
Welcome to the very first episode of the Niche Talk Podcast, proudly sponsored by Reshoevn8r! ????️ Hosted by the one and only Jerome Whitfield Jr. (aka 215shooter) and Luis Ledesma (aka imillvibe), this podcast dives deep into everything from sneaker culture to social media, and even life itself, coming to you every other Saturday.

In this episode, Luis and Jerome discuss the upcoming holiday sneaker releases and whether it’s time for Jordan Brand to rethink its tradition of dropping a new Jordan 11 every holiday season. They also explore the current repetitiveness in sneaker culture, as many brands focus on nostalgic releases instead of innovation and shaking up the game.

Next, they delve into how social media has transformed sneaker culture. They share their experiences with brands reaching out for collaborations that often don’t align with their personal brands, which leads to a discussion about how being influencers has affected their work-life balance — feeling like they’re always “on,” even when they’re off.

To wrap up, Jerome offers a powerful reminder: always be your authentic self. How do you plan to stay true to who you are? Let us know in the comments below!????

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What's good everybody I'm LS AKA Amil Vibe across all social media platforms And to my left Jerome AKA 215 shooter And we are the new talk powered by Rejuvenator make sure you are subscribed To us on YouTube and all social media Platforms at rejuvenator and at the Niche talk we're going to talk about the Essence of the niche talk for you guys Who are newcomers and for all the tried Andrue people that just like come Through and just bless us with the Support right so here on the niche talk We talk about lifestyle we talk about Entrepreneurship we talk about sneakers Because we love shoes these are a few of My favorite Things and everything in between that Has to do with our daily lives yeah so That's parenting fatherhood Relationships current events anything You can imagine it's safe to say we'll Probably be talking about it we're going To cover it here on the niche talk and It's crazy to think about how long we've Been with rejuvenator a long time it's Been a very long time on the back end of Things right right creating content Doing ambassadorship programs and just Really pushing a brand that has been With us since we became sneakerheads Right so it kind of make this whole Situation like a full circle moment it's Like a circle there's no beginning there

Is no end cuz it's a circle yeah a Circle a circle yes y y'all get it getat We love you and we appreciate you guys For having us on your channel and giving Us a chance to just broadcast are values And everything to a broader audience so Before we get into the topics we always Do either latest pickup or outfit Breakdown that part I am going to break Down my FIT today let's hear it in Old Prime fashion Rome he likes to start top Down like a convertible yeah even though I up sometimes patent pending we're Going to give some merch with that so I'm going start with the top we got the Ha Club Seinfeld collection probably one Of my staple fitteds in the collection Right now it's going to be a easy easy Hat to rotate as I've been wearing it Very often right and of course on the Body godspeed you're going to see a lot Of godspeed because the family's always Looking out on Bottoms we have some Puma Rip stop nylon pants you can't really Tell they're Puma because I took off the Logo it was just like a nice little Patch on the P here I took it off Because you know cross branding in 2024 Is still somewhat of a no no you got to Be careful right and then on the Feats I Got the Jordan Union ones that people Really don't like but I think they've Been growing on people a lot more right Guilty guilty yeah you definitely did

Not like I actually have a pair now and I like them you got them for under Retail if I doall free oh so you're Right under retail is under retail all Right so what are you doing you breaking Down the fit today too yeah I'm going Break down the fit I'm going do it a Little different I'm going go bottom up Okay but I don't have no uh bottom like Hydraulics is that who pause okay pause On that one but n so on feet we have the Nike airship not the Jordan one you know The similarities yes some basic Nike Tube socks Nike swim shorts I just cut The lining out so I can just have them For everyday wear also they're like Board shorts but you cut out the lining I yeah you know got got to improvise you Feel me kicks closet on the T-shirt Shout out to Christoper kicks as we know He's kind of stepping away from the Brand he is so I'm enjoying all the Pieces that I do have and on the mat we Have the Cleveland Indians the Wahoo That's now banned the Wahoo that's now Banned I love that speaking of Kiss Closet he is dissolving the brand but There is a major sale on kicks closet Merch so if you love a good t-shirt that Goes with your kicks make sure you check Out kicks closet before it is all said And done on to the actual first topic of The niche talk right there's a lot of Things that we want to talk about and

This is going to be sneaker related Because we are sneaker heads through and Through yes talk to me about something That really grinds your gears right now In 2024 I am sick and tired of Jordan Brand with their 11 holiday release I'm Over it man they just they just Announced uh black gray and red colorway Of a Jordan 11 something something Trying to be a Bread 11 but like the Short bus cousin and kind of like a Gamma it's so wait what was the what was The other black predominantly Jordan 11 It was like the uh 7210s right mhm H I Feel like they had to stop after the Concords my big biggest gripe with them It's that it's only but so many Els out There yeah that they're willing to put Out and I didn't like the fact that I Forget what year it was they put out I Think Concords which they had just put Out a few holidays ago right and it was Like well all these other models out There why are you putting out the same Model again I see what you're saying I Would love to see them make a exclusive Of something for the holiday instead of It always having to be during the 11s And I understand that's tradition and You know a lot of people hold tradition Close to the heart yeah but I think it's Time for a change that'll transition Right into my hot take honestly I'm Thoroughly convinced that not just

Jordan brand but Brands out here are Targeting the older demographic in the Wrong Way it's kind of getting exhausting with Every brand now trying to like open the Vault to older releases and bring back Older style with new Innovation and charge such a crazy Amount for things like the Jordan 17 That we just seen right with the Briefcase yeah the $300 retail for a Briefcase but are you charging me for The shoe or the briefcase for a Briefcase bro like I can get a briefcase Off Amazon spray P the Jumpman logo on It and call it a day now I'm sure there Is premium materials on the 17 that There typically aren't because whatever The hell they want to pitch to to us but It's now showing me that Innovation is Not where it was like when we got the Self-lacing shoes right that was the Line yeah the adapt line right stuff Like that was very intriguing to the Sneaker market and to the consumers but Now everyone's just going back into the Past and revisiting things from the Archive which is great but it's just Getting exhausting now we want we want True innovation but some of the brands Like really recently Nike put a Statement out almost saying that they Need Innovation like they're looking Forward to like taking that step for in

You know being inventive okay so that's Good that they're they're reaching out To the public and trying to see I think It was more of a statement I don't think It was reaching out I don't think it was Like yo we need some help maybe it was We already know they going to steal Somebody's designs and implement it into A future release I don't know but to Your point yeah I'm okay with them Opening the Vault and bringing stuffff Back but for me it's always been a hit To the Quality yeah and then that Doesn't match the price at all that's The biggest concern if those 17s are Fire crazy Italian leather and just Beautiful you know I say Italian Lea so I had to go like that right that would Make me feel okay with buying something At a price point with those type of Materials I see what you're saying but We as collectors not us per se but we'll Get into the whole thing of oh these Shoes shatter backboard quality and this And that and That is that quality as good as the Previous models when we were actually Comfortable with spending those prices Right and a lot of times it's like no or If it's on par it's like well this was 130 140 but you're charging me 250 now For the same if not less there's so much That we don't understand that go go into The back end of like the creation of

These shoes right we're not in the Factory we don't know what materials They're using we don't really understand The level of quality when they choose These materials because they can make it Seem like it's high quality but is it Really so we just have to trust the Judgment of the brand I don't think we Actually listen to the brands at all This ties back into a previous episode Where we talked about this being Something that we listen to the public Cuz name a Juran brand job Nike Adidas Puma A6 anybody that has Literally made the statement of yo this New model that's coming out materials is Crazy not once not once not once we look At it and like oh this leather is Topnotch and then somebody gets in the Hand like ah this leather is trash so You you saw those Jordan 1es that were Like made in il that were like a $1,000 Retail right $1,000 to me for Jordan one Still kind of crazy in terms of price But taking that next step of creating a More personalized Jordan 1 for a select Amount of people because obviously it Was very limited they know what they Were doing it was a$1 thousand shoe but I only really seen it in the hands of Like influencers so I think they gave Him out at influence influence I see What they were doing with that and

Making something like that not available In stores or on a drop is a smart play But then you have this Jordan 17 with premium materials and a fancy Suitcase for $300 it just gets really Tricky to justify these price gaps Government money is not as abundant as It used to be folks so people aren't Just coping whatever they want whenever They want stimmy checks are not a thing Anymore cuz I know mad people that took Those checks and spent it on sneaks yes Me being one of those people Irresponsible another hot take for me at Least is the Overarching retail price of shoes now Just continues to scy rocket for example The amam man 3s after the what is it eql Right that that platform where like you Enter the raffle that's like A5 $6 thing To enter the raffle securely so that You're safe and whatnot right but then The shoe is already $250 and then Depending on where you live you got to Pay for shipping and tax so we're damn Near looking at already a $300 shoe but It's a boutique and it's limited when it Wasn't really Limited at all all because They sad yeah and I think every person I Know sent in a group chat The Early Access yes and it's crazy when sneakers Sends you that notification like hey yo There's still some time you know it's a Brick when you get that notification

From sneakers saying yo make sure you Pull up before it sells out Knowing damn Well they just made it sold out but they Released at 10:00 it is now 3:00 in the Afternoon why are you telling me that These are still available and then watch In a couple months there's going to be a Shock drop of just back stock that they Just Mark sold off sold out so that way Like it just drives more hype or the Infamous hey guys this is releasing Today at 2:00 but it's a shock drop yes That part not not not very shocking not Very you told three days ago just saying Everything that we talk about usually Has a rhyme to reason that ties into Something else on the podcast that part Again for the people that's tuning in For the first time on R shoting near This platform so for me being an Influencer right right has really pissed Me off and kind of taken away my Creativity on the personal side of Things I totally agree with that bro it Sucks and hear me out money is good yes Being an influencer and having that Uh kind of stake in the world of being Creative but having a brand or company Constantly telling you what they want From you dwindles your creative process Because do a lot of times the brand will Reach out to tell you that they Appreciate what you do and that's what They

Want and then my time the brief comes And if those don't know a brief is just Like a outline of what the brand wants From you as far as deliverables and such It changes changes dramtic dramatically Or a brand will look at you right I was About to say dramastically dramatically Is crazy you've been hanging around me Too long way too long the thing that Cracks me up the most is that copy paste Email that all these brands use like hey Blank I've been seeing your content for A while now and it aligns so well with Our brand mhm we'd love to bring you on To our team and create amazing assets so That both parties can grow and I'm just Like we already know where it's headed Right now to the young asp Hing content Creator that has been doing free jobs Doing things for trade for product an Email like that sends you through the Roof yeah we remember those days very Vividly but then you just start to Realize the consistency and bull from These Brands because yeah they like your Vision they like how you input things And how you create but what they care About most is the analytics is the the Numbers is the numbers you produce with The content that you make it sometimes Really does not have much to do with who You are and how different you are from The next Creator because no disrespect To you and the work that you've put in

You are now at somewhat 16,000 followers On Instagram and we've been both been Doing this for damn near 10 years at This point at least photography that Merged into content creation right you And I have very much been getting Somewhat the same type of campaigns yep But also the same level of disrespect Yep and I hate that for you because you Double where I'm at right now in terms Of follower count and analytics and the Numbers that you tell me that you Achieve through your content completely Supersedes mine so it sucks that Brands Feel as though they can try to change You as an individual ual but reel you in With the [ __ ] and the the copy paste Like oh yeah we really like you for you No you don't now you don't there are Some brands that hold true to that yes Are and I appreciate Brands like that Because they will reach out to you Because let's say you're a a foodie They'll reach out to you and find a way To you know incorporate food into what They want because they know that's what Your audience want once but then we do Have brands that let's say they'll reach Out to you hey Louis we would love to Have you in our campaign you reach back Like what's what's this campaign oh it's A makeup tutorial bro where did you see On my page once that that I do makeup or That's you know that's what I'm into and

Stuff like that like what gave you this Idea yeah and it's that still that same Copy paste message where it's like oh Yeah we' seen your work and we think it Aligns with the brand oh you think you Think my cont aligns with cosmetics and Makeup and you know what's funny I've Gotten an email like that before and I Click on the link to see what the brief Was it was a bra wasn't it it was Lingerie I knew it for women though not Even like some some so they just not Paying attention they're just not paying Attention they're literally they have a List of names yep highlight all of them Boom send it in I email back I'm like What made you think that this is what I Do so reeling it back to the relevance Of the topic where being an influencer Has dwindled your creativity as let's Say a f a photographer because that's Everything that's culminated who you are Today we are very much aligned with that We've had conversations outside of the Pod where we miss the days where we can Just yo let's link up shoot some Pictures it had nothing to do with Outfit shots yep it had nothing to do With like creating content for the Reason that we didn't care about as much It just had to do with two guys with a Camera going out somewhere to like an Abandoned place and just like Documenting The Vibes right now if you

Ended up in a shot of mine and your fit Was cool all right cool it was like an Environmental thing but now I've spoken To this about all of you guys in the Group chat where I'm sick and tired of Just going out to shoot my FIT yeah Right I'm trying to find different ways To to integrate my sense of fashion in My lifestyle but when it gets to the Point where six seven people in the same Chat are doing the same exact thing you Come to realize like okay how am I going To separate myself as an individual and How am I going to get back to my roots As a Creator so now you see I'm doing a Little bit more of a lifestyle treatment To my page and my brand but at the end Of the day the influencer portion of our Lifestyle now takes precedence because That is the money maker we are Self-employed we don't have a 9 to5 we Have a 258 right and if a brand needs us To create amazing Math the math is you were calculating Crazy weren't you 258 I'm like I know It's just the saying but that math is Crazy that's how hard we working bro I Like to say 247 365 okay but that that's like real Numbers that's real numbers you know I'm On I'm on over time I'm on overtime all The time bro literally just as much as We create on a daily basis and

Everything that we have outside of here You and I and especially the people Around us we cater too much to making Sure everyone else around us is good but We fall short in making sure that we are Whole with what we're doing and making Sure that the things that we do create Fulfill our cup so the biggest takeaway Was I didn't realize the takeaway from The influencer side of things was Because that was a side thing for me and I still had the N9 and five you did the Nine and5 allowed me to be behind the Camera all the time which is my roots Yeah and then the influencer side Allowed me to be in front of the Camera per you know being an Influencer now that this is my daily Income when Brands reach out they don't Want Jerome the Photographer they want Jerome the dude That's going to do a dope real of Himself or himself and his family and Stuff like that and I'm just like well I Would like to have you hire me to do a Video same thing I do for myself but Capturing somebody else doing something I would love to shoot your sneaker Campaign not on my foot but on a Model That you you know pay me to hire and Stuff like that like that's what I enjoy Doing right cuz for starters you know How we are we're very good with people That part and that was my pride and joy

Of creating was knowing that I can take Anyone in any situation whether it was a Sh model uh unsure non-confident Whatever and by time we left and we were Done we were Friends and you got a fire ass photo Shoot that you didn't even believe that You could possibly yet because you Thought you were about to come here and Not waste my time but give me a hard Time the confidence wasn't there you Know loosening up and then by the time You know they see the shots and stuff Seeing that person so happy and E static Like oh wow and I'm just like yeah like We did that because I can't take these Pictures without you facts but yeah now Which is me I don't mind being a model But I'm I'm not a model I think in that Perspective it takes a little bit of Just re working The Narrative of what an Influencer is and what an influencer can Do for Brands because I'm pretty sure if You hopped on a call with a brand and Let them know that yes you can still Promote this product or run this Campaign but it's not going to Physically be on me I feel like they'd Be down I have yeah we spoke about this Off the Pod where now you're in a Perfect position where you can somewhat Pivot your content to where it's like The perfect blend of the two where you Are still in front of the the camera not

For long but also showing the world your Work from behind the camera again Because we used to did a lot right and You remember when I made the transition From being behind the camera to in front Of the camera and it was because someone Had told me people are coming to my page To see me and not my work and I listened But now I regret it because just like You I've lost that passion I've lost That thrill for just Photography in General and slowly but surely I'm Picking that back up with just taking my Camera everywhere I go again it's crazy You saying that just sparked something Internally y'all y'all experiencing this With me I just realized that I'm Actually 50/50 in my own way because you Just say it like how you were always Behind the camera and people had to tell You like people want to see you yeah in Saying that I've actually I've always Been in front of the camera and behind The camera yeah you have but it was I Wasn't as popular ah I see what you're Saying there was no demand for a 215 Shooter I was just the dude getting Reposted on the you know the platforms At the time but that was it because the Sneaker stuff social media has changed Drastically to had to change with it Yeah but to your point earlier people Will as far as Brands reach out and I Have plenty of times like yo I don't

Want to wear this or I don't want to Shoot myself in this Like I can get a model or with the Budget y'all talking about I can pay a Model and shoot it and every time it's Come back oh well the allore is you Right and then they're also extremely Surprised when I tell them that well all The videos and photos you see no matter How crazy the Angles and all That I shot it myself 90% 99% of the Time cuz obviously I have brother that Are highly talented that I have started To rely on to help me with [ __ ] but you Know that was the thing we both prided Ourselves as well as a lot of the homies Of what you see is what you get by me Facts people oh who's your photographer Me this guy like oh so wait you yeah I Got a tripod controll with my phone and Remote trigger something along them Lines and that is how the content is Being created but now this is the brand That like that's your brand you saying That just reminded me where I got to the Point where I got tired of creating my Own content for myself yeah you got There way quicker than that yeah I did I Started putting the job in the hands of A professional that could execute my my Vision for me but that in turn took away A job from me that was the backend of Creation so now it's like okay I show up Someone is documenting for me sometimes

I get the Finish product sometimes I Have to edit it but I stripped myself of The creation portion of it so that's Where I lost my Integrity of a Photographer and the creation portion of Things that's what I didn't want to do That's what I was scared of yes and now I love when my homies reach out like yo Can you help me with this can you can You just be like a second shooter can You help me get some angles cuz not not Only is it a different perspective for Me cuz it's not about me now get to be On the creation side and create and do What I've wanted to do from the rip as a Photographer as a curator being able to Be on the back end of things and I feel Like that's really something that's Happening in social media a lot not just Us but everyone everyone's really trying To get back to their roots of okay for Example how Instagram used to be before It was bought by Facebook oh the whole Chronological and everything not even Chronological but like posting way Whatever the hell you wanted and it not Matter it could be a photo of the sky With a quote on your caption and it just Doesn't matter because I feel like we've All come to realize this Algorithm is irrelevant there's nothing That we can do about it there's nothing That we can do to change it it's forever Changing so we have to be ourselves

First and foremost and whatever that Looks like is going to look Like I feel that yeah why wise words Thank you Louis son so Two portions of the podcast that we Constantly go through one we missed Before switching over to this topic was Small business Spotlight yes now small Business Spotlight is a section of the Podcast where we highlight a small Business right whether they're local Whether they're something that we hold Near and dear to us something we feel Was deserving exactly so before we wrap Things up because we also have a section Called free game free game right I'm Going to shout out a small business that I hold near and dear to me all cap Studios local Lifestyle brand here in Philadelphia shout out to my homie s You're going to really appreciate the Garments that they create so many good Pieces that are very well thought out Recently their Instagram got hacked oh Wow really yeah so now they had to start A new page but it's beautiful to see how Someone like sah takes that opportunity To not let it dwindle him so not a loss But a game not a loss but a restructure Not a loss but a new beginning is where I'm at with it that's what it is The Insight that he's having with it is Very much positive and understanding That everything doesn't always go your

Way and things happen for a reason it Does so just because you lost your Instagram page and you lost all these Followers and this and this methodical Number that really doesn't mean [ __ ] Doesn't mean you can't start a new and Create beautiful things from it so if You guys have a second make sure you Guys check out all cap Studios you know What's dope about all cap Studio yes is I had a campaign Not that long ago and I had to talk About uh black businesses mainly in Fashion right yeah so I didn't want it To be too mainstream so I was looking at Smaller businesses that I may not have Known about and all cap Studios was on a Lot of lists like big popular list of You know uh upcoming if not already There blank owned businesses and it was Refreshing cuz I'm like yo I know that Guy exactly that's my boy like peas and Qes dayss PE and is just like starting Up and it's a beautiful thing to see What he's been able to create and the Garments that he's created because he's Just that guy just that guy probably the Most humble man you'll ever meet in your Life and like you said very much on the Up and up and it's like discreet it's Discreet that you don't know about it so If you know you know but you're going to Know now because we're talking about it Right so that brings us to the ending

Segment of the podcast where we like to Do free game sometimes free games come From both of us yes and sometimes it's Just one of us so for me today the free Game is in the realm of being true to Who you are that ties in everything we Talked about today which is if you have An opinion it's okay to State it but Just don't be a DI about it that part That's the biggest part don't be hey That came out crazy yeah it was it Always one moment on the pie that came Out crazy pause major pause even on that Part yeah but let's just all that all That all that but just be true to you be Authentic to yourself people will try to Influence you to do things say things Anything they can do to kind of get you Out of your element and be something That you're not drown out the noise lock In and do what you do best be yourself That part that part my free game for Today Mhm hug your Mom just hug your mama I like that That's It how how you going to do the Oh my goodness gra it's No on no no we're not I'm I'm I'm 39 we Do hearts like this you're go you're You're already there bro it's just just Switch the finger no that's what she Said hey yo hey no Way one thing we'd like to acknowledge

That is not just Jerome and I here on The podcast right we have our amazing Video editor will William he's behind The camera I didn't say his full Government because I know It took everything in me it took Everything in me did not say it so I Love you bro and I appreciate you for Everything you do for the Pod we're on The up and up this is the first episode Of The Niche talk on rejuvenator powered By rejuvenator yes and as far as will You can find him on social media at the Second tree that part so I want to say Make sure you guys are tuned in to not Only rejuvenator make sure you guys are Also tuned in to the niche talk and stay Tuned because we're going to be doing a Lot of giveaways we're going to be doing A lot of interesting things here on the Pod so we hope that you guys are tuned In hitting that like button smashing That sub button and make sure you guys Are tuned in yeah tune in this guy see So this this is the dynamic you need to Eat I usually do something that pisses Him off so yeah usually it's my Vocabulary but not today you need to eat You're not you when you're hungry bro I Need Snickers I need Snickers we appreciate You guys as always I'm Louis Jerome We'll catch y'all soon peace deuces