Trashing the owner of the company’s shoes while he is on vacation might not have been the smartest plan from the production team… But we did it anyway!
Steve’s personal pair of the Tiffany Air Force 1’s was brought in for a quick cleaning ad and turned into the most ridiculously dirtied pair of shoes for a full cleaning. Now there was a lot that could’ve gone wrong in this situation from losing our jobs to the shoes not cleaning up to Steve being so mad he can’t even get the words out. LUCKILY, we know with the Reshoevn8r Essential Cleaning Kit we would be safe from most of that.
For this episode of Shoe Care Academy we put Mr. Reshoevn8r himself to the ultimate test on this $1500 pair of Tiffany Air Force 1’s. He was faced with caked on mud that sat for a couple days while we waited for him to get back. It was stuck in the stitching, the insole, the crevices and every other part of this sneaker. To start this off he needed to attempt to remove some of that mud by banging the sneaker on the cement block outside.. AND when that didn’t work he needed to try some dry brushing to remove as much as possible.
Ultimately the dry brush method wasn’t doing much for this sneaker and it was time to just get straight to scrubbing using the all natural Solution and different brushes. Now this was going to get really messy, so Steve had to have an extra towel and more water on standby for what was about to happen.
He used the Soft and Medium Brush to tackle the uppers and remove any dirt from the delicate suede materials. There was some concern about the black upper bleeding onto the teal swoosh or loosing color, but luckily with these luxury shoes we didn’t see that happen. Once you could FINALLY see what the heck the shoe was under all that mud it was time to finish the rest.
We cleaned the other elements of the sneaker using the same method before letting the shoe dry evenly in the sun. Now we have said it before ALWAYS dry your suede or nubuck sneakers in the sun for a nice even dry and to avoid watermarking.
After they were dry there was a couple spots on the shoe that still needed a little bit of love. Off camera Steve used another Reshoevn8r product the Sneaker Wipes to get deep in the crevices around the swoosh. With all those steps these once mudfilled sneakers were looking top notch.
This video not only shows you the best way to clean suede sneakers, but it also should teach you to NEVER trash your bosses $1500 shoes. Luckily though thanks to Reshoevn8r we get to keep grinding on the production side. AND I don’t think Steve will let us use his personal kicks anymore..
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We're giving away these brand new size 10 Travis Scott jumman Jacks this is Your last chance to enter for our May Giveaway all you got to do is subscribe To our Channel and comment down below Your favorite Travis Scott of all time We'll be announcing the winner on May 29th good luck everyone go did you pay $1,500 for these well I did and we Thrash them just to show you how well Rejuvenator Works how's it going YouTube it's Steve Aka Mr renator today we will be cleaning These Tiffany Air Force Ones this is my Personal pair I told the produ team to Get them dirty I was not expecting them To do this today we'll be using our Essential kit and our suede revive Bundle to clean these up I hope they Clean up if not someone's going to owe Me 1,500 bucks if you're not subscribed To our YouTube channel make sure you Subscribe now hit that subscribe button We Do videos two times a week every week And we have been for the past about Seven years eight years something like That so make sure you tune in and check Out what we have going on I guess I got To get to it all right we have the Cleaning station set up but before I get To cleaning I'm going to set this left Shoe aside and I'm going to go outside And beat this shoe on the ground and try To get as much dirt off it as possible
So I don't make a bigger mess than it's Already going to make so follow me let's Go do that before I get to Cleaning so we went outside we bang some Of the dirt off of here it came off the Soul pretty well um it is still pretty Bad I will tell you that this is going To be a super messy clean but I think uh Renator is up for the challenge so we're Going to go ahead and get started I'm Going to start by unlacing this putting The shoe tree in and then we'll get to Cleaning all right first thing we want To do is take these laces out obviously Got to find out who got these shoes Dirty okay now that we got the lace out I'm going to go ahead and dry brush These Okay I dry brushed them this dirt is Pretty much caked on here what I'm going To do is I'm just going to go ahead and Start cleaning and see what happens Because a lot of this stuff just isn't Coming off so we're going to make a mess But you know what that's okay sometimes It's fun to make a mess I'm going go and Put these shoe trees in these are 11 and A2 cuz they are my personal Pair right there don't forget solution Um this is a cleaning that I'm probably Going to change this water three or four Times they are going to get dirty I Would normally start with the soft Bristle brush but I'm just going to go
Ahead and get right into the medium Bristle again gently using this brush I'm not applying too much pressure I'm Letting the brush do the work since These are a suede SL nubuk material you Want to make sure that you clean the Entire shoe evenly you don't want to Oversaturate any one Section so we took the first pass at him Just to get most of the dirt off I'm Going to go ahead and wipe them down Real quick change the water out cuz the Water is disgusting and then we'll take Another uh pass at these and get them One step closer to being clean All right so we have the first I guess Pass on these things they definitely Look better they don't look great so What I'm going to do is I changed out The water I'm going to do a second pass Now and then we'll probably hit it one More time and then we'll move on to the Suede stuff so let's get to it Yeah so this time I'm going to start With the soft bristle brush really just Because I Mo knock most of the dirt off And I want to get in between some of These finer creases and then we'll move On to the medium bristle brush again This particular cleaning we probably Won't even need the stiff bristle brush We made use it on the Soles but I think The soft and medium should do the Trick thing about cleaning these with so
Much mud and dirt on them is there's Dirt and mud and dust in every little Hole and crevice got to really be Careful and pay attention to the clean And do a super detailed clean on these Things all right we just finished the Second pass they look much better now Really what I'm going to do is clean up The midsoles hit the UND soles once and Then we're going to let it dry um I do Still see some dirt inside some of these Crevices so I will probably just touch Those up and then we're going to let Them dry come back tomorrow and finish Up this project so let's go ahead and Hit the mids sole with the medium Bristle [Music] Brush make sure you get inside all the Crooks and crevices [Music] All right these are looking much better I will tell you that what we're going to Do is go ahead and let these dry Overnight we'll come back and finish This up we'll see you tomorrow okay so We're back the shoes dried I did Actually go over these a little bit more After they dried there was still a lot Of dirt inside of a lot of these grooves So the little grooves here you know Around the check any type of place that Leather is overlaid and it's stitched You could see dirt in there so what I
Did one of the things that I did did is I took a sneaker wipe because the brush Just wasn't doing what I wanted it to do And I basically just took the tip of my Finger and just kind of went around all The edges to remove that dirt and dust That was kind of stuck in those nooks And crannies and I just did a quick Overpass again with cleaning solution One more time and they turned out pretty Good I'm actually pretty pleased with Them I was a little worried at first I Thought I was going to have to fire Someone for ruining my shoes but I think That I brought them back so now what We're going to do really is just take This brush I do want to reset the nap so What I'm going to do here is gently go Over the shoe with this brush and then What we'll do is spray it with mink oil And that should do the Trick this brush was just a little too Small to reset the nap so I went ahead And grabbed a clean soft bristle brush I'm just going to go ahead and go over The entire shoe this just speeds up the Process it's a little easier it works a Little better Yeah and there are two different types Of material the main uppers is really More of a smoother suede SL Nuuk the Check is is more of a textured suede I Would say they both cleaned up pretty Well but there is a little bit different
In the texture renator mink oil this Stuff is really great for bringing the Color back especially on black dark Shoes these don't really look too faded But some of the color did come out this Should bring it right back You do want to make sure you spray this Outside don't do what I'm doing inside It's not good for You then what you want to do is just Take the horsehair brush and just work It into this material being gentle let The brush do the Work so overall I'm pretty pleased with This the texture of this material did Change slightly so just beware if you Get these as dirty as my team got these And you clean them the texture is going To be slightly different although it Does look great I'm very pleased with How they turned out considering what They looked like but just beware that The texture does slightly change I'm Basically going to lace this up we're Going to show you some before and after Photos all right that's going to Conclude this video as you can see big Difference again we used our essential Kit our suede revive bundle you can find All these at rejuvenator Docomo button if you're not a subscriber Already and turn on your notifications So you know when we drop new videos like This leave a comment in the comment
Section Below on what shoe that is that You would like to see us clean next and We will do the dirty work for you to Make sure that they're cleanable number One and provide the best Insight in how To clean that that's going to do it Peace