
Garmin just whipped the covers off the not one but two big endurance watches. The Garmin Fenix 8 and the Garmin Enduro 3.

Previously there wasn’t a huge amount to choose between the Enduro and Fenix lines but that’s all changed. The Garmin Enduro 3 has a new distinct look and whopping 320 hour GPS battery life and and lighter design.

We’ve only had the watch for barely a week and not connected to Garmin Connect to unlock all the features, so this isn’t a review. We’ve still got loads of testing to do.

In this video Kieran, Nick and Mike will talk you through what’s new, offer some findings from our early tests and give you our general first impressions of Garmin’s new ultra endurance running watch. Hit play for our first look at the Garmin Enduro 3.

0:00 – Intro
0:49 – What’s new on the Garmin Enduro 3?
3:30 – The Run Test: Design
7:33 – Battery life
11:07 – Accuracy: Heart rate and GPS
18:25 – First impressions

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Hey people welcome to the Run testers And we've got an exciting one for you Here at least I'm really excited because The Enduro 2 has long been my go-to Watch for its long battery life Comprehensive feature set and all round Decent Ultra smart but mainly I love the Fact that you only need to charge it Once a month that's superb and now we've Got our hands on the new Garin uro 3 Which promises to go even longer on the Battery life now big claxon this video Here isn't a review it's not a review It's not a review we've only had the Watch for barely a week and not Connected to Garmin connect to unlock All the features so we've still got Loads of testing to do but in the next 10 minutes or so we're going to walk you Through the main things that are new With the Garmin uro three we're going to Have some findings on our early testing And our general first impressions of Garmin's new Ultra endurance running Watch so let's get into [Music] It before we get into what's new and the Big headlines here it's worth noting That the uro 3 is still loaded with a Comprehensive selection of garmin's Premium training performance and Navigation features just like the Enduro 2 all your training load your training Effect V2 Max race predictor you also

Now get Trail V2 Max as well great Adjusted pacing is there Morning Report Sleep tracking nap tracking HRV recovery All that stuff is present we'll get into Those more in the full review but just Know this is a fully to up tracker for Health Performance training and Recovery Now there is a big upgrade on battery Life for the Enduro 3 it now packs a Larger more efficient solar lens Garmin Says that provides double the solar Power of the previous uro and that now Delivers an incredible 320 hours of Battery life in GPS mode that's more Than double the Enduro 2 it blows away The competition here as well for regular GPS staying power multiband GPS life is Also up to 120 days regular daily use Now extends to 90 days in the right Conditions and the right settings on Design you've got a 51 mil titanium Bezel scratch resistant Sapphire lens Our favorite comfortable Ultra fit nylon Bands as as well there's still no AMOLED Display here but that's not really Surprising as this prioritizes staying Power over some of those extra bells and Whistles the watch just about 7 G Lighter which is a welcome weight saving And it looks like some of that weight Comes from swapping the metallic rear Casing here for a little bit more of a Plastic back there's much less bezel Than you get on the Enduro 2 as well or

The phoenix8 for that matter so it looks A little bit cleaner and a little bit More subtle oh the other important news Is the flashlight stays and you can now Control that flashlight from the display Navigation tools include Topo active Maps but there's also now Dynamic Roundtrip routing you can set a Target Destination for a run and it will Deliver Dynamic routes that continually Adjust almost like in a Google map style There's also next Fork map guides to Help you find your way on the trickier Trails Smartwatch smart to boosted to Adding to Notifications contactless Payments and find my phone and offline Music from Spotify and diesa with Messaging and a few other tricks you can Use the Garmin messenger app to message Fellow Garmin messenger app users one Big point of difference here versus the Garmin Phoenix 8 the Enduro 3 doesn't Get the voice tools the speaker and mic For making and taking calls nor the Voice command feature that lets you set Timers start workouts and save locations By just barking at your wrist you also Don't get the voice notes tool that you Get on the Garmin Phoenix that lets you Kind of shout those eure ideas whilst You're running and record them on the Watch and finally a quick word on price The Garment in j03 will set you back £ 769 P99 in the UK and

$899.99 in the US Now I'm currently testing the Garmin uro 351 mm and when it comes to design I Like the sleeker simpler looks there's Some clear distance now between the real Rugged Big shouldered Frame of the Phoenix models and the Enduro 3 which a Bit more subtle bit more minimal it's Still a big watch but the lighter build I think is a really welcome touch and it Just looks a bit more sleek and a bit More sophisticated in some ways the Screen isn't as bright and Punchy as the AMOLED you're going to get now on the Epic and the Phoenix but in my test it Was bright enough to read and easy to Kind of read in all conditions at least So far I'm happy kind of to trade the Fancy colors of the AMOLED for a longer Battery life that would depend on your Preferences having tested this side by Side with the Phenix 8 I think the Buttons on this are a little bit stiffer You probably won't notice if you're not Directly comparing those watches but I Thought I'd mention it touchcreen is Snappy I had no lag and the uro 3 whips Through screens with a happy speed when You're using it there's an important Interface change here when you hit the Top right button on the gum and usually That would take you through to your Sport mode your list of sport modes now You land on a screen with activities at

The top of an option of other and then There's other tools below that that you Can customize Maps phones music Etc so There's an extra click now to get you Through to your run but it's much easier To dip into those other things it's Another nod though here I think that Garmin is moving in the Smartwatch Direction putting some of those kind of Non sort performance based tools with Easier access so I've been wearing the Enduro for the past 4 and a half days or So and I've done four runs with it i' Say when it comes to design it is a Surprisingly lightweight watch given how Big a watch it is it certainly still Feels big on the wrist just because of The overall size but especially with the Nylon band it does feel quite Lightweight and actually it's a fair bit Lighter than the Phoenix 8 51 mm I've Been testing at the same time so far Like even when I take both straps off in Just way the watches so it is a pretty Lightweight watch given its size the Screen I think there's been some Adjustments here that gin put the solar Panels entirely around the edge of it Rather than covering the middle of the Screen a little bit as well and I think It is a little bit clearer than on the Previous model though it's not a huge Upgrade I'd say solar panels do seem to Be picking up Sun a bit better than

Previous models though so far I have to Say I've still not collected a lot of Solar power in my four days mostly in Scotland like I've been outside a lot But it's not been that bright I haven't Got anywhere near the Garmin suggested Lux hours each day but yeah overall it's A nice design it's a big watch but it is Pretty lightweight given the size here So some initial thoughts on the design Of the uro 3 I mean it is every re bit The Enduro still it's that kind of big Watch you've still only got it in that 51 mm case you've got it paired with a Nylon strap which I really like it's Very comfortable it's been very Comfortable to wear in you know my kind Of initial few days of testing you've Got those kind of array of physical Buttons as well too slightly rejig but Ultimately function in the same way the Big change here really is to do with the Screen now you know it's the same size Screen but ultimately you're getting Less bezel here and that's really to do With the fact that g has been able to Improve the kind of solar power kind of Technology that it's using here so it's It's not baked into the screen it's Really around the screen and what that Allows you know ultimately gin to do Here is to give you more screen Ultimately open things up but ultimately Still give you that really kind of

Efficient um kind of charging um support From that kind of solar charging Ultimately so what that has allowed I Think ultimately the big thing for me is That the screen is it feels clearer you Don't have that kind of tinge of kind of Red that I think you did get on the Previous versions with those kind of Solar charging kind of baked into the Entirety of that display play and I Think that's the biggest thing I've Noticed when I've been out with it and I've been out running with it it just Feels clearer it doesn't feel like it Has that tint of kind of red on it Anymore I think that's a massive step in The right direction but also opening up That screen and just making it feel like A bigger screen overall so yeah I think Know it is still a big kind of watch It's been fine for me to run with I Think the big thing for me here is those Changes that gin has made particularly In terms of the application of the kind Of power kind of you know solar charging Technology here which really kind of Makes the screen stand out a bit more More compared to the previous [Music] Inos so when it comes to battery life on Paper battery life in the uro 3 is the Best in the business in the very limited Testing I've done so far here is what I Found out how that's played out in real

Life in 2 days I've burned 12% from General usage that has included 3 hours Of GPS running an average overnight burn Whilst I'm asleep of about 1% which is Really stingy a 90minut run in normal Mode burned 3% compared to the Gin andj 2 at 4% a 90-minute run in Max accuracy GPS mode also burned 3% compared to the Garmin and Juro also at 3% on battery Life on the longest run I've done with The watch so far it was a 2 hour and 20 Minute run and it was it was raining at 2.31% per hour during that run according To the excellent DC rain maker analyzer Which would you know come out to about 43 hours of multibrand GPS tracking Which is very good but a little bit Short of the numbers we're kind of Expecting from Garin on the listings and I will say though on the runs I've done So far the longer you run the lower the Battery per hour usage is so the longer You are running the better the Efficiency of the battery is it seems And it is very early days in testing I Tend to think the battery settles a Little bit with these watches after a Charge or two but overall when I'm Testing against the Phoenix a AMOLED It's obviously draining slower the Enduro during both runs and outside of Runs but it's actually not draining that Much slower I I think it's probably more A point in favor of the Phoenix 8 AMOLED

The battery is not you know as short as You might expect Juro 3 is obviously Longer though and if that's what you're Looking for in a watch this is the the Best in the range of the new Phoenix and In Juro watches I do think you're can Get a bit more of an up ticking battery From the solar panels on this new watch If you do live somewhere a bit sunnier Than I've been running with it so far And are outside a lot of the time now in Terms of battery life that's really the Big deal with the uro 3 that's really The big reason you're going to want to Buy this watch over other ging watches Because ultimately gin wants to promise The biggest battery numbers here whether You're using out that kind of top end Accuracy mode if you're willing to Sacrifice that kind of you know top Accuracy to get that really long battery Life over a few days now in terms of What I've seen as say I've done run with Injur 3 so far I did a 2hour run I used It in the kind of all systems kind of Multiband modes that top GPS accuracy Mode I did play around a little bit with The kind of dynamic uh roundt trip Routing as well too so was using a Little bit of the mapping and navigation Stuff as well there and what I found is From that two hours I saw the battery Drop by 7% which I think it's not a bad Showing um I think ultimately um I was

Using it against the Phoenix 8 and the AMOLED version and ultimately that Battery was a bit more severe for the Same amount of time but in terms of uro 3 it looked like the performance of the Battery looked very good in terms of Those multiband numbers uh and you know That's the kind of drop I would expect To see from that amount of running and Obviously playing around with some of The rooting stuff uh as well too what I've noticed in the few days kind of When I haven't been U kind of running or Just been using it day to day the drop Off is so small it's maybe one 2% you Can see that this is a a watch that can Get a distance now obviously I haven't Had it or I haven't been able to pair it With the ging connect app so that it's Definitely going to influence the kind Of experience of the battery life that I'm going to get you know I'm going to Have notifications going to other other Things that are going to be poured from The or pulled from the um Garmin Connect App so you know definitely reserving Judgment for how that battery life Really adds up to the numbers that Garmin speaks about for the injo 3 but In terms of that run the battery number The battery drops kind of what I expect To see looks very good and kind of tells Me this is still going to be another in Juro that's going to really have a good

Level of battery life whether you use at That kind of top end kind of accuracy Mode or if you are dropping for willing To accept a little bit less accuracy for A little bit longer in that battery Department the accuracy of the uro 3 so Far like I said I've done four runs with It also using the Phoenix 8 and the Garmin 4 965 which is the watch I've Been you know testing it against and Uploading to straa I'll say on GPS front It's been very accurate so far in both Multiband and the Auto Select mode I've Done a long run in the pentlands hills In here in Edinburgh and also a couple Other Trail runs with it and under tree Cover and everything like that it seems Very accurate very close to the other Watches all around so no concerns on GPS As yet heart rate's been pretty good at Easy paces and in general runs I would Say but I did a short Hill session Running 16 times 30 second reps so up And down quick spikes in heart rate jro 3 missed this pretty much entirely on The optical heart rate when you're Comparing it to a chest strap reading That is generally my experience of Optical heart rate that does seem to Miss those intervals much more than a Chest trap would like I say on the Easier runs and the long run I've done In it it seemed a bit more accurate and In line with the chest trrap that we

Still had some random spikes here and There so yeah overall a pretty mixed Experience on heart rate so far with the New sensor in there but more or less What I expect from Optical heart rate For me this is the way it tends to work A lot of the time especially the big Watch on my small wrist I don't tend to Get very precise readings during things Like intervals but on easy runs it Usually is kind of okay so into that First run and I've only done one run With the uro 3 so far I've just come Back from doing a two-hour run with this And uh that was kind of mainly kind of Some off-road routes a little bit of Road on the way back um and really Trying to get a sense of how the uro Performs in terms of that kind of GPS Performance I was planning to test the Heart rate accuracy but in the rush to Get out I forgot my heart rate monitor I Forgot my glasses it's very hot so I Wish I did have those things uh so I Can't really talk about the heart rate Accuracy right now but I will do that in The full review but I can talk about the GPS performance now I had the Garmin Phoenix 8 the 51 mm version on my other Wrist um now I have already done um Another run with that against the 4 and A 965 against its multiband mode I found It's been very kind of solid on the that Front and what I found on the um injur 3

Is that ultimately the accuracy felt Very good for me I think in terms of Kind of clocking those kind of laps in Terms of those kind of recognizing those KS you know it very much chimed in Together now I can't get into um kind of The the ging app yet so I can't really Pull down those um those kind of routes To kind of see how closely they kind of Align but ultim in terms of that Accuracy and what I'm seeing against the Phoenix it feels very kind of reliable And kind of what i' expect to see in Terms of the route that I kind of um Kind of took on ultimately now talking Of the kind of rooting stuff now one of The big features is the kind of dynamic Kind of round trip routing so round trip Routing has been around on the Garmin For a bit and now they're kind of making It a little bit smarter so Ultimately it will kind of adjust based On um just kind of if you you can't go Somewhere which is planned in that route And it would adjust that and calculate Recalculate that route for you to make Sure you still get the distance that you Want for that kind of course or whatever You know distance you want to cover Ultimately now a bit like the roundtrip Routing anyway it will create those First three courses for you that takes a Little bit of time and then ultimately If you can a off course it will

Recalculate a a route to make sure You're still going to cover that Distance you want to cover now it Doesn't do it instantly it does take a Little bit of time to do that so do feel That you if you're looking for that in Kind of dynamic uh kind of impact in Terms of that feature I don't think That's quite how it works but I think if You're willing to wait you know you're Not rushing out you're not kind of Racing for a time and you're worried About kind of losing that time it does Work pretty well ultimately and Obviously you still do have those kind Of three courses to pick from as well Too so that was a quite nice um feature To test but yeah from a GPS point of View all looked very good for me kind of What I expect to see from one of gin's Kind of top range watches it's got that Kind of big case you know plenty of room For it's kind of an kind of technology In that kind of multiband um mode to Really kind of live in and so far it's Looked pretty good for me so GPS then We've got the Gin Phoenix 8 in purple We've got the Garmin and Juro 3 in the Turquoise and we've got the gin and Juro 2 strapped to a waistband so it Shouldn't do as well in the brown Overall on this run it's not Particularly tricky it's not hugely Built up and actually most of them

Perform really well they track quite Closely they are going a little bit wide In places here as I do some Crossings But it's got me on the PS pretty nicely It's got me on the right side of the Road for a lot of it and yeah handles Sort going under this big cut of um Underpass Westway which is good yeah Mainly these are quite good it has cut Off a little bit going on to Ebridge um but overall pretty solid Really it's picked up I'm going to swing You over here to one of the bits that I Often do just to see how it copes which Is a big underpass this is a series of Sort of tunnels under the big road here In West London and as you can see none Of them have handled this particularly There's a little down and it sort of Switches across and then there's a Little switch back but they've all gone Pretty Haywire there nothing has coped Particularly well maybe the Garmin and Euro3 has coped a little better than the Phoenix 8 but overall with this Performance I'm pretty pleased with how These have all done with that Max Accuracy mode they've stuck pretty Closely there isn't too much out of hand Here they they all look pretty solid so Yeah on GPS I would say that's um a Pretty good performance for this test so We have a quick look at this one run Then we've got the Garmin and Juro 3 in

The turquoise we've got the Garmin Phoenix8 in the purple we've got the g Uro 2 with a h10 chest strap in the sort Of slightly brown color as you can see I Mean the Enduro here does take a little Bit of time to sort of track up to the Same level as the chest strap it also Lags a bit when it drops down stays a Bit High here but it is matching fairly Closely all three of them are in pretty Good agreement here punches a bit High Here the Garmin uro 3 and then I took a Stop here I met someone that I knew so I Had a walking break and had a chat when We got going again again they're Tracking pretty well the Enduro doesn't Come down quite as quickly as the chest Strap so it's you know it's a little bit Of delay there it's reading a little bit High here but again we're kind of back Into matching the chest trp pretty well Little short spurt up a hill here and The Enduro 3 doesn't quite catch that Raising effort quite at the height that You get from the other two from the Phoenix 8 or the chest strap and there's You know there's a good nine beats per Minute difference here as you rise up so That's quite significant difference Again we go back to being really close Now further along the end here I had Another met another friend stopped for a Big long chat and as you can see I got Going again here as I started running

Again this is where the garm andur Really sort of struggled again like it Does sometimes watches can or the Optical heart rate sensors can when you First start moving they can be a bit Erratic the beginning of a run and we Have this sort of episode here again Garmin Phoenix a isn't perfect either But the Enduro really sort of struggle It lurches quite High compared to the Chest STP here and then doesn't really Drop as low here or when I came to a set Of traffic lights I had to wait here you Can see that neither of the optical Dropped as low as the chest strap so There's quite broad agreement generally But there are moments here where the Garment in Duro 3 has struggled So it's really really really really Early days in testing but the signs are Positive I think for the new garment Ino3 I like the simpler design I like That it's a little lighter it's Noticeably easier to wear 24/7 than the Garmin phoenix8 I've been testing it Side by side I'm kind of happy that it Keeps the non- Amo display and solar Charging skills to ensure the very very Biggest battery life and it is a Whopping battery life as well I really Charge my Enduro to now and this looks Like I'll have to do that even less Which I love GPS and hard rate accuracy So far seem to be pretty solid but that

Needs much much more testing before I Have a verdict on that there'll be more Of that in the full review battery life Also looks to be long as I've said and It seems to be bearing out what the Claims say the initial test suggests it Might take some serious setting to weeks And solar time to get the full 90 days Of that sort of General Smartwatch usage Out of it yes it's lacking some of the Shiny new smartwatch skills of the new Phoenix 8 the calls the voice commands The brighter screen but if you're not Bothered by those kind of tools and Tricks I think with the downward price Shift for the uro over the two the Earlier signs are that the Enduro 3 Could be a really good bang for buuck Endurance option you know multi-talented Endurance option but that is an idea We'll challenge as we keep testing for The full review early thoughts on the Uro 3 is that it's pretty similar to the Uro 2 you know a couple of minor changes There I do think the screen's been Improved the design seems a little bit Better and you are going to get I think A bit of an uptick in battery we'll see A bit more about that in the full review I think it's a nice alternative to the New Phoenix 8 range you have now because It's actually a bit cheaper for one and It's much more of a focus on just being Lightweight and having long battery life

And it still got loads and loads of Features but it didn't add things like The smart features like the mik and Speaker on the Phoenix 8 which a lot of People won't necessarily find useful so To have a watch that is very performance Focused has that really lightweight Design for such a big watch it's still Not a light watch but for such a big Watch it's certainly a lightweight watch And does have that great battery life Really accurate GPS G's newest heart Rate sensor as well so all across the Board I think it's a nice little update Don't think it's a massive one compared To injo 2 prices are still so high in This area with gin watches I think in General it's always better to look at Previous models and the uro 2 offers a Pretty similar experience so if you can Find that in a good deal that's probably Going to be the smart way to go but yeah Enjoying testing the injo 3 so far have Loads more to say in the four review so Some initial thoughts on the Gin injo 3 And it's feeling like a pretty solid Updates to the injur range I think it's Still going to stand out for the same Types of things as the uro I think Ultimately you are going to get a watch Here that is going to have a lot of Battery life and if that is something That you want from a ging I think it's Still going to deliver that to you

Whether that's tracking or when you're Not tracking But ultimately as I said Until I can really connect it to the Garment connect and really see how that Kind of impacts on the performance I Reserve judgment and how much better it Is on the previous inos core Functionality in terms of performance Looks like it's going to be there and Thereabouts um with the other kind of Ging watches that have launched Alongside it as well too I like the fact That those changes in terms of design of The you know how the display Works how That works in conjunction with a solar Charging technology which is a news I Think that just makes the screen feel a Little bit more you just generally nicer To look at and to kind of glance at Ultimately so I think that is a big plus Here I think it's worth looking I think You know previously uro has always been The kind of really expensive watch to Look at in garmin's range if you really Wanted those big battery numbers now if You look at the pricing now it comes in Cheaper than the Phoenix which obviously Comes in that kind of AMOLED and non- AMOLED um kind of Options I think ultimately what you're Really missing out from those watches is You're not getting those kind of Recreational diver friendly features and The design you are not getting the

Speaker and microphone which means you Miss out on the kind of Smartwatch Functionality of those of those features And that Hardware but also things like The kind of geotagged kind of voice Notes and also the kind of uh phone free Voice commands as well as too so you can You know speak and say start tracking or Check your heart rate and things like That now if you don't care about those Things I think ultimately this is a Watch that absolutely look at again if You don't care that much about the am Display and you really want those kind Of big batching numbers and all those Kind of those kind of performance um Kind of features that you're going to Get on the Phoenix and I think this is Absolutely one to look at I think you Know what I'm feeling is i' be happy Having the injo 3 in terms of what I'm Seeing so far um but yeah ultimately I Think it's for those key things I think It feels like a nice update on the injur 3 and crucially the pricing just makes It a little bit more I think uh Competitive with garmin's own watches But also some of the other watches Outside of garmin's um kind of range as Well too so yeah it's feeling like a Solid update with some nice design Changes that kind of core performance That we've seen for the injo and Crucially that battery life which looks

Like it's going to be as good as the Previous in juros so that's a very very Early look at the new garment injo 3 We're off to keep running and keep Testing always wearing two watches at Least here on the Run testers now if You're interested in the Garmin Phoenix 8 we'll have a similar video to this up On the channel right now go and check That out don't forget to like And Subscribe to hear when those reviews Come in future the full reviews of these Watches I'm also going to pop another Video up on the channel now that I think You should check out otherwise thanks For stopping by we hope to see you again Soon and in the meantime happy running People