Asics has launched two great carbon plate racing shoes this year, but which should you get? In theory the Asics Metaspeed Sky Paris is for bounding runners and the Asics Metaspeed Edge Paris is for those with a high-cadence style, but in reality it’s not that simple as to which might be the best shoe for you. Mike and Nick talk through their experience with the shoes in this video, and say which is their favourite.
Check out our full reviews of both shoes:
Asics Metaspeed Sky Paris Review:
Asics Metaspeed Edge Paris Review:
00:00 – Intro
00:15 – Design & Key Stats
03:02 – How’s The Fit
04:38 – The Run Test
11:35 – Verdict
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Hello and welcome to run testers my name Is Nick and in this video we're going to Be comparing the aex metas speed Sky Paris and the aex metas speed Edge [Music] Paris Edge Paris and the sky Paris are The latest versions of asx's carbon Plate racing shoes aex has always had These two shoes at the top of its racing Lineup and throughout the generations They've got a little bit more similar in St and actually with the latest models They are very similar all around in Terms of design price everything really So the price is the same on both it's £220 in the UK $250 in the US got the Same stack and drop on the shoes as well It's a 5mm drop with a stack height of 39.5 mm at the hill and 34.5 at the 4ot That's different to past models where The metas speed Edge would have a higher Drop and lower 4ot stack out and now Those stats are the same on both shoes They're both very lightweight shoes as Well but the Met speed Sky Paris is ever So slightly lighter so in my size in the Shoes I tested the sky comes in at 188 G Or 6.6 Oz whereas the metas speed Edge Paris is 195 G or 6.9 o so pretty Minimal difference in weight and like I Said they're both lighter than most of The other carbon shoes on the market From other brands comes to the design You've got similar elements for outo
Shoes as well they both use aex is Motion wrap 2.0 upper material it's a Very lightweight material with minimal Cushioning around the collar and tongue But it's a very good material for Holding the foot down and giving you a Nice breathable feeling while still Having that lockdown you need in a Racing shoe they've both got acid Scripts out soes with fairly minimal Coverage especially at the heel probably Got a little bit more coverage on the Edge Paras which is maybe where that Slight extra weight comes from but for Both of them if you're a hill Striker Like myself you might be have to be a Bit wary about ripping up the back of The shoe and then both shoes in the mid Soole use asx's FF turbo plus material This is their best foam it's bouncier Lighter and softer than the FF turbo Material used on previous models of the Shoes they both have a full length Carbon plate however and this is the big Difference between the shoes the Positioning and the style of that plate Is different so with the metas speed Sky Paris the the plate is a little bit Flatter and it sits a bit higher in the Foam in the foref foot you can see there It kind of runs through at a fairly Similar level throughout the shoe Whereas of the edge Paris you've got More of a scooped plate so it dies right
Down to the bottom of the foam in the Forefoot now this is the big difference Between the shoes and facilitates and Supports different running Styles as it Says so throughout the various Generations of the shoe the sky has been Aimed at bounding Runners who when they Run fast tend to mainly increase their Stride length rather than their Cadence Important to say that pretty much all Runners will increase both their stride Length and their Cadence when running Fast but run who use the sky or stride Runners as aex calls them would Predominantly increase their stride Length now with the metas speed Edge Paris it's designed for runners who Would predominantly increase their Cadence when they are running faster so Cadence Runners is what they get called Which makes sense the idea being that The plates will give you a bit more Bounce if you're a bounding Runner with The sky and then facilitate that high Turnover and give you a more propulsive Feel with the edge if you are a Cadence Runner I think it's important to say now Before we dive through this is just what ASX says and you know in real world Results might not always be the same and These two distinct blocks of Runners There's lots of other factors that go Into Runners but that is how aex Categorizes the two
[Music] Shoes in terms of fit I've got both of These shoes in a UK size8 that's my Typical running shoe size that is the Same size I had the M Speed Sky Plus and The Edge Plus in as well too I would say The fit overall has been very good for Me I would say the Met speed Sky Paris Fit a little bit better in my usual size I think it mainly kind of boils down to The kind of length of these shoes this Is a little bit longer The Edge Paris um And I think you know while it has been An issue for me I think maybe you know There might be a reason or argum to go Half size down in the edge Paris well I Think the um Sky par fits a little bit More true for me the volume is more on The top of your toes as opposed to the Front of it when you go back to kind of The general feels of the uppers very Similar across these two shoes very good Overall the lacing and the tongues are Identical so again ones that you're Going to need to play around with to get That optimal kind of lock down the level Of padding in the hill is the same as Well too so yeah for me I think the sky Pares fit more true to for me CU I think With the edge Paris has been fine for me In my UK size 8 but there might be an Argument to go half a size down this Shoe if you prefer something that fits a Little bit more snug comes to the fit
It's a simple one for me I've got a Really good fit in both of these shoes In my normal size a uk9 a US 10 Sometimes if aex I'll go half a size Down with their cushion shoes things Like the Nimbus and the Kayano but Throughout all generations of the metas Speed shoes I've been very happy in a Uk9 it's the same with these two models Got a good amount of room in the toe box It's a it's a fairly dialed in fit if You like a very roomy fit on your racing Shoe then maybe you can consider looking A half size up but I think it's about Perfect for a racing shoe and a good Hold around the heel and [Music] Midfoot so onto the run test and I think These are two of the best new Racing Shoes released this year and I do think The metas speed Sky Paris is the best Overall racing shoe available it is my Favorite racing shoe the one I've used To set PBS and run a lot of races in This year I've done over 100 miles in it Now and I think the edge Paris is very Very good when compared to shoes from Other brands but within asx's own brand I think it falls short of the sards of The sky I am am though an edge runner in Theory uh I Cadence is definitely the Main feature of my running like I mostly Increase my Cadence when I run fast I Very high Cadence probably too high
Maybe it's something I should work on But it goes above 200 in races and I Don't have a particularly long stride Length having used both shoes Extensively I prefer the feeling of the Sky I've always prefer this guy actually With these two atic shoes throughout the Generations I prefer the feeling and I've had some really good results in it Like I've run my Marathon PB of 227 I've Run a 7030 half from 5Ks loads of hard Sessions and it just feels fantastic to Me so recently I went and did a workout B shoes where I did was doing a six Times one mile workout I used the edge Paris for the first three miles and the Sky Paris for the last three miles they Were all aiming to do 520 miles on the Last one I kicked up a bit on the final 400 MERS just to have a bit of fun and In that workout you know it did I did Feel the difference between two shoes I Also did a lap wearing both at the same Time and they're both really good I felt Like my performance was pretty much Equally good in both of them but I Preferred the feel of the sky I feel Like you get more uplift and propulsion From the toe off in particular with the Sky Paris with the edge Paris it feels To me like the dry from the plate comes Around the midfoot and then it kind of Pushes you onto your toes and you don't Really get as much spring off the toes
As you do with the sky Paris so I Thought it'd be fun to look at some of The stats from this workout and also a Couple of 5Ks I've done in the shoes and They're pretty much identical which I Think kind of buys into the idea it's Much more the runner than the shoes Obviously and even with these shoes that Are designed for different running Styles you know if you look at the M Reps I did in the shoes the average Cadence stride length ground contact Time vertical oscillation it's pretty Much identical on all of them it's Interesting that my Cadence was slightly Higher in the Paris though and then my Stride length was slightly shorter in it But we're talking you know absolute Millimeters I didn't actually include The sick threat when averaging out these Numbers because like I said I kicked on And ran like a 509 on that rep so it's The the stats were slightly distorted Compared to the other ones so you see There the stats pretty similar in B Shoes you know have got that difference And feeling but I think there're Actually some more interesting stats From the 5Ks I've run in both shoes Which obviously on different occasions Like when I was testing out the sky Paris I ran a 1551 park run which is my Park run PB that was mostly run solo on An all weather path in a couple of laps
One very small hill on the route so not Ideal running conditions whereas with The edge Paris I ran a 1550 at Battery Park two very flat laps with a group of Very fast Runners you know perfect Racing conditions all around but pretty Similar times but if we dive into the Stats on those runs can see again that My Cadence is higher in the Met speed Sky Paris and my stride length is Shorter and my ground contact time is Shorter in the sky Paris and my vertical Soltion is a little bit lower so it Feels like almost the sky Paris is Facilitating my high Cadence short Stride length you know kind of low boun Style better than the edge Paris despite Being designed for the kind of runner in Theory who has those kind of stats so Again though the stats are all quite Similar but I do think it was quite Interesting that i' probably expect the Opposite to be true with the numbers There but actually the sky Paris you Know like I say even higher Cadence Shorter stride length but less bounce That kind of thing all marginally Interesting because again these are runs On different days I was in different Stages of my training Cycles you know Different conditions but I thought it Would be interesting to have a look at Those two stats but obviously it's all Quite marginal as they are quite similar
Stats around but the big takeaway would Be that my results are there in the sky And I prefer the feeling of it and I do Think it's the better shoe for me Regardless of what aex says about Cadence and stride runners now turns my Run experience in these two shoes I've Used them for the same types of runs I Have raced at 5K distance with them I've Used my 10K half marathon marathon Race Pace I've done track sessions in them I've done you know run longer in them as Well too and I would say overall my Feeling of running and running faster Cross those distances has been very good In both of these shoes I don't think There's a huge amount in it at shorter Distances I think they give you similar Qualities over shorter distances and When I've race at them at 5K distance I Think ultimately they are you know you Know bouncy Lively aggressive really get Your feet turning over quickly what you Want I think at shorter distances um That's what I found across these two Shoes I think it's ultimately when I've Upped you know going longer in these Shoes I've started to see a bit more of A disparity in terms of experience I Think the first thing for me I think That really kind of stands out is that The edge par a slightly more firmer Feeling of the two shoes and I've run Longer in them it's not overly firm but
I think it's definitely I've noted it Against the Met speed Sky Paris Particularly the Forfeit of this shoe Where I think definitely the sky Paris Has a softer Edge and I felt when I've Started to cruise at my half marathon Marathon pace I've noticed that a little Bit more that it just feels a little bit More comfortable to do that in the sky Paris for me in comparison to the edge Paris I think also when you know these Aren't shoes to kind of ease off and run Slow in and kind of you know when you do Start to Tire you know they can be a bit More Awkward to be in or to be running It in I think with the Met speed Sky Pass I found it maybe a little bit more Awkward when I have started to tie in This shoe compared to the metb guy pars I think just because I said you've got That slight softer feel overall for me There's a good level of foam here to you Know make it a little bit more Comfortable to ease off in but Ultimately these are shoes that are Going to feel awkward when you are Getting a bit tired but I think for me The edge Paradise has felt a little bit More awkward when I have tired I think Also when I have done harder sessions in Both these shoes I haven't felt like my Legs have been really beating up the Next day and I think that is you know a Massive Plus on both fronts that they
Are shoes that while they are you know Really kind of aggressive in terms of That experience in terms of that ride You know when I have run harder than Them I haven't felt like they have Really kind of you know made me kind of Feel like it the next day so I think That's a plus on both fronts I think Outside wise they may be different in Terms of the color those kind of outsole Rubbers but I think ultim in terms of The coverage and protection the Experience is very similar you know the The level of grip is very good Considering you haven't got a huge Amount of rubber here um and I found When I've run you know mainly dry Conditions they've been absolutely fine Slightly wetter ones I think they're Going to be absolutely fine like the Previous shes I think outso durability As I've said previously I think the Resiliency of these Foams compared to The previous version of the foam has Been a lot better particularly at the Hill but I do think ultimately you're Going to get same level of durability Across these two issues and they're Going to be ones you're going to save or Want to save those really important Sessions when you're running at your Race Pace or at a race Pace but also on Race day as well so yeah for me I think You know across the board running fast
Shoes has been very good I think shorter Distances there's not a huge amount in It I think longer distances is where I've started to appreciate the slightly Softer feel of the Met be Sky passis you Know based on my running time and just Feeling you know slightly less firm than The Met speed Edge Paris as I said I Don't think there's going to be a huge Amount in it I think it really kind of Boils down to you know if your running Mechanics really work for these shoes Particularly over there longer distances But yeah you know overall very good Shoes to run fast [Music] In so my ver whether you should go with The a metas speed Edge Paris or the Metas speed Sky Paris now the way I look At it is that these two shoes are closer Than they ever have been they are Similar weights now they have a similar Drop the level of foam that you're Getting in there that's kind of Delivering that ride and experience Overall is very similar and I do still Think these are shoes that are great to Run and racing at shorter distances and I think are better suited to running Longer and racing longer as well too if I had to pick I would be going for the Metas speed Sky P now I put that down to A couple of things I think the first Thing it's not a major thing but it is
The lighter of the two- shoes not by Huge amount but it is lighter I think More importantly for me is I think these Are both shoes that kind of excel those Kind of shorter distances when you're Running fast at shorter distances but I Have just noticed I found the M Speed Guy power more comfortable running Longer or running at my marathon pace Over longer distances um and my half Marathon pace and I feel like if I Wanted to shoe that could cover all Bases in terms of distances I felt like This has been the more comfortable one To do it for me and I feel like this has A slightly firmer Edge on the longer Distances it's definitely softened up From The Edge Plus but I do think when I Run longer in these two shoes this has Felt a little bit better to run at my Marathan Pace in this shoe so for me I Would be going for the meta speed Sky Paris it's just EDG it for me in terms Of that softer feel and just being Slightly lighter as well too as I said There's not a huge amount in it and I Think if the you if you're running Mechanics works on the edge Paris then I Think absolutely there's going to be a Shoe here that's going to work well for You but I think if I had to pick i' Would be going for the M guy Paris I Think it just gives you a little bit More on those longer distances and is
Also a slightly light issue as well too So it comes to the verdict I think there Is a difference in the feeling of these Two shoes it's a little bit more Marginal than it was with past models I Think those are both very very good Super Shoes and it's worth trying the Both if you can just in case you do Prefer the feeling of the edge Paris but For me I think the sky Paris is the one That stands out as something a little Bit special The Edge Paris is very good Compared to other carbon plate racing Shoes but it is you know pretty similar To them whereas I do think the sky Paris At the moment leads the pack for me in Terms of the overall feeling and overall Design you get from the shoe because it Is such a bouncy and impressive shoe and Such a lightweight one so if you just Have to order one and you don't get a Chance to try them both I would pick out The sky Paris of the two but there is a Difference in feeling you might prefer The feeling of the edge Paris but I Think overall the the sky Paris is the Leading Super Shoe in the ax range and Certainly the one I [Music] Prefer that's our comparison of the edge Paris and the sky Paris let us know what You think in the comments below if You've tried them both and prefer one or The other please do like and subscribe
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