The Brooks Hyperion Max 2 is a plated daily trainer that Brooks says is designed to be fast and protective for training at top speed. It comes with a bigger, softer midsole stack than the Hyperion Max, a plate to add stiffness, a pronounced rocker for snappy roll through and some snappy-looking new lightweight mesh uppers. But is it the fast trainer you’ve been looking for? We’re here with a multi-tester review to help you decide if Brooks has made one of the best daily trainers in 2024. Hit play to find out.
0:00 – Intro
0:25 – Details: Stack height, Weight, Price
0:54 – Shoe Whip Round
1:59 – How’s the fit?
3:40 – The Run Test
12:24 – Verdict
Hey people welcome to the Run testers And our review of the Brooks Hyperion Max 2 a plated daily trainer that Brooks Says is designed to be fast and Protective for training at top speed it Comes with a bigger softer mid sto stack Than the Hyperion Max a plate to add Stiffness a pronounced rocker for snappy Roll through you've got new lightweight Mesh offers and a very very pretty new Look but is it the faster trainer you've Been looking for well we're here with a Multi-tester review to help you Decide those quick details first then The snack height comes in 34 m in the Heel 28 m in the 4T for a 6 mil drop it Weighs in at 9.2 o or 261 G in my UK Men's and a half test shoe there's a Couple of ounces heavier than the Previous generation but still lighter Than something like a soin speed 4 on Price it will set you back 160 in the UK And $180 in the US that's a 10 Buck bump Over the original Hyperion Max let's take a close look at the shoe Then and there's a big update here where Hyperion Max was quite similar to the Hyperion this shoe now creates much more Differentiation with that bigger softer Now Max stack of nitrogen infused DNA Loft V2 phone Brooks says that's 10% More responsive than the regular DNA Loft that you'll find in the Hyperion Max original shoe there's 4 mil extra
Cush under the hill six mil under the Toes so the idea is more cushion but Also more response there's a rapid roll Rocker here that works in tandem with Brook's speed Vault plate that's in the Shoe that provides some stiffness that's Aiming to encourage quicker Transitions And turnover up top you've got a really Lightweight mesh upper that keeps things Pretty minimal almost race ready it's a Very airy feel and a roomy accommodating Toe box nicely medium padded heel collar And gusseted wrapping tongues with just Enough structure so they're not flimsy If you flip the shoe over there's a good Covering of out soole grip in the main Areas here with this one large 4ft pad And well covered heel impact areas There's also a bit of a groove cut out Here uh which could be a stone catcher The fit of the Brooks hyperium Max 2 I Am a size 8 in the UK I found this to be A very comfortable shoe at my size so I Definitely stay to my size in this shoe It's quite a wide shoe there's lots of Space in the four foot bit of space in Front of the toe uh and it's just a very Comfortable shoe but the upper itself is Actually pretty pretty good lock down Despite the fact that it's fairly roomy So I did find it pretty easy to get a Nice comfortable fit straight away and It felt absolutely fine on run so i' Stay to my size in this shoe so in
Testing I ran in a UK and a half which Is my regular shoe size in Brooks and I Love the fit it's brilliantly roomy in The toe box here but holds well in the Heels and across the midfoot I think This is a really unfussy easy shoe to Get comfortable in and the lightweight Uppers make for a brilliant disappearing Feel on the foot in fact it was that Kind of comfortable spacious fit more Than the rider convinced me to give this Shoe a go for the first section of the Berlin w 100 mile ultra I knew I needed Space for my toes to spread out and this Was one of the few shoes that I was Considering that felt accommodating Enough for that but more on that later In the meantime overall I would Recommend going true to size in this Shoe comes to the fit of the Hyperion Max 2 I've got my normal running shoe Size here which is a uk9 which is a us10 For Brooks that's a size I use across The Brooks range and it has fit me very Well in that size I've got enough room In the toe box without any kind of Cramping or too much space or anything Like that got a good hold around the Heand midfoot it's quite a minimal upper But I've not had any discomfort there's Enough padding there for it to be Supportive and comfortable for daily Training and the he design is quite well Done I found I haven't had any rubbing
Of my heel or Achilles or anything like That so I would stick to your normal Size with the Hyperion Max 2 now in testing I've run close to 150 Mies in the Brooks Hyperion Max 2 I've Done a really wide range of mileage from All out top Pace efforts to slow and Easy 10ks I also ran 41 miles of my Recent Burling wall 100 miler in around 8 hours wearing the hyper Max 2 I was Averaging around 10 minute miles which Is the easier end of my pace now I'm Going to come straight out with it I Really like this shoe for me it improves On the Hyperion Max that extra DNA Loft V2 cushioning add some welcome Protection but without feeling mushy it Treads like a happy middle ground Between being cushioned enough for easy Ming provided you like things a bit Stiffer there's enough snap in it as Well I think to push marathon pace Efforts comfortably too it's perhaps not The most energetic daily trainer going It doesn't fire you along with springy Bouncy steps it's a bit more subtle I Think lots of Runners might want more For their allout speed sessions but I Don't mind that kind of subtlety at all I think this could be a really good Marathon option for people who want Something light and kind of racy and Fast feeling but safe in the knowledge That there's enough protection there too
It's a versatile tool to have in a Rotation as well you can kick up the Gears or Cruise in the shoe quite Happily it won't give you the punch of a Carbon race shoe but it will offer that Light racy feel without the risk of Running tired and a shoe that's too Aggressive a minimal leaves you out to Dry the wide Bay here offers good Stability and a platform I said it about The night Pegasus 24 and I think it's True here if you're a 4 to 6our Marathon Bracket Runner this could be well worth A look for racing in another word on the Uppers I ran those 40 miles in Berlin in 24 to 27° C heat and I really Appreciated the Airy feel that was a big Tick here for this shoe when it comes to Durability I've put lots of miles in and It's showing no signs worrying signs of Wear so I expect to be able to eat long Miles as well I also love the look of The shoe I think this might be Brook's Best looking shoe yet and hopefully sign Of things to come from the brand I've Done around 55k of running in the Hyperion Max 2 using it for a range of Training runs easy and faster Paces with My longest run being a 22k easy to Steady run starting at around 430 PK Pace and moving down to around 340 PK Pace I'd say and have really enjoyed Testing the shoe I do think it's a more Versatile and impressive all round shoe
Than the original Hyperion Max which I Did quite like as a very lightweight Nimble trainer that was a little bit Different to lots of other stuff on the Market but I don't think it was a shoe That was going to have really Mass Appeal it was probably a little bito too Lightweight and not comfortable enough And didn't really fit the definition of A super trainer these days which is to Have a a big stack of foam and some kind Of plate in there and I do think the Hyper Max 2 is a much more versatile Shoe and one I think that will work for A wider range of Runners because of that It's more comfortable when it comes to Easy run pace and still has enough pop And speed for those faster runs even if It's not you know a really lightweight Shoe like the original so as ever with Brooks one thing old really value with Their shoes is they do have a very Consistent and kind of resilient ride From the Foams in the midside like They're not very soft and springy these Foams that Brooks has and it's a bit of A Mark against them when it comes to Racing shoes and even super trainers Like this but that consistent feel Underfoot does give you a bit more Stability and in the case of the Hyperion Max 2 it does mean the shoe Works really well for you a wide range Of training runs like it has enough
Comfort there for easy runs and long Runs the DNA flash PH does still have Enough responsiveness for faster efforts I wouldn't necessarily say it's at the Top end when it comes to speed among Super trainers I think you're going to Get faster shoes in this category for Sure it doesn't really have the feel of A shoe that might replace a racing shoe In any way I wouldn't be one that I'd Reach for to go and do like really hard Intervals down at the track or that kind Of thing but as a daily trainer that can Handle faster stuff it does that well it Can do Tempo runs those easy to steady Runs I've talked about that kind of Thing it does them really well and it Has a lot of comfort and support for Just Flatout easy runs I do think this Is a shoe you can you know really pole About in quite happily when you're Looking at these super trainers plated Trainers whatever you want to call them It's at that more daily trainer end and It's a shoe that you can pull on more or Less every day doesn't necessarily have You know lots of Flatout speed but I do Think it is a very verstile shoe and Certainly has more range than the Original Hyperion Max which you know I Think a lot of people would have found Not cushioned enough in this day and age To use for everything another thing I Often find with brck shoes is that the
Longer you run in them like on an Individual run the more they kind of Grow on you and that is the case with The Hyperion Max 2 like there's no signs Of bottoming out or anything like that On that 22k run it just feels really Good you know moving from those easy Paces down to faster Paces the shoe Feels you know pretty similar underf Foot it has that nice rocker got a bit Of Pop from the foam and you know Whatever speed you're moving at it does Kind of facilitate that quite well up to A point like I say I don't think it has Massive top end speed I do think it's a Shoe that would be really good for Someone who's racking up a lot of miles In marathon training he wants to use a PL trainer doing a lot of runs where You're not necessarily just doing lots Of completely easy runs and you want to Shoe that has a bit of range it Definitely has that kind of range so I Never had the opportunity to test the Original Hyperion Max um and I'd heard Mixed reviews of that shoe uh when I Pick this shoe up when you put it in Your hand when you when you pick it up It feels quite nice it feels like uh There's definitely a big sack of Cushioning in there looks like the kind Of shoe that I would I would like for my Training faster training daily sessions Things like that uh what I found about
This shoe is that I've um I've just been Out and uh I've been filming some bits And pieces for various shoes and when I Did the running in this shoe with uh Well I was trying to get some um video Clips of it um I noticed that it did Feel a little bit hard but it wasn't Until I put on the other shoes to record Uh some shots with those shoes and that Included things like the Brooks ghost Max 2 um and the New Balance Rebel V4 I Really noticed the difference when I put Those shoes on in this shoe it is very Stiff um and I think for some people That works really well this shoe you can Really feel that plate in there you can Real really feel that rigid midsole um But also it's got a quite a noticeable Rocket in it as well so where some shoes You um especially daily shoes that are Designed for faster sessions as well Some of that speed some of that Efficiency comes from the bounce in the Mid tole this is all about Responsiveness uh it's all about that Rocker motion you can pick up quite a Nice Pace in this shoe um but it really Doesn't work for me because I regardless Of what I'm using the shoe for I still Like to have a little bit of softness in The midsole that's a preference for me I Think some people who are looking for a Daily trainer that is a bit bit firmer a Little bit um more responsive has a
Little bit of a kick in it from the Plate alongside that mid cell foam it Probably works very well but for me it's A very noticeable um uh FMA midsole and A very rigid shoe all over thanks to That plate as well what I would say About it though is that um it feels like A very stable shoe probably because of a Combination of all of those factors uh And it's got this really wide base on it As well so it does feel like a very Stable shoe when you're out on the run So if you're the sort of Runner that Wants a daily training shoe that can go A bit faster but you want something very Stable you don't want the wobbly bouncy Foams that some of the shoes have this Might be a good option for you it Definitely feels very secure on the Ground but in the testing that I've done In it so I've done a couple of interv Sessions in this and a couple of easy Runs in the shoe uh what I found is that On easy runs I didn't enjoy it it it Just didn't have any sort of uh Enjoyment for me on on running at a Slower pace which for me would be 5 Minute kilometers it just felt very firm Um and I I just didn't enjoy running it Um for extended period of time at a Slower Pace um when I picked up the pace In it definitely kicked into gear then It does feel very resp responsive it Does feel very py it feels like you can
Pick up the paast quite quickly in this Shoe doesn't feel like there's any Bounce in it it just feels like it's Responsive from that firmer Midol foam Um which is conducive to picking up the Pace and really uh speeding up when you Need to but I don't think I'd want to Use it for uh a race or um for extended Period of longer training so if I was Doing something like a a Tempo session If I was running for maybe a couple of Hours as part of our marathon training This just feels a little bit too Uncomfortable for me because of the Style of shoe it is I much prefer a Softer shoe regardless of what um what Run I'm doing and I think I would Struggle a little bit with the um Stiffness in this shoe um for those Longer runs I didn't dislike running in It it just isn't really a shoe that Works particularly well for me I do Think it is a solid trainer I didn't Have any major issues with it it's just It's my style of running doesn't Necessarily work very well with this Shoe but it's got the rocker does work Really well and if you want a bit of a Firmer ride it's really nice to get a Consistent flowing pace of this cuz the Rocker just pushes you forward you get a Nice kick from that plate and that that Responsiveness from the midell foam so If this shoe uh on it looks like it will
Work for you because of that's the sort Of shoe you want then it's probably Going to be a really good option but for Me it just didn't really work that Well so my verdict on the Brooks Hyperium Max 2 I think it's an Interesting shoe and I think it's spe a Specific shoe for a certain type of Runner I think if you want a firmer ride I think if you want a stiffer plated Experience I think you want a nice Rocker in a shoe all those things are in This shoe and for some people I think it Will work really well I think for a lot Of people now that you probably expect Softer rides in shoes you expect energy Return you expect bounce I don't think You get it from this shoe um so it does Deliver on what it's trying to do but uh For me it's not the right type of shoe I Much prefer shoes like the soc andin Speed 4 things like the New Balance Rebel be for shoes that just have a Little bit more give them a little bit More energy return when you're picking Up the pace so I definitely wouldn't use This um as a marathon training shoe or Anything like that I think for me it Works best at those shorter distances Where I don't mind the uh lack of Softness too much but um I wouldn't go Too far in this shoe just because it's Not uncomfortable uh it just doesn't I Just don't enjoy it as much as I do with
Some of those other shoes that got a Little bit more um little bit more to The midsole uh than is in the shoe but I Do think it's a solid shoe from Brooks And I think it's definitely something That will work for a lot of people just For me I just want softness uh as you Probably know if you watch the channel Verdict then and I absolutely love a Versatile shoe and this is 100% a Versatile shoe up to a point it's not The fastest springest bounciest daily Trainer the ride is more subtle than That but there is response when you push The pace but it requires you to do some Of the work first I think you have to Run this shoe it doesn't run you like Some daily trainers might but I like That it's also one of those shoes that Quickly vanishes into the background and Just lets you go about your business That toned down aggression and that Extra cushion makes this adaptable Enough to accommodate faster and slower Miles the fit and foot feel I think is Excellent it's light it's roomy it's Disappearing without feeling loose it Somehow hits a balance between feeling Racy and roomy I don't think it's got The top speed of like the sock indor and Speed 4 but I'm going to give the Hyperion Max to really high praise Because I think it's a shoe that's a Close rival and that cheaper price tag
Only adds to the appeal of this shoe so Comes to the verdict I do think the Hyperion Max 2 is a really good shoe and It's a shoe that Brooks has definitely Been missing in its range like a really Versatile plated trainer I just think They had a lot of very good comfortable Cushion daily trainers like the glycerin Ghost ghost Max and all those and then Some quite nice fun lightweight shoes Like the Hyperion and the Hyperion Max Original but they lacked I I think a Plated shoe like this which is you know Increasingly popular kind of shoe these Days that is that shoe that can do it All with a lightweight but still Comfortable design like this obviously This is a very very competitive area of The market though and the hyper Max I Think does offer something a little bit Different to lots of shoes by being a Bit more stale and slightly firmer than Some of the other shoes out there but There are shoes out that I personally Would probably rank a little bit ahead Of it or find a little bit more Versatile and or maybe just a little bit More fun so if you are looking for a Soft and springy ride from your kind of Plated daily trainer then the mauno Neo Vista certainly delivers more of that Than the Hyperion Max too it's a much Softer and bouncier shoe it's a bit Lighter has similar levels of
Versatility but a very fun ride if you Do like that kind of soft and Squishy Feel underfoot there's also the new hak X2 which I really enjoyed testing of L Got a review coming soon and that's the One sh in particular that I think makes The Hyperion Max 2 a really hard sell Because the Mac X2 is still pretty Stable and comfortable it has the kind Of same benefits on that front that the Brooks ieri Max 2 has but it is bouncier It is a bit livelier I think it's got a Bit more speed in it and I just kind of Prefer the feel of it all around so That's one i' have ahead of it as well You certainly got super trainers and Plated trainers that have a bit more Speed as well like things like the S and DF and speed 4 Adidas Boston 12 like I Like those shoes for everything Especially the sing endorphin speed 4 I Do find that a comfortable shoe for easy Runs lot of people wouldn't I think that The Hyperion Max is probably a bit more Supportive and comfortable on easy Paces But the speed and the Boston both do Have more Pace when it comes to your Fastest training sessions or even Looking at them as you know a race Day Option instead of very expensive carbon Shoes there's also the Puma DV8 Nitro 3 In this category which I think is quite Similar to the the Brooks Hyperion Max All around but I do prefer the Brooks
That is one you I just didn't really get On with the Puma all around either in Terms of the fit and the ride feeli I'd Certainly prefer the hyperium max 2 out Of those two shoes there's some Plateless options as well if you are Looking for do all shoes that are quite Lightweight fast but still comfortable And don't want to use a plated shoe you Can look at things like the New Balance Rebel V4 the homac 6 and the ax nose Blast 4 all really good shoes going to Get a little bit more pop out of the Hyperion Max 2 thanks to its plate but They're fairly comparable I think in the Runs that you could do in them Especially something like the Nova which Is a very comfortable shoe the new Balance and the hoker maybe aren't quite Cushioned enough for some people to look At doing lots of miles in and that is The area I think the hyper Max 2 can Stand out a bit though is it is a really Good option for doing lots of long miles I think because it is supportive and Stable it has that range you can just go Out the door run at a mix of Paces quite Comfortably and you know do a lot of Miles and then go again the next day I Think it is a really good shoe for that Purpose if you are going into a big Marathon training block and don't want Anything too soft and Squishy underfoot For lots of daily miles but still want a
Plated shoe Hyperion maxu is one to look At for sure I would also certainly check Out the Hoka ma X to myself so certainly Asue I enjoyed running in I think it's a Nice option to have on the market as a Slightly more stable super trainer Definitely a shoe Brooks needed in its Range but I think in this competitive Area of the market there are still shoes That I would pick up ahead of it but Yeah did like hyper Max 2 I think it's a Good shoe so there you have it that's Been our review of the Brooks hypo Max 2 We hope you found it helpful as ever We'd love you to hit the like And Subscribe buttons if you're not already If you did enjoy it if you've running The hyper Max 2 let us know how you Found it in the comments below if you're After a daily trainer I'm going to pop Another video up on the channel now that I think you should check out you'll Enjoy that one go and have a look Otherwise thanks for stopping by and We'll see you next time on the Run Testers in the meantime happy running People