Thally enjoyed testing the Hoka skylow I Am really getting on well with hoca Shoes at the moment I think they're Having a Blinder of the year I think if The cell X1 came in like 50 g lighter I'd have a full hoker rotation going on Right now with the Mac X2 the skylow and This yellow it just choose I've Loved Running in and they do the job I want Them to really really well so the only Thing I don't like about the sky flow From my testing is the colors poke had a Real run of really nice teal blue greeny Shoes that were amazing like the Mac 6 Colorway I had early this year and it's A shame I haven't got that in this shoe Cuz not sure about this blue and yellow But other than that the shoe feels Really good and I really like it I think Within the Hoka range I think it's Certainly a step up in performance on The hoker Clifton wish it was the same Price as the Clifton but it is a little Bit more but you are getting I think a Better versatile daily trainer that has A nicer ride and especially has a bit More versati if you are going to push The pace a little bit I like it a lot More than Hoka Bondi which is shoe I Just don't really get on with I found It's that very heavy sluggish shoe and This feels just as comfortable but with A much more fluid and enjoyable ride and Then I think looking at the market at
Large it really is up there with the Best