
The Asics Novablast 5 and Nike Pegasus 41 are both good value workhorse daily trainers, and very popular options with new and experienced runners alike. Kieran and Nick compare the two shoes in this video and give their verdict on which they’d get.

Check out our full reviews of both shoes:

Nike Pegasus 41 review:
Asics Novablast 5 review:

00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:15 – Design & Key Stats
01:52 – How’s The Fit?
03:44 – The Run Test
09:11 – Verdict

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Hello and welcome to run testers my name Is Nick and in this video we're going to Be comparing the Nike Pegasus 41 and the Aex no blast [Music] 5 the Pegasus 41 and no blast 5 are both Mid-range neutral running shoes within Their respective Brands ranges like with A no blast sitting beneath shoes like The GEL Nimbus which is the more Expensive cushion shoe and the Pegasus Beneath shoes like the Vero or the Invincible in the Nike range the no Blast is £135 or $140 whereas the Pegasus is £130 or $140 no blast is the Lighter shoe is 274 G or 9.7 o in a uk9 Whereas the Pegasus is 291 G or 10.3 o In the same size an 8 mm drop on the Nose blast and a 10 mm drop on the Nike Nike doesn't give the exact stack he of The Pegasus but I think it's just under 40 mm at the back there whereas the no Blast is over it so it is the highest Stack shoe for sure so when it comes to The design of the two shoes with the no Blast you've got a jackard mesh upper With an FF blast Max Plus midsole uh This is a new phone from aex is a little Bit softer than the phone that was Previously used on the nove blast but Otherwise you still got quite similar Geometry to the older shoes with side WS Of foam for some extra stability small Rocker there as well then you have an

Ahar low rubber out soole pretty good Coverage but quite a lot of exposed foam More so than you have on the Pegasus Which has a waffle tread out soole Pretty good coverage there like I say It's a fairly thick layer of rubber as Well on the Pegasus which has an Engineered mesh upper with a fair with Of padding around the tongue and heel Quite a lot on the tongue actually it's Notably more padded on the tongue than The nose blast but they both have quite A lot of padding structure around the Heel with internal heel counters then The midsole on the Pegasus 41 is made From react X and there are Air Zoom pods Under the heel and forefoot again you've Got quite soft Foams here but also Fairly balanced ones that are designed To be able to handle quite a variety of Different types of [Music] Runs just give you a quick word on fit Then I ran in a UK and a half in both These shoes which is my regular size in Both Classics and Nike I think the major Difference here comes in the toe box Both of these are really nice and Flexible across the top easy to wiggle The toes nice and roomy I think the Nova Blast 5 though are much roomier into This toe there's so much space up top Here there's actually sort of a full Thumbs width there and there's good

Clearance across the top of the toe some People might find that a little bit too Spacious if they want it to be a bit More snug I really like that particular If you're thinking about running longer Distances in it no Dam no danger here of Black tone Nails all that kind of thing Feels nice and roomy bit more kind of Close fitting across the top in the Pegasus 41 both of these shoes I find really Easy to get on the feet and get good Lock down and have them comfortable I Had no slipping in the heels good lock Down across the midfoot uh they both Have good tongues for taking lace pinch Off good padding in the heel colors Which which supports and adds for that Kind of plush Comfort out of these shoes And overall I would recommend going true To size in both unless you want wanted a Snugger fit and maybe you could consider Looking at half size down in the Nova Blast 5 but for me it's perfect I like It a bit roomy and it works really Nicely true to size so I've got my Normal uk9 in both of these shoes which Is a us10 and the fits been really good For me I've had no concerns at all about The length or the width or anything like That it's the same size I use across aex And Nike ranges and yeah no concerns at All like I say say the aex has the rier Upper all around like it's not a case of

Necessarily being too long or anything Like that I think it's the same length As Nike but it's just in the toe box for Sure and I have a narrow foot so I do Notice that a little bit but it hasn't Been a problem both shoes hold my foot Nice and securely around the heel and Midfoot I've had no problems of Irritation at the back of the shoe or Anything like that so yeah I would stick To your normal size with both of these [Music] Shoes so in testing I've run well north Of 100 miles in the Nike Pegasus 41 North of 50 mi in the asex no blast 5 I've also done solo Marathon tests in Both of these shoes you can find those Videos up on the channel if you go and Have a look now I'm a fan of the Nike Pegasus 4 one I really like the shoe It's got excellent disappearing feel on The foot it's spacious and roomy perhaps Bordering on being marginally too long In the toe but it feels light unfussy It's easy to slip on instantly Comfortable one of those easy shoes to Go and run in the ride is cushioned and Despite some weight gain over the last Gen Peg I found it light on the Run Protective and cushioned but not overly Soft and labored it's a Workhorse shoe I Find that easily eat those easy miles But there's versatility too it's not as Punchy as fast ATT tune daily trainers

Like the Endorphin speed 4 those kind Shoes but there's some bounce in energy From the combination of the react X Midso and the Air Zoom pods makes it Light and Lively enough to be relatively Happy I think at faster Paces capable Certainly if not Remarkable Moving up The gears it's got that kind of gliding Rangy capacity that I really love in my Running shoes I felt like I could pop it On and run almost any run in it and it Would do an okay job the NOA blast 5 Offers a nice smooth ride as well that Responds well on Tower feels springy but Controlled when you're feeling good Running with good form and pushing the Pace and overlast five I think feels Energetic but it's also cushioned enough To accommodate the slower Paces though Sometimes when I was on heavier legs not Running with the gr best form I could Feel like a bit soggy I've had slow runs Or at least runs where I felt tired Where the softness certainly in this Kind of slower Pace form makes it feel Like the shoe is working a little bit Against me and then I've had runs where I'm full of energy running in good form Really working off the 4 foot mid to Four foot where the overlast five has Felt really kind of smooth and energetic Now for me the Nike Pegasus 41 offers More stability than overlast 5 has more Softness More Bounce and more cushion in

A lighter package but that brings a Little bit more wobble sometimes Particularly at slower paces and Particularly further back into the hill I don't find it unstable for the main Part but it's may not be not as reliable Underfoot as the lower stack Pegasus 41 The peg 41 is a more compact shoe I Think that makes for a more controlled And more connected ride if you like a Bit more ground feel on to the run test Then and these are two pretty strong Mid-range trainers the kind of shoes That will appeal to a wide variety of Runners that don't necessarily have like A wow ride or anything too exciting About them but they just do a really Solid job providing a bit of comfort in Fairly lightweight designs and like I Said they'll suit a nice variety of Runners as kind of almost the entry Level expensive model within the brand Ranges they're not like the really cheap Models that you'll get for well under1 But they are probably the ones that People might be looking at when they're Fairly new to running I would say I'd Actually say these are probably my top Two picks for beginner runners in General but they obviously don't just Appeal to beginner Runners they have a Lot of appeal to Runners of all levels I Would say so Nike is a shoe I tested First and it was a pretty classic

Pegasus experience I think I liked it a Little bit more actually than the past Couple of models I think the react ex Midsole is a little bit livelier when You combine it with those Air Zoom pods I haven't necessarily loved this foam in Some other shoes but in the pegasus with This geometry and those Air Zoom Paws I Think it did have a little bit of life To it it's not a shoe that gives you a Lot of kind of rebound or response off The forefoot but it's nice and Comfortable at the heel snaps through With that classic Nike 10 mm drop There's not really a big rocker on this Shoe at all certainly less so than on The Nova blast and it kind just ticks Over really well especially at easy Paces I'd say like this is a shoe that I Didn't love using for fast runs it did Do one mini session in it but for the Most part it's a shoe that I just use For ticking off daily miles nice looking Shoe as well especially this one this is Not the one I actually ran in the one I Ran in is in the garage but this is a Very nice looking shoe and which Obviously gives it some extra appeal as A lifestyle shoe yeah a nice comfortable Ride but like I say not the most life of The foref foot and not very rocket at All and the no blast certainly has more Of a rocker I would say and it creates a Smoother ride and a more enjoyable ride

For me I tend to prefer those rocket Rides like the difference in drop here Isn't massive like 8 mm versus 10 mm but It does feel like the Nike snaps through A bit more because of the way the shoe Is shaped like I say you got that Smoother feel with the NOA blast the Foam on the foot I think maybe feels a Little bit Tad softer under the forefoot In particular I think there's a bit more Foam there in general as well because it Is a higher stack shoe with a slightly Lower drop and I don't think it's really Giving you a whole load more response Than the Nike I don't think this is a Really energetic or you know dynamic Shoe that he'd use for everything but I Do think it has a little bit more pop Maybe there than the Pegasus and just Feels a little bit better at faster Paces I think because it's a lighter Shoe as well that said with both of These shoes I'd be positioning them very Much as the easy shoe in my rotation I Think they are good cushion daily Trainers I think they could be an Allrounder for a new Runner or a one Shoe Runner who wants a nice cushion Shoe that can pick up the pace a little Bit but for me they'd be ones that I'd Put at the easy end of my rotation like I say pairing them with something like a Super train or a really lightweight uh You know plateless shoe for my faster

Runs they do have a bit of Versatility There did do a running B at the same Time and there is quite a similar feel At the heel for sure as a heel Striker I Noticed that like I didn't think the Atex was notably much softer than the Pegasus at the heel actually which Surprised me a little bit you know have Got a big wedge of foam there in the Nike as well you do get soft Landings in Both at the heel and then the transition Is quite different like I say it's it's A bit smoother it's a bit better for me In the nose blast I would say I think I Move from my heel to my forefoot a bit More comfortably and quickly I feel like I just tick over a bit better in the Shoe whereas you do have that slightly Slapper feel in the Nike it's not Noticeable at slow Paces they're both Really good at slow Paces but when you Still try and do anything a little bit Faster do get a slightly slapper feeling From the Pegasus compared to the nose Blast that would make the aex think more Comfortable at faster Paces if not Necessarily like a faster shoe in General I think it is a slightly faster Shoe because it is a bit lighter but It's also going to be a bit more Comfortable with that extra four foot Cushioning and especially over longer Runs I think the little bit of extra Rebound there helps as well the Nike

Just feels a little bit thin under there Because of the way the shoe is set up When got a lot of nice comfortable foam At the hill but just a little bit less At the 4ot for [Music] Sure onto the verdict then and I prefer The no blast five out of these two shoes I do think they're both solid options Like I say I think they both offer good Value I think new Runners should check Them out and if you prefer a higher drop In general then the Pegasus does have Not only a slightly higher drop than the NOA blast on paper just has that Slightly more traditional ride where you Kind of s through a bit more whereas you Have that slightly more rocket rolling Sensation with the no blast that is what I prefer though and I do prefer this Shoe all around I think you've got Really comfortable shoe more Comfort Under the foref foot I do think it has a Bit of life when you want to run at Faster Paces not a huge amount but a Little bit more than the Nike and in General I find it disappears on the foot A bit more it feels more comfortable Over longer miles in particular so if You're marathon training and kind of Every run is crossing the 10K Mark I Think you just get a bit more Comfort Out of the Pegasus all around Pegasus is A really good shoe though and it is one

That is definitely going to appear in Sales probably even more than an Overlast which is sometimes reduced Whereas the Pegasus is pretty much Always reduced so if you can get it for Well under 100 quid then you are going To get a really solid shoot to add to Your rotation or use as your daily Trainer for everything like it is a good Model around and it is quite nice Looking so it does help if you are Spending a bit of money and one a shoe That you can wear outside of runs as Well especially as it's a very durable Shoe no blast not really had any Concerns about durability but the Pegasus has always been one that lasts Really well for me and you have got a Bit more outso coverage on it than with The no blast so yeah couple of good Shoes here I prefer the ride full of Than no blast though and that's the one I pick out of these two verdict then and I think these are both very capable Workhorse daily trainers and for me it Breaks down like this this is the Decision between what now feels like a More traditional mid stack shoe in the Nike Pegasis 41 versus a Max stack more Kind of modern design shoe in the Novablast 5 if you want a softer Bouncier ride that's lighter and more Protective probably more energetic when You're putting in the work or running

With higher energy moving with good form Then I think the overlast five is Probably going to be your best bet but If you want a good versatile shoe that's A bit more stable a bit more controlled A bit more traditional in the way it Feels under foot perhaps with a shade Less bounce relies a bit more on Fast Foot pickup then the Nike Pegasus 41 Offers more of that kind of Ride Now Another thing if I were choosing a Utility training shoe that could go from General gym cardio stuff onto the roads It'd be the Pegasus for Pure running I Think the no blast 5 would probably the Shoe I go for and offer more versatility To the widest range of Runners I think It's just a bit more exciting as well so If I was choosing one shoe to add to my Rotation it'd be a close call but I Think I'd likely opt for the Nova blast 5 As a comparison of the SX no blast 5 the Nike Pegasus 41 let us know what you Think in the comments below please like And subscribe ring the little bell and We'll see you next time