Today I’m reviewing the Air Jordan 4 Fear 2024. The Air Jordan 4 Fear has a retail price of $215 and a release date of November 9th 2024. Check out my full Air Jordan 4 Fear 2024 unboxing, first impressions, and on foot review to learn more.
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#SethFowler #airjordan4 #sneakerreleases2024
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It's [Music] Back one of the most popular Air Jordan Sneakers of the 2010s is finally Returning 11 years after its initial Release and I finally have it in the Studio a month early it's crazy how you Could just buy early sneakers now like Months in advance just because there are So many of them I mean shoot I bought This pair from goat a month early for Like 350 bucks that's crazy I don't know It's not something that would have Happened like 5 or 10 years ago it's a Wild world that we're living in now but Hey as a sneaker reviewer who buys Sneakers early to give you guys early Looks it's great I'm not going to lie it Does kind of kill the hype for the Release for a lot of these sneakers but Not much can kill my excitement for this Release this is the Air Jordan for fear Finally releasing once again 11 years After it first dropped in 2013 of course Before we take a look at the sneaker Itself let's first take a look at the Box and I have to say that Jordan brand Really did change things up pretty Significantly on this box from a stander Pair of Air Jordan 4s the top of the box Comes with this black flip top lid That's got some glossy text all over it Like the original release the phrases Say I'm scared of what I won't become
And you're scared of what I will become Obviously those phrases are the Inspiration behind the fear pack because This shoe did not drop by itself at Least not back in 2013 you have the fear 3es which actually re-released last year For the 35th anniversary of the Air Jordan 3 you have the fear fours which Are re-releasing this year for the 35th Anniversary of the Air Jordan 4s and Then next year presumably we'll get the Fear fives for the 35th anniversary of The Air Jordan 5ivs now that hasn't been Confirmed but I would assume based on The fact that we've gotten the threes And now we're getting the fours but then The top of the box is rounded off by the Jumpman and the flight Tex in white the Sides of the Box are kind of just Standard splatter print which looked Pretty cool it's a gloss black- on black Print it's not white like the actual Shoes but it's fine it gets the idea Across and then one side of the Box You've got the size tag the official Name of this shoe is Air Jordan 4 retro And the colorway is black white anthroid Black as you probably could have guessed I grabbed a size n which is my true size And I will be trying these on later on In the video to give you guys sizing Advice and things like that let's just Pop a box top see what we get first Thing you see is it looks like the paper
That has the same phrasing print it all Over it and the same sort of pattern It's actually kind of difficult to read What it says because it doesn't really Like none of the phrases are finished at Least on the box stop um they might be On the paper it says scared yeah scared Of what I could become okay I guess sort Of you can sort of read it if you really Try let's see the sneakers Themselves these are clean now I never Had the original fear 4S I was not uh Able to get that release unfortunately To be honest with you I might not have Tried that hard because back then I was In college I wasn't making a lot of Money I wasn't trying to buy every Single sneaker release I was still Trying to buy the uh red 11s for resale At that point and so I don't think I was Putting that much thought or effort into Uh other pairs like this although this Is a fire pair and I did want this pair At the time I just didn't have the money And wasn't really willing to spend money Or even Ander Raffles at that point I Didn't think I was going to win these And I probably wouldn't have won these But either way first thing you notice is That you've got these like paper things Covering up the tongue interesting and The tongue actually looks a little bit Shorter than the original fear fours Maybe it's just because they're the
Newer Air Jordan 4 shape or I guess the Shape that's supposed to must be more Like the ogs not totally sure but the Shape is similar to the military blue 4S And the reimagined fours so uh yeah Definitely and I don't think the 2013 Pair the original pair was this shape so There are some slight differences also I've seen comparison pictures of this Version against the old version and it Does look like this version has a bit More of like a yellowish or greenish Tinge to it versus the OG which is much More of like a cool gray this one still Obviously is greay and black but it does Seem like there is some uh I don't know Slight greenness to it but hey either Way these guys look awesome let's go try On really quick find out how they fit And actually while we're at it why don't We go to the Apothecary office and get Some people's opinions on these shoes as Well all right so I've got the fear Fours the 2024 fear fours I haven't Tried them on yet so let me throw them On feet see how they fit so I can give You guys some sizing advice you may have Also noticed in the b-roll portion of This video or upcoming in the b-roll Portion of this video I'm rocking the Fear for Apothecary socks dropping Around the release of this shoe I think Like maybe a couple days to a week Before but they are fire throw these on
Really quick they feel like they fit Your to size is my guess I don't know Why Jordan would change up the fit of Their fours personally but they might You never know that's why I try all the Shoes on yeah they feel true to size I Mean fours in general pretty snug so I Would suggest going true to size if You're grabbing these or whatever your Standard size in Air Jordan 4s is that's What I would Recommend what oh these are the new Halloween socks dropping next Friday That's sick we got four different colors Hold on here they are we've got the the Candy Corn I I don't really like candy Corn that much but the Candy Corn we've Got the glow-in-the-dark bones which is Crazy I was actually just wearing this Pair so it's probably kind of gross I'm Going to throw off to the side the Purple and black spiderwebs and also the Spooky ghosts check out the entire Collection it drops Friday check them Out Apothecary decom and don't forget For your four socks yo I got a pair of Shoes to show you what another One what do you think Dro in November They're cool I didn't know this was a Gradient did you have the original pair In 2013 I did not they're solid yeah I Really like easy wear I like them do you Like them better than the white Thunders That dropped earlier this year you know
The the purely black and white ones I Think I do yeah I think I prefer these y Josh what do you think these would you Cop for 215 215 Yeah uh I got the bread for so so good With fours for the year yeah gotcha do You like them better than the white Thunders N I think I like the white Thunders better really honest what' you Get out of 10 a six and a half oh wow Lower than I expected I'll be honest With you but hey I mean for me that's a Solid score okay fair enough fair enough I'm really excited to have these and I Know I say that about a lot of shoes That I review but honestly nowadays as I Get older I really only try and buy shoes that I Like and not just shoes to review Although I do do that somewhat regularly In most cases when it comes to Jordan Models I usually only buy pairs that I Like and in this case I really like this Pair a lot now is it my favorite Air Jordan 4 release of the Year probably Not but it is up there I don't think There's any other Big Air Jordan 4 Releases after this one to be honest With you so this might be it for the Air Jordan 4 in 2024 now speaking of the Release the 2024 fear 4S release on November 9th for a retail price of $215 they also release in full family Sizing like the fear 3s that released
Last year now surprisingly the fear 3s Last year sat in fact they're still Sitting at my Nike outlet to this day Which is wild for a shoe that released a Year ago I bought myself a pair my wife A pair and my daughter a pair all for Well under retail I think it was like $300 total and I'm still kind of shocked That that shoe sat because back in 2013 That shoe was fire that shoe was hotness Everyone wanted a pair and now in 2024 I Guess the Nostalgia isn't there for a Lot of these newer sneaker heads so they Just didn't want to pick it up that Being said I still think it's very clean Colorway and I think it stands on its Own Merit even without the hype behind It but uh I guess not everyone agrees It'll be interesting to see how this Pair actually does when it ends up Releasing on November 9th will it sit Will it not sit I think both are Possible I mean the amam maner 4S which Is a shoe that I never would have Guessed would sit totally sad at least In certain sizes so I mean it is very Possible that a pair of Air Jordan 4s as Clean as this could sit in 2024 but hey If you're interested in grabbing the Shoes at all I recommend checking out The resale price just to see what They're doing and you can do that Through the YouTube shopping tab on your Screen now there are definitely
Similarities between the fear fours and The white Thunder 4S it released earlier This year and I do think that that could Hurt the release of this shoe a little Bit because some people might feel like I already have a shoe that look similar To that why do I need another one in my Opinion though there's a lot more going On in this shoe and I actually think It's a cleaner colorway overall not even Counting the fact that this shoe is a Re-release of one of the most popular Air Jordan 4 releases of last decade the White Thunders are a brand new colorway I just think this colorway is cleaner But of course your opinion might vary in Fact if it does let me know in the Comment section down below I'd like to Know which release you like better Whether it's the white Thunders or the Fear fours let me know in those comments But uh I'm going this and actually in Addition to the fear for socks that We're releasing we're also releasing Some white Thunder for socks so you can Grab socks for either pair mash them no Matter which pair you want to grab but With all of that out of the way why Don't we dive a little bit deeper into The Air Jordan 4 fear 2024 starting off Around the toe with the sneaker on the Mud guard you've got this medium gray Nubuk which feels fine not bad but also Not great moving up from there to the
Toe you've got this much darker gray Newu material that actually wraps all The way around the upper of the shoe it Again is not bad also not great it's the Same style of material and the same Style of newu that you had on the Original release is it better or worse I Couldn't tell you but I will tell you That it seems fine moving up a little Bit farther from there to the I stay the New Buck changes from dark gray to Black And then on top of that you've got these White TPU lace Viet Crown things I never Know what to called them are they wings Are they like triangular shapes I don't Know let me know in the comments if you Know what those are called I really I Really should know that I think if you Go back through all my Air Jordan 4 Reviews I call them something different In each review I don't know I just They're lace eyelids to me I don't know What let's call them weaving through the Lace holes you get a set of black flat Laces and it's actually the only set of Laces that you get inside the box so be Happy with the black pair um I think It's fine I don't actually have a Problem with it whatsoever I don't think It needed a second set of laces but you Could switch it out if you want to maybe Like a set of red laces to match the air Bubble I don't know but uh I think the Black is fine personally and I'm going
To leave it that way underneath the Laces you've got your Classic Air Jordan 4 netting in black and you've also got This black mesh tongue then moving Towards the top of the tongue you've got More of that black nubuk and right in The center you've got the tag that it Seems like these paper things were Protecting inside the box it's a pretty Standard white tag with the jump man in The center in black and the fight text Underneath of course like most other Pairs of Air Jordan 4s you've got your Upside down Air Jordan patch on the back Of the tongue for the people who want to Flip their tongues out not something People do really anymore but they used To and then the sock liner of the shoe Comes in this white very fuzzy fabric Material now it looks like inside the Shoe the insoles are a little bit Different than they were on the original Fear 4 release on the original release You actually had the same phrases that We mentioned earlier printed onto the Insole in the case of this release at Least from what I can tell it looks like You've just got kind of a standard black Insole with the Jumpman on the heel in White a little disappointing but Realistically you're never going to see It especially when you're wearing the Shoe so it's not a huge Omission but I Don't know I just don't like when Brands
Remove detail I guess it's not like it Would have made a huge difference but it Wouldn't hurt what does hurt is actually Getting this insole back in this is such A pain in the butt continuing back on The shoe towards the midfoot you've got Some more black netting on that Center Midfoot panel and then over top of that You've got this black wing with another One of those White lace areas and then behind that You've got more black Nuuk and gr newu And then finally moving to the heel of The shoe you've got a black heel tab With a white jump in then moving down on The shoe you get to arguably one of the Best parts of the shoe and that of Course is the midsole now this midsole Is pretty different than most other Air Jordan 4s because there is just so much Going on first you've got your white Rubber wrapping up from the out soole of The shoe onto the side of the midsole The rest of the midsole comes in like This black semigloss paint and then it Features this really nice white splatter Print that splatter print detail is so Cool I think it is featured on most of The other if not all of the other fear Sneakers from the pack I'm pretty pretty Sure I know the threes have it do the Fives have it I don't remember yes they Do except it's a different color like I Alluded to earlier the air unit actually
Has some red accents with the pillars Inside the air unit being red it's not Something you notice very easily not Like the original pair I think they are Much darker red but they are still there The bubble itself is clear just the Pillars inside the air unit are red and There's actually no other red touches on The shoe finally moving to the bottom of The shoe you've got a primarily white Rubber outsole with black hits on the Foref foot and on the midfoot with the White Jumpman in the center of the Midfoot so how does this release live up To the 20 13 pair well I'll be honest With you I couldn't tell you I don't Have it with me but I will say that this Release is very very solid and probably One of my most anticipated pairs of the Year now will this shoe completely sell Out again I couldn't tell you but I will Say that I am going to be grabbing a Pair of these for my wife and for my Daughter I'm keeping this pair so I Don't need to double up on this shoe and Uh it's a shoe that I'm pretty excited About and I think a lot of people will Be as well I think this shoe is the most Hyped up out of the fear pack and I Think it will remain that way in 2024 I Think this Spar four is probably the Best out of the three although I do Really like the three the five is the Five is whatever the five is fine it's
Just not not my favorite but this Spar 4 Is just such a great colorway it's so Clean it would have been a great Halloween colorway but um it's releasing Like a week and a half later so there You go I'm sure this pair won't be Exceedingly difficult to get it won't be Easy to get at least that's my guess but I don't think it's going to be Incredibly difficult to get at all I Think you have a pretty good shot at Grabbing these for retail but hey at This point I would love to know your Thoughts on the 2024 fear fours and Whether you're planning to grab a pair Of these for yourself do you like the Newer shape of the 2024 pair versus the 2013 pair is this your favorite pair From the fear pack let me know all those Thoughts in the comment section down Below thank you all so much for watching Make sure to subscribe if you haven't Yet and I'll see you all in the next one