So I just got a package to my UPS box And I actually don't know what's inside So I figured why not open it on Camera oh sweet so it looks like we got A pair of sneakers from Yannis anmo and Degree hey shout out to them for sending It my way on the front of the Box you've Got degree Giannis # degreef freak but Hey let's pop the box top and see what We get looks like we got a note we're Excited to officially welcome you to the Degree freak team unleash the freak with Giannis degree limited edition antip Pers Sprint and at 72 hours of non-stop Sweat and odor protection so first Inside the Box we've got some limited Edition deodorant I actually do use Degree deodorant so this is nice I Needed some more we've also got the Degree deodorant spray and then it looks Like we've got some sneakers so these Are the Nike Giannis immortality 4S in This really nice purple and pink Colorway I actually really like the Design of these a lot especially around The heel of the shoe you've got this Really interesting sort of molded in Ripple texture which looks awesome huge Shout out to degree and Giannis for the Fire pair of sneakers and the deodorant Much appreciated and needed not that I Smell bad I'm just I could always use More deodorant it's never bad to have More deodorant
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