The Asics Metaspeed Edge Paris is the newest version of the carbon racing shoe that now sits
much closer in design to its speedy stablemate the Metaspeed Sky Paris.
For the Edge Paris, Asics has changed the drop, tweaked the geometry and brought in the new FF Blast Turbo Plus foam also featured on the Sky Paris to make it a shoe fit for going fast over short and longer distances.
Tester Mike has spent some shorter, sharper time in the Edge Paris, taking it to the track (along with the Sky Paris) and giving it a spin at Parkrun, to see what’s changed from the Edge+ and get a sense of whether Asics’ racer for cadence runners is one to get excited about.
00:00 – Intro
00:38 – Price and what’s new from Edge Plus
01:57 – How does it fit
04:07 – The Run Test
09:48 – Initial thoughts
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Hey this is Mike from the rant testers And in this video I'm going to be Talking about this shoe The aex Meta Speed Edge Paris the racing shoe twin With the Met speed Sky Paris a shoe I Think it's fair to say we are all big Fans of on the channel so what I'm going To do in this video is take you through What's new from this The Edge Plus but Also give you some initial very initial Running experiences or comparisons with This the metas speed Sky Paris as well Too so we're getting into those stats And then I'll get into some initial Running thoughts on how I found the aex Metas speed Edge Paris so [Music] Far so here's your Lowdown on what's new On the aex metas speed Edge Paris it's Priced at £220 in the UK or $250 in the US so it pretty much sticks to the price Of the Edge Plus and also matches the Price of the sky Paris The Edge Paris is Now lighter with a UK men's size eight Dropping on the scales at 179 G compared To 203 G on the Edge Plus aex has Changed the drop going from an 8 mm one To a 5mm one bringing it more in line With the metas speed Sky Paris in terms Of Stack height there's more foam at the 4 foot now compared to the Edge Plus That foam is the new FF blast turbo plus Which is lighter than FF blast turbo but Promises similar qualities to be
Bouncier but now softer feeling and Offer a boost in energy return Aex uses a scooped carbon plate compared To the flatter one in the sky Paris to Generate a more Rocket Ride while Positioning of that plate is further From the foot than on the sky to lead to A more aggressive and propulsive ride ASX upgrades to its motion wrap 2.0 Upper to be lighter and more breathable Than the one on the Edge Plus while it Uses an aex grip rubber out sole which Has a similar design to the one featured On the previous Edge shoe So in terms of fit I've got the edge Paris in UK size eight that's my typical Running shoe size that is the same shoe Size I've had the previous metas speed Series shoes in also the metas speed Sky Paris and I would say based on kind my Initial testing it feels very familiar Very similar to my time in the edge Paris I feel like going true to size Would work for me it has worked for me I Haven't found any major issues so far Any kind of concerns just yet so I feel If you went true to size in the edge Plus I feel like it's going to be a Similar story with the edge Paris I Think obviously some things to note here The upper has changed it is a more Ventilated more breathable upper when You kind of compare it to the Edge Plus Now that would be something I'd expect
To kind of appreciate on longer runs Shorter runs I haven't really kind of Noticed those kind of extra benefits but You know while keeping it nice and light Still I like the fact that is a more Breathable more ventilated up at this Time um the laces haven't changed I Absolutely love these laces I do find That you have to be very considered About when you're lacing them up to make Sure you get a good lock down before you Start get running in them you got quite A skinny tongue similar to The Edge Plus Um and you know I just think that Combination of two things just make sure You don't add too much kind of undue Pressure on the top of your foot so be Very considered about the kind of lacing Um and you know lock down General has Been good for me in my couple of runs um The kind of padding in the hill collar Pretty much identical to the Edge Plus Just enough there but you know to give You some protection but not enough to Kind of add too much weight to the Overall shoe and obviously this is a Light shoe I think a couple of Observations from running this and in The Meta speed Sky Paris so far is that This definitely is feels like a more Narrow shoe um interestingly it's a shoe That I found easy to kind of slip on Compared to the meta speed Sky Paris as Well but yeah overall I think going
Through to size I think Bas on these Kind of initial runs and maybe in a Longer run that will maybe change but I Feel like the space up front of the toes The volume maybe a touch more volume Compared to the Edge Plus um but Generally feels very similar to my Experience in The Edge Plus so far and I Would be going through size based on my Initial [Music] Testing so in terms of my initial Running time in the edge Paris I've done A couple of runs with this shoe now my First was a track session and I also Took along the metas speed Sky Paris to Do some kind of initial comparisons with The other metas speed shoe um and then My second run was meant to be a 5K race Ends up being a park run um kind of Running at my kind of typical SC Nearabout 5K pce didn't really Anticipate it was going to be a slightly Hiler course um but and I also did run Yesterday as well probably slightly Longer which probably didn't help but You know definitely near or around my Kind of typical 5K Pace in this shoe so No longer runs yet but I will be doing Some of those in the next kind of week Or so um when I can squeeze in some Longer mileage with this shoe now tells My experience with the edge plus I think You know it's a shoe I enjoyed running
In definitely is built for racing Definitely is built for Speed I think Over kind of longterm testing I ended up Reaching for the sky plus more I ran Marathons in that shoe it just felt like A more comfortable shoe for me in General and just work better for me now In terms of this kind of Cadence versus Stride runners approach from aex now I Would probably sit in the Cadence Runners which is the you know what the Edge shoe is designed for so when you up Your Cadence when you are running a Little bit quicker um and that's kind of What I would typically do so you know it Feels like it should be the best fit for Me though I end up using the sky a lot More I have done in previous versions Now in terms of the changes here from The Edge plus obviously it's lighter you Know that was you know the Edge Plus was A light Sho this is even lighter this Weighing lighter for me than the sky Paris as well too by a little bit but You know that's it's one of the lightest Racing shoes out there got that change In the midsole foam as well too so it's Something that's going to be lighter but Also give you those kind of key Characteristics that you want maybe you Know that still got that bounce that High rebound there's a little bit more Of that foam in the forefoot as well Which may make this a better shoe to run
Longer in compared to the previous shoe Now in that track session um you know I Started off in the edge Paris and I Would say first thing I noticed is that It is a more narrow fitting shoe than The um Sky Paris I think it's very Similar in terms of the fit of the um Edge Plus but maybe it has narrowed a Little bit so from a stability point of View I think maybe you know it's not Unstable but I feel like maybe that you Know when you are running you know at Your hardest and getting into that kind Of quicker Pace then it does feel like It's a it's a little bit more Livy in Terms of that feel underf foot um no you Are getting more foam there I think um It does feel different you still get I Think the characteristics of the Edge Plus is very or the edge par is very Similar to the edge plus you know Getting that high rebound that quick Transition from Hill to toe you know Really kind of getting you through that Running Motion in a very quick fashion Your feet really turn over very quickly In this shoe I do feel like compared to The Met speed SK Paris does still feel a Touch firmer for me particularly at the For I think there is a little it feels Like there's a little bit more foam for Me under foot of the foref foot of uh The sky Paris compared to the edge Paris But in terms of kind of rolling through
A quick Pace it felt very good to do and When you get up and going in this you Know and in that track session it felt Very good to run in this shoe and it Felt good to run fasting what I really Want to see is how it's going to handle Over those longer runs because I didn't Really have a question mark over how it Handled kind of shorter distances maybe Going up to 10K half marathon but it was After that whether it really kind of Delivered and it's something ultimately Put me off from using the Edge Plus for For longer runs where I found out more Comfortable to do in the sky Paris and Then I did that 5K run a park run I say Close to my kind of um allout 5K Pace um Again felt very good rolled over very Nicely there was some heels kind of you Know from an outsole gripping point of View all very good you know asx's Outsoles are typically very good it's Very similar to what we've you know We've seen on The Edge Plus in previous Shoes um and like The Edge Plus Definitely Improvement in terms of that Protection from the outside which I Still think is you know durability wise Isn't going to be top tier in terms of Those Racing shoes and durability but From a gripping point of view felt Pretty good it was pretty dry slightly Grally pass uh on that park run as well But handled that very you know fine you
Know slightly muddier sections but it Was generally fine in terms of that Gripping so yeah it felt the Charactertics feel very similar to The Edge Plus for me personally I think you Are getting something that offers you Know very um kind of quick transitions a High rebound I think having that extra Foam you know doesn't detract from the Feeling you got from The Edge Plus when You're running a little bit quicker and It does still feel like a very fast shoe To running just very different to my Time in the metase sky Paris uh and yeah A few notes I I finished that track Session in the Met speed Sky Paris I did Feel like that it still that shoe is Still a very nice shoe to run you know Shorter distances or quicker kind of Closer to my kind of track 5K kind of You know speeds I just appreciate the Softer feel of the Met speed Sky PR Compared to the uh Edge Plus I'm getting The feeling it's probably going to be a Similar um kind of breakout in terms of My experience with the other two shoes Or the previous versions but I'll get Into that of the initial my initial Thoughts on two- shoes but yeah so far I've enjoyed it in the shorter distances What I really want to see is how it's Going to handle those longer distan CU I Think that's where what really kind of Separated it for me with the other two
Shoes and will it be the same story with The edge Paris and Sky Paris or will it Be very similar now that they share Similar characteristics between the two Versions of this shoe so yeah good Couple of runs shorter runs uh albe it But um yeah definitely reserving Judgment and I'll get into more my Initial thoughts um [Music] Next so some initial thoughts on the Metas speed Edge Paris is that Absolutely it's still very much a racing Shoe it does feel nice to run fast in I Feel like the characteristics of the Shoe are still very much in keeping with The Edge Plus But ultimately is lighter That foam I think makes it a little bit More of a more a nicer experience to me So far um and I think you know again I Don't think it was a huge amount of Things that needs to be changed from The Edge Plus and the Sky Plus and I feel Like this really tweaks it and just kind Of elevates it to make sure it's in Keeping with the other kind of top tier Racing shoes I think I do want to Reserve judgment you know I say there's Very initial thoughts I do think I want To see how it handles those longer runs Because that's ultimately as I said what Separated it for me with the Sky Plus And The Edge Plus and me ending up Spending more time with the Sky Plus
Despite I would say being a Cadence Runner but actually getting on more with The Sky Plus um obviously it's expensive Same price as a sky plus I do think it's Going to probably sit well those top Tier Racing shoes a lights racing shoe Um I think it's going to really B down To whether you know your mechanics kind Of fit the shoe and really make the most Out of it because ultimately what I'm Seeing so far and I say very early kind Of running is that I feel like you're Getting a lot of the same qualities in The Met speed Sky Paris and almost I Feel like even those shorter distances And racing that I've done in the Met Speed Sky Paris I'm seeing similar Qualities similar you know you know good Experiences from that shoe at shorter Distances where I've gone longer in it And I felt like it's a much better shoe To go longer compared to the Sky Plus Will it be the same story The Edge Plus I'm not sure but yeah so far I've had a Couple of good short runs in it a nice Kind of breezy kind of quick park run in It as well too um I am definitely Intrigued now that it's much closer in Terms of the characteristics of the um Sky version of The Meta speed as well so Yeah I'm going to reserve judgment until I've done a little bit more running in It particularly the longer runs and We'll let you know when we've got
Through a bit more testing in this Shoe okay so they have it some initial Running thoughts on the aex metas speed Edge pass now obviously plenty more Running to do only really done some Shorter stuff in this shoe so far and Other members of the team will be having This shoe into test as well so we have a Multitester review coming up with this Shoe obviously we'll do more in-depth Comparison with The Meta speed Sky Paris As well too but if there are other you Know kind of racing shoes that you're Desperate to see how this compares to or Want to know how it compares to do let Us know in the comments as always like And subscribe hit that little bell to Find out about our latest videos and Yeah we'll see for next round test this Video