
We know that the Saucony Endorphin Speed 4 is one of the best daily trainers but can it step up to racing? Run Tester Kieran puts it to the half marathon test at the Wizzair Hackney Half Marathon to find out.

0:00 – Intro
1:12 – Post race reaction
2:24 – The race – Hackney Half
5:35 – The Shoes – Saucony Endorphin Speed 4
9:50 – Verdict


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Hey people welcome to the run test it's Kieran here I am just back from the Hackney half marathon was a hot one out There again today and in this video I'm Going to be giving you a half marathon Race test of the sakon Endorphin speed For now I know this is a training shoe But I wanted to see how this would cope If you Tred to use it in Anger going Fast over a half marathon distance so That's what I did today let's go and Take a look at how I got on [Music] The 10 halfway look [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] So it's very loud out here I've just Finished I've done 13 something has a Hard day at the office turns out it's Not a great idea to play football in a Tournament the day before you try and Run a half marathon went out tried what I could do for field but it was a real Str got hot I struggling for mile one That might be uh one of my hardest Marathons in terms of the mental Digging it's one of my worst from the Running point of view one of my best From a mental sort of pushing point of View it is done the so endorphin speed Four I'm really glad I chose them this

Morning I very nearly went for the Tumi S 10 winged it but I thought those shoes Look Razor Edge and you'd have to be on Form for this after 2 miles boy was like Glad I was wearing the speed 4 yes they Don't have the energy might get from Something like an aex met spe Sky Paris Or some of those other shoes but boy did I need the protection later on and they Gave me what I needed right through that Race not quite the energy maybe I would Have fed better in a shoe that was Giving me a little bit more back but Overall they ran really well and I Needed that comfort and protection Towards the end but I will do more on That back later at some point when I'm Not so [Music] Tired so start with a quick word on the Hacky half then this race has been going For a number of years now and the thing I can say is this has grown into what I Can only describe as kind of a festival Running that happens over a weekend the Main Hub of it is on Hackney marshes a Big wide open space in East London Fields for miles and that creates this Kind of massive space for the event to Happen and take on a kind of Festival Vibe with bars and all different kinds Of stands and stalls and food the race Itself follows the streets of Hackney it Goes through all over K of Hackney I I

Mean I feel like I've been sort of Twisted and turned all through hne I Don't know hatney very well and I've run It twice now and I still can't quite get A grasp on where we've run and what We've done but you will get the complete Tour of Hackney and some of the kind of The hot spots in there the other thing To say about the Hackney half there's a Really good kind of running crew Atmosphere out there all of the East London run Crews and the London run Crews tend to sort of set themselves up On course for kind of cheer squads all Those kind of things so and the whole Thing I mean this was today I thought The noise out there was fantastic it's Very very well supported this is another Of London's races where you feel like You're going to get that kind of mini London Marathon vibe in terms of the Energy on the course lots of music along The way DJs drummers all these kind of Things it's um yeah again on course There's quite a kind of Festival Atmosphere people out drinking beers in The sunshine the other thing to say About hne they seem to always get the Hot weather now you could say they luck Out with the hot weather but it tends to Be really quite brutally hot out there And we had another one of those again Today started off you know even early Time we started off at 9:00 in the

Morning it was already hot by then and I Think a lot of people who do this is Mixed abilities you do see some people Struggling out there I saw a couple of People passing out and whatnot so this Is one I think you have to take it if You get into that heat you have to take It with a bit of caution there is good Support out there on the course loads of Crowds kind of lining the streets I Think overall the course is I wouldn't Call it flat by any means there's quite A lot of sort of little Hills the kind Of little Hills that you sort of don't Realize you're running and they can do Quite a bit of damage there it's quite Twisted and tney there's not a huge Amount to sort of look at visually um But I think that's more made up for by The the cheering and the crowds and the You know the people who are lining the Course to kind of raise the spirits so You you know you feel like this is a Kind of lively race the second year I've Done it and I really enjoyed that Atmosphere again today and then when you Get back you've got this huge kind of Festival atmosphere with big loud music You know as I said there's bars and There's lots of free things being given Out and you know people tend to stay Around I don't know what the exact Numbers are as I shoot this but I feel Like this has got you know tens of

Thousands of people come to this race And it really really has got that kind Of big energy from a sort of larger sort Of running Festival event and if you Want to know how popular this race is it Tends to fill up pretty quick so I think There's a QR code that you can register Your entries I might pop that up on the Screen if you're interested or go check The website out um I think the entries For them are going to open pretty soon So yeah it's well worth the look it's One I recommend if you're in London this One good atmosphere it's a it's a nice Run might not be the fastest course ever But I think if you're looking for a race To go and have some fun at this is one That would do a good [Music] Job okay let's talk about the shoes then Soccer endorphin speed 4 I'm a huge fan Of this shoe I think it's a brilliant Competent excellent doit all daily Trainer there's good speed in this I Think it can handle cushion kind of easy Runs as well I think it offers brilliant Value for money when it comes to that Kind of you know I guess got multi sort Of talented versatile daily training This could do it the reason I wanted to Take it out this morning I was actually Due even this morning I wasn't really Sure which shoe I would go out to test Today I looked at the Tumi Zen 10 and I

Very nearly went and put those things on To run yesterday I played football at my Son's football tourament played 60 Minutes of football for the first time In a year got carried away too Competitive so my legs were achy when I Woke up this morning and in a final Piece of smart judgment I put the socket Endorphin speed in the bag or on my feet Actually I had the under arm velocity Elite uh two in my bag actually soz I Was thinking about that one as well and I left the Tumi Zen which I think are Kind of razor ed shoes you know I think Those ones you've got to be running well You got to be punching kind of really Strongly in those shoes and I put these Ones on and the result was great cuz I Wasn't really sure what I was going to Get out there on the course today and I Can tell you that from mile one and a Half I was on The Struggle Bus like I've Never been on a struggle bus in a half Marathon this was an absolute Grind from The start I did manage to put down some Six minute-ish miles in the first 5Ks But I knew very quickly that I was not Going to be able to sustain that Cardiovascular fine muscles from Yesterday's football in the bin lesson Learned don't go run on a half marathon Or raceing a half marathon after you've Played football for the first time in a Year it didn't really work push myself

Too hard so what happened you know I I Tried in the speed four and then when You do that I got all the energy that You kind of really want it's probably Not as Lely as kind of an allout carbon Race you know wasn't the same that you Get from the aex metas speed Sky Paris It's not going to give you an alphafly Type kind of punch it's not that Energetic but there was good energy in The beginning enough to keep me on those Kind of six minute miles I felt Comfortable I felt stable I felt in Control of the Shoe then I basically dropped off I Struggled and I could see my mile splits Just you know they were basically just Getting longer and longer and longer and That's where this shoe really came into Its own where you know that I think that Kind of protection you're getting from The midsole here and the overall Comfort On the foot the room to breathe in the Toe box and start sort of rock back on Your feet and you're Landing a little Bit more kind of flat rather than really Up on your toes kind of punching forward There's stability here and there's good Cushioning and you don't feel the road Impact coming up like he might have done In some you know particularly like Something like Tumi sen I would have Been left hung out to dry basically I Think it would have made it a much

Longer day when I needed to drop back And have a bit of cushion versatility in This shoe the so endorphin speed for Gave it to me now would it be my obvious Choice to go and run a half marathon Again I don't think so I think that kind Of top end speed sort of section that I Did it didn't really give me as much as I would have liked would I have Potentially run better for more miles if I'd been in the aex metas speed Sky Paris I think arguably it might have Gotten me six or seven miles feeling a Little bit more energy A little bit more Efficiency and given me a little bit Extra you know other shoes like the Alphafly even socon and dorphin uh Elite Those kind of shoes might have given you A bit more but the fact is I don't think Had I chosen those shoes I would have Had enough in the tank to kind of Sustain it and that's where those shoes I think if you're running badly can can Leave you a little bit exposed so Wouldn't be my half marathon shoe of Choice but there is sort of one caveat To that I think if you're not sure how You're going to run like I was today you Think maybe I'm in with a chance of Running well but there's a good chance That it might not go well for a half Marathon I think this shoe has Definitely got you covered if you're not All that bothered about the time or at

Least you just want to run with a Comfort and energy and stability and Reliability and a bit of security over All of those things then I think the Sock and endorphin speed for is a very Good half marathon shoe for that I think You know for somebody who's maybe a a Newer Runner or you know hasn't got that Much experience in the Half Marathon This year will look after You so overall the verdict on the speed For from that half marathon test when I Was going fast it did have the energy it Pro if I'd have been really fit and Feeling good it probably would have Sustained me I think I could have run a Very fast time in the shoe it's not as Fast and snappy and Punchy as many of The other kind of full carbon races it's Not really supposed to be I was kind of Hoping it might be but on the flip side What you're going to get here if you do Choose this shoe is something that will Look after you when you need something To fall back on so yeah I you know I Think for training and racing I think The S endorphin speed 4 represents a Really good shoe you could train for Your half marathon and go racing I think You'd be kind of happy if you're a Newcomer so yeah that was the S Endorphin speed for tested at the very Very hurty sore Hackney uh half marathon So there you have it that has been my

Race test of the Hackney half marathon Of the soc endorphin speed 4 hope you Found it useful it was lovely to see Some of you out there thank you very Much Ian by the way for doing some shots Of on the start line you help me out With a bit of filming for some watch Testing that I'm doing that is much Appreciated mate thanks for watching Thanks for helping out there hope you Enjoyed the video hope you found it Useful if you're interested in a half in London go check out the hatney half I Think it's one that I would sort of Strongly recommend it's a really good Day out lots of good spirit well worth The look otherwise going to pop a couple Videos on the channel now that I think You might find interesting if you're Looking for a racer half marathon shoe Go check those out beyond that it's been Lov to talk to you as ever and hope to See you again soon on the Run testers Happy running people