
Making not one, but two customs for a music legend might be one of the coolest things Vick has done in his career. Now you guys have followed along with the weekly videos for years and may have even seen him make customs for the Phoenix Suns, Kid Cudi and more, but this guy is just getting started! Check out how Vick made custom shoes for Justin Timberlake himself.

Vick got a call from the Footprint Center in Phoenix and could not pass up the opportunity to customize these shoes. To start we ended up at our go to sneaker store in Tempe, AZ @TheCommonHype . We picked up a pair of Devin Bookers in a size 11; of course we had to go with the Books being in Phoenix and all. The other pair we picked up at Sneakercon Detroit a couple of weeks back.

With the best base shoes in hand it was time to get to the details. The first step was to remove the tongues to ship those out to our friend @JordonDiab. Next was replacing the white stitch with an orange, now this may seem like the most tedious step for a little bit of pop, but it was worth it. As always next steps are always prep. Vick takes his time prepping the shoes and can even spend 2-3 hours off camera getting everything ready.

For the golf shoe Vick used the Jordan 3 and quickly got to work by making a custom insole. Again small details matter. This insole was designed to make it look like. a putting green with a special Arizona golf logo to show some love to Vick’s home town. The Devin Bookers of course were also getting a custom insole, but it was going to take a little bit more work. So Vick chose to focus on the Jordan 3’s and turned them into golf cleats. Did you know Jordan 3’s are easy to turn into Golf cleats?! You do now!

Vick flipped back and forth between the shoes throughout the entire process which was quite the task. Next step was to remove the 96 logo and go over it with an 81 to better represent Justin Timberlake.

The paint job is going to make all the difference on these sneakers, so Vick tapes up both shoes (which BTW took hours). After the prep was completed it was time to lay down a base coat on the Jordan 3 before creating a gradient look based on Justin Timberlake’s album color and our hometown. With the shoe all painted it was time for the finishing touches on that one; which means screwing in the golf spikes. Now you know how to transform your favorite sneakers into a golf shoe!

The tongues came in and lined up perfectly on both pairs. Jordon did an incredible job embroidering these tongues and adding details. Now it was up to Vick to attach them perfectly… Luckily he did! Let’s finish up the Bookers.. It was time to do a couple more details, but we are getting close to the end.

All in all Vick did an incredible job designing two customs for an absolute legend. Drop a comment and let us know which pair was your favorite.

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Last month we held a giveaway for the Travis Scott jumman Jacks and The Lucky Winner just picked them up if you missed It wipe them tears cuz we got a brand New one this time it's going to be a Little bit different we're giving you The choice between two fire options you Can either choose the J bin R 3s or the Bread forest and Industrial blue forest All in your size if you win to enter It's super simple all you got to do is Subscribe to the channel and drop a Comment on which option you would pick This giveaway is going to run through The entire month of June good luck Everyone he come Here the Jays custom for golf like Custom books anybody that knows me this Is you never go wrong giving me a gift Like this sorry again it's kind of short Notice but we're all super excited to See what you come up with a that's no Problem at all man this is going to be Great thanks for the opportunity yo I Got to pull over for this I just got a Sick call right now from the footprint Center just in Timber Lake is coming to Phoenix and they want to make two Customs for them I have zero ideas I Don't know what I'm going to do for the B shoes but I got to go to the store and Buy some stuff let's go What's up my dude how's everything good Man how are you good man good to see you

I need a pair of shoes though and it's Urgent so I'm making a pair of Customs For Justin turbo Lake okay looking to do It on a pair of books some Tans if you Guys have a pair dope size 11 uh clear Souls do you guys have them I do yeah Yeah all right cool I actually do you're Going to make a sick custom I just got Back from common hype I got the books Got the joint3 from Detroit singer con We're ready to go I don't know exactly What I'm doing I have a slight idea but I'm kind of figuring it out as as I go What I do know is I'm going to be making Some custom tongues but for that process I'm going to need some help from my good Friend Jordan diab he's going to make Some new tongues with some embroidery Details I got to get these tongues to The post office before they close so Let's get this custom started to make Things as productive as possible I'm Going to do two of the shoes on camera The other two I'm going to do it on my Own [Music] Time tongues are prepped ready to go Unfortunately I missed the post off Office I thought they closed at a Certain time I completely missed it but Tomorrow morning I'm going to go drop Them off and overnight them shouldn't be An issue let's keep it moving when it Comes to these Customs that I'm creating

It's all about the details both of these Shoes have white stitching on the toe Caps I'm going to remove it so I can Replace it with some orange thread and I'm going to do that using a sewing all [Music] [Music] All right let's do some prep work I Going to be painting both of these shoes For the books I'm going to be prepping The leather on the soses and for the Jordan 3s I'm going to prep this collar Area on top in order for the pain to Stick I got to do this step using Acetone and cotton balls [Music] The prepwork continues I am going to be Painting the entire mitole I got to wipe Off the factory Finish First while I'm Ated I'm also going to be using the Sandpaper to remove the imperfections From the mitole most of the time these Msil come with little specks here and There making the mitole pretty rough With the Sandpaper I'm going to go back And forth and make it all nice and Smooth the Sandpaper that I'm going to Use is 800 [Music] Gr let's take a break from the shoes and Work on the insoles just in Timberlake Is big into golf the Jordan 3s are going To be golf cleats for the insole it's Going to be a nice little detail I want

It to look like the Master's Green Jacket I got the material right here I'm Going to wrap the original insole in it First I'm going to iron on an adhesive Ving once it's on this I'm going to put It onto the insole and get it on there [Music] Permanently green material is nicely Wrapped around the insole now to make This permanent I'm going to use a postp Machine I'm going to sew all around the Edges so the material doesn't come [Music] Undone stitching is complete and so Looks really good but we're not done yet On the bottom I am going to heat press The logo everybody knows the Master's Logo it's a classic design but for this Project my good friend Julian remix the Design let keep it moving I'm going to Cut out vinyl three different times in Three different colors the main thing we Searched up on the Master's logo is the Country instead of doing that we put the Arizona State Outline vinyls cut out ready to go I'm Going to start off with the yellow ring Lay it down I'll move on to the green Outline of the Arizona state with the Flag pole then I'll follow it up with The inside of the state this is yellow As well then I'll finish it off with the Red Flag Jordan 3 insole is complete that

One came out perfect let's work on the Bookk and so now I like the orange I'm Going to keep that as is the only thing I'm going to replace is this bottom logo First using some acetone and cnon balls I'm going to scrub this Off bar coat is off however it left a Ton of residue I did everything I could Acetone and heat to remove it nothing Did the trick luckily I do have some Orange material I'm going to do the Exact same thing I did with the Jordan 3s and rra the entire insole and sew it That's going to take some work I'll do That off camera in the meantime I am Turning this Jordan 3s into golf cleats So I got some spikes from golf kicks Really easy to apply to Jordan 3s I Bought them in clear with the intent of Dying of orange so I'm going to be using Soul dye from remixer kicks I'll be Using orange slice this dos the best it Works on a ton of different projects We're going to dye these Cates with It while that let the St D absorb into The the spikes let's move on to the Books like I mentioned the details Really matter on both of these shoes 96 Is the year that Deon Booker was born Doesn't make sense for Justin Timberlake He was born in 1981 so I'm going to Replace that but it starts with removing The embossed 96 from the leather I'm Going to use a couple different tools

I'm going to stuff this part use some Parment paper and a wet rag with an iron To hopefully smooth it out with the rest Of the Leather it's looking good it's still Kind of embossed but I'm going to try it Again in a bit right now it's nice and Cool down I'm going to use some adstone And carnon balls to wipe off the white Paint from the 96 after about 30 minutes Of using the iron back and forth this is The best I could do the 96 is still kind Of there but if I would do any more it's Going to ruin the leather once I apply The new 81 and do some painting you're Not going to see it next step is to Cover everything up so I can lay down Some brown using the Airbrush round is laid down we got the Tap off and for this next step is more Painting I'm going to cover up Everything but the swies on the books And for the Jordan 3s I'm going to cover Up everything but the midsoles I got a Lot of taping to do I'm not going to Bore you guys through this Step all taped up let's focus first on The Jordan 3 I'm going to airbrush a Metallic white as the base Code once these Jordan threes are Wrapped up they're still going to have a Lot of white but a creative way to make Certain panels stand out more is by Adding metallic white in certain angles

It almost looks silver but in other Angles it looks regular White metallic white paint is all laid Down it's fully dried I'm going to cover It up to get it ready for the [Music] Gradient there's so many ways you can go About a gradient it's one of my favorite Things to paint you can do anything from A two- tone gradient to using 10 Different colors the key to create a Perfect gradient is to airbrush in the Direction you want the gradient to go I Spent a lot of time to make sure I use The right tones that made sense together For this one I drew inspiration from two Different things the Ariz on the Sunset And just this new album cover I'm really Taking my time on this part because this Is the main element that's really going To make both of these Customs pop and Tie them Together all right so I'm done with the Gradient everything looks smooth I went From yellow orange brownish to the blue Everything looks good I'm going to take Off the tape so I can lay down some Finishers Midsole is complete next step for the Panel above the midsole that's white I'm Going to lay down a high gloss finish Using a [Music] [Applause]

[Music] [Applause] Paintbrush running out a time so I got To keep it moving overall I want both of These shoes to look like a pack like They came together that's why I lay down The exact same gradient on the color Area I'm going to lay down this Cream Paint that's going to match the books And Nicely the one thing I do want to watch Out for I don't want to get any paint on The sock liner cuz I am freehanding it And I got to take my time to get behind The back tab Paint job looks solid now on to the fun Part I got to apply the spikes onto the Bottom of the sole this part is really Easy first I'm going to lay them all out To know exactly where to screw them in I'm going to use nine of them one of Them is going to go here here here here Here here here here and Here once you're all laid out I'm going To use a Sharpie to mark it on the sole Then I'll apply some glue onto each Spike and then screw it in between the Glue and screwing it into the rubber it Should hold up nicely [Music] Spikes are on the Jordan 3s everything's Looking great so far just by looking at The shoes from this angle it's starting To look like a package you got the cream

On both the top and the sunset on both Sneakers sneakers the colors everything Match nicely now I'm almost done with This custom but there's a couple details Left this part is a huge element for Both sneakers so this part is important My homie Jordan diab once again came Through with some custom made tongues We'll start with the Jordan 3 tongue on The back Jordan added a brand new Brown Liner and he also embroider my brand new Logo designed by the legendary Mark Smith on the front we use the original Leather piece with the holes the top Piece is custom we added just in Signature for the book tongues same Concept on the back we had our Brown Niner same thing B Almighty logo and on The front front we embroidered forget Tomorrow next step is to attach them on To the shoes I'm going to glue them on First then with the Patcher we'll sew Them [Music] On custom embroidered tongues was Definitely the way to go for this one Knowing that JT has worked with Jordan Brand to make his Jordan threes in the Past I wanted these to look like Jordan Had actually made these for him as well The chapter 1 tongues were perfect to Directly embroider to the original Material and it's something I haven't Seen done before now to make it look

Like the tongues were never removed from The shoes I'm going to sew into each Original hole to make it seem like Nothing ever Happened tongues are in place now for The books there's a couple details that Are left for the insole I'm going to put E t w that stands for everything I Thought I was for his new album on the Shoe on the back heel area I'm going to Put justtin signature same exact one That I put on the Jordan 3s and lastly The 81 that's going to replace the 96 I'm going to do this in gold and chrome Vinyl [Music] This custom has been a lot of work so Far but overall I kept the concept Pretty simple these last few details is What will make it personal to Justin While still keeping the characteristics That Nike and bucker created for the Shoe like I mentioned before 81 is the Year Justin was born since I drew so Much inspiration from the colors of his Album cover it only made sense to also Add the name of his album in the insole In a beautiful Chrome vinyl the Signature was a no-brainer it connects Him with the custom 3es and the previous Jordan 3es that Nike has made for him For the place I got the idea from the PE Moss points that book War these look Amazing together let's lace them up all

Right guys that's going to bring us to An end on these custom Jordan 3 and Chapter 1 books for Justin Timberlake a Couple things I want to point out is the Concept behind these two Customs for one I wanted these to represent Arizona That's why I added the cream and brown Tones for the desert Vibes and of course On the Sues and the mols I added that Gradient nothing screams Arizona more Than the colors from the Arizona Sunset The second part of the inspiration was From his world tour and his album C the World tour promo has a lot of orange and Brown the album cover has a sunset as Well orange brown and bluish tones all Colors that went perfectly on these Sneakers and third it's worth mentioning Why I picked these base shoes Justin Timberlake has done a few collaborations With Jordan brand using the Jordan 3 That was a no-brainer and in my opinion The chapter one books represent Arizona Cuz of Deon Booker and it's a great shoe To customize this project was a lot of Fun I do want to give a big shout out to A couple of people my good friend Julian For helping out with the graphics of These sneakers Jordan DF for coming Through on the tongues rejuvenator for Making this video happen and of course Footprint Center for giving me the call Now I got to get this to the arena ASAP Justin Timberlake is performing today

Drop a comment Down Below on what your Favorite detail about these shoes this Is Vic Almighty I'll catch you guys on Saturday see you Guys forget tomorrow 81 which is the year I was born don't Start counting got the signature on the Back here What are we Doing and then on the inside everything I thought it Was the Jay's custom for golf I'm going to have To wear these on the golf course ASAP these are special Though they custom Books I like the hardwood and the turf Wow details anybody that knows me this Is you never go wrong giving me a gift Like this This is incredible