
Run Tester Kieran is en route to South Africa returning to one of the original and most iconic road ultras, the 55-mile Comrades Marathon 2024 for the Up run. Now one of the biggest decisions you have to make when you’re running an ultra is what underwear you wear. The next is what you choose to use to tackle the long miles and time on feet. So in this video, Kieran gets into the nitty gritty of how you choose the best running shoes for road ultras, what he’s taken into consideration when shortlisting his options, and he’ll reveal which shoe he’s selected to conquer the Comrades Up Run.

0:00 – Intro
0:34 – What is the Comrades Marathon?
1:30 – How to choose road ultra running shoes
3:09 – HOKA Mach 6
3:54 – Saucony Ride 17
4:36 – ASICS Novalbast 4
5:23 – Brooks Ghost Max
6:14: – On Cloudeclipse
6:58 – Saucony Endorphin Speed 4
7:53: – And the winner is…

Now watch this…
Kieran picks his best road ultra running shoes for the Comrades Down Run in 2023. Most of them are still strong ultra contenders now:

Hey people welcome to the run test it's Kieran here later today I'm going to be Flying out to South Africa to take on One of the original and most iconic Road Ultras the 55 mile comrades Marathon I Did the down run last year and this year I'm going back for the uun now one of The biggest decisions I've had to make Is what shoes I use to tackle this Incredible challenge so in this video I'm going to take you through the shoes That made my short list with some tips On how to choose shoes for Road Ultras Like this and also what I've taken into Consideration when I'm choosing my Options I'll also reveal the shoe that I'm planning to run the race in and it Might not be the one that you [Music] Think so if you don't know the comrades Ultra is a 55M Road Ultra through the Valley of a thousand hills and quu natal In South Africa it's one of the unique Features of the comrades marathon is That it alternates between up years and Down years in an up year the race starts In Durban and finishes in Peter Maritzburg in a down year it starts in Peter maritzburg and finishes in dur so We've got an 85.9 km with not far off 1900 M of Elevation it starts at 530 in Durban and It finishes at scotsville race course in Peter maritzburg Runners have 12 hours

To complete the course last year I ran The down run in 8 hours 48 earning a Bill row medal to earn a second one of Those I'll have to run between 7 and a Half hours and 8 hours 59 this year it's Going to be a tough Challenge and Picking the right shoes is a really big Decision so let's get stuck into how I've picked the best running shoes for Tackling Road Ultras like the comrades [Music] So one of the big questions here is Going to be do you go carbon now I won't Be running at marathon pace for 9 hours That's 10minute mile Pace but there's Research to show that some carbon shoes Can help with efficiency even at slower Paces so there is a good argument for Using a carbon shoe now the thing is you Want a shoe that helps spare tired legs But also protects your feet from the Road so I think it's crucial to choose Something that's not too aggressive not Too direct it needs to be forgiving at Slower paces more importantly it's going To look after you if if and when your Form goes ragged and when you're really Kind of slogging it out now I want a Shoe that protective cushioning with Some energy good stability a reliable Platform to run off but also not too Heavy I'm also looking for a mix of Reliable comfort and a roomy toe box in Terms of that way it feels on the foot

The shoes need to be good on the incline As well there's lots of hills in this Race starting with a 35 km climb so I Want to avoid shoes where a plate might Feel too prominent or not quite right I Think that ruls out a lot of the really Topend carbon races now I don't doubt You could race in a Hoka rocket X2 a Vaporfly 3 and then socking in dfin Elite and alphafly maybe my gut says This race is going to be all about how You run on the ups and for that I don't Really see the value in going for carbon Or trading comfort for the efficiency You might get from carbon it's worth Saying at this point that I've also not Running the ax super blast so those Aren't in the running here though they Might have been had I tested them and I Know some people are going to I've got The short list down to a bunch of good Candidates and I think any of these Shoes would do a good job out there Regular viewers won't be surprised to See a lot of socony from me here in this List but let's take a [Music] Look so first up we've got the Hoka Max 6 now this is on the list primarily Because I love running in this shoe and It's also got excellent versatility it's Got a cushion but responsive ride with a Bit of cushioning and it's very happy Clipping along at easier Paces there's a

Decent disappearing fit maybe just about Enough room to coope those long hours And long miles on feet though in all Honesty they're perhaps a little more Snug here than I'd really like now this Is a shoe that moves with agility and Freedom and it's got a reliable platform It's great on Hills up and down both I Find this a really easy shoe to run in And forget it's on my feet and there's a Lot to be said for sticking with that if You're looking at Ultras especially when You're attacking those longer time on Feet longer distances then we have the Socy ride 17 I'm a big fan of the easy Cushion noons reliability of the ride 17 There's excellent disappearing comfort And it offers a really good ride that Balances cushioned Landings with a Rolling response and some springing Energy though it's not as Lively as a Speed4 or a Max 6 but for me it feels Natural very easy to run in it's not Effortless it's not going to give you The efficiency gains you might get from A carbon shoe but it's just very easy to Roll around in whether you're moving Slow and easy or pushing things slightly More Up Tempo it copes with my marathon Pace miles and it's protective enough For easy recovery plots too granted it's A bit heavy than some of the shoes on This list as well but it will definitely Take the impact edge off the road deep

Into your eighth hour of running next up We've got the ASX Nova blast 4 if like Me you're a fan of firmer ride more Responsive running shoes than the Nova Blast 4 is a clear improvement over the Past gen Nova blast the midsole tweaks Are a net positive bringing some Additional immediacy and response into Each step with this shoe as a result the Shoe now has much more versatility Without sacrificing too much of the soft Cushion protection that's important for An ultra and for that reason I think it Has the right balance for a longdistance Road Ultra Shoe there's a decent amount Of wiggle room in the toe box here which Is a big plus as well but you'll have to Get on well with oversized maximal shoes That offer a softer Edge there is a big Stack here but I find them a little bit Clumping this is another shoe I think Has the range to cope with a race like The comrades and definitely won't leave You wanting when it comes to protection From the road pounding later on then We've got the Brooks ghost Max now I'm Normally not the biggest fan of big Heavier Max pillowy shoes that put a lot Of Sho on the foot I tend to reach for Something more cushioned but more Sprightly but in testing I've been Really impressed with the ghost Max the Way I'd sum it up is reliable steady Comfort that is great for Ultra but for

Me these get very close to shoes like The asex Joe Nimbus 25 and the New Balance 1080 v13 for that type of plh Comfort with a cushion ride softer Edge The Brooks ghost Max are 100% the kind Of shoe I can happily use to eat long Runs and cover easy low heart rate miles Now despite that softer Edge they're not Devoid of response and they're not too Labored and sinking as a result if I Were choosing these for the comrades it' Definitely be with the intent of running Slow and cautious on this race these Would be good kind of beat the cut off Banker shoes because if you want Guaranteed protection for longer time on Feet the ghost Max definitely offers That so next on that short list is the Oncloud eclipse now I really enjoy the Oncloud eclipse it offers good stepping Comfort it's nicely roomy and it feels Light on the foot with that all Important disappearing feel that I'm Looking for I found it cushioned and Comfortable and the domino effect Helen Foam clouds work nicely here to provide A ride that's protective but doesn't Sink too much it kind of bites back at The right time and there's good roll Through from The Rocker though it's Definitely a firmer and more responsive Sort of end shoe than most of the shoes On the list here for a Max stack shoe It's surprisingly nippy and versatile

Though it's almost got that kind easy Rolling rocker ride that the monster had The original Monster but with some more Of the compact precision and Agility the Cloud surface 7 it's smooth energetic It's a lot of fun and it's an easy shoe To run long miles in now here's one that Might surpr it's on the short list are Not the winner this is the S endorphin Speed 4 the nylon plated endorphin speed 4 is a very trusted friend of mine they Offer that all important versatility by The bucket load they're cushioned and Protective light and springy got a great Base to run off with reliable stability Comfy roomy uppers good locked in fit no Threat of bash toenails or blisters from This shoe I know some people find they Have an upper distance limit for running In this kind of speed 4 but I find them Balanced enough to go long almost up to Any distance for me the speed is a Reliable Workhorse of a shoe that can Also turn a bit thorough bread when you Need it there's a protected clip along At slower places but speed if you want It now I'm not likely to need that speed But I also know they cope well on the Ups and downs so these were my preferred Option and they're in the suitcase as a Backup but and there is a big but I'm Going to reveal why I'm not running in This shoe along with my willing shoe Right

[Music] Now so drum roll and perhaps a surprise The winner is the oncloud Monster hyper This is a shoe I'm going to run it now I'm surprised there anyone that I've Finally settled on the oncloud Monster Hyper to race the comrades Marathon 2024 In our review I gave this shoe a hard Pass much of that was because of the Price tag I just don't really like the Idea of paying 200 plus for a daily Trainer so what's changed my mind other Than that well at the end of my last 30 Mile training run a week or so back I Developed a Grumble on my achilles in The final two miles I ran through that Grumble as I believed it been caused by Sort of pressure of a heel collar Digging in rather than being a tweak to The Achilles I figured it might just be A bruise and it's a really weird one I Don't feel anything when I'm walking Around in socks or Barefoot but when I Put on many of the shoes on my short List I feel the pressure and it now Hurts to even run or walk in those shoes Even my blov speed fours don't feel 100% Comfortable the only shoe I've put on That doesn't aggravate it are the Oncloud Monster hyper so that Immediately sets them apart but it does Have some good Ultra credentials too It's larger bulkier and more shoe than The speed 4 the ride 16 but it's lighter

Than it looks and there's quite good Disappearing Comfort on the foot it's Largely unfussy it's an easy shoe to Lace up and run with a really really Generous roomy toe box loads of Clearance lengthwise and across the top And then there's a massive stack of Cushioning that soaks up the road really Well a decent stability to the platform As well there's some energy to this ride Also and a good amount of spring from This kind of paback wedge that you get Yeah there's not as much kind of Snappy Roll or instant response you might have Got from a cloud Eclipse The Landings Are softer than a firm rocked ride of The original Monster but there's a soft Here that's not too squidy and ponderous Overall I find them like a really happy Cruising shoe with a little bit of Energy they combine good cushion Protection you get none of the road Coming up through in the shoe on longer Longer runs but the big wide platform Also has stability I'd basically Describe these as having cradled Reliable Landings with some liveliness Under Foot that's not overly aggressive And so right now as I'm recording this My comrades Marathon 2024 ratio is the Oncloud Monster hyper though the speed Four as I said are going into my suit And I reserve the right to make a last Minute knee-jerk

Change out on the morning of race day so There you have it that's my list of the Shoes I considered for the comrades Marathon all shoes I think with good Potential for Long Road Ultras I hope You found it enlightening if you're Running the comrades yourself hit me up In the comments with the shoes you've Chosen for the job come and say hello if You see me out there don't forget to hit Like subscribe and ring that Bell for More content that comes on the Run Testers and if you're interested in the Shoes that I looked at for the down run That video is here otherwise thanks very Much for watching and we hope to see you Again soon soon on the Run testers happy Running people