
The Saucony Hurricane 24 and Brooks Glycerin Max are two of our favourite cushioned shoes of 2024, with both offering comfortable and stable rides for easy and long runs. Which should you go for? Tom, Mike and Nick give their verdict in this video.

Check out our full reviews of the shoes:

Brooks Glycerin Max review:
Saucony Hurricane 24 review:

00:00​​​​ – Intro
02:25 – Design & Key Stats
02:20 – How’s The Fit
05:09 – The Run Test
14:42 – Verdict

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Hello and welcome to run testers my name Is Nick in this video we're going to be Comparing the Brooks Glycerin Max and The S hurcan [Music] 24 Huracan 24 and the glycerin Max are Both big cushion shoes from their Respective Brands they are designed to Be used mainly for easy runs recovery Runs that kind of thing and just in General longing a lot of mileage while Protecting the legs from the impact of Running so amican 24 is the cheapest Shoe it's £165 or $160 whereas the Glycerin Max is $200 or £180 they pretty heavy both of these Shoes but the glycerin Max is slightly Lighter it's 319 G or 11.2 o in a uk9 Whereas the sakan is 326 G or 11.5 o in The same size they both have a 6 mm drop But the glycerin is the taller shoe it Is 45 mm at the heel and 39 at the 4ot Whereas the sakon is 38 at the heel and 32 at the 4ot so the glycin max is a new Flag shoe from Brooks that introduces a New foam to their lineup which is DNA Tuned this is a nitrogen infused Eva Like some of the Foams they've used in The past like the DNA Loft V3 but the Way it's set up means that they can tune The mid soole a little bit differently Hence the name so you've got larger Cells at the back which creates a softer Feeling and then smaller cells at the 4

Foot to create a slightly more Responsive feeling the yellow effect you Can see on the mid cell is actually a Wedge of foam inside this outer foam That has the smaller CS that give you That more responsive feeling you've got Brooks's Glide rooll rocker profile on The shoe you've got a thick and cushy Upper that has a lot of padding around The heel and tongue as you kind of Expect from a Brooks cushion shoe with a Pretty significant internal heel counter As well you got a rubber out sole which Doesn't have full coverage but pretty Thick wedges of it at the heel and for Foot with the Huracan 24 you've got a Dual density mids soole which is mostly Made from Sak's power run PB foam which Is a pea based foam and then you have Some power run foam in there as well to Kind of add stability to the shoe and Cradle that power on foam if you will The shoe is a stability shoe it uses Socy Center PATH technology to create Stability so it's it's not really a Traditional stability shoe it's more in The mold of modern stability shoes that Use things like a wide base sidewalls of Foam and a rocker to kind of guide your Foot into a neutral position rather than Things like medial posting you have an Engineered mesh upper with a fair amount Of padding around the heel and tongue But not as much as on the Brooks I would

Say and then like the Brooks you've got Fairly sparing use of rubber on the Outside but it's pretty thick and covers The key impact areas and you know the Grip has been very good for me with both Of these [Music] Shoes so in terms of the fit of the Glycerin match and the hurricane 24 I Would say they definitely both Prioritize being very comfortable shoes First and foremost those you know making Sure those uppers fit very kind of snug And naturally very roomy and Accommodating that's ultimately been my Experience of these two shoes now I've Got them both in a UK size8 that is my Typical running shoe size I would say Going through size has been absolutely Fine for me in both of these shoes I Haven't had any real issues to report in Terms of my running experience I would Say the hurricane 24 I'd say I describe The FIT of being of compared to the Glycerin Max feeling a touch more Luxurious it feels a little bit softer It's probably a a little bit less Structured than the one or the upper on The glycerin Max but I think ultimate Gives you as I said a very roomy feel Definitely all the way from the kind of 4 foot the mid foot and even to the the Back of the shoe as well too so if you Want something that definitely is going

To feel very accommodating whether you Have narrow feet or wide feet I think The hurricane 24 is going to be a good Fit I think it's a similar story with The Gin Max maybe slightly less wide but It's still very you know a very wide Fitting shoe I think maybe slightly more Room in the toes for me but not a huge Amount in it and the kind of space you Want to see ultimately if you're going To use it for longer runs and a similar Level of padding in areas like the Tongue kind of Hill color as well too Where I've had no kind of issues in Terms of the lockdown any kind of Hill Rub either so I think from my point of View I think they fit very well you know They fit very well on my usual size I Would say the hurricane 24 maybe is you Know a t less structured in terms of That overall fit but ultimately gives Similar qualities in terms of that Roominess in terms of that comfort as Well too and whereas with the Gin Max Again very accommodating but maybe Slightly more structured in terms of That overall fit and delivering that Kind of roomier kind of design and fit Overall the fit for me in these two Shoes pretty similar actually they're Both big comfortable cushion shoes with A lot of space in the midfoot and 4 foot For me I'm a size eight in the UK both Of these shoes have probably more space

Than I would normally expect from a shoe In my size um but I I find it very Comfortable as a result I don't have any Problems with to getting a lockdown fit In these shoes so I would stay to my Size in these shoes comes to fit other The two shoes it's been good for me in My normal size i' got a uk9 with both Which is a us10 for sakan Brooks that's A size I use across both Brands ranges And I've had no concerns with the fit at All it's been comfortable for me I've Had no heel irritation from either shoe Despite the fact they are quite padded And have you know internal heel counters On them which sometimes can annoy my Killes especially with Brooks shoes but I think there's been a slight change in The way Brooks does the heill counter on This shoe and yeah I've had no problems With either of them so I would stick to Your normal running shoe [Music] Size so both of these are shoes that I Really like I've been really enjoying Running in the glitzer in Max recently I'm a massive fan of Max cushion shoes I Like soft bouncy shoes that's my thing Um the hurricane is a shoe that I was Really surprised about on paper it Sounds like a chunk big stability shoe And historically I don't really like big Chunky stability shoes but it isn't Doesn't ride like a big chunky stability

Shoe it rides like a cushion shoe that Has a little bit stability that's very Very subtle um that only really comes Out if you really trying to feel it or If you really need some sort of Stability in your shoe so as a result It's a shoe that's got a lovely rolling Motion when you're out running in it it Rides a lot faster than what you'd Expect from a big chunky shoe like this Um and yeah it's a really solid Comfortable cushion shoe to to run in It's not particularly versatile shoe It's it it's still quite a big shoe um You can definitely feel it being a big Shoe on the feet it doesn't feel Particularly heavy um but it's got this Really wide base on it um which you Wouldn't normally associate with running Fast and picking up the pace and things Like that um but it's very comfortable So if you're going out for a daily run If you're going out for an easy session Um this is a fantastic shoe and that Stability is a really nice little Feature in it uh sort of kicks in when You when you're doing longer sessions in It so say you're running for you know Over 20k 30k and you're getting tired at The end of the run that stability kicks In and and it just feels like you're You're firmly your foot's firmly on the Ground um and it's nice to have that Subtle level of stability in there that

Doesn't necessarily o overwhelm you uh On the Run um but is there when you need It h really enjoyed running in this shoe And um for me I'd say the hurricane 24 Is just a fantastic um daily shoe long Run shoe to an extent depending on how Fast you do your long runs I wouldn't Use this shoe if I was doing faster Efforts Tempo efforts anything like that But if I was just going out doing a 25k Run 30k run and I wanted something solid Comfortable to run at my um comfortable Pace which would be like 5 minute 15 Kmers this is a great shoe for it lovely Lovely rocker action in it which just Keeps you moving lovely bit of Transition and lovely bit of stability So yeah really really like the hurricane 24 very surprising shoe now the Brooks Uh glycerin Max massive fan of the the Glycerins uh most of the previous Versions if not all of the previous Versions of the glycerin I've been a big Fan of um and obviously I like big Cushioned shoes um and this is a very Big cushion shoe um now when it comes to Brooks quite often stability is largely Baked into to their their range they're Very very keen on all their shoes being Quite stable um and sometimes it's to The detriment of the shoe because Sometimes you don't necessarily want the Stability as much as you want some other Things like bounce and energy return and

Stuff like that um but they've really Got it right with glycerin Max because Um you really do feel that big stack of Uh foam in there it feels very Comfortable it's not massive it's not The softest shoe out there but you can Definitely feel it it's very comfortable To wear for easy runs longer sessions And it's got a bit of energy return in It as well which is really nice for Longer sessions um so um as well as all That it's still quite a stable shoe as Well so it's really ticking a lot of Boxes when it comes to that Max cushion Shoe which a lot of shoes don't get Right a lot of shoes can have Max Cushioning and they lose a bit of Stability um and it means it's not as Good or accessible for all Runners uh I Think what Brooks has done here is um Taken uh a lot of the learnings from Their shoes kept things like stability In there and managed to create a shoe That is does feel like a Max stack shoe Cushion shoe which is very enjoyable to Wear very fun and also really helps you To run nice and consistently it's very Enjoyable to do a long run in this shoe Just bounces you along um subtly it's Not the most bouncy shoe in the world But you can feel it in there along with That stability um and it's just a solid Max stack option it's definitely a shoe That is accessible to a lot of people

And if you are looking for Max stack Cushion shoe um and you want something That is really solid and stable as well I think this is a really really good Option the other thing about these shoes As well is the outs Sal so the outs salt On the Brooks Glycerin Max fantastic Outso on that really really grippy thick Layer of rubber on there had no no Issues at all out on the run I presume One of the reasons for that is that the Midell phone does feel a little bit um More delicate than the phone that you Get on the hurricane 24 um so definitely There's there's a good layer of that uh Outside rubber on there to protect to Protect the uh the shoe but also it is Very grippy as well so I have no issues Out on the wet ground and it is very wet At the moment uh hurricane 24 solid out Soole as well it doesn't have um Covering on this big area in the a Little bit here but it also doesn't Showing that many signs of wear and tear For me and I've probably done about 80k In this shoe so far so yeah good Outsoles on both of these shoes onto the Run test I've logged a lot of miles in Both of these shoes including easy runs Long runs slightly faster stuff but Generally I've been using them for easy And long runs which is what they're Really designed for and they are two Very good cushion shoes two of my

Favorite cushion shoes of the year in Particular the S Huracan 24 has really Stood out for me as a shoe I didn't Really expect much of I didn't really Know if I was going to like it very much I haven't used the Hurrican line before And I don't tend to go for big cushy Stability shoes like this but it has Just a really enjoyable ride I found Like it runs a lot lighter than it is Got a really nice rocker on the shoe and I just found it very easy to get in sink With it and just tick over and even Though it's a big shoe it has a little Bit of spring to it the foam is soft but Never too cushy that in a way that would Annoy me sometimes a very soft shoe so All in all I found it a really good shoe To run in and it's one I go back to when I'm not testing other shoes for my Recovery runs in particular and then the Glycerin Max has got a really nice Rocket Ride as well it is noticeably Soft at the heer so it's a bit softer Than the huracane there and then it does Firm up a little bit as you roll for Your fruit St to get a little bit more Response off the for foot say it is a More versatile shoe than the Hurrican it Has a little bit more responsiveness in It I've gone out and done a 30k ease a Steady long run in the glycerin Max and Progress the pace a little bit in the Shoe last MK was done at a steady pace

And that's not something I'd really want To do in the hurcan but at the same time I didn't absolutely love doing it in the Glycerin Max either like it did feel Like a bit too much shoe at the end of That and I think it really does excel at The same kind of runs as the hurcan Which is those easy runs recovery runs Kind of General daily training did a run Wearing both at the same time and as I Do think the Brooks is a bit softer at The hill for sure and then they both Have noticeable rockers but I think the Brooks you know which I didn't notice so Much when I was running it by itself Just feels a bit blockier than the Hurcan actually when it comes to the Rocker and I think it might just be the Way they're shaped at the forfeit there I think you've got you know a longer Gradual rocker on the hurcan which I Find just you know makes it quite easy To flow with the shoe with the Brooks It's quite a sharp you know rocker at The end of the shoe there and most of The forfeit is very thick and high so I Think yeah it doesn't feel quite as Smooth to me as the hurricane does and The hurricane having that slightly fir Foam at the heel actually for me kind of Smooths out the transition to the foam At the for foot which is kind of equally Firm whereas you do get a softer feeling And slight different sensation with the

Brooks which is is nice but yeah I do Think you get a slightly smoother and More natural ride from the hurcan as a Result but they both do feel very good And like I said I do think you get Slightly more pop off the toes with the Brooks but neither shoes I'd class as Versatile myself so in terms of my Running time in these two shoes I've Done well over 50k in both and I would Say that my experience across the board Has been very good it was a couple of Runs early on with the hurricane 24 I Wasn't 100% sure I'd love the shoe but Actually it's worked very well for me Over time it's actually been one of my Favorite kind of you know Max cushion Shoes that definitely like the glycerin Max is less super trainer more kind of Easy recovery star shoe and those are The types of runs that I would grab These shoes for now the first thing to Say is that as I alluded to in the fit They're both pretty broad fitting shoes And I think what that does is you've got That big stack of cushioning which you Know I think on both shoes is just plush Enough for me I think not too soft um a Little bit resilience there maybe a Little bit more rebound and bounce in The glycerin Max one but it's spread on Both of them across a pretty broad wide Platform what that means and what that Delivers is a very stable feel I think

From start to finish in my runs and even When you start to Tire I think as I said I think the GL Max maybe gives you a Touch more bounce and a touch more Liveliness so if that's something you Want in your ride on your easy runs and I think maybe the G Max just slightly Edges it for me on that front but I Think there's a lot of similarities in Terms of that feeling ultimately you're Getting a midso that's very protective I Think I think is very comfortable I Think there's also you know coupled of That a kind of gentle kind of rocker There that kind of kind of rolls you Through very nicely on both of these Shoes the big thing for me I think the Big difference for me I've seen is that You're maybe getting a little bit more Life in that kind of cushioning from the Brook glycerin Max which is also the Slightly lighter shoe as well too but Actually the way it doesn't you know for Me hasn't factored in massively terms of Out Soldier ability both kind of focus That rubber on the key areas where they Think you're going to land and I think You know ability for me has looked very Good gripping has looked very good I Think maybe you're going to get touch More from a level of rub you're getting On the glycerin Max But ultimately I Think these are the shoes that going to You know withstand extended amount of

Running time and going to you know last You a good amount of time so from that Point of view that's something I'm not Really concerned about so yeah for me Shoes that are stable shoes first and Foremost are very comfortable uh feel Very consistent and you know offer a Nice feeling underfoot which I think is Just the right mix of plush and slightly Responsive or kind of firm more Resilient I would say probably the best Word um which you kind of want for those Longer easy runs where you just want Familiarity I think from start to finish And that's ultimately what these two Shoes give you which one should you go For I'll get into that [Music] Next okay my verdict on these two shoes Tricky one because I really like both of These shoes um and they both do a very Similar thing for what I want uh I think When it comes down to Wild would use These shoes it's going to be those easy Days it's going to be those slight Slightly longer sessions where I want Something comfortable where I'm not Worried about Pace uh and it's going to Be those long runs for marathon training Where um I want something that's going To keep my legs feeling comfortable and Fresh uh for up to 32k uh which is what I normally get to with my AR and Training uh I think both these shoes

Would would tick the boxes for me on That I think the the big difference Between these two shoes is probably the Feel of that midell foam uh I think the Uh hurricane doesn't necessarily have a Very energetic midell foam it you get More of consistent feeling of the Running through the rocker design it's Got a very smooth transition and justes Just move you along really nicely at a Good consistent Pace I think there's a Bit more to the midsole in the BS Glycerin Max I think there's a little Bit more energy return in it it's a Little bit softer uh and it's a bit more Fun to run in as well um and I'd Definitely Pro say that if I was going To do a Tempo effort or something I'm More likely to wear the glycerin Max Than I am the hurricane 24 but you get a Bit more stability in the hurric 24s It's Tricky it's a bit of a trade-off They're both shoes that I I use for the Same sorts of things but both of them Have a benefits that the other one Doesn't have so if it came down to it I Think I'm going to say that I'd go for The Brooks Glycerin Mac just because of The type of Runner I am I like a softer Bouncy and midsole really like the Hurricane 24 it's one of my favorite Shoes this year but I'm more likely to Pick up the shoe for the majority of my Runs just because I like that sort of

Midso a little bit more than the um the More stable um midsole that you get in 24 H 24 isn't a ridiculously firm shoe It's not noticeably a stability shoe but I think there's just a little bit more In the Brooks Glycerin Max for my style Of running so my vot is whether you Should go for the S hurricane 24 or the Brooks Glycerin Max now ultimately these Are very good Max cushion easy day shoes One is cheaper than the other the Huracane 24 is about 20 pound cheaper in The UK than the glycerin Max I think Ultimately they are designed for the Same types of runs I think you know if You are thinking about price point then I would go for Hurricane 24 that's ultim Me going to give you a similar Experience and give you all those kind Of qualities you want from a um you know A Max cushion easy day shoe it's pitched As a stability shoe But ultimately I'm a Neutral Runner I've had no problems Getting on with that so don't let that Rule it out for you I think the big Thing you're getting from the glycerin Max I think over the hurricane 24 is Maybe a slightly more pronounced kind of Bouncier kind of feel underf foot which If you prefer that in a recovery you Know easy easy day shoe then that I Think that's what it's going to get you Here over the hurricane 24 again if it Was my money I be the hurricane 24 spend

You know save yourself a little bit of Money go for this shoe it's going to Work for the same types of runs as the Glycerin mats and give you a really Comfortable stable controlled feeling For your short runs and your long runs As it comes to the verdict this is a Pretty easy one for me because I do like Both of these shoes I think they're both Really good shoes but I do like the Huracan more and it's also the cheaper Shoe especially in the US it's Substantially cheaper than the Brooks so Yeah I would go for the S Huracan 24 out Of these wouldn't be put off by the fact It's a stability shoe if you're a Neutral Runner I'm a neutral Runner it's My favorite cushion shoe of the year so Far so yeah all around I think the Hurrican is a really good shoe to go for If you just looking for something to Hoover up a lot of mileage if you are Looking for a really cushioned daily Trainer that you are going to use for Some slightly faster efforts I think the Glycerin Max does have a bit more Versatility to it but I wouldn't expect Anything too remarkable from it on that Front is still mainly a heavy com for Shoe that's best used for cruising Around in at relaxed Paces but yeah good Shoes I'd go for the hurricane myself As a comparison of the Hurrican 24 and The glycerin Max let us know what you

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