Welcome to Reshoevn8r Shoe Care Academy where we take dirty sneakers???? and bring them back to life using our one of a kind shoe care products????????.
In todays video Nick is cleaning his personal pair of 2024 Air Jordan Bred 4’s‼️ Nick scored huge on a shock drop⚡️ in early February of this year picking up a pair of these Iconic Kicks for retail.
This release is one of the hottest sneaker???? drops of this year so far and when it’s all said and done might even be #1. With its sleek all leather uppers and new Jordan 4 shape people are absolutely loving this release.
In just a few short months⏰ Nick completely ruined these 4’s. From top to bottom they are covered in mud and look impossible to clean ,but leave it to Nick to try and bring his prized pickup back to life???? using the Reshoevn8r essential cleaning kit.
Nick goes in depth breaking down how to clean???? these 4’s step by step giving you tips and tricks along the way to give your shoes the best clean possible????.
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I know what you're probably thinking how In the hell did he ruin his breads so Quickly Tad life my friends but to be Completely honest these have been my Personal favorite shoes since they Dropped and I've been wearing them every Single day once the request came in for Us to clean these I went ahead and Sacrificed my pair and I've been wearing Them every single day I hope your pair Never looks this bad but if they do Hopefully this video will give you the Knowledge and the confidence to be able To clean them correctly in today's video We're cleaning potentially the best Sneaker release of 2024 the Jordan 4 Reimagined bread I put these straight to Feet the minute they arrived and they Have been my daily beaters ever since You might be wondering why the hell Would I do that well they're extremely Comfortable they're my favorite colorway And I know that since they're made out Of all leather they're going to be super Easy to clean let's get Started before we get started on today's Video make sure you're subscribed we Drop two new videos every single week Today we're going to be using the Rejuvenator essential shoe cleaning kit To clean up these breads since they are A black leather sneaker with black Stitching I don't think we're going to Need to put them in the laundry system
When getting started cleaning any shoe You want to make sure that you dry brush It to get any of that loose dirt off the Top so that way you don't scrub it in Any deeper for before and after purposes Of this video to show you how well the Product works we're only going to clean The right shoe so I'm going to move this One out of the way [Music] The purpose of dry brushing is to make Sure that you get all the top layer of Dirt and debris off of the sneaker so That way when you put water and solution On it you don't make a big muddy mess or Push the dirt any deeper into the Materials than need be if you're Interested in picking up some Rejuvenator products you're going to Want to stick around to the end of the Video cuz I've got a special 25% off Promo now we're on to the pre-treatment Process before we can get started Cleaning the sneaker the first step we Need to do is remove our laces if you Have them and insert our adjustable shoe Tree these are adjustable from a size 7 To 12 us mens these are a must during Any shoe cleaning as it helps form the Shape of the sneaker also you want to Make sure you leave it inserted as the Sneaker dries that way it helps maintain The form I'm just going to adjust this To the size these are mine they're a
Size 8 and 1/2 just squeeze the bar Remove it set it to where it needs to go Place it inside the shoe press it down And lock it in it's reshaped the sneaker As well as gives us a nice surface to Scrub On To The Next Step which is step Two that's going to be putting two Squirts of solution into our bowl of Water that's all you need two squirts Can clean several Pairs and this whole Bottle can clean up to 50 pairs on to Step three which is cleaning the sneaker For this we're going to be using the Three brushes that are included in the Rejuvenator essential shoe cleaning kit Which is the soft bristle brush the Medium bristle brush and the stiff Bristle brush we're going to start off By using the soft bristle brush on the Uppers of this sneaker as well as inside The sock liner and the back side of the Tongue since this is the softest brush That's included within this kit it Doesn't risk damaging any of the Materials or scuffing up any of the Paint on the midsoles as well as it Won't Fray or pull or snag any of the Materials on the sock liner insoles or On the back of this tongue Make sure during the cleaning you pull Back the lace locks your wings panels as Well as your back tab to get any trapped In dirt or debris out from behind them After we've cleaned the uppers of this
Sneaker we're going to tackle the inside For this I'm going to remove our shoe Tree out of the sneaker also pull out The insole after that we're going to Really get in deep into the sock liner As well as the inside of the sneaker and The backside of this Tongue now while I was cleaning the Uppers of this sneaker I did notice some Color bleed it's not prant on the Sneaker but it is on the brush as well As the suds and in our bowl of water Just let you know you don't need to be Fearful of it it does actually bleed a Little bit but it's not transferring Anywhere else on the sneaker it's just Sticking to the brush and into the bowl Of water but it's not damaging any other Materials just don't be too scared when You start cleaning it and you notice That your brush and your bubbles are Turning black it's just the sneaker Bleeding a little bit of color out but We don't see any issues at this moment In time let's move on to the next step Next we're going to move over to our Medium bristle brush this is our All-purpose brush and it's great for Almost all materials because the Bristles do not damage anything like Leathers rubbers painted midsoles some Of the Interior sock liners and more Delicate material such as suedes and Newbucks will also work well on this I
Would typically test this brush on an Inconspicuous spot but for the most part The medium bristle brush is great for All different types of materials as I'm Cleaning the uppers of the sneaker using The soft and medium brush I am noticing A lot of color bleed as you can tell our White brush has now turned this bluish Black color as well as our bowl of water And all the bubbles also it is staining The brush a little bit but I'm not Noticing see any damage to the material Nor do I see the color transferring over To any of the other panels such as the Sock liner the tongue the back of the Tongue the tongue tag and Etc but just Wanted to let you guys know so if you do Start cleaning it and you do see that Your brush is turning black don't be Scared just keep cleaning after it gets Done and dried up it's going to look Just Fine next we're going to move over to Our stiff bristle brush this is the Stiffest brush that's included within The essential shoe cleaning kit and it's Perfect for any of your hard rubber Outsoles hard rubber rub midsoles but be Careful not to touch any of the painted Materials because you do risk damaging It and peeling some of the paint off This works great specifically on the Outsoles of your shoes just be careful You don't hit any of your super delicate
Materials Now that we finished cleaning the Entirety of the sneaker we're moving on To step four which is going to be our Laces for this step we're just going to Drop them into our bowl of water take Them out scrub them between our hands Squeeze them to get the excess moisture Out use our microfiber towel to go ahead And dry them the best we can and then We'll take the sneaker and the laces Over to the drying rack when you wrap up Cleaning your sneaker they're going to Be wet you don't ever want to put your Shoes into the dryer for this we're Going to be using a fan or you can also Put them outside since it's a little wet Outside we're going to use the fan just Simply set your sneakers on top of a fan Let them air dry and then come back and Check on them in a little Bit now that we got the shoe drying Let's talk about this sneaker a little Bit not specifically this dirty one but The sneaker in general this is the Nike Air Jordan 4 bread reimagined or as I Call it black cement for reimagined There's a lot of controversy between is Is it called a black cement four or is It called a bread four this sneaker is a Little bit different than all of its Prior iterations being that this is an Entire leather upper this sneaker also Has a little bit different shape than
Any of the previous models now my homie And your best friend Vic Almighty and I Did happen to do an unboxing on this Sneaker on the day it released if you Want you can watch it after this one we Really deep dive into all of the designs The Aesthetics the materials the history And all of the cool things that really Make this sneaker really what it is in Today's day and time make sure you check That out and drop a comment below and Let me know what you guys think about That unboxing series and if it's Something that we should continue doing Now I want to go ahead and hop into our Comment section that's always a fun time And see what you guys asked from last Week two weeks ago my last video I don't Know what day this is right now so I Went ahead and we got a question I would Like to see you guys clean something Besides dirt off of shoes how about some Spaghetti sauce how about some cranberry Juice or some other let's see if this Product can get rid of that well THC 408 We've cleaned tons of different sneakers That are covered in all kinds of Different things however the majority of The time most people sneakers that come In to either our drop off cleaning Service or our online cleaning service Most of the time they're just dirty from Normal natural use other than that if You have any other questions make sure
You drop them down below we'll be happy To answer them in any future videos as Well as try to get to them as the videos Go live I'm going to go grab the sneaker Off the drying rack it should be dry It's been about an hour or so we'll Check it out we'll get it laced up and We'll wrap this up so I'll be right Back all right I got the sneaker off of The fan it's nice and dry it actually Looks amazing and way better than I Actually anticipated it to based off Of how dirty the other one was as you Can see our before and afters this thing Cleaned up great to get these same Results at home you only need the Rejuvenator essential kit it's going to Include your three brushes soft medium And stiff we use the soft bristle brush On the uppers of the sneaker as well as A sock liner in the inside of the tongue We went back over the uppers a second Time using the medium bristle brush for Any of those hard stubborn stains as Well to get some of that Rocky debris And dirt out of the mesh material as Well as the netting then we hit the Midsoles with the medium bristle brush After that we moved over to the stiff we Hit our hard rubber outsole got that all Cleaned up and looking great next we Took our microfiber towel we dried the Entire sneaker off we also partnered it With our rejuvenator super duper
Absorbent cleaning mat as you can see Here and we also used the rejuvenator Shoe trees this is excellent for Reshaping reforming helping to alleviate Creasing and gives you a nice hard area To clean on your toe box we used the Rejuvenator drying rack and bow combo as Well to put our solution and water in as Well as let our brushes drip dry during The process and compact it back together It works great as a storage solution Last thing I've got to do is lace this Sneaker up then I got to go clean the Other one because they're mine and I Want to wear them again so here's how I Place them Up now that we have the sneaker all Laced up let's take a look at them again For our before and afters as you can see These things were beat Dusty musty Crusty muddy everything else all cleaned Up looking nice and fresh again now if You stuck with me through this entire Video I've got a special offer for you Right now for 24 hours from the time This video dropped I'm going to give you Guys all a special 25% discount by using Code YT 25 that's the letter y the Letter T the number two the number five YT 25 25% off on all products right now At rejuvenator decom from the first 24 Hours that this video drops I want you Guys to drop a comment below and let me Know what shoe you'd like to see me
Clean on the channel next if I happen to Pick your sneaker not only do I a get to Clean it and show you how to clean it Also I'm going to send you a free Rejuvenator signature cleaning kit this Includes 4 oz bottle of solution all Three brushes microfiber towel our Patented laundry system and two shoe Trees it's a $50 value I'm going to give It to you for free just by dropping a Comment down below if I pick your Comment other than that I've got nothing Else to do but go clean this other Sneaker since I do want to wear it my Name is Nick this has been super fun Hopefully you enjoyed it and you learned Something catch you guys on the next Time bye [Music] [Music] A