Cleaning one of the most iconic sneakers of all time, but let’s just say it wasn’t the perfect clean! Canvas is hands down the hardest material in the game to clean, but white canvas is on a different level of hard. In today’s episode of Shoe Care Academy we will walk you through how to clean your all white Converse or any other white canvas sneaker at home with just a single cleaning kit!
These all white Converse were worn by our editing team to do a variety of different tasks, so they were caked in dirt, grime, grease, oil and more. To kick of this cleaning we needed to use the RESHOEVN8R pretreatment method to breakdown as much of the grime as possible. We scrubbed the entire uppers using the Soft and Medium Bristle Brush and let’s just say… They were looking grey! The dinginess on this material was a little concerning if we are being honest! We then moved to the midsole and outsole using our Medium and Stiff Bristle Brush. At first glance the shoe wasn’t looking promising.
We put the sneaker in the washing machine and had faith that the laundry system would flush out the materials. After one spin in the wash the sneaker still needed some work. After all not all cleans come out perfect. We went ahead and cleaned the sneaker again to get better results! After the second cleaning these came out way better than expected. Sometimes on canvas kicks we see a slight yellow hue coming through (especially on Vans and Converse). However, we didn’t see it on these! If you do see it just put them in some UV rays and you’ll be good!
2 cleans later and these Converse are ready to go back on feet. Before you leave your comment with “buy a new pair” let me say you don’t have to! By buying one Signature Kit you can save/ revive 50 pairs of kicks. Prolong the life of your kicks by shopping at!
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What's going on Rejuvenation I'm Jordan And I'm back with another episode of Shoe care Academy today we're going to Be taking on these trash allwhite Converse that we had our editor wear he Completely roughed these up looks like He wore them in a mechanic shop then we Told him to get them a little bit dirty Cuz they just weren't dirty enough for Our liking and he did just that we're Going to be cleaning these up using a Couple different rejuvenator products But the main star will be the Rejuvenator signature cleaning kit this Kit has everything that you need to Clean over 50 pairs of shoes whether You're doing a quick clean or a deep Clean this is by far the best kit to use And with this canvas material it is a Must so without further Ado let's get Into this Cleaning so before we set up our Cleaning station if you're new here make Sure you subscribe we drop new videos Every Monday and every Thursday where we Walk you through customs and Restorations as well as cleaning and a Ton of different short form right here On this channel if you like today's Video hit the thumbs up button drop a Comment let us know what you want us to Clean next and who knows we might just Clean that sneaker let's set up this Cleaning
Station and just like that the cleaning Station is set up with everything that Comes in our signature cleaning kit as Well as a couple other products we have Our three different brushes soft medium And stiff our microfiber towel our 4 oz Cleaning solution which can clean up to 50 pairs of sneakers and our adjustable Shoe treat adjust from a size six to a Size 12 we also have our sneaker laundry Bag because this material is 100% going To need the washing machine we paired This with our drying rack and bow combo To hold our water as well as our brushes During and after the cleaning our Cleaning mat to keep our station Completely clean and the best product on The rejuvenator lineup which is the Ruinator laundry pods they smell amazing You can pick up everything and more at Renator use my link in the description To save 10% off now let's get into this All right you already know we only clean One sneaker so for before and after Purposes let's just get this one out of The Way let's remove these laces and insert Our adjustable shoe Tree laces are removed now we can fully See this tongue to give the proper deep Clean let's insert this adjustable shoe Tree these are a size nine so we're just Going to be adjusting to size it's about The fifth hole I
Believe now we can apply as much Pressure onto this toe box during the Cleaning all right shoe Tre is inserted Laces are out and the laces are soaking In our bowl of water they are white Super dingy so we're going to allow them To soak for the whole cleaning now let's Just add two squirts of solution to our Bowl of Water solution's in the bowl our Solution is highly concentrated you Don't need to use half the bottle all You need is two Squires with a 4 oz bowl Of solution and you'll be good to go now Let's tackle this canvas upper as well As this rubber toe cap using the soft Bristle Brush now for the converse the materials Are a little bit flimsier than the Jordans that we're used to so I'm just Putting my hand underneath the material And really pushing it out so that I can Apply more pressure into the materials This technique is a preference but it'll Just really help get a deeper clean on The canvas Materials we're all done using the soft Bristle brush now this rubber toe cap Cleaned up really good the canvas still Looking a little bit dingy but the Washing machine is really going to flush That out let's dry off this sneaker and All of the suds that the soft bristle Brush
[Music] Made well these kind of look like gray Canvas canvas well these kind of look Like gray Converse after the first pass Of the soft bristle brush so we're going To be moving on to the medium bristle Brush we'll take on this Rubber midsole And then we'll Rego over the canvas Materials just one more time to see if We can get it a little bit cleaner Before we throw it in the washing Machine well I mentioned earlier that The material on the sneaker is a little Bit flimsier than we're used to when We're cleaning Jordans just not as stiff But the canvas is super durable so went Ahead and use the medium bristle brush Medium brush is our middle of the road Allpurpose brush probably the best one To clean your sneakers hit the Tire Uppers on that canvas material there is Absolutely no damage to the material no Fraying anything like that and then took On the rubber midsoles to get that Grease and grime out of that white Rubber all right all done with the Medium bristle brush we went over the Rubber toe cap again as well as the Midsole overall that is shining pretty White but the canvas is still looking Very gray so the laundry system is going To be the key for this canvas materials In general are really tricky they really Soak up all the dirt grease Grime
Whatever you may step in and especially Because this sneaker is white so with The laundry system we're going to fully Flush out that canvas material it might Need two washes if we're being honest or The light box to really whiten up the Sneakers since they were super trash but We'll really see once we're all done With that laundry system now let's Tackle the outsole and go over the Midsole one more time using the stiff Bristle Brush now the reason that I chose to use The stiff bristle brush for the midsole Again is because of the textured toe box Now there is still a ton of Trapped in Grease and grime stuck in that texture So I just wanted to use a little bit of A stiffer brush and see if I can get it Out and then tackling the out soole Cleaning the outsole of your sneaker Some people don't agree with it really Is just to finish the job of the Disinfectant all right there's still Some heel drag on this sneaker as well As a little bit of trapped in dirt up Here so we' been using the microfiber Towel trick we're just going to stick The microfiber towel in some water and Solution put your finger in it and just Apply some pressure on the toe box and That back piece just to try to get the Rest of those stains out so the main Benefit that I find in using the
Microfiber towel trick is that I can Really just spot clean specific areas on The sneaker now you don't want to use The tip of your nail because it won't Work but you can use the back of your Knuckle or your fingertip and really Just get into all of that deeper Staining and it'll most likely remove it Didn't do 100% of the job but looks a Lot Better all right shoes inserted with the Laundry pot and the laces in the pouch Now we are all ready to head to the Washing machine we're going to be Washing the sneaker on a normal cycle With cold water and then we'll allow it To dry and check out the Results we're back we went ahead and let The shoe dry overnight after it went Through the wash cycle and I got to say It cleaned up a lot better than expected I was expecting some yellowing on the Canvas and some of those grease stains To really stay trapped in this canvas Material but it looks aund times better The only thing is there is some deep Stains stuck right here in this canvas As well as on the toe area so we're Going to go ahead give it one more clean Throw it in the washing machine again Just to see the results before we do That let's check out the before and Afters from the first Watch I'd say the signature kit did
Pretty Good let's clean this sneaker Again as I mentioned earlier in the Video it looks like our editor wore These things to the mechanic shop or Something but he did change his brakes In them and there is some really trapped In oil or grease in the stitching as Well as the canvas we've been scrubbing It it does doesn't look like it's Lightening up a lot so I'm hoping the Washing machine does the trick however If not we will have to use this steamer Just to get those oil stains out after All there are always stains that are Going to stick in these Materials pre-treatment is completed We're going to put these in the washing Machine again so we're going to insert Them into our laundry bag I did leave The shoe tree inserted to help hold the Shape of the sneaker in the wash we're Going to lock this down add our laces And we'll wash it on a normal size CLE With cold water using the rejuvenator Lottery detergent Pots all right while the shoes are in The washing machine we're going to go Ahead and answer a couple of your guys's Questions we do read all of your Comments and try to actively respond Whether that is just commenting back to You or responding in video form kale Han Piper
9955 sorry if I said your username wrong Asked what the best washing machine Process was for washing washing sneakers Now when we wash sneakers we always wash It on a normal cycle or quick wash cold Water never wash your shoes with Anything other than cold water and then Allow them to air dry or use a fan use The sun don't ever put your sneakers in The dryer it will cause damage to your Shoes what's the best method for drying Canvas shoes now as I mentioned you Don't want to put your canvas shoes in The dryer or any shoes it can shrink Them it can cause the gluten melt There's just a lot of damage that can Come along with it so we highly Recommend allowing shoes to air dry in The sun in front of a fan or just set Them anywhere in your house as long as You are not putting them in the dryer as I mentioned our editor did wear these to Get them dirty he wore them while Changing his brakes walking his dog and A whole bunch of other things to Completely trash this all white Converse But as you can see the signature Cleaning kit did a great job we achieved These results using a whole whole bunch Of rejuvenator products so the main Component of this was going to be the Rejuvenator signature cleaning kit we Are the world's first and only padded Sneaker laundry system and you can find
All of that right here in one kit we Also paired this with our cleaning mat To keep our cleaning station nice and Clean during the cleaning our dry and Rack and bow combo to hold our brushes Water and solution during the cleaning And we will also leave our brushes in This now that we're all done and finally The best product on the rejuvenator Lineup the sneaker laundry detergent Pods they smell amazing you can pick up All of this and so much more at Rejuvenator tocom use my link in the Description to save 10% off what do you Guys call these drop a comment I hear a Lot of Chucks Converse I personally used To wear these all the time until I hit About 25 and realize that they are not Comfortable at all so if you're over the Age of 25 Still rocking these I give you Props all right but before we head out Of here we have one more very special Announcement we are live in Costco Exclusive with this kit you won't find It anywhere else if you head to our Website and type in Costco or just hit The Costco page you will see our entire Store locator find out if there's Costco Near you features are 8 oz bottle of Solution you can clean over a 100 pairs Of shoes three different brushes Microfiber towel deodorizer and Repellent to finish the job when you're All done cleaning but we are going to be
Giving one lucky winner on the channel a Kit drop a comment let me know where You're from and we will pick one person 24 hours after this video drops I'm Jordan and I'll see you guys again soon In the next shoe care Academy video Bye slow [Music] Down He