
Size reference im 5’7 140lbs

White shoes featured in this video:
Nike Air force 1 (half size down):
Reebok Club C (fits TTS):
Air jordan 3 white cement (half size down):
Air jordan 4 Military (half size down):
Adidas BW Army (Fits TTS):

Denim shorts from the Intro:

Simple outfit:
Cropped white tee (Size XS):
(similar) Levi’s 501 (29w 30L):
Open collar shirt (size small):
Casio AQ230:
Kith Hat:

Streetwear Outfit 1:
Washed black tshirt (size small):
Tree Camo Shorts (Size 29):
Gshock GA2100:
FOG Essentials hat:

Streetwear outfit 2:
Kith Shorts (size small):
white tee (small):
Blue Jays hat:

Dressy outfit 1:
Linen suit jacket (fits big – 38R):
Linen suit pants:

Dressy Outfit 2:
Crochet shirt *on sale* (size small):
Pleated trousers (size small – fits big):

Follow me on Instagram:
Follow me on TikTok:

Best Socks to wear: 0:00
Best white Sneakers: 0:26
Outfit 1: 1:00
Accessories: 2:00
Fashion Tip: 2:13
Streetwear Outfit 1: 2:39
Streetwear Outfit 2: 3:10
Cadillac: 3:33
Dressy Outfit 1: 4:11
Dressy Outfit 2: 4:50

When it comes to styling white sneakers Believe it or not there's a wrong way of Wearing them for starters I would Definitely avoid wearing black socks With your all-white sneakers it creates Too much contrast and it's not visually Pleasing especially when it compares to White Socks and the type of socks you Wear matters too wearing High crew cut Socks with shorts just looks plain weird We're not playing soccer my best advice Is to go with quarter length socks for Brands their STS are uniqu L they're Brand neutral and they're good quality Now before we jump into the outfits Let's talk about the types of white Sneakers that we're wearing now I've Broken it down into three categories Streetwear casual and dressing white Streetwear sneakers consist of shoes Like Jordan's they have a bit of a Bulkier silhouette and lend themselves Well to loose fitting bag your clothing Now for the dress your shoe I love the Adidas BW Army it has a Slimmer Silhouette and when you're wearing well Fitting tailored clothing you don't want To ruin the proportions of your outfit With a bulkier shoe now somewhere down The middle is the Casual category a shoe Like the rebok club C or air Forest one Can easily be dressed with any aesthetic And the best part is that you can Actually find this shoe right here for

Under $100 okay let's start with the Basics a T-shirt and jeans since this Outfit is so simple we're going to put An even bigger focus on the fit and Proportions the jeans are the Levis 501 Arguably the most classic pair of jeans Of all time they feature a modern Straight fit which never goes out of Style the t-shirt is a crop t-shirt from Abomi with a boxy fit crop te's are a Great tool to have in your wardrobe Because they sit at the waist extending The length of your legs making you look Taller now I'm a short guy myself so That's what I do so definitely steal That tip now I recommend this straight Fit jeans and boxy tea combo as it's a More updated version of the slim jeans And basic tea you might be used to Wearing or wore back in 2019 but Honestly just wear whatever makes you Feel comfortable this outfit is of Course simple in nature so let's make Some much needed updates by adding Accessories like a watch hat subtle Jewelry and a Bonafide summer essential The open collar shirt these have been in Trend for a few years now and there are So many different versions to choose From that come in various materials Patterns and styles so I'll be sure to Link some of my favorites in the Des Description now dressing well in the Summertime can be difficult because it's

Too hot to layer which is why it's super Important to lean on accessories to add Some much needed detail the hatest from Kith and the watch is one of my new Favorites it's the Casio Aq231 now as we know Air Force ones are Super versatile and can be worn in a Number of different ways and by using The fashion tip known as ju to position We can actually combine a dressier look Like the striped Oxford within more Street Wear piece like these gray Sweatsh shorts to create one unique look This tip can be used in so many Different ways whether it's jeans in a Blazer or Jersey in trousers for me this Outfit is perfect for when you want to Be comfortable but also appear well Dressed great for summer patios get Togethers with friends or even on Vacation now nothing quite screams Street Wear like a pair of Jordans and Because of their bulkier silhouette they Lend themselves to looser fitting Clothing this outfit is the perfect Example of this the T-shirt features a Washed black effect with a box your fit Which gives it a nice rugged worn in Feel and to match that aesthetic I went With some tree camel carpenter shorts That sit at the knee camel pants or Shorts are one of those items that give Them more laid-back Vibe so they work Well with Street Wear looks now whenever

You wear shorts with a busy print I Recommend keeping the rest of the outfit Pretty muted and pairing them with Neutral color accessories is definitely The move this is another version of the Outfit that features lighter tones and Follows that same idea these basketball Inspired kiss shorts have this geometric Pattern that I wore with a plain T and To match the accent colors of the white Air Jordan 4 Military Blue I went with This vintage blue jaay cap this is a Great way of incorporating color into Your outfit without being too matchy Summertime is a great way to have some Fun with your shorts will go crazy and Get some colors or patterns turns out I Left an outfit in the car I just Realized I haven't introduced you guys To my friend here this is the 2024 Cadillac xt4 Sport all-wheel drive now I Needed something that could log all of My camera gear and clothing and Cadillac Said they could help driving has been Great and there's a ton of handsfree Features that come super clutch just a Simple kick of the leg here when your Hands are tied up and the trunk will Open very helpful and it has an awesome Luxury design with a lot of attention to Detail and as you can tell by the intro I care about the details I love my music And for Tech lovers it has a 33in LED Display and a 14 speaker system by AKG

So if you're considering a new car the Cadillac xt4 Sports should definitely be An option thanks Cadillac we all have Those instances in the summertime where We have to dress up for a wedding or a Formal outing and my biggest piece of Advice is to skip the black suit it's Predictable boring and going with Something like a tan suit can instantly Show off that you take risks and have a Sense of style white sneakers go great With this kind of look just make sure That they're white and have a slim Silhouette that's what pairs the best With tailored looks this suit is from Abomi it's a linen blend and the best Part is that it's super Timeless tan Suits don't go out of style so if you Buy it once it will last forever this Suit is from abomi and the best part is That it's super Timeless tan suits don't Go out of style so if you buy it once it Will last forever if you prefer the more Men's Wear aesthetic or work in an Office or something then you definitely Need to get yourself some pleated Trousers they're one of the most InStyle Clothing items at the moment you see Them all over run with and the best part Is that these ones are super affordable From uni they also offer free in store Alterations which I think is huge They're loose fitting which means They're very comfortable and as we all

Know that can be a challenge when Dressing up for extra style points pair It with a crochet shirt go with ones That have a button and collar feature as It will make it look more presentable And the crochet pattern not only adds a Ton of texture to your outfit but it's Very breathable and to learn more about Some of those summer fashion trends Check this video out right here so why Don't we click this one and I'll meet You guys there