
Use the links below to get 10% off your first Mejuri purchase mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/xk49Xy

Silver cable chain necklace (20 inches): mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/y20aav
Gold Flat curb chain necklace (18 inches): mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/Kj1rrA

gold square signet ring (size 8): mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/9gRmm0
Bold round signet ring (size 6): mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/1r0XXa

gold flat curb chain bracelet (size 7): mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/rQZ995
silver round box chain bracelet (size 7): mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/k0eyyn

Big thanks to Mejuri for sponsoring today’s video! #mejuripartner #MyMejuri

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The secret to a great outfit isn't about Wearing a brand name clothing item or The latest hype sneaker it's also not About wearing the new IT thing that Everybody's talking about it's all about The small details that we add to an Outfit that take it to the next level Inc comes accessories now not everyone Is a hack guy not everyone is into Watches but jewelry is an underrated Style tip that not enough men are Embracing don't just take it from me the Best dressed men in the world are all Doing it the best part is that it's Super easy to get started step one find Your aesthetic the best advice is to Start simple it can be intimidating Seeing people boring tons of jewelry There are also so many different Aesthetics as well and to each their own But I'm of the belief that the less is More this way whether you dress Street Wear casual or formal you can achieve a Timeless look that never goes out of Style step two pick your metal it's Simple gold or silver maybe even both There's actually a whole science behind Metal types and skin tone it states that If you have a cool skin tone a little on The paler side and the veins in your arm Look blue then silver could be your best Option also if you have a bit more of a Darker complexion and the veins in your Arm are greenish then gold could be

Better for you neutral which is an olive Skin tone can apparently look good in Both step three chains for ages men have Worn necklaces I was actually given one For my first communion at age s and I've Been wearing one ever since and all of The chains I've worn always had the same Characteristics simple and elegant I've Been seeing this trend lately where People are wearing chains with fake Diamonds maybe it's to emulate their Favorite rapper or something let me save You the future embarrassment do not do This a simple go with everything chain And NE silver or gold is the way to go For the reason that no matter what you Wear t-shirt open collar shirt suit You're probably even going to wear it to The gym you want something that goes With everything this is the flat curb Chain from a jury in 14 karat yellow Gold and the cable chain necklace in Sterling silver quality on these is Excellent so no green marks ever even if You decide to tuck your chain under the Shirt they still pop at the neckline Both are so incredibly easy to style as Well especially since I got the right Length sizing is very important my Favorite length is 20 in because it Works so well with every neckline Especially in the summer when you wear Them with tank tops step four rings Rings are probably the most slept on

Accessory for men I think because Engagement rings are synonymous with Women that men feel a little bit more Timid to jump in but that should not be The case first question to answer which Hand do you wear your rings on most People are right-handed and like to wear Rings on the right so it's more active And therefore draws more attention the Key in my opinion is to get a signant Ring for those that don't know a signate Ring is simply a ring with a flat face I Much prefer these types of rings because They add a little bit more detail than a Standard Circle ring I have two new Pickups as well first is the majuri Square signant ring in yellow gold this One to me is the perfect width necklaces For me I prefer them to be a little bit More on the daintier side but rings I Like a little bit more substance and the Best part is that you can get these Engraved which is a super fun Personalization detail the other one is The majuri Bold round signate ring I got This one specifically for the pinky this Way I can pair some of the accessories Together and not have them on a matching Finger it adds a bit more depth in my Opinion this one is certified sterling Silver and comes with a polishing kit as Well this way you're always looking Fresh and getting the correct size ring Is literally the most important part on

The Maui website they have a guide on How to get the correct size just cut a Strip of paper wrap it around your Finger Mark where the paper meets and Then measure out in millimeters and Convert it on their size charts if it Helps I wear a size eight on the gold Signant which goes on my ring finger and On the pinky ring I wear a size six step Five bracelets for me bracelets are the One item that mesh everything together Especially if you're not a watch guy in Some ways they're more versatile cuz you Can just put it on and forget about it And never take it off you'll sleep in it You'll shower with it and you can't Really say the same about a watch this One here is the majuri round box chain Bracelet and if there's one item I Recommend from this video it might be This one for only $100 you're getting a Go with everything piece of jewelry that You'll basically live in now for sizing Same rules apply you'll basically want To measure your wrist in inches and then Choose the size that's 1 in larger so if Your wrist measures out to 6 in Go with The 7in bracelet okay listen up a very Helpful tip you're going to want to know Is how to put on a bracelet by yourself Because it's a lot harder than it looks Line up your bracelet where the clasp is Hanging down tape the loop tightly to Your wrist and then you'll easily be

Able to clip it on trust me it's a Simple tip that will will save you 20 Minutes every day this bracelet is the Flat curb bracelet in 14 karat yellow Gold which matches the necklace and if You're a gold Guy this is an absolute Must and the best part is that both of These bracelets are the perfect width Very Timeless not too thick and Therefore won't draw too much attention Which I think is good because it's all About the small details that build up to A well accessorized outfit so as Mentioned the items in this video are From Maui unless you've been living Under a rock you'd know that they are One of the best jewelry Brands around For both men and women and since 2015 Their goal has been to turn Fine Jewelry Into an everyday occasion from the Products to the packaging to their Branding they just give off a very Luxurious Vibe for a reasonable price Which is exactly what you want from a Jewelry brand and the best part is that I can get you guys 10% off your first Majority purchase all you got to do is Use the link in the description step six How to style jewelry so You' got Yourself a few pieces and you want to Know how to wear them I have three tips That will help you style them like a pro First is the Three-Point Rule one Bracelet one ring and one chain it's

That easy but don't forget our goal is Simple tip two color coordination which Metal types gold or silver pair with Which color clothing luckily Brands pay Millions of dollars on marketing and Branding to tell us what works and what Doesn't and we can turn to Brands like Rolex whose color palette of green and Gold the have off has super luxurious Vibe green is one of my favorite colors To wear same applies with blue and black The gold jewelry just provides a really Nice contrast and whenever I'm wearing Color I always go with silver since my Goal is to complement as opposed to Contrast and tip number three is to not Be afraid of mixing Metals the color Theory explanation from the beginning of The video is just to be used as a guide It's important to have fun with what You're wearing and mixing Metals is Totally fine guys we covered pretty much All of the basics here you've got tons Of recommendations what to do what not To do sizing info hopefully you've Learned something and big shout out to Muui for sponsoring today's video