The Asics Gel-Nimbus 27 and Brooks Glycerin 22 are two of the most popular cushioned running shoes available and both offer reliable, comfortable rides for daily training. Which should you get if you’re picking between the two? Tom, Kieran and Nick give their verdict here.
Check out our full reviews of both shoes:
Brooks Glycerin 22 review:
Asics Gel-Nimbus 27 review:
00:00 – Intro
00:15 – Design & Key Stats
02:14 – How’s The Fit?
05:22 – The Run Test
13:38 – Verdict
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Hello and welcome to run testers my name Is Nick and in this video we're going to Be comparing the Brooks Glycerin 22 and The aex Jael Nimbus [Music] 27 so the Brooks Glycerin 22 and the aex Jael nimus 27 are both very popular High-end cushion neutral running shoes That have been going for a long time as You can tell by the Numbers at the end Of their name and prove very popular With newer runners or any Runner really Looking for you know a really nice shoe To crank out easy miles in particular Joe Nimbus is the more expensive shoe in The UK at least it's £180 and $165 Whereas the Brooks gin 22 is £165 or $165 they are pretty similar in weight But the G nimus is a slightly heavier Shoe it's 314 G or 11 oz in uk9 whereas The glycerin 22 is 308 G or 10.8 Oz you Have an 8 mm drop on the aex and a 10 mm Drop on the Brooks and the aex is the Slightly higher stack shoe it hits 43.5 Mm at the heel comes to the design You've got jackard mesh upper on the ASX Jael Nimbus 27 you you got a lot of Padding around the hill as you might Expect for a shoe like this then the Tongue isn't super padded which is a Little bit different to lots of other Shoes including the glycerin 22 got side Walls of foam and a big internal heel Counter to create kind of a bucket seat
And more stability at the back of the Shoe then the midsole is made from asx's FF blast plus Eco foam and you've got a Pure gel insert under the heel as well It's a pretty balanced phone but mostly Skews towards comfort as you'd expect of A shoe of this type and You' got an ax Scrip rubber out so coverage is not very Extensive you actually got better Coverage on the Brooks I would say but The key impact areas on the ax are Covered then with the Gin 22 you've got A double jackard knit upper on the shoe You got lots of padding on the tongue Which is different to the ax and a fair Bit around the heel collar as well big Internal heel counter to add structure And stability there then you got a DNA Tuned midso which is a Nitro infused Midso foam this is the big upgrade for The glycerin 22 compared to the glycerin 21 it's a dual density foam which allows Brooks to use larger cells of foam at The back of the SHO to create a more Soft and comfortable landing and then Smaller CS at the front to create a more Responsive feel to your Toof and you've Got a rubber out so with good coverage Like I say a little bit of exposed foam There but certainly slightly better Coverage than you get on the ax and it's A thicker layer as [Music] Well so the fit for me in both of these
Shoes I have a size eight uh in both of These shoes which is my UK size um and I Found both of these to be uh pretty Comfortable shoes to wear um the Glycerin 22 solid all round um Comfortable shoe good good level of Padding in it plenty of space in the Forefoot and around the side of the shoe Glitchers have always I've I've always Found them to be a very good fit um and A very plush feeling shoe as well so I Definitely stated in my size in the Glycerin 22 no issues at all in that Pretty similar for the gel numers 27 Actually um size8 in the UK fits me Perfectly good bit of padding on it only Things I would say about the Gel Nimbus 27 is it's a little bit longer but don't Think long enough to justify um going uh Down a size I it's um it bits perfectly Well um and for some people it's Probably the sort of um amount of space You want in anyway um the other thing I'll say about the gel number 27 is I'm Not a big fan of the tongue um it's a Bit harder to get a lock down fit with It because it's quite thin um and can Roll up a little bit when you're trying To do up the shoe so um all in all both Very comfortable shoes um and I stick to My size in both of them quick word on Fit then and I think both of these Already described as kind of roomy and Spacious the Nimbus 27 is a lot more
Airy into this kind of toe boox area lot More wiggle room across the top there's A bit more space down the end this is a Really roomy shoe in terms of length you See my big toe only comes up to here Lots of room towards the end there's Also lots of clearance here around the Toes to the side here the toe Knuckles Are held and it's held across the foot Here but it's not tight it just feels Nicely wrapped if you go into the Glycerin it's a sort of similar feel at It feels a little bit lower and closer To the toes across the top of the box Here from the uh mesh uppers there's Still a good amount of clearance there Actually not quite as much as the Nimbus But it's still decent thumbs length in My regular size I get really nice hold Back into the sort of top of the foot Here feels really comfortable very Disappearing up through the tongues You've got a nice big plush padded Tongue from the the glycerin 22 the Nimbus 27 a bit of a sort of more flat Kind of flimsy knitted tongue but both Of them feel comfortable and then into The heel collars they hold really nice And well both of them do here little bit More kind of low profile a little bit More minimal here maybe on the glycerin 22 but overall I had no problems going True to size in both of these shoes and That's what I'd recommend it comes to
The fit of the two shoes I've got a uk9 In both of these which is a us10 with These brands that is the size I've used Across the aex and Brooks range for many Years and indeed many previous models of Both of these shoes and they fit me very Well in that size got enough room in the Toe box good hold around the midfoot lot Of padding around the back of the shoe Which sometimes I don't love too much it Can irritate my eales a little bit Sometimes but I haven't had that problem With these shoes at all the Asic has Probably got the slightly roomier upper In terms of width around the for foot Which noticed to someone with a narrow Foot but hasn't been a problem for me And they both come in a range of wids I Think most Runners going be able to find A comfortable fit with both of these Shoes and just purely on sizing I would Stick to your normal running shoe [Music] Size so both these shoes are pretty Similar uh for what you're going to use These for they're both daily cushion Shoes a lot of uh foam in these shoes um And they are long they're a long line of Shoes that have have seen quite quite Big changes over the past um few Versions um the thing about these shoes Is that uh they're not particularly Versatile shoes um I'd say they're Pretty much shoes really designed for
Those easy day runs um possibly longer Runs if you're not going a a fast pace I Wouldn't use these for marathon training If I was meant to be maintaining a a Marathon pace or something close to that Uh I would use them purely for easy easy Runs um of any distance really I think They both be absolutely fine for that um The other thing I'd say about these Shoes is that they're both um pretty Stable for me I think the glycerin 22 is Probably a little bit more stable just Because of the way that foam uh geometry Is designed but they're both pretty Stable shoes all around when it comes to Having this level of of of stacking and I think that comes down to the fact that The midsole in um both of these shoes is A pretty Well balanced midsole it's not that Neither is really soft so you're getting A pretty similar ride in both of them I Think the real difference in these shoes Comes from the uh ride based on the Geometry of them so the jel num is 27 um I have a bit of problem running in the Shoe um for quite a lot of runs so if I'm out doing an easy run recovery run Absolutely fine I'm not really expecting Anything from it um in the way of energy Return or um smooth transition but I hit This U Mido right in the middle uh and Feels quite flat to me when you when you Hit the ground it's quite Slappy as well
Um but what I find with this is that I'm Not really getting anything that helps Me run for a longer distance definitely Not faster um because it sort of hits The ground and then I'd pick the shoe up And go up again uh which is fine if You're just doing easier in a recovery Run but if you're going to do a longer Session uh and you're trying to maintain Um a comfortable pace for that I do find It harder to do in the gel ners 27 so The glycerin 22 um has a much better Geometry for me so I do find it rolls Forward a little bit bit more um the Midso is still pretty uh it's a little Bit firmer than I would normally go for In a shoe especially one that I was Doing longer distance training in I Really like the Brooks ler in Max Because it has a bit more of this famam But it has more of a rolling action in It so it smoothly Glides you forward a Little bit more energy return as well But I think the real thing about the Gliten 22 is this that that balance it's Got really good stability in it so it's Great for beginners great for people who Maybe um are doing a lot of running and Maybe need some slight stability um but Don't want to go all out for a full-on Stability shoe um it's just it's just a Really it takes a lot of boxes for Things like that but all in all I think They're pretty similar shoes for for for
A lot of things and if you don't have That geometry issue with me that I have You might get on with the gel num 27 a Little bit better if you just want a Little bit more foam because it is Noticeably a tiny bit softer than the Glycerin 22 uh but not massively so I'd Use this for the same things it's quite Tricky verus actually uh the outso on These shoes fantastic outso on the Glisten 22 really thick layer of rubber On there really good at gripping I've Done a lot of running down um foot paths And gravel paths in the wet in this and It's absolutely great uh no issues at All and it's a little bit of exposed Mile on it but the rubber is so thick That it's quite hard to get to that so I It's pretty durable shoe uh Nimbus GEL Nimbus 27 not as good an out soole it Does have a fair bit of rubber on it but It's not a very thick layer of it so There's this really big midsole section Here that's exposed and I've started to Wear it down a little bit this is on About 50k running um it's not any major Signs of wear te on it but that rubber Is not very far away from it so if you Start wearing this rubber down I think You're going to start having an impact On that midell foam so I think the um Outso is much better on the glycerin 22 So in testing I've run 45 miles in the Brooks Glycerin 22 slightly less in the
Aex Joe Nimbus 27 and I've put these Shoes through a mix of Paces mostly on The road with some light off-road bundle Ining the usual test miles that we doing Them now if you watch the channel a lot You'll know I'm fond of shoes that offer A good balance of cushion and protection But without being too soft or putting Too much shoe on the foot things like The S ride 17 the Nike Pegasus 41 the Pum velocity Nitros all of those fall into that Bracket and I think the glycerin 22 Joins that list I think this is a Capable versatile shoe that's nicely Balanced with good cushioning but a Lower profile compared to some of the Bigger shoes that we're now seeing Including this one and you get a good Response from this shoe to boot it's Perhaps not quite as soft or as least There's less stack than you'll get in The aex Jo numers 27 but I can happily Do the same easy miles the same comfort In both of these shoes some might find They want a bit more cush between them And the road for their easiest of runs And the Nimbus certainly offers that Kind of volume of Stack underf foot Though I don't feel there's a huge Difference in the overall softness when I'm up and moving kind of mid to 4 foot Either way I'll trade some of that top Level plushness underfoot for a shoe
That can go up through the gears and I Think Brooks has made that shoe in the Glycerin 22 when it comes to nus 27 this Is textbook Nimbus it's a big platform That's reliable it's sort of soft and More cushioned without adding extra Weight over the 26 that's a trend that We're going to see a lot of as the stack Heights rise with the new light Performance Foams coming across the shoe Lineups into 2025 for me the Nimbus is Limited on versatility though I'd only Use it for my slowest runs and that's Still the case with this 27 iteration it Wasn't great at marathon pace just a bit Too heavy and sluggish on stability I Found both shoes nicely reliable no Problems there on durability I think Both shoes have handled the test miles I've done very well so far with little Signs of wear and tear and they look Built to soak up the good onto the run Test then and I've logged somewhere Around 60k in both of these shoes They're both impressive cushion daily Trainers I would say I think neither are Exactly W shoes but they are very much Shoes that will do a good job in serving Runners of all levels they're going to Be very durable they're very comfortable For sure well they're not necessarily Exactly my kind of shoes I don't tend to Go for big cushion shoes like this even For my easy runs they are shoes that
Will appeal to a lot of Runners and I Think they do a good job in living up to The standards set by each of their lines If you're a fan of the glycerin or a fan Of the Nimbus in general I think you're Going to like the latest models of both Of these shoes of the two shoes the Glycerin 22 is the one that's had a Bigger change compared to its previous Model with this new DNA tuned midso Which replaces the DNA Loft V3 Pham we Saw in the glycerin 21 now that was also A nitrogen infused Eva Pham but got this Dual density nitrogen infused foam in The glycerin 22 and does create a slight Different ride I think you get softer Landing in the glycerin 22 than you did In the glycerin 21 as a hill Striker do Like the soft foam at the back of this Shoe and it does transition pretty well It's you know it's a reasonably Responsive Tas like this is not a very Lively shoe one that You' be picking out To do a lot of fast running in I don't Think but the way the mids setup does Make it pretty solid daily trainer that Can handle a little bit of uptempo stuff Here and there and the ax I think is Quite similar like even though this is Really much more geared to comfort I Think you've got a slightly wider shoe a Shoe that's got bit more stabilities About it than the Brooks even though the Brooks is also very stable I think it is
A shoe that does have a little bit of Versatility to it because it's got quite A stiff midell setup like might even be A bit surprising when you first put it On that it doesn't feel as cushy and Flexible as some shoes that you might Find in this category I think it does Push you through onto your toes quite Well and while again it's not a shoe That I would reconsider very Speedy or One I'd really love to do lots of Speedwork in I think it can handle the Rigers of daily training with some Slight you know progression runs and Uptempo efforts here and there and then You mostly got a very comfortable shoe Certainly at the heel which has got that Big wedge of foam which does feel very Comfortable to me as a heel Striker and Has been smoothed out I think with the Gelis 27 compared to previous models in That I find it the transition from heel St a little bit better on this new shoe Did do a short run wearing both shoes at The same time and they do have quite a Similar feeling certainly when you hit The landing spot at the back of the shoe Both very comfortable both cushion both Move you quite well through onto your Mid foot and then 4 foot I think you've Got a slightly smoother ride with the Ass6 and it is more of a rocket shoe but It's also a Slappy shoe because of the Way the outside is set up it's got a
Hard material you do get a bit of a Slapping sensation there and actually Over the course of longer runs if you Are moving at speed I think it does Reduce the 4 foot comfort of the shoe a Little bit but you have got more foam There than you have on the Brooks I do Think it's a you know slightly more Comfortable shoe because of that Brooks Has a very classic ride a really Traditional ride with a high drop snap Through just you it works very well it Is still really comfortable and if You've been a fan of the line before I Think you're going to enjoy what you get From the Brits glycerin 22 maybe the aex Is the one that's a little bit more in Line with Trends in the modern running Market with a bit more of a rocker and More 4f foot cushioning in [Music] Particular verdict then I think you've Got two well cushioned capable daily Trainers here reliable workhorses really In the general scheme of running shoes I'd say the aex Nimbus 27 performs Better at the slower and easier rather Than the faster Paces it's that kind of Shoe they're good at what they do though But they have limited versatility it Kind of does reliability and Road Protection very well on the low Pace Runs in a classic Nimbus way but I Struggle to get it out of first gear due
To the general heft of the shoe now if All you need is smooth protective Road Eating comfort for your easiest miles That's fine go for this nimas 27 but if You want a shoe that can do that and can Tick up the gears a bit the glycerin 22 I think is a more potent Choice it will Definitely suit fans of lower profile Shoes much more they feel more compact Nimble more agile and overall snappier And that makes them I think a much more Versatile option and as I said I find The glycerin 22 soft enough for my easy Miles too though I do like a more Connected ride even on the slower miles If you're after a shoe that packs a bit More range I think the glycerin 22 Offers the better all round ride and Value and it's probably the better bet So that is the one that I would pick This is a pretty close one for me like I Said at the start neither is exactly the Kind of shoe that I'd be rushing to add To my own rotation but I do think they Are shoes that are really good at their Job good Workhorse trainers that have a Lot of comfort a little bit of hostility But in general are just there to pick up A lot of easy and long runs while Offering a lot of protection and Stability in a neutral shoe say overall My Ride preference is the ax I think I Enjoy it slightly more not withstanding The slightly Slappy feel you get from
The outso at times I do think it's a Really comfortable shoe I like the way It transitions a bit more than the Brooks with it slightly higher drop and While maybe the Brooks's foam is a Little bit better I think it's still not Good enough that really makes a big Difference in terms of how I'd use the Shoe I don't think it's a high Performance phone that I'd go and use For you know lots of fast running or Anything like that so really it's all About the comfort and I do think the ax Has a little bit more of that for me and I like the way it rolls through from H To so I'd just give it to the ax but It's pretty close round I'd say you're Going to be well set with either shoe if You like previous models within the Glycerin or Nimbus lineups I'd probably Just stick with those they you know they Do live up to the standards of their Lines like I say so my Verdi on these Two shoes it's they're pretty similar For for a lot of reasons um I think They're basically designed for the same Thing those sort of easier uh daily runs Where you just want a good bit of Cushioning they're both pretty Balance Shoes you good bit of stability in both Of them I think the glycerin 22 is Better around for if you want a bit of Everything so just has a nicer smoother Action for running in it's not neither
Verstile shoes but I just find it easier To run longer in the Brooks gin 22 um Also I would say that the stability Elements of the giten 22 are better as Well so it justes feel like a bit more Of a stable shoe probably because this Is a bit feels like he's a bit closer to The ground so you're getting a bit more Feel for it but overall I think it Really comes down to um your style of Running the gel number 27 doesn't Necessarily work very well for me for Some people it might work better um Based on your your your your gate Um so for me I'm going to go for the Glycerin 22 all the way I just think It's better value and I think it's a More solid shoe all [Music] Around that's a comparison of the aex J Numers 27 and the Brooks Glycerin 22 Let's know what you think in the Comments below please do like and Subscribe ring the bell and we'll see You next time