In today’s Shoe Care Academy video, our Founder, Mr. Reshoevn8r, takes on the challenge of cleaning one of the best releases of 2024! These Air Jordan 1 Trophy Room’s were not an easy shoe to clean. If you have this iconic sneaker, we highly recommend watching this video from start to finish for essential tips and tricks.
Early in the cleaning process, Mr. Reshoevn8r noticed the white suede-like material starting to discolor and hold water in certain areas. This is never a good sign and usually leads to further complications, which it did. To make matters more challenging, the Satin material began to fray even when using our soft bristle brush. This is one of the first times we’ve seen this happen. The Satin material on these Trophy Room Jordans is very delicate and differs from the Satin we cleaned on the regular Satin Bred Jordan 1s.
In an experimental twist, Steve put one shoe in the washing machine without pre-cleaning it with our solution and brushes to see how that affected the delicate materials. There was much to learn from cleaning this unique and delicate sneaker in today’s Shoe Care Academy video.
If you’re passionate about keeping your kicks in top condition, you won’t want to miss this episode! If you have any questions or sneakers you would like us to test cleaning before you do, drop us a comment and let us know which shoes you want to see cleaned next. Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so you never miss out on our latest sneaker-cleaning tips and tutorials.
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All right so the production team has Been challenging me getting shoes dirty And I've met the challenge so you know What we want to do we want to ask you Guys why don't you drop a comment below How we should get the next pair of shoes Dirty and if we like the idea we'll Implement it we'll record it and we'll Shout you out in the video we took one Of the hottest shoes in 2024 and gave Them to Miguel to thrash and I will say That he did just that these are pretty Darn cooked let's see if these bad boys Clean up and make sure that you stay Around to the into this video we're Going to be dropping a special discount So pay attention um it will be special For the first 50 users that use this Thing so make sure you stay tuned we're Going to drop a special discount at the End of this let's Go all right so let's get started first Thing I'm going to do I'm going to Remove this left shoe we'll clean the Right one for before and after purposes We're using the ultimate kit pick up That ultimate kit um at ruinator dcom That is what I suggest without further Ado what we're going to do This is a size 11 so we'll use this Again adjusting the size of these shoe Trees some of you guys ask how to adjust It you take the bar out you put it to The size that you need depending on the
Shoe Size and then just pop it in like That I'm just going to set these aside Next thing take a bottle of solution Couple Squirts and then we're going to get Started the first brush that I'm going To use today is going to be the soft Bristle brush it it creates the most Suds and it's going to loosen the dirt As the first step the other reason that I'm using it is because these are Delicate materials and I don't want to Snag the material I don't know how it's Going to react so this is going to be The safest brush to use to start and Then we'll decide which brush to use Next the main material that I'm Concerned about on this shoe is this Soft leather so I don't want to over Saturate it because I don't want to Damage the material so I'm going to Clean one section first and then I'm Going to basically dry it off and just See how it Looks and that's how I'm going to Approach this cleaning I'm going to do It section by section when sometimes you Can just clean the entire shoe for this Particular shoe just cuz I like it I did A first pass on this tumbled leather I'm Going to go ahead and hit this satin now But Again guys let the brush do the work
I've said this in so many previous Videos but allow the brush to do the Work you do not need to apply too much Pressure even with this brush I am Seeing some fraying the amount of Pressure that I'm putting on it is Actually causing some Fray that we're Going to have to sh shave off um so just Keep that in mind I'm seeing it right Now so I'm actually going to have to be A little bit more gentle than I'm Currently being because I see it Happening right Now we're going to keep it moving I've Basically done and I can see I'm going To show you a couple things so I've done This tumbled leather section here I've Gone into this satin finish which you Know this the soft bristle brush is Creating some issues with it so I need To pay attention to that this tumbled Leather I can see the way it's drying You got to pay attention and we'll get a Closeup of this but you can see it kind Of leaving a watermark there so you're Going to have to pay attention and make Sure that you're avoiding these water Marks so I'm going to hook go ahead and Get This wet Again so we're going to leave that for Now this heel um I'm not sure how clean It got I'm being super gentle with this Brush now I'm going to focus on the sock
Liner and the tongue and then I'm going To hit the midsole then we're going to Go put it outside so it dries fast and It doesn't create any water Marks I'm trying to avoid oversaturating The shoes so I'm really doing it you Know my best to keep as much or as Little water off of these shoes as Possible Um just because I'm not sure how it's Going to affect this material You know what I'm actually going to use This Power Pad because I think it's Going to do a better job and it's going To allow me to use less Water now that I've gone over the out Soole with the medium bristle brush to Loosen the dirt I'm going to go ahead And move the Stiff again you want to be careful that This dirt dirty water does not run onto The upper so holding the shoe Appropriately if you hold it like this It's going to run back down on it so I'm Holding it [Music] Straight what I may do with this I may Change this video additionally on the Tongue there's some fraying using the Soft bristle brush what I think I'm Going to do is we're going to clean this One fully then I'm going to put this one In the washing machine in our laundry System since we are using the signature
Kit here and we're going to see which One turned out better I have no idea What's going to happen we could ruin This shoe or it's going to look better And you're not going to have all this Frame there is also some discoloration On this tumbled leather which was my Biggest concern I have no idea I think Once we let it dry it's probably going To look okay but if it's wet there is Some discoloration and this has happened Before when we've cleaned tumbled Leather so I'm not going to overreact um I have a feeling once it dries it'll be Okay we're going to go ahead and put This shoe outside let it dry we'll come Back to it some of the stitching in here Needs to be worked a little bit better I May take this to the steamer to get the Stitching out and then I think we're Going to put this in the washing machine And we're going to see which one works Better so all right so we're in the Cleaning station that we have here um Basically what I'm going to do is use Some tools that we do if you send in Your shoes to Us online or people we Have a local drop off we have some Additional tools that we don't sell I'm Going to try this tool out this is just You can find this on Amazon and we're Going to try and improve the cleanliness Of this stitching All right that should do what I'm
Looking for let's go put this outside See how they turn out when they're dry Okay now that we're outside we're in Arizona luckily it's not much sun so It's not too hot um I'm going to set This outside I do want to show you a Couple things so you see the water mark Here um I'm assuming I'm hoping once This dries that's eliminated You see this discoloration Here okay I think once it's dry that's Going to that's going to go away um also You see this this uh Nike check is it's Not bleeding but the the water is Saturating into the leather that so I Just want to pay attention to that I can Also See just something there that I'm Probably going to have to touch up and Then you can really see the material Frayed um on this side it didn't really Do it on this side which is interesting And then the tongue Let's go ahead and let this dry out here We'll come back and then we'll clean the Other one in the washing machine and We'll see which one works best let's go Okay so while these other shoes are Drying I'm going to go ahead and take This shoe we're going to unlace it we're Going to put it in the laundry bag and Then we're going to put it in the Washing machine and then we're really Going to see what is the better way to
Clean this shoe I'm a little Disappointed that the material is so Delicate that it started fra with even Our soft bristle brush what we're going To do here is I'm just going to clean up The midsoles a little bit I'm not even Going to go over and do a pre-treat is What we call it before putting these in The washing machine I'm just going to go Ahead and put them in dirty after I Clean the midsoles off with this sponge And then we're just going to see which Process works better I'm okay ruining Shoes if it's saving you guys from Ruining shoes so if there's any shoe That you're questionable about cleaning Make sure you always leave us a comment In the comment SE section below that way We can do the research and and we can Tell you the most effective way to clean Those Shoes that is all I'm going to do to This shoe I'm going to put them in the Washing machine we're going to let them Both dry we're going to come back to you And show you which one's better take This put this in here take the laces I'm Just going to do both laces since I have The ones from the other shoe let's head To the washing Machine keep your fingers crossed we got Our trophy room let's go ahead and put These in the washing machine Put that in there got one of our laundry
Pods typically I would put it in the Pouch but I'm just going to throw it in There for this purpose um small load Cold one rinse is fine Regular uh regular is fast is fine and Then we're going to do a short cycle Make sure it's the right cycle looks Good to me pull That and we'll be back Trophy room is a boutique sneaker store Founded in 2016 by Marcus Jordan the son Of basketball legend Michael Jordan the Store was inspired by Michael Jordan's Family Trophy Room in their residence Which housed Michael Jordan's numerous Awards memorabilia and personal items These shoes are dry well I should say For the most part this one's fully dry This one's still a little wet but we're Going to finish this video anyway so What we're going to do is we're going to Look at both both of these shoes this One I put in the washing machine the Sole's still pretty dirty this one I Scrubbed this one did Fray some of the Satin material now there is no fraying On this I did however have to take a Brush to get some stuff out of the Tongue area back on this heel there was Some dirt there the other thing that I Noticed too you can see that this um one That I put in the washing machine is a Little lighter so it kind of removes Some of the color from the heel and then
There's these white things that I'm also Going to be able to cut off overall they Look good so what we're going to do now Is we have some discoloration here right Here um this is something that was Happening after using the brush we did Not get discoloration from just putting Them in the washing machine which is Interesting um so what I'm going to do Is I'm going to take this suede eraser That we have with our dry suede kit and I'm just going To see if I can lighten this up And reset this material this is like a Tumbled leather SL Suede and it seems to Be working pretty good so I'm just going To gently go over all of this Material discoloration is gone which is Good to see I wasn't sure what was going To happen with that same thing on the Toe box there's some discoloration if You look at the difference between the Two this one doesn't have any Discoloration this one has a little bit Here so there's look they look like Smudges almost so I'm just going to Overall I think they turned out really Good I did Iron the laces after going Through the wash they were super Wrinkled so I'm going to go ahead and Lace this one Up um overall I'm pretty pleased one Thing to note again I had to gently Touch up this shoe because it didn't
Quite get clean enough just by putting It in the washing machine I took a soft Bristle brush and very gently hit a Couple of these spots and there's still A couple little dirty spots in there but I'm not overly concerned with that once This shoe fully dries I'll go ahead and Touch up the suede like I did with this One lace it up now the tricky part the Discount code is going to be the word After this phrase that I said in the Video okay pay attention it's the word After this phrase the store Was that is the discount code the first 50 people can use that for 30% off the Entire site today at rejuvenator If you watch this video and all 50 uses Have been used don't worry we will drop Other videos and we will make sure that We give you an opportunity to buy our Products at a discount we thank you for The support thank you so much for tuning In that's going to be it Mr rejuvenator Signing off