
The Hoka Mach X2 is a significant update on the original Hoka Mach X, with a higher midsole stack that contains more bouncy PEBA foam, and a overall redesign that makes it lighter thanks to a new upper and more minimal outsole. How do the changes affect the ride of the shoe? Kieran and Nick have been out logging miles in the shoe and deliver their verdict in our full Hoka Mach X2 review.

00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:12 – Design & Key Stats
02:08 – How’s The Fit
05:09 – The Run Test
12:56 – Verdict & Alternatives

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Hello and welcome to the Run testers my Name is Nick and this is our full review Of the hoko macx 2 so the macx line is the pl trainer Within the Hoka range that sits above Shoes like the Hoka Mac as a fast Training doit all shoe with has a plate In the midsole as well as a high stack That includes some of hok's best phones The macx 2 is a fairly big update on the Hoka macx and it's got a higher price Tag as a result it's $190 in the US Whereas the original was $180 original Was £160 don't have confirmed pricing For the Mac x2 in the UK yet but I think It'll probably be £ 170 the new shoe is a bit lighter it Weighs 255 G or 9 oz in a UK size 9 Whereas the macx was 265 G or 9.3 o in The same size the macx 2 has a 5mm drop Which is the same at the original but The stack height has increased by 5 mm Across the board it is 44 mm at the heel And 39 at the 4 foot in the men's shoe And then 42 at the heel and 37 at the 4 Foot in the women's shoe so you have a Higher stack but a lighter shoe with the Latest model and that stack has been Increased with peber foam so it's a dual Density mid soole just like the original Hoka macx with the top layer being hok's Pea foam the stuff that you'll see in Shoes like the cellow and the rocket X2 And then a bottom layer of EVA foam with

The Mac X2 the increase in stack heite Has come about by adding more pea foam Into the mix so you should get a Bouncier softer ride you still got a px Plate running through the midsole so It's a plastic plate rather than the Full carbon one to be a little less Stiff and more forgiving for daily Training it's got wings at the front to Add a bit more structure and stability There then you have hooker's usual Rocker geometry with the shoe to move You through your foot strike smoothly One of the areas where hooker has cut a Lot of weight compared to the original Shoe is in the upper which is now this Lightweight and breathable woven Material with not really any padding Around the tongue and collar of the shoe Compared to the original you can see There's a lot more padding at the back There had a bit more focus on comfort With the upper for sure whereas you've Got a slightly faster feeling shoe on Top with the Mac X2 also trim down some Of the out rubber as well on the new Shoe there still pretty good coverage Though and there are some cutouts there To help reduce the weight and show off The pack plate in the Midson so when it comes to fit I ran in A UK and a half which is my regular Running shoe size in h arguably I think With the Hoka ma X2 you're getting a

Very similar sort of feeling to the Original hok ma X which is that these Are really super snug race fit shoes if You're being kind I feel like they maybe A little bit too tight you can see down Here there's enough length that bit is Fine but when you come back into the toe Box here it's really narrowing around my Toes my little toe feels kind of Squashed in and although there is some Flex in the uppers and it does feel held Like you might like in aace shoe I think Actually there's just a bit too much Snugness particularly over here on the Right hand side and I think this kind of Maybe limits how long a distance or how Much time on feet I would spend in this Shoe it does feel over over all a bit Tight I get okay lace locked down across The middle of the foot it does take me a Little while to kind of almost drag my Foot down into the shoe and get this Feeling comfortable and secure it's not The easiest shoe to get on flat wrapping Tongues just about kind of sit nicely And then I think when you come back into These heel colors there's a bit of a Problem here I'm not a huge fan of the Way these sit I can feel my heel kind of Rising out of the heel color and this is A bit kind of pointy it's not sharp but It's very thin and that was definitely a Worry the first few runs I've had in it Whether that's going to cut into my

Heels it hasn't but I think over a Longer distance there's definitely Potential to have some rubbing here from This hill colar package I'm not a Massive fan of that it just doesn't Quite feel like it's sitting 100% right So in terms of sizing I there's a big Decision in here to be made for the way My toes are cramped here I think I would Probably have to go up half a size to Get a roomier fit or a more comfortable Fit I think if I was wearing these for Like a 5k or you know up to hour on feet Maybe a half marathon at a push I'll get Away with it but it's not entirely Comfortable and I do worry about how That little toe is going to be rubbed For me but I do have quite an issue with A little toe and quite wide feet but Yeah so my instinct is that unless you Really like it really super kind of racy And snug I would go half a size up it Comes to the fit of the Mac X2 I've got My normal running shoe size here which Is uk9 US 9.5 for hoker and it fits me Very well I do think this is an upper That's going to divide opinion though I Think the original macx had a very Comfortable and supportive design with The upper it was very much built for Comfort up top whereas the macx 2 has Got this heel design in particular that I think could end up chopping up some Heels now it hasn't been a problem for

Me at all in fact I really like the heel Design on the shoe because it's not Irritating my Achilles or anything like That I have heel locked the shoe just in Case cuz I was a bit worried about Rubbing but I've not had any problems With that I do think this is a heel that Might rub some people though so probably Is worth trying it out if you possibly Can otherwise the upper is not nice and Lightweight and breathable it does lean A bit more speed focused than the Original but I like that even in a daily Trainer to have a nice lightweight upper Like this so all around I got on very Well with the fit in my normal size but It's probably one to look out for around The Hill so I've run 75 km in the hak X2 and I'm a really big fan of this shoe it's Kind of exactly what I wanted the hok Maak X to be it's a really Lively Lightweight daily trainer it's got a lot More versatility I think at the speed End of things than the original macx but Still feels nice and comfortable for Easy stuff really is a Do-it all shoe With a really fun and enjoyable ride With the original macx you know I liked It fine and it was quite a nice cruy Shoe that had a good rocker and felt Good for rolling through your relaxed Runs easy runs long runs but I really Didn't feel like it had much speed in it

And when you're comparing it to other Super trainers on the market like the Endorphin speed or the Adidas Boston I Really feel like it lacked in that Regard and while it was a comfortable Shoe it wasn't one that I really you Felt stood out on the market or really Offered that much more than kind of Training shoes fast training shoes Without a plate like the Hoka ma or even The New Balance rebel I do think the Mac X2 offers more in that regard it's got a Much bouncier thanks to the extra peber Foam in the midsole you can feel a bit More punch from the plate and The Rocker Feels nice and fast but you can still Ease back and Roll Along at relax Paces In the shoe it's got a really nice Amount of range I think the only thing That would probably cut off that range In terms of easy miles would be the uh Slightly flimsy upper at the back there Which some people might find a bit too Lacking in support for easy runs but I Have really enjoyed it for that Definitely is a shoe that gives me some Of the Vibes of the clo X1 so hocus Yellow X1 has been one of my favorite Shoes of the year it's obviously a Carbon plate racing shoe a very Expensive one at that and actually don't Think it absolutely excels as a racing Shoe compared to others cuz it is quite A heavy shoe I think it's really good

For longer races potentially like the Marathon but I would necessarily say It's the fastest shoe if you're looking At shorter races when hoker obviously Has the rocket x2 in its lineup but it Is is shoe I've Loved using for lots and Lots of training you obviously don't Really want to do that in the carbon Shoe I think the Mac X2 are not being as Soft and bouncy as the cellow does have A little bit of the feel of that shoe And the enjoyment of that shoe in a Training shoe that obviously then makes It very suitable for a wider range of Runs than I'd ever used the C X1 for Which I've used for lots of speed Workouts but the to you can use for Relaxed runs as well so I have done a Big mix of runs in the shield done a few Easy runs I've gone a couple of Progression runs moving from Easy Pace Down to around kind of 330 340 a k Pace I've done one track session running two Sets of five times 800 met reps so I've Put it through pretty much every Pace Unlikely to run in regular weeks aside From going out and actually racing in it I think it hit all the paces and kind of Workouts that I would regularly use a Shoe like this for when I was doing Those kind of easy to steady progression Runs in the shoe like it really justes Show off the range of the shoe and it Really feels almost perfect perfect for

That because it is a nice relaxing shoe To run along at easy Paces I found you Can just tick along very smoothly it's Comfortable kind of forget the shoes There it's got that really nice hoker Sensation that you get I get a few of The shoes where they just kind of Disappear on the foot and then as you Move through the gears you start to hit A bit more of the bounce in the shoe you Start to feel the response from the Extra peber foam and the plate and it Just feels a bit explosive and hitting Faster Paces in the shoe feels like akin To how it feels when I'm doing that end Training in a full carbon shoot it's Like a nice and relaxed my effort and Heart rate is still quite low as I start To move towards steady Paces it's not Like I'm really having to push and yeah It ticks over very nicely it's got a Really smooth ride bouncy ride just Everything I want in a shoe for that Kind of run then going down the track to Do those 800 so I was doing alternating 240 and 230 uh 800 met reps and you know That that's where the Sho was slightly Labored compared to a full carbon shoe That will give you a bit more balance Will be a bit lighter will be a bit more Speed focused but I did do those quite Comfortably the shoe felt good for them It was a longest session I ran to and From the track in the shoe as well for

Like you know 5K easy you know warm up And cool down and it was great for those Different Paces there so a really Accomplished all round training shoe a One that I find enjoyable to run in as Well I was looking at comparing it to The original macx like there are some People that might prefer the shoe Because it is a more comfortable shoe It's probably a little bit more stable It's a bit cushier the upper certainly More comfortable it does fulfill that Role as an easy trainer better than the Mac X2 but if I'm looking at a super Trainer I'm looking for versatility in Particular and I want it to be able to Do some top end far stuff and I always Found that a little bit labored in the Original macx compared to other super Trainers out there you've got that extra Lightness punch pop from the Mac X2 that Really makes it more suitable for those Faster runs did a little run wearing Both at the same time and definitely get A bit more of a grounded feel with the Hok ma X even though it is still quite a High stack shoe itself but you'd get a Little bit more bounce and pop from the Hak X2 and it does feel like a big Improvement to me for this category so In testing I've done around 25 miles in The hoker Mac X2 I've done some Progression runs moving from Easy up to Half marathon pace I've done some

Shorter runs with intervals at 5K Pace I've also thrown in the odd slower run Too all of that has been on the road now I really liked the original Mac X and Though some people I think didn't feel It added much punch over the regular Mac 5 or the Mac 6 it was a very much my Kind of shoe it was Nimble agile Snappy And responsive not too bouncy there was A nice control to it but it gave back a Bit when you pushed and put some work in At the faster paces and I really enjoyed My miles in it the hak X2 I think has Some big changes here but I think it Picks up that battern and moves faster With it the new woven uppers are light And Airy they're very racy this is a Very sort of racy shoe I'd like more Width at the back of the toe box you Know across the toe Knuckles here but if You look for that snug hugging fast H Fit you're definitely going to get that Here with this shoe the combination of The three layer midsole the plate and The Rocker I think really works The Landings for me are cushioned but not Lacking in ground field I still feel Connected to that ground and in control And the response crucially for me is Really nice and immediate there's a Firmness or a stiffness that comes Through from that paback plate with a Spring year more propulsive Edge thanks To the increased peba stack you've got

Right across the shoe I think it's 5 Ms Across the bottom you can feel the Aggressive rocker and stiff plate Rolling you into a Snappy toe off this Is a shoe I find that urges you to go Faster and to push harder and to run in Your most efficient form and when you do It kind of rewards you it responds but It's not a shoe I think that tries to Control you it's not sort of springing You and catapulting you you kind of run The shoe not the other way around And I really like that kind of ride when I'm landing mid to 4ot with a locked in Form I find there's a relatively Reliable stability here as well you can Trust the platform on landing and it Moves you through kind of quickly from Sort of foot down to toe off without too Much lateral wobble I'm not 100% in love With the overall feel on the foot I'd Say it's not the most instantly Comfortable it's a little bit tight as I Mentioned and I get a bit of foot Numbness and a little bit of kind of I Don't know everything feels a bit snug And a bit cramped in there there's not It's not enough to make me dislike the Shoe and you know I really enjoyed Running it but I am aware of it more so Than some other super trainers or faster Trainers and then you probably want to Take that into account when you're Thinking about whether or not you use it

For longer hours I don't think I'd spend Long long hours in this shoe sort of Marathon distance hours at least I Probably kind have stick to up to 90 Minutes which is a half marathon for me And all honestly I think I'm more likely To use this shoe for Speed and interval Sessions where I'm moving for an hour Max it's the kind of shoe I'd pick for Track reps and Road intervals with kind Of Mile reps I might even be tempted to Kind of push out a 10K or half marathon Race in it although there are obviously Better shoes that you might pick first You know classic out of carbon plated Raoes that would go first for that aex Met speed Skype all those kind of things But I think it would be a good option For some Runners for racing it's Definitely got that fast kind of park Run potential now while it excels at Fast and it doesn't have the fit for Long Haul comfort it wasn't actually too Shabby when I was moving low and slow Either I can personally run slow and Easy in this kind of shoe I don't Require too much cushioning and too much Softness but I did a 45 minute 7K run 11 Minute miles or so and aside from The Snug fit I found the cushion Accommodating enough to get me round That run in relative Comfort I didn't Feel kind of exposed when I rocked back And went slower I also happen to think

It's a pretty great looking shoe as Well so verdict for me is I'm a huge fan Of the hok max2 I think it's one of the Best shoes in this category of super Trainer going up against stuff like the Endorphin speed 4 Hoka is having a Really good year for me I'm really Enjoying all the shoes they're putting Out and this is another one that I think Now makes a lot more sense in their Lineup sitting above shoes like the Hoka Mac the sky flow and other cushion shoes You could use for easy training they've Got loads of really good easy training Shoes and comfortable training shoes and Fast training shoes without a plate and Now you've got a really you know Impressive Do-it all plated trainer that Can handle a bit of everything the only Concerns really I have about it being This upper at the back my chop up People's heels but didn't chop up my Heel I'm pleased to say it would fit Very nicely in a rotation with the c X1 Because it does give you that similar Feeling I think Under Foot bit obviously Will fit very well of any racer in Rotation if you are using a plated Trainer alongside a full carbon racer And then when you're comparing it to the Other shoes in this category OB the big You know the behem off of this category Has always been the suck and the Endorphin speed and the Endorphin speed

4 I think is an amazing shoe at the Moment I'm leaning towards the hok ma X2 Myself because it's got a slightly Bouncier more fun ride and it's got more Protection under the forefoot I Sometimes found the Endorphin speed if I Was doing longer hard runs just get a Bit too much snap through and get a Little bit of four foot to scum foot With that shoe because it's quite Considerably lower in stack than the Hoker and has a higher drop as well I'm Going to get back in the speed soon for A bit of a tester and do a comparison Video for the two shoes but at the Moment I think I probably have the hak X Ahead of it and really any other shoe in The super trainer category as just the Most fun Do-it all trainer out there I Think it is a little bit similar Actually to the Brooks Hyperion Max 2 But just more Poppy and Lively and Lighter for faster stuff I think the Hyperion Max 2 is a good shoe that is Quite stable and great for grinding out Long miles it's a bit more stable than The hoker and has a more comfortable Upper but I do think the Mac X2 is a Better shoe you know more explosive more Fun and a more accomplished and Versatile super trainer also prefer it To the Adidas Boston 12 even though That's a shoe I really like again just Because you're getting slightly higher

Stack here a bit more protection under Foot a bit more comfort and the Boston 12 also has some issues with the upper So it's not really that's an area where The Boston pools ahead it's also a bit Too lightweight and kind of racy that Upper I'd say I definitely prefer it to The Puma dev8 Nitro 3 which was a shoe I Just didn't really get on with very well At all I found it a bit heavy hasn't got The versatility of the hak X2 hasn't got As enjoyable a ride either I'd say one Shoe that is a bit different that you Can also look at is the Muno Neo Vista Which is another plated super trainer Which has a really soft and bouncy Ride Like It gears a bit more towards easy Runs and very fun easy runs as a result And it's even bouncier than the Mac X2 I Have taken the Neo Vista to the track as Well and you can do that faster stuff as Well but I think the Mac X2 is a faster Shoe for your Speedy workouts if you're Looking at one shoe to do at all but if You are looking more for a plated shoe To use mainly for easy and long run the Vista is a lot of fun and very bouncy And certainly one you could consider That's a little bit cheaper than the Mac X2 as well and then there's the atic Super blast which is always tricky to Compare to anything because it's it's a Bit different to everything really and That is a really versatile shoe and I

Think it's got similar versatility to The Hoka very good design no plate in There but still really bouncy and Lightweight and fun to run in and I Think the only thing I ever have with a Super Li is just a big shoe it's not Like it's a heavy shoe it doesn't affect The ride that much but it does feel a Bit big and as a runner with a high Cadence I prefer the slightly more Dialed in and Nimble feel of the max2 And this is slightly cheaper than the Super blast as well super blast is Always one to consider though it's an Amazing all round training shoe for sure But even though I don't really feel that The max2 is necessarily that much Quicker uh in terms of actual Performance it feels a lot quicker to me Because it is a bit more you know small And dialed in so yeah I'd probably have The macx to a head there as well so all Around great shoe one of my favorite Shoes of the year so far really worth Checking out if you're looking for a do All shoe just look out for that heel so I never got to run in the SEO X but if The Mac X2 really riffs off that shoes Geometry and Tech then I'm pretty sure I Would like this yell as well because I'm A big fan of this shoe I think the Midsole changes add up to an improv Energy and a better ride versus the Original Mac X the higher stack and

Tweak plate have breathed some fire Into The Punchy midsole ride and there's now Clear daylight between this shoe and the Energy of the Max 6 there's much more Super I think in this super trainer now And I'd happily pick it to attack faster Training efforts and even races up to The Half Marathon distance I'm not Convinced there's enough comfort and Room for anything longer though and I'm Not 100% in love with the fit and the Heel collar package here but overall That doesn't really undermine the Performance enough to make me dislike This shoe on those shorter faster runs I Think is excellent overall it's a fun Energetic speed focused daily trainer That might be one of my favorite shoes Of the Year even in spite of that kind Of Hill collar and the overall sort of Upper Comfort it's definitely an upgrade From the macx and my initial thoughts Are it's peier and punchier than the Socon and dorphin speed for much more Racy and probably not quite as versatile Due to that overall Comfort I'm actually Going to be really interested to see how This runs side by side with a carbon Rocket X2 as well that's a much pricier Shoe and I wonder about how the Performance Compares here you might be Able to get yourself a race bargain in This Hoka macx now but we'll check that Out in a future run

Test that's our review of the Hoka ma X2 Let us know what you think in the Comments below pleas please do like and Subscribe ring the little bell and we'll See you next time