Vick Almighty is back with another Jordan Fusion. In case you missed it, Vick made the first Jordan 3 and 4 Fusion using the A Ma Maniere collaboration a few weeks back. The pair was so popular that A Ma Maniere founder James Whitner even commented on the project.
After everyone’s seen the Jordan 3 upper on the Jordan 4 sole, it’s time to put the Jordan 4 upper on the Jordan 3 sole.
Instead of doing it on the A Ma Maniere pair that was leftover, Vick decided to use the Air Jordan 3 “Black Cement” and the Air Jordan 4 “Bred” colorways for this next fusion.
Like the last project, Vick will have the Jordan 3 upper on the Jordan 4 sole and the Jordan 4 upper on the Jordan 3 sole. To start, Vick removes the stitching on both toe caps. Vick uses a heated-up flathead to complete this step to make sure no damage is caused to the shoes. However, it’s a very lengthy process. Vick will use a blade to remove both backtabs.
The project started when Vick got ahold of a defective pair of the “Black Cement” Air Jordan 3s. The tongues were way too short. As you can see, the tongue is about two inches short, so Vick will have to figure that one out later.
Vick pours acetone onto the shoes and uses the steamer to easily rip the uppers from the soles. Then, it’s dremmeling time. More prep work continues as Vick cuts the excess material off and starts skiving.
Since the tongues are too short, Vick goes into the boneyard of past projects to hopefully find a solution. Thankfully, he comes across the tongue of the “Chi” Jordan 3 from a past project.
The Fusion officially began when Vick started sewing the upper and tongues together with black thread. Then, it was time to work on the heel tabs. The boneyard came clutch again as the backtab from a previous Jordan 4 project helped Vick fill in the gaps on the Fusion.
Vick runs into a slight problem as the highest point of the Jordan 4 upper meets with the lowest point of the Jordan 3 sole. A leather filler is definitely going to be needed, but that’s an issue for later.
The project is one step closer to being finished as Vick starts locking the pairs together.
Vick then returns to the leather filler, applying some to the area before he has to let it sit to sand it later. Then, it’s time to add the lasting boards.
Vick returns to the soles by stitching the Jordan 4 upper with the Jordan 3 sole with new white thread and using the original grey thread of the Jordan 3 upper to the Jordan 4 sole.
Instead of sanding the leather filler area and risking ruining the pair, Vick applies black paint.
All that’s left is to lace them up. Before Vick shows the final product, he wants to bring the boxes into the project. He’ll use the bottom grey elephant print of the Jordan 3 box and combine it with the top cement print of the Jordan 3 box to house the Fusion. He’ll also add the label of the other shoe onto the box.
The project came out great, and Vick can’t wait to wear them in the future. Maybe even get to meet Tinker Hatfield himself.
As Vick loves the Fusion concept, should he do the Jordan 5 and Jordan 6 next? Let us know in the comments.
Vick also wants to share an exclusive promo code for this video. Use code “BlackCement20” to save 20% sitewide at
Be sure to enter our “Velvet Brown” Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 giveaway. Comment your shoe size, subscribe to Reshoevn8r, and follow us on Instagram.
Good luck and see you next week!
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What's going on everybody this is Vic Almighty welcome back to the channel a Few weeks back I was able to pull off The first ever Jordan 3 and Jordan 4 Fusion using the Amma maners as you can See I used the Jordan 3 upper on the Jordan 4 soul I posted these on Instagram and everybody went insane Including the founder of Amma maner James witer now the audience has spoken Everybody seen the Jordan 3 upper on the Jordan 4 Soul now everybody wants to see The Jordan 4 upper on the Jordan 3 Soul If I thought this was challenging this Next version is going to be 10 times Harder I was thinking about using the Leftover arm on man and 3 and four to do The second version but I'm going to take A break from amam manir and do it on the Black cement 3 and the black cement 4 Tinker half field created two of the Most iconic sneakers and colorways ever To be created these two are some of my Favorites as well but I've always Wondered what both of these shoes would Look like if we fuse them together it's Going to be a challenge so let's get [Music] Started on the alma maner Jordan 3 and4 Fusion you already saw me do the Jordan 3 upper on the Jordan 4 soul I am going To be doing that all over again today Using the black maximan 3es and fours But on the second shoe I going to be
Doing the opposite Jordan four upper With the Jordan 3 so let's start Deconstruction I got to pop the SS off Using the screwdriver method but first I Got to remove the stitching on both toe Caps now if you been watching watching a Lot of my recent videos you know this Has been a common step for me when it Comes to removing sols however if you're New the reason I use a flathead is to Slowly work my way around the soul to Avoid any damage this can be a very Timec consuming step because I need to Heat up the Flathead every few minutes And tape off each section I'm working on It's slow but he gets the job Done and just like that the so is off Now on to the three So are off B sneakers a couple things I Noticed starting with the Brad Forest They did not apply any glue on the Lasting boards or the bottom part it Came right off same thing with the sides It popped off really easy using the Screwdriver the black cement 3 was a Little bit tougher the elephant print Was bonded onto the sole really good but Once again on the lasting board they Only apply glue onto this half on the Other half it was stuck on there really Good it's really weird how they went About that now I still need to continue The deconstruction I'm going to remove The back Taps using the blade
Tabs are off no issues there the key is Patience now I'm going to remove both Tongues on both sneakers doing the exact Same process these were my personal pair Of 2024 black cement 3s that I hit on Sneakers however I had no issues tearing The shoe apart simply because of these Tongues so you can see they're way too Short that is a defect on my pair I've Seen other pairs with the tongue set a Little bit higher on my pair it's the Opposite of that I hate this look so I'm Going to go ahead and chop it off this Tongue is going to go in the bread for Upper but because it's way too short I Already know I'm going to have issues I'm going to show you what I mean in Just a Bit now for the bread for upper it still Has the lasting board I'm going to go Ahead and chop it off we don't need It after rip this looks nice the colors Flat nicely with the Jordan 3 black Cement Upper over here this looks stupid it's Basically a low top tongue on a hi top Sneaker it looks crazy ideally this is Where I want it a little bit higher However I'm missing about 2 Ines of Material that's issue number one I'm Going to have to figure this out but That's an issue for future Vic I'm going To put this to the side and focus on These two now off camera already pulled
Off the tongues I got to get the SES off Both of these sneakers I don't really Care about the uppers for these shoes I Just care about the soles and the Midsoles I'm going to go outside pour Some acetone let it sit for a couple Minutes then put the steamer inside the Sneakers to melt the glue and the upper Should come right off That was way too easy I'm going to Assume they didn't apply glue on to the Lasting board Either got both of these iconic midols And outs fully removed at the moment There's a ton of old glue got to remove All that using the gemel before I can Move back to the uppers So are fully prepped they're ready for Glue but we'll do that later I'm going To start lighting up the uppers with the New sols I already have some experience With this shoe thanks to the mine ear so I'm not too worried about this one over Here though is the main concern mainly Because of this area right here the Joinan 3 midsole at its lowest point Meets up with the highest point of the Jordan 4 midsole making it a big issue I Don't want to tuck in that whole entire Panel cuz the stitching is going to be Way too close to the midsole so I'm Going to have to figure something out For now I'm going to grab some scissors And start cutting off the excess
Material on the bottom of the shoe That's getting in the way after that I'm Going to grab a blade and start skying Off the old glue to get that out the way As well I'm done with this guing for now I am Going to have to go back and do some More of that once I create my new glue Line for the new Soul at the moment I'm Going to jump over to the tongues the Jordan 4 tongue has a nice height so Once I place it on the Jordan 3 upper I Should have no issues at all I should be Able to play with the Height I'm thinking it should go right Around there just like the alom maner Fors now the real issue and it's going To be a little bit different is the Jordan 3 tongue on the Jordan 4 upper Like I mentioned this is way too short I Have to at least be able to cover up the Original Stitch line I'm going to go Ahead and put that on the Jordan 4 Upper y Terrible so the size n is not going to Work I tried it with both of them I also Have the size 9 and a half that I did From a couple weeks back on the 94 Blacksand restoration I'm going to go Ahead and try that on the sneaker as Well Same exact thing so my next option is to Go in the Boneyard and see what I can Find I have a lot of different parts
From a lot of different shoes from over The years I haven't gone in there in a While I'm going to grab my bin dump it On the table and see what I can find if I don't find anything my next option is To remove this entire panel create Another piece of leather create all the Holes mash the gray sew it onto the Tongue that's a lot of work hopefully it Doesn't come down to that Round the black cement 3 tongue however This is from a different year this is From 2017 this top piece is very Different from what I'm looking for it's A good option I might be able to use This bottom piece that's Good Bingo found exactly what I was Looking for these are actually the Tongues from the rmen 3S from last Year's project on the Jordan 3 lows that I did with the entire Dream Team this is Perfect so on the tongue the way it's Flipped is from the newer models also The tone is on point this is the Original Tongue exact same thing also this is From a size 12 making the tongue a lot Longer hell yeah Sav me a bunch of time Issue number one is solved this is why I Save everything I'm going to lay down Some glue on both pieces and the uppers Let it sit for about 10 minutes heat it Up and then we'll stick it together After that I'll finish the job with the
Post bed This is the main reason why I remove the Lasting boards from the bottom it allows Me to put the uppers onto the sewing Machine to complete my sewing all I got To do is apply two lines of stitching on Both uppers using some black Thread the fusion has begun so far these Look great they're looking Factory Before we can install the new back tabs I have to go in and add some simulat Stitching on both the print and the Black leather when I removed the old Tabs I had to cut off all that old Stitching now we got to place it back on Before we install the tabs got some gray Thread for the elephant print and some Black thread for the black this part is Extremely timec consuming it is what it Is I just got to be patient with it and See it through the trick to it is using A curved needle G stitching is applied to both uppers we Got to do the same thing for the tabs When I did this the first time on the Alama maners the Jordan 4 back tab Worked out nicely however afterwards I Had to do the extra step of filling in The OG holes with some leather filler Took a couple hours what I'm thinking For the second time is going up a size On this Jordan four tab this is the Original from the size 9 however in my Boneyard I know I have a bunch of Jordan
Four parts like the plastic hardware and Back tabs I'm hoping I have one that's a Size up up because if I do it'll save me A bunch of Time and it looks like I might Yep this Will work Perfectly the original Jordan 4 tab fits From a size 9 to a 10 1/2 the new one is From a size 11 to a 12 and2 if you Compare them together they're not that Much bigger from height or the sides but It's just enough to cover up the Original holes from the Jordan 3 tab Let's go ahead and add some thread Before I can glue the tabs onto the Uppers I got to do some prep work I got A heat removable pen I'm going to go Ahead and get the tab make sure it's Lined up exactly where I want it then on The sides I'm going to go ahead and make Some marks this is going to tell me Exactly where to dremel I'm going to do That on both sides [Music] Now with the Dremel I'm going to go Ahead and roughen up the material on the Upper so when I lay down the glue it can Create a good bond with the [Music] Tabs that's all prepped before I lay Down some glue I got to do the same Thing but with the new sole using a pen I'm going to go all around the upper to Create my new glue line the key is I got
To cover up all the original lines from The original midsole I'm going to press Down the upper to start making my new Line I'm going to focus on the three and Four sole first then I'll move on to the Second Shoe new L has been applied I'm trusting I did a good job making sure it's Centered all around this next part is Scary once I do it there's no going back I'm going to start jumbling everything Underneath the new line hopefully I Don't mess this up I'm feeling pretty good about the Jordan 3 upper that's all done let's move on to The Next now this one's going to be a little Bit trickier overall everything Ls up Nicely except for one area right here is Where the highest point of the Jordan For Mito was now that area is meeting The lowest point of the Jordan 3 mitole I'm not going to be able to fully cover This up with the Jordan 3 mitole I am Going to have to lay down some leather Filler but I'll worry about that when I Get there for this supper since it's all Black I'm going to lay down some Markings do some dremeling and go back And Forth all right that was a little scary Good to go with that part I'm going lay Down some glue on the uppers soles and Tabs to start piecing everything
Together I only have one shot at this so I better Make this count the glue's been applied It's fully cured it's time to start Sticking stuff together first I'm going To go ahead and put the tab onto the Uppers make sure it's lined up perfectly I'm going to check two three times until It looks good after that I'll apply a Little bit of heat to the sides and Start bonding everything together That worked out nicely it's all about Taking your time everything lines up Nice and symmetrical you still got to go In and apply some glue onto the sides to Close up those areas but I'll come back To that next I'm going to glue the Uppers onto the soles I'm going to start With this one just cuz I've done it Before I got a piece of tape on the Upper and the sole that's my Center Line I just got to make sure those two ends Meet same thing on the back once I'm Done with this one I'll worry about the Second shoe [Music] So are locked on overall I'm happy with The alignment in just a bit I'll show You how they turned out now before I Move on I'm going lay down some bar Super stick in between these two panels Let it sit for about 10 minutes then Clamp it together all right one more Time let's apply some heat to lock it
All in Glue job is done for now next we're Going to be laying down some leather Filler to cover up the spot like I Mentioned before there was going to be a Little situation in the spot it's not as Bad as I thought it's pretty minimal What I'm going to do next is tape Everything around there lay down some Leather filler let it dry for several Hours before I do some sanding The leather filter is fully dried last Night before I left I applied a couple More coats to get it nice and smooth I Still have some more work to go on there For the new mols and Soles for the Uppers I still got to do two more steps To complete that process the first step Is I got to apply the stitching onto the Toe caps got some brand new white thread For the Jordan 3 soul and the original Gray thread for the Jordan 4 soul I Saved the original thread because the Color on this is a perfect match to the Gray on the sole I'm going to apply it Using a sewing All the last step I have to do to Complete the reglue process is to create Some new lasting boards as is the shoes Are fully wearable it doesn't Necessarily need them but just like any Other shoe we are going to put some Lasting boards to cover up the Polyurethane this is the original
Lasting board from the Jordan 4 I'm Going to use it for both sides this is a Material that's very close to the Original I'm going to lay it down trace It out then cut It all cut out once again using some bar Super stick I'm going to lay down on the Bottom of the lasting boards the shoes Already have it I'm going let it sit for About 15 minutes before I stick it [Music] Inside while the lasting boards are Curing let's take care of this little Area like I mentioned last night I laid Down some more leather filler after the Third coat I got it pretty smooth I'm Not going to sand it cuz I don't want to Risk ruining this I'm just going to lay Down some black hopefully it looks Smooth Enough all right that turned out great I Was able to blend it in with the rest of The leather now I'm back to the lasting Boards glue's been applied it's all Cured I'm going to go ahead and slide it In to cover up the entire so once it's In there I'm going to apply some heat Press on on it and it should be done Finally made it to this point let's put The inso in and Lace them Up shoes are all done they came out Freaking sick real quick before I show You guys the final product I got two Boxes right here I don't want these to
Go to waste this is the Jordan four box And the Jordan 3 Box I'm going to Combine them to make one box for the Sneakers on the Jordan 3 box I'm going To take the bottom half cuz it's got the Elephant print and for the Jordan four Box I'm going to take the top half cuz Of the cement print combined it looks Pretty sick I'm also going to grab the Heat gun to heat up the label to place It on this box so I can have both [Music] Labels all right guys that's going to Bring us to an end on the first ever Jordan 3 and four Fusion done both ways Got to say this is one of my craziest Projects to date it's a great way to Start 2025 I think I'm going to call These the what the cements cuz they're a Trip to look at now these weren't easy To create I spent an entire week making These these are two iconic colorways and Silhouettes so I didn't want to Disrespect these sneakers all in all I Think it worked out nicely now when Comparing both of them this one has more Of a basketball sneaker Vibe this one Has more of a Nike SB Vibe now I did Make these in my size size N9 one day I Do plan on wearing them better yet I Hope to one day meet the original Designer of both of these sneakers take Your Hatfield and get both of them Signed I'll keep you posted on that for
Now I'm going to put these on display I Really been enjoying the fusion Customs Combining two sneakers into one I did The Jordan 3 and four now I'm thinking About moving on to the five and the six If you want to see that drop a comment Down below now before I leave you guys I Got a special promo code use promo code Black cement 20 on rejuvenator comom to Save 20% but it's only good for the next 25 orders also we're in the middle of Our January giveaway we're giving away a Pair of the Travis Scot velvet Browns in Your size all you all you got to do is Comment down below your shoe size Subscribe to rejuvenator and follow us On Instagram giveaway ends at the end of January this is Vic almighty thank you Guys for watching I'll see you guys next Monday peace