
Tom’s first race of the year is the Dubai 10k, an event that takes place on the same day as the Dubai Marathon. It’s a fast, flat course that, unsurprisingly, gets some pretty nice weather.

His shoe of choice for the race was the Mizuno Wave Rebellion pro 3.

Check out The Run Testers podcast:

00:00​​​​ – Intro
01:10 – The Valencia Marathon 2024
10:20 – Mizuno Wave Rebellion Pro 3

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[Music] Hey Tom here I'm in Dubai I'm here for a Holiday but while I was here the Marathon of the 10K was on so I decided To sign up I was going to do the Marathon but after a pretty heavy Christmas I decided I was going to do The 10K instead not sure what time I'm Going to get I haven't really been Training very hard over the past 6 weeks Since um Valencia Marathon so I'm going To be wearing the Muno wave Rebellion Pro threes uh and trying out a new Paris Stand sock uh so right I'm going to get To the start line and give this race a Go see you in a bit [Music] [Music] Okay so I'm back now in the UK I did Record a video after running the Dubai 10K but for some reason the sound didn't Work on it so I can't use it so I'm back Now after a couple of days um and really Enjoyed it I uh I ran the 10K um race in The marathon weekend I was planning on Doing the marathon uh which was a very Optimistic uh decision uh before I ran Valencia at the start of December after Running Valencia and realizing that I Wasn't as fit as I I should be I thought I'm going to just do the 10K because There wasn't I wasn't going to be Training a lot harder over December um I Don't tend to train very hard over the

Christmas period I like to drink and eat And stuff so uh it wasn't a good idea to To run another Marathon a month after so I decided to run the 10K luckily there's A 10K version as well which you can do On the same day um and I did wasn't Heading out to to buai specifically to Do a race I actually was going out on Holiday so uh it was just an added bonus That that this was on at the same time I Was over there so um decided to do the 10K uh as a bit more fun than um just Killing myself over um over a full Marathon distance so um Dubai I'd never Been there before so I didn't really Know what to expect from on the running Scene from the uh marathon and the 10K Um but really uh really enjoyed it uh The 10K and the marathon um takes place Uh down near the seafront um and you Don't run along the seafront in the 10K You actually just run along a main road It's really fast it's really flat um but The Running Scene in Dubai it's getting Pretty big I went to uh a run Club to do A ShakeOut run on Saturday fade fit run Club um and there's definitely big scene Of Runners there but I don't think There's such a big scene when it comes To racing uh the buy Marathon talk about There being 30,000 places across all of The three race distances over the Marathon weekend so there's a marathon There a 10K and there's a 4K Fun Run the

Numbers didn't get close to that 30,000 It was more like I think about two two And a bit thousand for the marathon more About more like 5,000 for the 10K and Then the 4K fun R was another couple of Thousand so no not nowhere near that 30,000 mark Um but for some people that's really Good and it definitely makes it a more Relaxing experience um at the start of The 10K and the marathon I got down There really early I got down there Before the marathon started and that uh Starts at 7:15 the elite race for the Marathon starts quite a bit earlier than That but 75 for the marathon because uh It does get quite warm over in Dubai Even in January uh and then the 10K Starts at 8:15 so I got down there Really early met a load of people spoke To um a lot of Runners down there about The race and the shoes they're wearing And things like that um but because of The numbers it's quite relaxed there Loads of toilets you can use you can get Coffees you can uh get food and drink While you're there and it's not a big Mad rush to get in there you're not Queuing off the to for rages which makes It a very nice race to do um the it's Very well organized as well the start is Very simple to get to you don't have to Get there really really early like you Do at some of the big marathons in the

UK uh so it's definitely a nice one to Do if you're looking for a relaxed uh Opportunity to go and do one of the race Distances the course for the 10K as I Said just goes down uh the main road and It actually takes uh is part of the uh Full Marathon distance so uh you basic It's basically just straight out down The road turn around come back very nice Very enjoyable to do there's lots of Space on the road it's a very wide Road Uh what I would say about uh Dubai uh is That especially around the marathon uh Is that even though there's quite a big Running Scene under by now I don't think There's a big racing over there at the Moment so what I found about the 10K is That people didn't know really know Where to start um and it was quite Congested at the start and I had to sort Of we through a lot of people some that Just started walking um from the start Of the race even though they're stood at The front so I don't think there's a Race eut um for the r for especially for This race in Dubai so if you're planning On running any of these races make sure You get to the front because they don't Have waves um for these races and There's not that many people doing it so That they don't really need to organize Complicated waves but definitely if You're looking to go fast and when I Mean fast I'm talking like 40 minutes

And below for the 10K and the marathon If you're going for uh a three or sub Three get to the start because there's Not a massive chunk of faster people Doing those two races if you're looking At getting a sub three you probably be In the top 100 of um two and a half Thousand people if you're looking at Getting a sub 40 in the 10K you're going To be quite high up in in the list so Definitely get to the start of of the Race and it does get quite congested at The start because um people are pushing To the front to get to the front even Though there's a lot of people that Weren't really running that fast at the Start so they didn't need to be that far Forward so keep that in mind if you're Planning on doing either of these races So my race wasn't that successful um I Wasn't quite sure what time I'd get back Over in November I got 3740 10K which I Was really pleased with because I wasn't Expecting to be that fast over that Marathon training block um but since Then I haven't since Valencia I haven't Really done a lot of speed training so Um I I I I didn't expect to get a time That fast um but what I found was that I Started the race and I was going for my Usual 10K um pace which is about 340 uh Minute kilometers managed to maintain it For about 3K and then decided that I was Just I was just in a lot of pain um I

Definitely needed to do a lot more speed Work if I was going to maintain that That same speed that I was getting um Back in Brighton so at about 3K I Decided to pull back a bit uh and I ran With a friend of mine um and ended up With 42 minutes something probably could Have got around 41 but even that would Have been in a struggle so I think I've Got a lot more work to do when it comes To speed training um before Manchester Marathon at the end of April uh other Than that uh the is worth noting that Because there's not a lot of um people Running in this race um well there's There's plenty of people uh running but It's not as big as uh the numbers may Suggest when you look on the website so The crowds aren't that massive um so if You're looking for a really big um race Of loads of crowds Dubai isn't really The place for that at the moment the um On even the marathon route sry we Watched a lot of the marathon finishes Come in and it was pretty quiet at the End I don't think the spectator scene in Dubai for running is that big at the Moment um but it makes it nice if you Going down to watch people running in it Because you can see them you can always Get a bit of space and there's plenty of Nice places to stand um but if you're Looking for a a big uh event where you Want loads of cheering crowds you want

To be running with loads of people then It's not quite that size yet um it might Be over time it's definitely uh Something that to buy seems really keen On building up uh if you go to the mall To pick up your Race Kit before all of The running shops there's a lot of Running shops in the malls in Dubai are Really promoting the marathon and Running over the weekend so I think it's Something that they're very focused on Doing on but I don't think it's quite Got there yet um but yeah the uh the Marathon itself uh I didn't run the Marathon so I don't know what it was Like but it does get quite spread out as Well so um because there's not that many People running about two two 2,000 People or so that's not many people over Over the Marathon distance so a lot of People were coming in on their own and There wasn't somebody else for another Couple of minutes so if you're a runner That wants a really quiet spacious uh Course when you're doing a marathon you Don't not that bothered about loads of Crowds you're not that bothered about Running in big groups of people it might Be you if you're the opposite and you Want loads of crowds like London you Want a big experience you're not going To get that at Dubai at the moment other Than that it was a very nice 10K um it's A nice setup it's a nice place to do it

Uh Dubai does get quite hot uh if you're In the UK it gets quite hot uh if you're In Dubai most people were saying it was Actually quite cold but um you're Looking at around um the start of the 10k race uh if you're finishing within Like an hour and a half you're probably Going to go up to about 18 to 20 um Degrees if you're doing the marathon and You're running at 5 6 hours and you're Out there for a while you're probably Going get up to like 25° which is quite Hot uh if you're used to running in the UK but seemingly not for people who live Over in Dubai because they didn't seem To think it was was that warm uh right Uh the only other thing as well is uh The medal and the Adidas t-shirt that You get uh they both say divide marathon On them so they have the same medal and T-shirt for anyone whether you're Winning the Dubai Marathon or Dubai 10K The only difference with the medal is That you get a different ribbon on it um To show that it's a different uh event But um I something I'm not very keen on Doing the shorter distances on races and Still having them say marathon on Because then looks like you you ran the Marathon with a t-shirt um when you Really didn't so hopefully that's Something they'll they'll sort out in Future so they've got different versions Of of those right let's look at the kit

That I [Music] Used so the only thing that I was Testing uh over the um Dubai 10K was the Uh misso wave Rebellion Pro 3 now um I Wasn't going for Pb in this race I knew I wasn't I wasn't going to do Particularly well in it um I was hoping That I might break 40 but I I just Didn't have it in me for the uh for the Race um so I picked up a pair of Adidas Uh Evo SLS um while I was out in Dubai And I was toying with the idea of using Those um but I really wanted to use the Mao wer B in Pro 3s because I haven't Raced in them yet um and the pace that I Was running uh in the marathon the start Was about 345 minute km um and I found it worked Really well for that uh the this the Version three has a few changes in it They've slightly changed the geometry so That the um this devil section or this Sort of uh pointy bit under the under The main heel section here is moved back A bit so you get the idea is you get More of a rolling action uh and it's Actually meant to be more conducive for Longer distance running not necessarily 10ks um the version one I really like For shorter distances uh version two I Do did as well um uh but the three is Meant to be more focused on uh longer Distances like marathons um and it does

Seem to work better for that when I was Running at that faster Pace felt great Definitely didn't have any issues at all Running at that pace or my my faster Pace BR 45 minute km for a 10K um but I Definitely thought this phone was a Little bit uh little bit bouncier in the Right places what I found with the Previous version of the shoe is that it Was bouncy but it didn't really have a a Nice smooth transition um which is what You want for a marathon because you want To it wants to be as easy as possible And give you as much energy back as Possible and move you along nicely uh And this definitely feels like it's a Slightly different ride to the previous Version of the shoe definitely felt fast I still liked it for that short distance Um but the the latter stages of that Race I was basically running at around My marathon pace for a lot of that a lot Of that 10K so that's about 4 minute 15 Km uh and it felt very good for that um Defin felt bouncier and definitely felt A bit more aggressive um pushing you Onto your toes uh rolling you forward Onto your toes as you running um so I Did enjoy running in the shoe I Definitely want to try using this for Half marathon I might use it for um Brighton half marathon that's coming up In February uh just to see how it feels Over that distance at PACE definitely

Wasn't the perfect opportunity for me to Test it out cuz I I was struggling quite A bit um but it feels to me like it's a Shoe that has a little bit more to it When it comes to so that smooth Transition and it's not just a fun shoe It feels a little bit more applicable um To to people looking for a longer Distance race shoe as opposed to just Have that really amazing bounce that you Get from the earlier version of the shoe But doesn't necessarily help that much When you're trying to go for a long time Other other things I would say about the Shoes I found it very comfortable um it Was definitely I I really like the upper Of this shoe felt really nice to wear um Definitely breathable in that heat as Well uh no issues with grip or anything On it but it was pretty nice conditions Anyway as you'd expected in Dubai um but Other than that I definitely felt like It's a a slightly improved version for That sort of consistent Pace running uh And I'm looking forward to trying out a Little bit more of it so that was all I Was testing out at the dubby 10K thanks A lot for watching don't forget to like Subscribe click that little bell and if You go the catch me below you can find To our podcast which comes out a couple Of times each month thanks a lot for Watching catch [Music]