
Welcome to another episode of Shoe Care Academy!

For this installment, Megell will show you the proper way to clean your Air Jordan 4s and what products to use to ensure you don’t ruin them.

Megell will use the Reshoevn8r x OxiClean Sneaker + Hat Foam cleaner for this project. It’s back in stock but act fast as we expect these to move quickly again.

Before Megell begins the cleaning, he’s blessing all of you with an exclusive promo code. Use “Thunder20” to save 20% sitewide at Reshoevn8r.com for the first 20 orders. Do yourself a favor and grab some Reshoevn8r.

In addition to the OxiClean Foam Cleaner, we’ll use our 3 signature brushes, a shoe tree, a dry rack and bowl combo, and a cleaning mat.

Once the shoe tree is inserted and the laces are removed, the first step is to dry brush the first level of dirt off. When dry brushing, be sure that you’re using the Soft Bristle Brush and that it’s completely dry.

With a good amount of dirt caught in the meeting and other parts of the Jordan 4, the air compressor is a must.

After dipping the brush in water, Megell applies the foam onto it. Once you start cleaning, be sure to check in periodically by wiping off any excess foam or water with your microfiber towel.

Megell will clean the midsole of the Medium Bristle Brush. Be sure to do a thorough job on that Air unit, as dirt can easily get tucked away.

Over the years, we’ve cleaned many Jordan 4s on the channel. Which one is your favorite?

Since these won’t be going in the washer, Megell will clean the insoles and inner lining. Once that’s done, it’s time to work on the outsole with the Stiff Bristle Brush.

With the herringbone traction of the Air Jordan 4, it’s common for dirt to get stuck there, so be sure to do a detailed job when cleaning.

For the laces, you can pump foam into your hand and rub the laces as if you’re washing your hands. Though these would normally air dry, it’s a little overcast in Phoenix, so we’re going to let these dry on the rack.

The netting still looks a bit rough, so Megell will do another pass with the Soft Bristle Brush, primarily focusing on the netting areas. The compressor will be helpful for this.

After letting them dry again, the shoe is looking a lot better.

Is this one of the best in the “Thunder” colorway series? Let us know what you think. And if you haven’t already watched it, be sure to check out how Vick turned the “White Thunder” Air Jordan 4 into a custom “Tiffany” pair. What should Vick customize next? Sound off in the comments.

All that’s left to do is lace these up.

Don’t forget that we’re giving away the “Velvet Brown” Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low this month. Drop a comment with your shoe size, subscribe to the channel, and follow Reshoevn8r on Instagram for a chance to win.

We’ll see you next week!

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Are you looking to clean your Jordan Forest but you're not sure the correct Method or products to use well today I'm Going to be showing you guys exactly how To clean up your forest and what not to Do to ruin them it's your boy Miguel Street and I'm be hanging out for Today's episode of shoare Academy before we get started I do want To mention that we're going to be using Our rejuvenator oxylean foam cleaner and Yes it is finally back in stock we were Not expecting it to sell out that fast So we definitely appreciate all the Support with the launch of our new Sneaker and half foam cleaner this is Basically my new favorite product in our Lineup I've been using on everything From my dailies to even my hitos and I Got to say it's a game changer real Quick before we get started we Appreciate y'all watching so I want to Give you all a 20% off promo code but You got to act fast because it's only Good for 25 orders especially if you're Thinking about picking up this foam Cleaner head to the website right now And use promo code thunder2 at checkout So as you guys can see we are cleaning Up these white Thunder Jordan Forest we Had our video editor A's rocking them Get him dirty for a couple weeks he did A pretty good job so before we get Rolling I'm going to set this left to

The side for before and after purposes Right now we already got our cleaning Mat in our foam cleaner we got our dry Rack and Bowl combo up front that's one To store our water and to our brushes we Got our soft medium and stiff brushes All very essential over here we got our Shoe tree now that's going to help Maintain the shape of the sneaker during Cleaning and help reshape this toe box If you have any creasing going on and Over here we got our microfiber towel All can be found at rejuvenator decom Use that discount code but to get Started I'm going to go ahead and pop This Sho Tree in and then take out our Laces and after that we'll start with Dry Brushing so the first point of action is To try and get as much of this caked on Dirt out of the material so to do that I'm going to be using our renator soft Bristle brush you want to make sure your Brush is completely dry work your way All around the sneaker and I do have a Feeling that some dirt will be trapped Inside these netting areas so for that We're going to run a Min worlds and use Their compressor When you're dry brushing your sneakers You only want to use the soft brel brush Now this is the best option for your Sneakers because it's delicate and it's Not going to damage any of the

Materials all right so like I thought we Definitely need to head the mini worlds So let's go We got that dry brushing step knocked Out and I can already tell we're in a Much better spot by looking at as the Sneaker now there's two different ways We can go about this and that's with Water or without for this cleaning we Will be using water since there's still A little bit of mud left on the sneaker You want to take your soft bristle brush You can do it either way you can pump it Right on the brush or on the sneaker you Choose with the Brush pump it right on there So this is where the microfiber towel Comes in you want to wipe your area just To Check all right that newbu material is Looking a lot better already and Especially when you're cleaning fours do Not forget to pull these tabs back So I'm finishing up the first pass with That soft brush and the whole sneaker is Looking a lot better especially this new Buck so to finish it off I just got to Hit this tongue in this white mesh area Then I'll be good to hop over to the Medium brush for the midsole All right we're ready to move on to the Next step so we grab our medium bristle Brush same thing hit the Foam right there quick little

Dip and you want to make sure you get in That air bubble cuz dirt always gets Trapped in there With ruven having this channel for over 10 years we've cleaned a lot of Jordan 4s whether that be suede newbu or Leather here's some of the colorways We've cleaned seen in the past let's see If I can remember all of them we got the Lightnings the breads black cats Pine Green as bees nigels military blacks Industrial Blues uncc's unions red Thunders yellow Thunders white oreo fire Reds and amers y'all correct me cuz you Know it's you're on the internet so go Check for me all those tutorials are on The channel right now before we're done With the medium bristle brush I got to Clean up the lining and the insole since They're not going in the washer I'm Going to just go ahead take the SHO out Pop out the insole and get to scrub It that was easy I wonder why it's Always different if they decide they're Going to tape the insole to the bottom Of the sneaker or if they just going to Put it in there cuz I don't know about You but I've ruined a lot of insoles Trying to get it out so Jordan brand we Need Answers cleaning the insole and lining Of the sneaker is a step that not a lot Of people do but it's definitely Important if you want to clean your

Sneakers from top to bottom We got the shoe looking a hell of a lot Better and at this point a lot of people Would think they're done cleaning but For us you know we're not we just got to Hit the stiff Rush on the outsole and It's super simple you probably just need One pump of foam and you'll be good to Go Jordan fors and pretty much all Jordans have a bunch of different Crevices in the outso so to make sure it Gets clean you want to scrub in all Different directions to make sure you Get all that dirt and gunk out We're good with the stiff brush so Before we set these outside to dry I'm Going to just take care of these laces You can just pump the foam directly into Your Hand and then wash your Hands all right let's set everything Else light Dry yo Arizona is not so sunny right now So change your plans we're going to Actually set these on the drawing rack Let's Go all right we're back we got the Sneaker completely dry and to be honest It could be a little bit better if you Look over here in this netting section It's looking a little bit dingy the Tongue cleaned up a lot a lot better It's looking really white that's what It's supposed to be like so anytime

You're cleaning suede or newbook Materials if you're going to wet it you Want to make sure you wet the entire Sneaker you don't want it to dry weird You don't want it to have any water Spots so that's exactly what I'm going To do give the sneaker a full Passover And then just like that first step I'm Going to use the compressor to really Get out some of that trapped in dirt in This netting section once I do that I Know we'll be in a much better spot so We're going to head the mini worlds and Get it done all right guys so like I Mentioned we're going to be doing a full Passover I'm only going to be using the S bristle brush and I'm going to put a Heavy focus on the netting over here Once I've got the sneaker completely re Cleaned I'm going to be jumping back and Forth between the steamer and the Compressor All right we got the re cleaning knocked Out and to be honest I don't even think I'll be needing the steamer just with The compressor and the soft brush we got This area area looking a lot better so We're going to let it dry and I'll check In with you guys after that we got the Sneaker dryer once again and that Netting is looking so much better is Back to crispy white so we're all done With this cleaning now this is the third Colorway in the Thunder series Thunder

Pack whatever you want to call it I was Actually a huge fan of that sneaker Shout out to my pops actually got those For Christmas that year almost 10 years Later we got the second colorway in the Red Thunders and I'm actually a big fan Of this colorway I think they did a Great job it looks like something Mike Could have actually played in back in The day last but not least we got the White Thunders which I'm actually a fan Of this sneaker but I am a little bit Surprised that it flew like that I Thought it was going to sit but I ain't Mad at it I'm not sure if you guys have Seen it my guy Vic Almighty cooked up a Super dope custom using this Bas sneaker It's Tiffany inspired as you can tell With the colorway there's a bunch of Super dope details in this custom video So I really suggest you go check it out And also he's got the left sneaker still Untouched drop a comment and let us know What do you think Vic should customize That sneaker with but be creative you Never know he could pick your idea but With that said all I got to do is lace Up this sneaker and we'll be good to Go all right Snickers are laced up you Know what that means we're at the end of This video but it's only right to show Yall where we started so y'all can get a Clear visual of what we got going on Here at rejuvenator it's a 9-day

Difference just to recap exactly how we Got these result results we started off Dry brushing the entire sneaker and then I used the compressor to blow off a lot Of this loose dirt that you see caked on The sneaker after that it was on to the Cleaning we used the rejuvenator foam Cleaner which is back in stock we used The wet method with the soft brush on The entire uppers then we used the Medium brush on the midsoles I did need To give these sneakers a second pass Because the netting was still a little Bit dirty and last but not least for This month's giveaway we are giving away The Travis gotot dark mocha in your size So to enter this giveaway drop a comment With your shoe size and make sure you're Subscribed and follow renator on Instagram it's your boy Miguel Street And I'll catch y'all next time