
Welcome back Reshoevn8tion to this weeks Sneaker Care Academy Video????????. We have sneaker care expert Jordan back on camera???? cleaning a pair of Dior B23 Lows. These Dior sneakers are being sold for upwards of $1,100 dollars????, so let’s hope Jordan can bring them back to life.

Step 1: Pre-Treatment ????
The First steps of the pre treatment process are to take out the laces and insert Reshoevn8r shoe trees, and then remove surface level dirt by going over the uppers with a dry brush.
Step 2: Cleaning Process????
When cleaning any pair of sneakers you will want to use the soft brush on the uppers, insole, and laces, medium brush on the midsole, and the stiff brush on the outsole for a deep clean.
Step 3: How to Use Sneaker Laundry System????
Put shoes in Sneaker laundry bag with soles touching, and tighten clasps so the bag can clean the shoes in the wash. Always put your shoes on a cold cycle for only 30-45 minutes, and let the washing machine do the work!
Step 4: Drying Process☀️
NEVER put your shoes in the dryer, it can cause them to shrink. Let them dry in the sun or with a fan but always ensure that all parts of the shoe dry evenly.

If you want to clean your sneakers just as good as Jordan cleaned these Diors hit the link to pick up your very own signature kit‼️:

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We're going to be putting these $1,100 Shoes in the washing machine what could Go wrong in today's video I'm going to Show you four simple tips and tricks to Clean almost every sneaker in your Collection after you watch this whole Video you'll know how to clean up your Shoes even the most busted pairs so Let's get straight into this Cleaning I'm Jordan and I've been Working at rejuvenator for the past 3 Years throughout that time I have Learned almost every technique to Properly clean your shoes before we jump Into using our signature cleaning kit I'm going to walk you through the four Tips that you need to clean your shoes We're going to walk you through our Pre-treatment method our cleaning method How to properly use the washing machine And how to allow your sneakers to dry Without causing damage so once we get Through those four tips and tricks You'll be fully ready to rock your shoes With confident all right for before and After purposes you already know we only Clean one shoe on the channel so I'm Going to go ahead set this shoe to the Side and then we're going to set up our Cleaning station for the first tip and Trick of this video we're going to show You how to properly pre-treat this Sneaker so for the first step we're Going to remove our laces and insert our

Adjustable Sho tree before we start dry Brushing using our soft bristle brush to Remove as much surface dirt as possible The main purpose of this pre-treatment Is just to brush off all of the surface Dirt so that we don't push it further Into the materials the main problem will Be the stitching stitching is the Hardest to clean on every sneaker so if You can dry brush some of the dirt off The stitching it definitely helps also With this material specifically it is a Canvas underneath this plastic line in So it is super tricky to get deep into The materials so as much dirt as you can Remove is the best way to do it now that We're all done with the pre-treatment Side we're going to walk you through the Next tips and tricks which is the Cleaning process using all three brushes And our all natural solution now for the First step of the cleaning process it's Going to be the same on pretty much Every sneaker the only difference is When you're cleaning suede for this we Use the soft bristle brush on the entire Uppers you're going to scrub in multiple Directions don't apply too much pressure Onto the material materals and then You'll pat dry as you go with the Microfiber towel you do have to be Mindful on some shoes because there can Be color bleeding now we're going to Move over to our medium bristle brush

Which is the second part of a cleaning Process we're going to hit the rubber Hatchwork mides as well as some of those Deeper stainings on this back little tab I am noticing that there is some deeper Spots on the midsoles I'm going to be Using a different technique and using Our microfiber towel and my finger this Is just kind of a pro tip won't need it In every cleaning the third step of the Cleaning method is to use the stiff Bristle brush the stiff bristle brush Works really well on the rubber outsoles I'm also going to use it on the rubber Midsoles just to go over it again for That deeper staining don't use this on Any other material other than hard Rubbers because it can cause damage We're almost done with the cleaning Process we used all three brushes and Our natural solution we mixed two Squirts of solution with a 4 oz bowl of Water then we want the extra step and Use this little pick that we stole from Vic to get the gum out of the outsole Now for the last tip and trick of the Cleaning process we're going to remove The shoe tree remove the insole and Properly scrub the interior of the Sneaker using the medium bristle brush Now the main reason that I clean the Insole and the interior of the sneaker Is just to provide a more deep and Effective clean it not only removes the

Grime on the insole but it also helps Remove the odor that could be in there For the last step of the cleaning side Of the process we are going to be taking Care of these grimy laces now there's a Couple different ways that you can clean Laces you can rub them between your Hands and then squeeze out the excess Water you can use the soft bristle brush If needed I personally use the soft Bristle brush on the thicker laces like For SB Dunks these aren't super thick so I'm just going to use my hands and then We'll ring out the excess water and set Them in the lace pouch of the laundry Bag all right third tip and trick is how To properly wash your sneakers in the Washing machine now we don't recommend That you wash all sneakers in the wash But canvas some Leathers mesh knit They're totally okay don't wash super Old sneakers cuz they can crumble but For these they are perfectly okay we Even cleared it with Vic Almighty so now We're going to be putting it in the Renator laundry bag this laundry bag can Hold up to a size 12 high tops since we Only have one shoe it's going to have a Lot of room in there we're going to lock It down hold the shoe in there properly Just by pushing down these little Locking mechanisms on both of them next Step is flipping over to the little lace Pouch inserting our laces as well as our

Laund laundry pod our laundry detergent Pod can clean up to four pairs of shoes The main benefit of this is that it's Clear so there's no dye so it won't Cause any damage to your sneakers in the Washing machine the main benefit of the Laundry bag is that it not only protects Your sneakers while it's going around in The wash cycle it also is made to scrub The sneakers as it goes which provides a Deep and effective clean every time so Let's go to the laundry room put these In and we'll show you the cycle that you Need we're going to wash them on a quick Wash using cold water never wash your Sneakers with anything other than cold Water you can use a normal wash or a Quick wash recommend about 30 to 45 Minutes in the washing machine and then We'll pull them out of the washer and Allow them to Dry all right the fourth step of the Cleaning is going to be the drying Process however one thing is you never Ever want to put your shoes in the dryer Even on the coldest setting it can cause Damage to the sneaker it can break down The glue which will eventually lead to So separation and even on some materials It can shrink them so your shoes will Never really fit the same again now for Us we use our drying rack we know not Everybody has that so we highly Recommend either using the Sun or a fan

To dry your sneakers evenly so now that You know how to properly dry your shoes Let's go wrap up this cleaning now Before I bring in the before and after I Just want to hit on a couple points These were a customer shoes they were Dropped off by one of our good friends Over at Taco Boy you've seen them on the Channel before for it's Vick's goto Lunch spot so since they always hook us Up with tacos we did give them the white Glove service and the most premium clean You also can find our cleaning services Online we offer a couple different Services our signature cleaning White Glove cleaning on yellowing you can ship Your shoes right to our headquarters and One of our shoe Care Specialists will Take care of them also you never know They might end up on the channel we also Have a drop off cleaning service if you Are local to Arizona you can bring in Your shoes we offer all all the same Services and our shoe care specialist Will take good care of you now let's Bring in that before and After so as you can see this is a night And day difference this shoe covered in Mud grease dirt I don't even know this One is shining bright before we wrap up The cleaning you know we got to talk About the shoe the Dior b23 features the Canvas material with the Dior branding As well as this Patchwork midsole it is

One of the best Dior sneaker releases it Does come in a couple different colors It comes in the black and white it comes In an all black pair and an all white Pair and it also comes in a high top let Us know if you're rocking with the lower Version of the b23s or if you like the High tops or if designer sneakers just Aren't really your Vibe let's bring in The product and completely wrap up this Cleaning to achieve these results we use The rejuvenator signature cleaning kit Comes with everything that you need to Clean over 50 pairs of shoes it comes With three different brushes 4 oz Cleaning solution two shoe trees a Laundry bag and a microfiber towel to Completely keep your collection clean we Also paired it with our cleaning mat Highly absorbent machine washable and Can be used for multiple cleanings and We paired it with our non-dyed laundry Detergent pods these smell absolutely Amazing and pack enough power to clean Four pairs of shoes with just one pot we Also paired it with our drying rack and Bowl combo to store our brushes as well As store our water and solution during The cleaning you can find all of our Products and so much more at renator Tocom use my link in the description Save yourself 10% off and while you're On the site make sure you sign up for Our email newsletter we have exclusive

Content exclusive discounts and so much More just through our email list if You're new here make sure you subscribe If you like today's video hit the thumbs Up button first comment will win a Signature kit just for you that's going To wrap up today's shoare Academy video I'm Jordan and I'll see you guys again Soon Bye [Music]