
The BrighTEN Seafront Run is a new event featuring both 10k and 10-mile distances. It takes place on the Brighton Seafront and follows a relatively flat route along the coastline. Tom headed down to see if he could beat his time from the Dubai 10k the week before.

His shoe of choice for the race was the Hoka Cielo X1

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00:00​​​​ – Intro
01:36 – The BrighTEN 10k Seafront Run
07:17 – Hoka Cielo X1

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Hey Tom here I am back in Brighton this Weekend for the brighten 10K and 10 Mile I meant to be doing the 10 Mile but I Might try and um change it to the 10K Cuz I want to uh try and redress some of The uh failings from last week's run in The buy 10K where I got 42 uh minutes I'd like to get under 40 minutes uh in a 10K so might try and change that down It's actually quite a nice day for it um It's meant to be raining today but it's Um it's looking a little bit looking Like we might be all right until the end Of the race um wind's not too bad so It's a fairly good day in Brighton for Running running a race so I'm going to Head down to the start line now and get Ready I'm going to be running in the Hoker CEO x1s uh which I've only done 5K Racing before not 10K really like them Uh I did about 2 and 12K this morning And it reminded me how much I like these Shoes so this is the first time I've Properly raced a 10K in them right I'm Going to um head over to the start and Uh get ready [Music] Oh [Music] Okay so I am back now from the Bri 10 10K road race and I had a real SLO out There today it was a real tough race for Me um the the race is a new one so I've Never done it before the reason that I

Decided to do it is that uh I like to Throw in a few races earlier in the year Quite often I end up doing races that Are in places that are quite hard to get To and they're not they're not really Big races they're quite small locally Planned races um but this cropped up in At the perfect time where I wanted to go And test how fast I could do a 10K I did Do Dubai 10K uh last week didn't do very Well in that um but that was just after Christmas and I handed any training for A long time uh I still haven't done a Lot of training so but I wanted to see What it was like when I wasn't on Holiday and see if I'd actually I was a Little bit faster than um I was in uh Dubai um so let's talk about the race Itself um so takes place on Brighton sea Front there's two options for the race There's a 10 mile which I was originally Going to do but I decided when I got Down there I wanted to actually just do A 10K and see if I could uh see how fast I could do a 10K at the moment um so you Got the 10 Mile and the 10K the race Starts over on ho HOV most races in Brighton start on HOV Lawns so it's a Pretty standard place to to be to do a Race in Brighton if you've done a race Or park run in Brighton they all start At the same place um the route goes all The way down the seafront so you run um Down the coastline all the way down to

The marina which is about 4K from HOV Lawns um but it's not corned off so You're running down the um the paths uh On the sea front um and there there are Quite a lot of people at certain points Of it so you do have to sort of move Around people it's it's not a an easy Way to do if there are a lot of people Um on the route uh once you get to down To towards the end Marina you've got a Much wider road to run on you're Actually running on the path all the way Down there uh and there are lots of People on there as well so just take That in consideration um the tough bit Comes in when you get to the 4K Mark Which is at the marina because you Actually run up this hill um it's sort Of a Winding Stair stairwell uh or ramp That goes up to the The Cliff face it's Not massive but it it does have a big Impact if you're running a 10K 10K Pace At you know 4 minute kilometers and you Hit that it's it really slows you down And it it takes the wind out your Sals a Bit so I was already struggling to Maintain my Pace by that point but that Really did um it was a tough part of the Race after that it actually gets pretty Smooth because you're at the the high Point of the cliff and you're going back Down um towards hovels um over the the The the path section of the road all the Way down there um but there aren't there

It isn't corned off so you are running Down past the whole way um so it's Probably not a race I know I think on The website it talks about it being a Run um and not necessarily a race so uh I should probably should have guessed That when I when I signed up for it um But it's definitely not you're not going To get loads and loads of fast people Racing at the front because they just They're just going to get in the way of People um on on the road and it's not Going to be a very nice race but it Wasn't a a really fast field it was um Fairly comfortable field of people that Were probably doing it um to enjoy it as Opposed to really go all out on the race Um organization was pretty good um when You're doing races on the seafront Especially in Brighton you don't need That many Marshals because you're just Going forwards and back um but there Were quite a lot of signs on the route Um and it was quite easy to find the way To go uh the uh start Village is pretty Good um there was a problem with the bag Uh storage it took a bit of time um and Quite a long queue uh for people to to Put their bags in but after that all was Pretty good races started off um and it The weather was quite as well when you Do a race in Brighton in January You' Never know what you're going to get um But it was actually almost perfect

Conditions for a race so um the issue I Had at the end of the race is that or One I I'm not very fit at the moment so I really struggled uh normally my 10K Pace would be around 3 minute50 km my PB Is about 3730 which is actually on a Similar course in Brighton um but I was Struggling to uh maintain even a 4 Minute kilometer uh pace for this one it Was uating quite a bit so very really Struggled I'm not very fit at the moment Um but by the end of the course uh my Garmin clocked it as being 400 m long Which is quite a long way if you're Doing a 10K 10k race it's going to add On an extra 2 minutes or so to to your Time so um they definitely need to plan That out a bit better if they go ahead And do it next year uh CU I know that a Lot of people I spoke to afterward has Got a similar um uh additional distance On their watches um and if you're going There to get a PB over a specific Distance you don't want 400 MERS added Onto it especially over 10K distance cuz That's a a very big percentage of the Race um but it was it was nicely Organized nice day out there and it's Good to have a race early on in January Because I like to put those in because It kicks off the year and gives me a bit Of focus and it's nice for me now to Know where my fitness is because I know How much training I've got to do before

Manchester and it's a lot I've got a lot Of uh speed work to do uh and a lot of Fitness and enjoy to build up at the Moment so it's a bit of an eye opener For me but um it's good to do it uh at Uh down the Brighton SE sea front this I Think there's probably four races you Can do on the bright and seafront now so Um you're sport for choice right let's Have a look at the kit I [Music] Used okay so in November last year I Finally got a hold of the Hawker SEO X1 Um and uh I'd been wanting to test this Shoe for a long time the other guys have Been talking about quite a bit and it Sounded like a shoe that was just Perfect for my running style um and I Used it uh for a few runs a couple of Interval sessions um but I used it for a Race in November which was on the bright And seafront and I got 3740 which is About 10 minutes off my PB which I was Really surprised about because I was in The middle of marathon training uh Hadn't tapered or anything like that um And I felt great I absolutely Lov this Shoe for uh that 10K race I think I Mentioned at the start of the video that I haven't used this for a 10k race but I Have I just forgot when whil I was sat On the bench Um but the thing I really like about This shoe is that um it reminds me very

Much of something like the alphafly 1 Which is one of my favorite ever raoes Um it's a lovely base on it uh that Feels very comfortable to run on um There's a lovely turnover it's slightly Aggressive turnover but very comfortable You get a nice soft Bounce from this Midsole foame uh but you still get the Proportion of of the um of the geometry Of the shoe and that and that plate in There so while my fitness um was feeling Pretty good for about the first 5k of The race it felt absolutely great Just Bounce along uh it's a really really Nice shoe uh for my style of running When I like a lot of Bounce and and and Cushioning um but it's also that slight Bit of aggressiveness as well so really Enjoyed it for that run I might use it For bright and half marathon in a few Weeks um because I think at the moment This is probably my favorite um comp Plate Rao and I I should have probably Used this for Valencia um back in December but I decided to use the ax Speed Sky Paris which didn't quite work For me it just didn't have the the the Level of Cushing That I Want from a shoe It just felt a little bit too lean for Me whereas I think this feels really Really good and quite close to the outly One which is a shoe that I really really Like um so it's definitely a shoe that Over that distance works really well for

Me but I do think it's got cushioning That I could use for longer distances Which is why I'm going to use a half Marathon um one problem that I did have With it though which is really upsetting Cuz I thought I'd stop doing this with Shoes but um I've ripped off the the Back section of it again um I haven't Done this with many shoes recently um so As soon as I felt that happening at About 8K I just started groaning uh so I've got to fix that with some shugu um Tonight um but aside from that it was Was I was really really um really really Happy with this I think I think these Are great shoes really looking forward To the new version of the shoe that Hopefully is coming out this year um Because I think um this is probably uh One of my my top carbon carbon uh races At the moment uh that was really all I Tested uh on the race um but yeah all in All had a enjoyable day out bit of an Eye opening day for me um if you're Thinking about doing the bright and 10 Next year I would say that if you're Thinking about doing it as a race and You want to get really fast time don't Do it because it's not it's not a race Design for that it's definitely not a Fast course it's not teed up for people That are going to go all out and try and Get like a 30 minute 10K there's plenty Of other races in Brighton that are very

Very good for that this is really a run That is um an opportunity to do it in January a lot of people silence races in January to kick off the year uh if You're going down and you just want to Have nice run you want to push yourself A little bit or you might might just Want to have a nice relaxed run then It's a a good opportunity for that and a Nice time to do it if you're going out For a race and you want the fastest Course possible don't don't don't go Down there because it's not designed for That right that's it from me on this Race test thanks love for watching don't Forget to like subscribe click the Little bell if you go to the caption Below you can find link to our podcast Which comes out a couple of times each Month thanks for watching [Music]