
We’re diving into a head-to-head battle between two heavyweights in the daily trainer category: the New Balance 1080 v14 and the ASICS Gel Nimbus 27. Both shoes are designed to deliver plush comfort for your everyday miles, especially when you’re taking it easy. But which one truly stands out? Which one – if any – deserves a spot in your rotation?

We’ve logged the test miles, put them through their paces, and now we’re here to break it all down for you. Let’s get into it: the ASICS Gel Nimbus 27 vs New Balance 1080 v14 review.

0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Details: Drop, Stack Height, Weight, Price
1:24 – Shoe Comparison: 1080V14 vs 1080V13
3:21 – How’s the fit?
6:12 – The Run Test
14:40 – Verdict
18:42: – Now watch this: 1080V14 review & Nimbus 27 review

Hi people welcome to the Run testers and We've got a head-to-head here between Two big hitters in their respective Brand lineups we've got the New Balance 1080 v14 and the aex Joe Nimbus 27 these Are two daily trainers that aim to bring Guaranteed Comfort to your everyday Miles particularly at the easier end of Your pace range so which of these is the Best shoe for you which is our favorite Well we've logged the test miles and We're happy to answer exactly that so Let's get into it in the A6 Joel Nimbus 27 versus the New Balance 1080 v14 head Head Review starting with some stack details Then the aex Jo number 27 now packs in More foam Under Foot rising to 43 and Half Ms in the hill 35 half Ms in the 4ot for an 8 mil drop meanwhile the New Balance 1080 v14 has 38 m in the hill 32 Ms in the 4T for a shallower 6 mil drop On the scales the New Balance 1080 v14 Has put on a bit of weight It Now tips The scales at 10.1 o or 285 G in our UK Men's 8 and 1 half tessho meanwhile the Latest Nimbus is marginally lighter than Nimbers 26 despite being bigger stack But it's still heavier than the 1080 v14 At 10.8 o or 307 G on price these both Come in at $165 in the US the Nimbus 27 However is £ 1880 in the UK while the 1080 v14 is 160 so a bit [Music]

Cheaper let's give you a quick Comparison then and the first thing you Spot here is the size of the Nimbus it's Bigger it's wider it's bulkier it kind Of makes the 1080 v14 sort of instantly Look a bit more compact now the Nimbus 27 prioritizes plush comfort with a Thick slab of flight foam blast plus Eco Foam Under Foot aex as I said is added One and a half Ms across the stack here For an even more cushioned ride the Platform is wider in the hill and the For foot and you'll get with the 1080 V14 there's also a pure gel heel insert To improve shock absorption particularly For heel Strikers now the new balanc 1080 v14 sticks with a more conservative Stack of fresh foam X also with a rocked Midsole and while the aex ja nimus 27 Shoots for Extra Protection the 1080 v14 Has kind of gone the other way with a Firmer feel and a snappier return than The 1080 v13 up top the Nimbus 27 has a New mesh upper that successfully Balances breathability with a snug Supportive fit the 1080 v14 also has Engineered mesh ERS which are more Hugging with less Flex in the toe box That makes for a more wrapped less Airy Fit overall both shoes have generously Padded heel collars and gusseted tongues The Nimbus 27's knitted tongues are Thinner and a bit floppier while the 108 V14 goes for that kind of full Comfort

Padding which is nice and thick sort of Stays put really well on the outs soole There's about the same covering of Protective rubber generally speaking the Ners 27 has a good covering of ahar plus Which is aic's grippiest out out soole Compound the New Balance 1080 v14 Outsole has like a horseshoe of rubber Around the mid to for foot and this cut A single P of protected rubber in the Middle and you've got a couple of kind Of Crash pads rubber patches on the Heels to boost that kind of durability They're a bit thicker than I think you Got on the V13 when it comes to fit around a uk8 And a half which is my regular UK size In both these shoes though in the US the Aex is a n and a half and the New Balance comes in at a nine so if you're Comparing the weights you might want to Consider that the biggest thing though To note here on the fit is that the New Balance 1080 V4 is really snug in that UK size makes for good hold and security But if like me you've got quite high Feet or of wide feet they do feel a bit Cramped particularly across the top of The midfoot and in and around those toe Knuckles the nimus 27 is roomier and More accommodating with plenty of length And wiggle room in the toe box it's kind Of an ideal fit for shoes that you might Choose for longer easier Miles when

You're going to be out there for a bit More time on feet overall I would Recommend going true to size in both Shoes though I think some might want to Consider going half a size up or the Wide option in the new balance for a Room your fit so it comes the fit of the Two shoes I've got my normal uk9 in both With aex that's a US 10 and with New Balance that's a US 9.5 so in general The new balance is a little bit smaller When you're looking at those us sizes But uk9 is what I use with both of these Brands in general and both have fit me Really well in that size so the aex has The room you fit in general enal not Just because it's a slightly bigger shoe In the US I think it's just got a lot More volume in the foref foot of the Shoe so as someone with a narrow foot I Probably have a little bit too much Space there but it's not a problem and The length is right I wouldn't want to Go half a size down you know with shoes That I would position more as easy day Daily trainers like this I think I like To have that little bit of extra room And the fit's been really good for me in My normal size no concerns about the Hold around the heel or midfoot all been Very comfortable very padded shoes as You'd expect and yeah I would stick to Your normal running Sho size so the fit For me in these two shoes is actually

Pretty similar as you would expect from Shoes that are designed to be Comfortable cushioned and um used for Those daily cushioned comfortable miles Uh so I get a very similar fit from both Of these shoes I'm a size eight in the UK um I definitely would stay to my size In the 1080 v18 plenty of space in the Foref foot it's got this nice slightly Stretchy uput as well so it's very Comfortable um and there's plenty of Space around the side of the foot for me But you get a good lock down in the Midfoot it's also got a very um nice Level of cushioning there's not too much In the ankle collar but there there's Plenty it's a very comfortable shoe to Wear I had no issues with slippage or Anything like that so I definitely stay To my size eight in the 1080 V14 um the uh gel ners 27 again plenty Of space in the four foot for me playing Space around the for foot it's got a Lovely stretchy upper as well really Designed to be comfortable um and and um Give you a nice um nice ride with lots Of space in it again plenty of uh nice Lock down in the midfoot um and loads of Padding around the heel collar as well I Definitely stay to my size in both of These shoes they're very very Comfortable um and I have had no issues At all in the runs that I've done in Them so in testing I've run more than 40

Mil in the New Balance 108 v14 that's Mostly easy plotting with some runs up To 90 minutes I've run north of 30 mil In the as6 Jo Nimbus 27 including a 2hour effort to test that long haul Comfort I've tested both of the shoes Across the same range of Paces covering Slow and easy long runs right up to Faster Paces on progression runs as Usual I've run mainly on the road but I Have thrown in some light off-road to to Test the stability and it's just where I Run so anyway both feature large cushion Platforms that are designed to absorb The road impact and protect your feet Over the long miles however the ax GEL Nimbus really takes that softness I Think to another level with that extra Stack this generation is just as nimy as The previous generations if you like That before you're going to like it Still here the plush field Under Foot Creates a sort of Highly protective ride But overall I find it lacks the agility And the quicker return that you might Get with a new balanc 1080 v14 the 1080 V14 stiffer midsole outsole combo offers Some extra resilience and immediacy I Found that made for sort of smoother Transitions and a much quicker response Than you'll get within numers 27 which Can be a bit labored it's a bit Slappy It's a bit noisy the new Balan 108 v14 Definitely feels more at home when you

Move up through the gears than the Nimbus 27 though it still wouldn't be my First choice for pushing the higher Paces both shoes I think are just Perfect for those days when you want to Hit the road and you want the road to Disappear under foot Those runs where You're kind of cruising long and easy or Just easy and you need to feel cocooned With guaranteed Comfort on durability Both shoes to me feel built to conquer Big miles I've seen little signs of wear And tear for the miles that I've put in And I have no worries about either as a Daily use trainer that will keep going For hundreds of miles so the ASX ja Nimbus 27 and the New Balance 1080 v14 Are both cushioned daily trainers that I've enjoyed running in this year I Think they are both best suited to kind Of daily easy runs long runs you know Maybe occasional slightly faster thing But mostly I'd use them for easy runs And they both do a good job of that but They have quite different approaches I Would say to Those runs aex is very much A maxed out cushioned Cruiser you've got A bigger stacky on the shoe a bigger Shoe in general and a wi shoe as well That has a bit more of a focus on Stability than the New Balance I would Say it does a really good job of Protecting the legs and the body on Those easy runs it can soak up a lot of

Miles for sure it's got a slightly Stiffer feeling to the ride than New Balance as well is something I noticed And that does actually mean the Transition is a bit faster than you Might expect from a shoe like this I Have done you know a faster run in the Shoe and I did enjoy it I still do think Like I say that it's one that's really At its best for those easy runs and long Runs and you're soaking up miles but has Perhaps a surprising about versatility For what is a big and pretty heavy shoe All around your balance though I think Is the slightly more versatile shoe if You're looking for that in your cushion Daily trainer it's got a nimbler and Thinner design all around like when you Just put the shoes on together you can Really feel this this is just a smaller Shoe it hasn't got that big extra width For stability though I don't think it's An unstable shoe I'd say that for sure And in general it's just you a bit lower Stack and a bit narrower all around it Also has more of a rocker ride and I Found it's a shoe that disappeared on The foot a bit better than the aex when I pulled on the balance I found I could Just go and enjoy my runs without really Thinking about my shoe too much The Rocker Works quite well for me and Smoothing out the transition from heel To toe and I think the foam is a little

Bit softer and livelier than the foam on The ass6 as well I think it's just a Slightly more enjoyable ride or round For me with that rocker the foam and the Slightly smaller design of the shoe Again it's a shoe I think that's mostly Best for easy runs but you can pick up The pace and the balance as well I think Rather than having the kind of stiffer Feeling you get from the aex which I Find helps move a bit faster it's got Just a small design a lighter design and That effective rocker and the phone Gives you a little bit more response off The toes I would say than the ax if you Are looking for a shoe that can pick up Some Tempo runs some faster long runs Even if you're looking maybe for a first Marathon racing shoe and you're mostly Focused on Comfort think New Balance Would be the better option on all those Counts just cuz it does feel a bit Livelier underfoot than the aex did do a Run in both shoes at the same time just A short one just to see how they felt at The exactly the same time on the run and You can feel the smaller size of the new Balance for sure when you're out running In it does take over a bit more smoothly Like I say and I think you have a Slightly softer and bouncier feeling Under the forefoot I think at the back Of the shoe they are both very soft and Comfortable got a slightly slapper ride

With the aexs the rubber used on the Nimbus 27 is certainly very loud and Slappy as well and that does create a Slightly different feeling to the ride And it's a bit more kind of forceful Coming onto your forefoot but I think Actually the rolling smoother rid in Your balance is the one that I prefer And also the fact it's not quite as loud So these two shoes uh are pretty similar For what you would use them for but the Actual it comes down to the ride for me Um the ten v14 uh I really like the ten V13 I like soft shoes I use that shoe Exclusively for easy runs and Recovery Runs it didn't have a lot of Bounce in It it was actually quite sluggish um Because the soft the the softness of the Midol uh so I really like that shoe but For very specific purpose a lot of People didn't like that shoe because it Lost a bit of stability uh and Al it Wasn't particularly versatile because of That soft midsole TN v14 it's gone back To a more balanced midsole so it's not As soft as the tennessy v13 um it's Still not massively firm midsole but is More so than the v13 so it's a bit more Balanced you can use it for easy runs Daily runs uh but it's a bit more Versatile as well so if you're getting One pair of shoes and you were just Training in those and you maybe you were Going to do a half marathon or 10K or

Something and you wanted something solid Reliable and balanced uh and you wanted Across Finish Line and comfort it's a Good shoe for that it's a good Allrounder now uh it's very comfortable Shoe to wear um and uh it's also very Stable as well for a daily cushion shoe When you compare it to something like The 10v 13 which wasn't particularly Stable uh so solid all round shoe um It's it's not a wow shoe for me it Doesn't really do anything exceptionally It's not a fast shoe it's not really Comfortable easy day shoe but it sits in That middle perfectly which is what the 108 v14 is meant to do New Balance has Loads of other shoes that do the Extremes do faster running do more Comfortable running New Balance M 5 is One of my favorite shoes of all time as As are the previous versions of it just Because it's really soft and comfortable And great for those easy runs and longer Runs um whereas this sits in the Middle Where it's not particularly doing Anything extreme it's just solid sits There comfortably and everyone should be Happy with it the gel number is 27 uh similar in some ways you're Getting this sort of Bal mid foam in it A lot of cushioning in it um but for me Uh it's not as comfortable to running as The Ten v14 what I find about the ten V14 is it's got nice smooth um motion

When you're running in it it's got a uh A pretty good turnover uh and feels Quite comfortable to to run at a nice Consistent Pace at J number 27 for me uh It does feel comfortable to run in but I Don't get a really nice transition from The shoe it does feel quite um um like It's hitting the floor dead on and I'm Not really getting a nice rolling action From it it's it's really uh not a shoe That I would use if I was going if I was Using it for training miles if I was if I was marathon training and I had to do Like a 24K run or something as part of My marathon training plan uh I wouldn't Use this shoe because I don't feel like It would give me a lot of help in doing That it feels like it's just a nice Comfortable wedge of uh midell foam You're hitting the ground with nice it's It's minimizing the impact but then you Just taken off again without it really Really smoothly moving you through I Think that's because I hit it on the mid Uh I'm a midfoot striker and I don't Think I'm getting the right um I getting Any benefits from hitting it in the Midfoot and it does slap a lot when I'm Running in it as well so um it's Comfortable Sho to run in I think it's a Very good easy day shoe uh but for Anything where you're trying to get some Performance benefits a longer run a Faster run I don't think you're going to

Get it from the gel ners 27 it's really A shoe all about Comfort um and and Cushioning other thing I say about these Shoes as well is the outsole it's pretty Comparable on both of these shoes There's a good level of rubber on both Of these with quite a bit of exposed Mids salt in the middle section of both Not seen any signs of War taale on the Ten v4a but I have on the Nimbus 27 it Does seem to be rubbing the uh midso Quite a bit it's not worn down a lot but It's definitely this rubber isn't as Thick as you're getting on the ten v14 So it's probably a little bit less Durable for me uh than the ten v14 but Not bad rubber on either I've not had Any problems with slippage or anything Like that I just think that uh it's this Out sools prob not as thick as I'd like Uh on a daily cushion Shoe so my verdict on these two shoes Pretty similar uh design and focus for What these shoes are they're meant to be Comfortable cushioned accessible shoes That people can use for their daily runs But when it comes to daily runs I want a Bit more versatility I want to sure that Feels like I can go and do longer miles In it I could use it for my marathon Training things like that uh so I would Say that the gel number 27 is really Just an easy day shoe uh recovery run Shoe uh it's not really got any

Performance elements to it um but it's It's it's fine uh it just doesn't really Work particularly well for my running Style I've got shoes that I'd much Rather wear that are quite heavily Cushioned instead of the nus 27 things Like the new Bal more V5 which I really Enjoy running in I don't necessarily Enjoy running in the gel numers 27 that Much the the uh New Balance T v18 I Think it's just a more versatile shoe I Think you can do a bit more in it uh I Think it is um a shoe that you could if You were buying one shoe you could do a Lot more in this shoe because of the way That it's the transition works because It just feels like it's a more balanced Shoe so I'm going to go for the new Balan 1080 v14 all the way on this Versus it comes to my verdict on these Two shoes the new Balan 1080 V4 is the One I prefer and that's lot down to my Run preferences I like a more rocket Shoe I like a slightly smaller shoe I Still think it's a very Cush and Comfortable shoot around certainly does The job on that front but it also has Just a slightly nimbler feeling on the Aex and that Rocket Ride I think if You're looking for one of these two Shoot to do a wide range of runs to be a Cushion daily trainer that you might Want to do a bit of everything in then Your balance will be the better choice

The aex is more focused on Comfort Protection and stability don't really Think it's any more comfortable than New Balance despite the highest stack but I Do think it's a more stable shoe and That will help for those who don't want A full stability shoe like the Caro but Want a bit of extra support you get that With the Nimbus 27 for sure and do get a Lot of comfort as well it might be the Case that heavy runners even prefer and It might be the case that heavier Runners even prefer the ja nus 27 Because of that extra support there but I do think the New Balance 1084 is still A stable comfortable shoe all the kind Of things you expect from a big cushion Daily trainer like this just the aexs Have pushed it onto another level which Some people might like in the UK I think It's a slightly easier call because the Price difference is a bit odd with the Way aex has priced the shoe so the the Balance is cheaper and I would Definitely op to get that in the US you Got the same kind of price really will Come down to maybe your preference in Ride field how much cushioning you like Whether you want the extra support all Around though I do think the balance is The better shoe overall and the one I Would get Really for any kind of purpose but if You do just want a flat out stable

Cushioned Cruiser maybe the Jael Nimbus Might take your fancy a little bit more Ver then and I think you've got two Capable daily trainers here both at the More cushioned end of the Spectrum in The general scheme of running shoes they Perform better at the slower and easier End of things rather than the faster Paces but for me the more compact Lighter more agile and snappier ride Makes the New Balance 1080 v14 the more Versatile option the heft of the asex Jo Numers 27 somewhat limits it to the Lower Pace runs for me it does job very Well in a classic Nimbus way but if you Want a shoe that can tick up the gears a Bit the 1080 v14 I think is a better Option however if all you need is smooth Protective Road eating comfort for your Easiest of easy miles the ax Joel Nimbus 27 probably delivers a bit more of that If you don't mind the bigger shoe the New balanc 1080 v14 caters for that kind Of running as well but for bigger or Heavier Runners the broader base higher Stack of the Nimbus might suit better But if I had to choose one shoe I'd pick The new Bal 1080 v14 based on the Versatility and the value there's enough Cushion to go slow but the lighter feel And the more responsive ride make it Better when you want to move with more Intent if you're not sold on either of These shoes other shoes that I'd

Probably seriously consider taking a Look at that can cover similar runs Would be the Brooks Glycerin 22 maybe The saky ride 17 even the aex NOA blast 5 added as Supernova Prima list goes on Pegasus 41 from Nike Brooks CER Max all Of these can cover the same kinds of Runs alternatives to the ners 2 and the New Balance 108 v14 so there you have it That's been our head-to-head between the New Balance 108 v14 and the asex joers 27 hope you found it useful give us a Like if you did maybe hit the Subscribe Button if you're not already and ring The bell to hear when other reviews land If you're interested in the deeper Reviews of both of these shoes I'm going To stick those up on the screen now Otherwise as ever thank you very much For stopping by and until next time Happy running people