaker—————————————————————————————————
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Why do I like this shoe so much I really Don't need any more Jordans this year And it's only January it might be the 40th anniversary of the Jordan 1 but Jordan brand is pumping out some of the Best Air Jordan 3s that we've seen in a While this is the Air Jordan 3 lucky [Music] [Music] Shorts all right so here they are I Haven't actually seen them yet in person Obviously I got this pair from fine line 1721 as you can tell from the Home Depot Box uh OG sneaker YouTuber Watchers will Recognize this box for sure obviously I Already had the shoes in the intro but That's because I filmed this part before That part so this is my first Impressions of the Air Jordan 3 lucky Shorts super excited to check these out I can't wait to see these I keep seeing Images online I'm like dang those are so Clean I'm hopeful that they're also Clean in person so here's the Box Looking very nice before we get to the Shoes let's take a quick look at the Box Actually so you've got sort of a split Box gloss see elephant print on one side In Gray and darker gray and then on the Left side you've got the sort of grayish Tan color with a UNCC or Carolina blue Jumpman in the center that's pretty much All there is obviously one side of the Box is mostly 10an one side of the box

Is mostly elephant print and then on the Elephant Print side you do have the size Tag I grabbed a size n which is my true Size the official colorway is Summit White hydrogen blue I guess I couldn't Call it a Carolina blue cuz it's not an Official Carolina Shoe oh my goodness look at these wow These are Nice these are really really really nice My goodness anything else Inside the Box Does not look like it obviously we'll go Over all the details about this shoe Throughout the review so stay tuned for That but first impressions oh the tag Look at That the tag on the back of the tongue Different than a sand tag we'll talk About it in a minute but man that's Interesting colors on this in person are Fire the material Quality standard Air Jordan 3 material Quality not bad though definitely not Bad this colorway man this is this is Ridiculously clean and actually to Compare it to another blue Jordan that's Releasing this year as well we've got The amam man year 3s I think these Release right before these when did These release I think these release like Right after these but I saw some people Comparing these two shoes saying that They're similar and yes while they do Both have blue accents they're obviously

Pretty different I guess blue and white Accents they're obviously pretty Different I think material wise the Leather does feel slightly nicer on the Amam but I think it is a more premium Shoe a bit more expensive but uh Colorway wise I really think I might Prefer the lucky shorts the more I look At them the more I'm like okay the Materials are similar in terms of like Suede on the back and on the front uh Colors just different shades of blue you Do have a cream midsole and more similar Than I thought they'd be but still they Do have different Vibes this is more of Like a darker kind of more mysterious Vibe I guess if that's what you want to Think of uh and then this one is more of Like a you know let's go back to the 80s And play some ball maybe you're not Getting either of those things from These shoes I don't know but um yeah man These are these are clean but hey let's Jump Ahead to the Future once I've worn These shoes for a while all right so Jordan I got a new pair of shoes to show You I want to get your opinion I know We've been looking at a lot of Threes Rec recently I realize the light's Pretty bright but you know sometimes you Got to film during like the the heat of The day yeah I didn't know what I was Going to say there I just kind of let it Ramble but okay what do you think of

These threes you like them you don't Like them yeah they're pretty nice That's a cool blue happening there do You like them better than the threes That I showed you like two or three days Ago the amam maner threes um I'm just Just personally I'm more of a muted Color kind of person but I like it Doesn't like overtake the look and it Looks good with like the White and the Soft Grays so I think it's pretty nice You give these guys out of 10 um I mean I'm a high rater and I usually rate These pretty high I like them a lot um Maybe like seven seven and a half all Right cool cool well let me throw these Guys on feet really quick see how they Feel give you guys an initial try on I'm Assuming I probably shouldn't assume but I'm assuming that these are going to fit Just like every other pair of Threes Because that's usually what threes feel Like o I don't know if you noticed the Brand new performance athary socks Dropping this Friday for uh your Basketball needs coming both white and Black very fire Maybe Michael could have Worn this pair when he was wearing his Uh his lucky shorts won some more Championships I mean six is great but Like think about seven all right on foot How you feel yeah they're nice they are Nice right they definitely fit true to Size I would say true to size standard

Air Jordan 3es my assumption was not Incorrect kind of part for the course But fire nonetheless okay with that Being said back to the studio this very Clean release is inspired by Michael Jordan's lucky shorts during his time at UNCC he started wearing his practice Shorts underneath his game Jersey a Tradition which continued throughout his NBA career and hey it seemed to work for Him his freshman year he won the 1982 Championship with the UNCC Tar Heels and Then of course went on to win six NBA Championships with the Chicago Bulls all While wearing his lucky shorts the Infamous practice shorts came in the Colors of his school the University of North Carolina which is white navy and Carolina blue and with this release Those colors find their way onto a pair Of Air Jordan 3s this ultra clean pair Drops on February 22nd 2025 for a retail Price of 200 bucks and of course you can Grab your pair where I grab my pair from Fine line 1721 or through the affiliate Links in the description below or Through the YouTube shopping tab on your Screen oh also the third core badge for The $200 stockx gift card is linked in The top of the description below you Need to collect all four and if you Haven't collected the other two yet make Sure to check out some of my previous Videos cuz that's where the links are

Hidden this pair is surprisingly premium Feeling for a gr I mean it's not next Level but it's really nice and actually That being said getting into the Materials that actually make up this Shoe around the toe of the sneaker You've got this light gray suede Mudguard again quality-wise it's not Mind-blowing but it is nice to see on a Pair of Air Jordan 3s especially because This weight is nicer than a standard Pair of 3es actually let me compare it Really quickly to the amam maner 3s it's A little bit lower pile like there's Less hairiness to it and if you like the Hairiness the amam maner 3s are the way To go if you like the more smooth new Bucky feel then go with this guy just Above that you've got your split upper Which is made up of two different Leathers you've got this smooth white Leather on the bottom half of the upper And then on the top half the upper You've got this really nice white Tumbled leather moving up in the sneaker You've got this nice pop of color with These blue plastic eyelids and then just Above that you've got some more gray Suede and then sort of punching through The suede I guess or attached to the Suede you've got these three off-white Colored plastic eyelids then then Towards the front of the ankle opening You've got the final plastic eyelet this

Time around in a light I guess University Blue of course weaving Through the eyelets you've got these Flat white laces no extra laces Unfortunately but I'll be honest I Didn't feel like I needed a second set Of laces I was going to keep these white Laces in the shoe anyway the only color I think people might have liked is maybe An offwhite or a sale color but you can Grab those on Amazon for like four bucks So it's not a big deal underneath the Laces you've got a white perforated Leather tongue which actually feels Pretty Lux I don't know if it's the Texture or the softness or what it is But feels pretty nice at the top of the Tongue you've got more white tumbled Leather and then in the center of the Tongue you've got this really light blue Embroidered Jumpman then on the back of The tongue you've got this it looks like Matching light blue sock liner but then We get to the first big difference Between this pair and a standard pair of Air Jordan 3s and that is actually this Tag on the back of the tongue so the tag I believe is made to resemble the tag on Michael Jordan's UNCC practice shorts It's got Air Jordan it's got some Washing instructions do not machine wash Do not tumble dry do not bleach it's got His size XL 87 through 88 it's a pretty Cool addition in my opinion it's subtle

But it's a very nice nod to the Inspiration the rest of the sock liner Comes in white you've also got a white Insole with a blue Jumpman printed on The heel but getting into sizing and fit Of the Air Jordan 3 lucky shorts this Pair fits just like most other pairs of Air Jordan 3s in my opinion that's true To size but grab whatever size you Usually grab an Air Jordan 3s moving Back on the shoe of course you've got More tumbled leather but around the top Of the ankle you've got some light gray Suede that suede can also be found on The heel replacing the classic elephant Print to be fair was done on the amam Maner 3s as well and it's something that We've been seeing more and more of Recently and as much as I like the Elephant Print there's something about The Simplicity of this wave especially On this sort of um not very high Contrast difference between the the White upper and the gray suede it Creates a more monochromatic look which I'm actually really into then moving Around to the back of the shoe you've Got this white heel tab with the Jumpman And the airex painted in Carolina blue Continuing down on the shoe you've got This sail colored midsole with this Carolina blue hit on the top of the back And of course rounding off the midsole You've got your visible air unit the out

Soole comes in primarily light gray like The suede on the upper with sail hits And a blue Jordan hit on the midfoot It's really not all the time that a new Jordan colorway hits this hard usually Nowadays the color way that Jordan brand Releases are like new takes and old Colorways or bringing pees out of the Vault in this case it's basically an all New colorway well okay it looks a lot Like the unc3s that released a couple Years ago and the uncp and there's some Other shoes that look similar but in my Opinion it does enough to differentiate Itself from those colorways I think Jordan brand knocked this pair out of The park and I'll be honest so far in 2025 it's all been winners there hasn't Actually been a retro that I haven't Liked this is a must cop for me but the Real question is are you grabbing a pair For yourself let me know in the comments Down below as always thank you so much For watching make sure to subscribe if You haven't yet and I'll see you all in The next one