Checkout tha boyz here:
Nate’s Instagram:
Nate’s Youtube:
Size reference im 5’7, 140lbs:
Premium cropped tee (size small):
Baggy Jeans (medium wash, size 29w 30L):
Olive padded vest (size small):
Vegan leather jacket (size small):
Cropped flannel (size medium):
Oversized knit sweater (size small):
Double Breasted long coat (size small):
Ultra Baggy Camo Cargos (29w 30L):
Brown sambas (womens colourway, go up a size):
Black leather belt:
Follow me on Instagram:
Follow me on TikTok:
Never would I have imagined that ABI Would be one of my go-to places to buy Clothes here we are all these years Later and I'm on the hunt for some of The best fall clothes to buy right now But I brought some hope with me are my Guys Nate and Daniel what's going on Guys Nate Thompson I do men's fashion Content as well what are we looking for At a man I need some new pants what's Going on I'm Daniel I do fashion content As well on IG looking for some nits and I'm pretty sure abber comi has a couple That I want to take a look Finally pulled up let's check it Out all right first thing catching my Eye are these leather jackets these Things are super clean it's got a nice Wash Detail to it so this is definitely Something I want to check out and it Looks like it has a cropped fit this is Actually the vest that Nate was just Wearing and honestly I think I might Just repeat his outfit this long top Coat can make a great addition for any Dressed up look especially for fall and Winter so let's give it a go cropped Flannel in this cream color could Definitely be a Vibe so I'm going to Check this one out too and you guys I Love me a knit Sweater on the T all right Nate what' we get all right So as we know I did go in for some pants
I didn't end up finding any pants today This is the cropped thermal from abber Cromie thermals are great for layering Love this gray color and of course Knitwear is perfect for the fall winter Time so highly recommend this Cable in This sweater as well all right so there Was also one pair of baggie camo cargo Pants I've been dying to show you guys Daniel didn't end up copying anything But let's keep it moving to the try I need to make a quick pit stop at Plato's Closet I literally have four Bags of clothes filled with a few Different shoes like some SAS I have Doubles of these by the way that's why I'm getting rid of them couple boots Couple oncloud sneakers some false stuff So let's see what I can get and for Those that don't know Plato's Closet is A place where you bring in your used or New clothing and they give you Money hi there how are you I'm good you Good thanks got four bags wonderful Remember last name first name and Submission all right and for anyone Who's never used their service before it Is the most Hit or Miss Place sometimes You can get $50 sometimes you can get Like $3 $400 they just told me it's Going to be about an hour wait but Luckily with the magic editing and boom Just like that $215 that's actually not that bad I'm
Going to be honest they didn't take Everything they took all of the shoes um But they did leave some stuff which I'm Going to donate but I am so excited to Try these on so let's finally get into It okay finally back home let's throw These outfits together and to do that I'm going to hang each item up this is From Ikea by the Way I'll give the items a quick steam And set up not one not two but three Cameras the base t-shirt I'll be wearing In this video is also from abomi it is The premium heavyweight crop t-shirt and The first clothing item I want to talk To you guys about is is the abomi baggie Jeans there is no better time of the Year to wear jeans than the fall time And if you are in the market I highly Recommend these if you are looking for a Looser fit the best part okay these are Usually $90 they are currently at the Time of making this video 15% off so I'll be sure to leave links in the Description for you guys to check out And for sizing I'm wearing a size 29 Waist 30 length and as you can tell They're just about to hit the floor so They do fit a bit long I'm rocking them On feet with my brown Somas as well as a Quilted leather belt but yeah if you Guys are in the market for a pair of Baggy jeans then I highly recommend These now this outfit is very simple in
Nature and there's one accessory that Abomi sells that can make it infinitely Better and that is of course a quilted Vest okay this is the one that Nate was Wearing in the video it's Olive and I Absolutely love the contrast piping that It has it's not really contrast but it's A bit darker it's slightly padded it's Got pockets along the front and if you Guys are just looking for a subtle Accessory to sort of improve any outfit Then this is definitely the one and guys The absolute best feature it's got a Double zipper who doesn't love a double Zipper now it doesn't need to be worn on Its own okay you can get your favorite Jacket and pair it over top top of the Vest and suddenly you have an outfit That has a little bit more layering Opportunities once again this vest is $90 and it's currently on sale next up Is this cropped vegan leather trucker Jacket this thing comes in three Different colors for $150 if you guys saw the inore part of The video you would see that they came With a washed version of this which I Think looks the best really clean Looking in terms of the sizing and fit This is a size small and it honestly Fits true to size there's absolutely no Complaints with the outerwear so far the Sleeves fit exactly where I want them to The only gripe that I have about this
Jacket is it is a little bit tight in The armpit area so if you were somebody Who sweats a lot just keep that in mind This is my experience you may have Something completely different next up We have this cropped flannel and I have Been dying to try this one out it cost $70 and it comes in 10 different shades And the reason I've been so excited to Test it out is because it makes for a Great layering option in the fall time Especially because it comes in a cropped Fit you can throw this underneath your Favorite jacket it's going to add Texture to the outfit it's going to add An additional pattern and it's a great Layering option we all know layering Makes outfits better this is the perfect Example of what I was referring to as You can see it sits exactly at the waist With the jacket that I'm wearing and the Cream color matches the racing stripe on The jacket regardless I think this is Definitely we trying out but also it's Kind of got the hamster wheel spinning a Bit because I could just easily crop Some of my own flannels that I no longer Wear all right next up is the oversized Waffle crew sweater this thing is Extremely cozy and comfortable it's very Slouch because of that oversized fit so This really does feel like a very warm Easy to wear throw on sweater and Knitwear as we know is essential for the
Fall time especially this year so either Way if you're in the market for some Knitwear I highly recommend this one It's just super easy cozy and this cream Color I mean it's like one of the Easiest colors to style all of cargo you Know baggie jeans you name it it's going To look great all right guys this next Clothing item I honestly need your Opinion on okay this is a double Breasted long coat and let me just just Tell you I absolutely love this thing It's really really nice and but standing At 5'7 I feel like this is just a little Bit too long if you guys know what I Mean I'm dying to know what you guys Think because this is $240 so it's not cheap but it's very Good quality okay I want to make that Clear I is it worth the price I don't Know it depends on how much you would Wear it this is definitely a type of Clothing item that can make you appear Shorter just because of how little of Your legs it shows but even like the Sleeve lengths are absolutely perfect Like there would be zero in required so Let me be clear if you are like 6 ft or Higher this is definitely something that I recommend getting but for all the Short Kings out there might be a skip All right and the item that I was most Excited to try on are these Ultra baggy Camo pants and guys I got to be honest
These things are very very cool I love The details on these and they do come in A few different varieties and let me Just say they are very baggy as the Title says Ultra baggy so what I did is I did change the shoes and the top to Something a little bit baggier and wider Just to improve the proportions of the Outfit and yeah sometimes you want to Just wear baggy clothes and sneakers and I feel like these would be perfect for That type of look I'm sure it can be Frustrating sometimes but sometimes I Want to dress Street Wear sometimes I Want to dress men's wear like that's Just how it is I dress based on the mood So let me know if that resonates with You I'm sure I can't be the only one out There but guys it's been a slice hanging Out with you guys if you have yet to see My uniel version of this video check it Out right here where you'll find some of The best unial clothing items why don't We click on it and I'll meet you guys There