
Vick has a special project on deck as he restores a 1994 Air Jordan 3 “Black Cement” from his personal collection.

Vick snagged this pair from a friend after a client of his got the pair “restored” — it turns out that little-to-no prep work was done on the pair. When they got in Vick’s hands, he ripped the upper off with ease and noticed there was still plenty of polyurethane on the bottom with old glue still sitting on the heel and other areas. It was a terrible restoration all around.

For this video, Vick will show you how to do a proper heel tab swab and midsole restoration.

To begin with, Vick removes the laces from the pair and starts to cut the stitching on the shoe. Then, he gets into the grit of the prep work by taking off the excess polyurethane and glue that was left behind from the previous “restorer.”

After spending a lot of time, it’s time to take a break and head to Archive to get some donor midsoles. The recently released Air Jordan 3 “Black Cement” works perfectly for this.

Unfortunately, Vick has to destroy these classic “Black Cement” Jordan 3s to complete the project. Time to get to work and deconstruct the pair.

Although the sole is in relatively good shape, Vick noticed some damage and found it best to completely swap the midsole and sole on the pairs for this restoration.

In order to properly get the glue off on these, Vick pours acetone into the shoe and lets it sit for a few minutes before applying heat.

Since Vick wants to give this project an authentic 1994 feel, the midsole and sole have to be aged. Vick gets his pot of coffee and pours it into a tray before dumping the donors in. After a few seconds, they’re the right color, and it’s time to rinse them off and let them dry.

Before removing the glue from the donors, Vick goes back to the uppers to remove the glue and polyurethane.

After another good prep job from Almighty himself, all that’s left to do is glue the parts and bring them together.

Vick almost forgets to restitch the toe box. Luckily, he remembered and had plenty of white thread to do the job.

Since the shoe has been covered in dust for two years due to storage, the upper needs proper cleaning. Vick will use our Solution with natural oils to recondition the pair and make the leather look brand new. But first, Vick heads to the air compressor to remove any dust and grime.

After removing the first layer of dirt, Vick preps his station by adding two squirts of solution to a bowl of water and inserting the shoe trees into his Jordan 3s.

All the uppers really need is a quick clean. Since they’re 30 years old, Vick applies some Mink Oil to ensure the pair looks as new as possible for years to come. After that, it’s important to remove the excess Mink Oil with the Horsehair Brush.

The pair is ready to wear out. Shop all products on Reshoevn8r.com and use code “BlackCement20” to save 20% on your entire order.

Don’t forget to enter our “Velvet Brown” Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low giveaway. Comment your shoe size, like this video, and subscribe to the channel for a chance to win.

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What's going on guys happy holidays this Is Vic Almighty and today we're going to Be taking care of a restoration for my Personal Collection over there in the Corner I have a bunch of rare sneakers From my personal stash that need work I'm always busy with projects and videos But every now and then I get to work on A personal now I got these for a great Price I think under $200 for my homie Alex flipping kicks the story on these Goes one of his clients send these out To a big name Resto on Instagram gets a Big following he had him for over a year When it was time to sent him back he Literally just slapped the entire Restoration together did no preper on The upper of the sneaker when I got them I was able to rip off the upper from the Midsole it came off like nothing as you Can see on the bottom there's a bunch of Polyer thing that he didn't remove all The old glue is still on there the Mido Is terrible it's not even the right size He used the black one so all this pain After a couple wears will completely Crack not to mention the back stabs they Use are extremely thick brush Strokes Everywhere the glue drop did not hold up At all and he didn't even use a 1994 Mold for this restoration terrible all Around when it comes to Restorations Like this I only trust a handful of People in this planet make sure to do

Your research on who's working on your Grils and if you're looking for fast or Cheap work expect results like these Today I'm going to show you how to do a Proper mental an tab swap let's get to Work to get it started I'm going to pull Out the laces and insoles grab the blade And remove the stitching from the toe Caps I get to get the uppers off the Mentals and the soles after that I'm Going to go straight to prep work I'm Going to shave off all the old glue and Polyurethane all around the edges with The blade The key to this process is keeping the Blade nice and sharp whenever you need To change it out and replace it it's Going to make a huge difference you want To make sure you shave right underneath That glue line and nothing more you Don't want to cause any damage to the Uppers so far so good I'm going to take A quick break from these and go to Archive I need to pick up some donors For this project luckily the black Cement just dropped so I'm going to pick Up a pair of those what up wison how you Doing what's up bro how you doing yo we Going to let me test drive that whip Over there whenever you want man say Less after this video so you got the Black man I need yes sir I got you man Size 9 and a half yes sir dude I went Everywhere bro I thought they were still

Sitting couldn't find a freaking pair Classic man sick so honestly I don't Even care about the uppers I'm going to Tear them apart I need these for donors Nice what are you uh restoring bringing Back my 94s okay my 94s need a new soul And mids Soul so these are perfect hell Yeah save me a bunch of time bro Appreciate you thanks man see you Guys all right not going to lie this is A beautiful pair but it's time to get Back to the office and Destroy these all Right good to go we're back from archive These are the donors we're going to be Using black cement from 2024 these are Perfect I'm actually going to be using The mids soole and the souls for this Project simply because the souls on the 94s are brand new they're dead stock the Thing is I'm seeing some age on the Rubber when I was peeling it off I can See some cracking here and there luckily These SS are perfect it's the exact same Sole as the 94s I just got to age them a Bit it's going to make this process a Lot easier that way I don't have to Separate the so from the midsole so the Next step is deconstruction I am going To remove the SS and the MS for this new Project however there is some parts that I can use for other projects such as a Back tab the tongue the plastic Hardware The laces the insole and all that good Stuff let's start the

Constructing uppers are all stripped Let's go outside pour some Mone inside The sneakers let it sit for a couple Minutes then we'll put the steamer Inside to melt the glue Got the solos off no issue with that at The moment the mols and the SS are way Too white we want to give these sols a Nice AG tone to match the uppers got the Coffee right here I'm going to dump it In into the tray put the SS inside for About a minute that should do the Trick all right these look perfect Nothing over the top I didn't want to go Too crazy with the yellowing it's just Nice and creamy we remove that brand new White let's go rinse these and let them Dry Midols and the SS are fully aged the Tints on these are perfect these brand New sols are going to have a longer Shelf life compared to the originals Even though these are still flexible all Around the edges of the toe cap it's Starting to crack over time it's going To get worse another thing the original Resto did was using an old minil as you Can see right here it's already starting To Crumble these are no good good these new Ones are good for years to come I still Got to do prep work and remove all the Old glue but we'll come back to that Later I'm back to the uppers I still got

To remove all the leftover polyurethane And the old glue with some anone and Cotton Balls that's going to make a huge Difference difference once it's time to Glue on the new sole while I'm doing the Prep work we got to take care of the Back tab area off camera I took care of The opposite as you can see this one Looks disgusting this one's how it Should be fully wiped off I'm going to Use two different things starting with The glue eraser to get the majority of It off after that once again use acetone And cnon balls to finish wiping it off Another thing the Resto didn't do was Remove all the original stitching from The back tab that's just going to get in The way of the new tab got to spend some Time removing all of that Preper is fully done I finished it last Night there was two hours worth of Jumbling on the souls uppers I created a Mess all that has to do is apply a bunch Of glue onto all the pieces real quick Before I do so I want to acknowledge how This shoe looks as is this is what a Good prep job is supposed to look Like let's apply some glue [Music] Glue been applied it's fully cured I'm Going to stick the upper onto the sole All I need is a little bit of heat to Activate the glue I'm going to start

With the toe make sure that's L up Perfectly then jump to the back then do The sides So far so good M lined up nicely with The upper now we're on to the back tab Off camera I already painted the Nike Air extremely easy to do the key is to Take your time all you need is a white Paint and an angular brush the glue's Been applied on both sides I'm going to Heat it up stick it together I just got To make sure this lines up nicely Tab is installed it looks great but I'm Not done yet I still have to lock in the Elephant Print onto the new back tab I'm Going to tape off the upper and the tab So I don't get any glue on those areas Glue's all cured I'm going to heat it up A little bit stick it together so I can Start wrapping up this Project I was about to start cleaning up The upper but I almost forgot to do one Thing I got to reapply the stitching Onto the toe caps got some brand white Thread and the sewing G let's do It stitching is complete let's get on to The cleaning the uppers on these Sneakers are brand new however I bought These from flipping kicks about 2 years Ago they've been on my shelf for a while Now they're covered in dust they're also 30 years old the rejuvenator solution Has natural oils that's going to help Recondition the leather but first we're

Going to go next door use the compressor To blow off all the surface dust and the Breathe from the inside of the Shoes big difference are just by doing That step I'm going to put the Sho trees Inside the sneakers squirt two squirts Of our solution inside the bowl of water Really all I want to do is give the Uppers a good Passover it's all it needs [Music] Cleaning is all done these are all dried Ready to go as you can see the black Leather has a nice Sheen to it thanks to The rejuvenated solution but we're not Done yet to reiterate these are 30 years Old I want these to last another 30 Years if possible I'm going to go ahead And spray a thick coat of mink oil all Around the upper let it sit for a while So it can absorb into the leather after That I'll wipe it off with the horsehair Brush all right minko has been sitting On here for a couple hours the leather Looks really good I'm brushing off the Excess so I can lace it Up all right guys that's going to bring Us to an end on this full restoration on These 1994 black cement 3s the original Restoration on these was completely Atrocious these look like it's 1994 Again when doing Restorations like these It's all about the prep work make sure To take your time and if you don't want To do the restoration yourself make sure

You find yourself a reputable sneaker Restorer these shoes are good to go They're going straight to feet brand new Back tabs brand new souls and midols They're ready to be worn you can find All the products I used in this video at Ru.com use promo code black cement 20 to Save 20% off your next order but it's Only good for the first 25 orders and Don't forget for the month of January We're giving away a pair of dark mocha Travis Scott 1es in your size all you Got to do is comment down below your Shoe size like this video And subscribe To rejuvenator we'll pick a winner at The end of January good luck guys I'll Catch you guys next time see y'all