We’re taking you on a journey to Las Vegas for an exciting collaboration between Vick and renowned customizer Jordon Diab. Together, they create a unique Deadpool vs. Wolverine Jordan 1 custom sneaker.
This project marks Vick’s first-ever one-piece upper Jordan 1 custom, featuring an innovative design where the entire shoe is crafted from a single piece of leather, ensuring no cuts disrupt the seamless look. The creative process was extensive, from conceptualizing a design that embodies Deadpool and Wolverine without directly using their logos, to meticulously cutting and shaping the leather.
In this detailed, step-by-step tutorial, you’ll witness the entire creation process:
Design and Conceptualization: Crafting a unique sneaker design inspired by Deadpool and Wolverine.
Leather Cutting and Shaping: Transforming raw materials into the upper parts of the Jordan 1.
Liner Integration: Incorporating Royal Blue and Black liners to complement the sneaker’s sole.
Swoosh Creation: Designing swooshes that enhance the iconic Deadpool mask.
Tongue Customization: Crafting custom tongues for a personalized touch.
Sole Attachment: Ensuring the sneakers have the perfect form and support.
This video is packed with valuable insights into custom shoe making, offering techniques that can be applied to almost any custom sneaker project. Whether you’re a sneaker enthusiast or a budding customizer, you’ll find this guide both informative and inspiring.
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All right it's 5:30 in the morning we're Loading up the car we're heading to Las Vegas we're going to link up with Jordan DM to make some Wolverine and Deadpool Customs it's going to be sick let's Go all right dude thanks for opening up Jordan Enterprises to us bro I'm excited To work on this project with you we're Going to be doing Deadpool and Wolverine There's no better person for this Project than Jordan theab what are we Thinking for this project bro so uh First of all I love that you're here Thank you for making the drive and I Appreciate having you here uh in my shop Which is also my house um but what I'm Thinking for the project is I've been Doing a lot of One Piece designs uh so Shoes made out of one piece of leather Um this is the pullover test that I did And so it's a one piece Air Jordan one And all we have is one single seam back There I'm thinking since it's Deadpool And Wolverine one shoe being red one Shoe being yellow we kind of talked About that what do you think I love it I Think that's perfect and like you said It it'll be a blank canvas we can add Some cool stuff you're a wizard with the Paint I feel like if we can add in maybe Some gradients or doing some type of Detailing that would it off it's a good Combination between you know your Handcrafting skills when it comes to
Making shoes I'll put a little touch of Paint on there should come out sick and Plus we have all the materials from Older projects we also have souls from Previous projects so I figured one black Soul for the Deadpool project a blue Soul for the Wolverine should be pretty Sick yeah perfect for the Deadpool a red Upper Wolverine obviously a yellow upper Yeah what else you thinking so I think Uh I whenever I think of Deadpool at Least I think of the black eyes with the Or the eye pieces with the white eyes so I feel like if we do a double layered Swoosh somehow black with a white kind Of a swoosh underneath or inside that Would be a really cool way to sort of Bring that mask to life cool it's a cool Touch I love it with Deadpool you have Red white black and a touch of brown There is a little bit of brown so maybe We can add like um maybe a brown tongue Or something you know what I mean that's The only piece that's or that's the only Part of the shoe that is isn't connected To the to the main piece so maybe that's A way we can implement the brown what About Wolverine Wolverine's a little bit More simple you got yellow blue little Bit of white yeah some black the silver Right we got that adamantium we can Always bring that in that's a big one What else the X X-Men logo yeah what do You think about adding the stitching to
Make it look like panels are there but Not quite you know what I'm saying yeah Absolutely I think that's a great idea I Mean you know the nice thing about a one Piece design is it really gives you full Custom ability to it what's the first Step uh so I already have a pattern like I said this is a a this is the pullover Test that I did I have the pattern right Here this is our blank Slate and we can cut out the uh hold up Real quick dude this is not just Anything bro pattern making you take a Lot of pride in that and I want to Acknowledge that thank you this is Special right here you know this is Where all the Stitch Lins are going to Go this is the shape of the body this Isn't easy to make Jordan went ahead and Made that over the weekend so we're Basically ready to rock and roll right Yeah absolutely yeah we just have to cut Out our single piece we have our red Here the yellow is upstairs in my Workroom so we can go and grab that um But that will be the first step is just Marking all of these lines getting it All laid out and then we can start Stitching and adding all of our Embellishments onto it um and then you Know you can already kind of see how Once we get that put together how it Already starts to look like a shoe even Just with this one stitch dude I'm
Excited especially why cuz I'm always Working in my studio everybody comes to My spot but now I'm going somewhere else And I'm going to touch all your toys Touch all your materials free have at it Uh we got stuff sprinkled everywhere my Wife knows you know she's she's very Gracious about letting me take over most Of the house so it's awesome to have you Here and I'm excited to get this done Well let's get to it let's go let's fing Go [Music] So we have our Deadpool side completely Cut out the next thing that we have to Do is just Sky along this back piece Here add our reinforcement material so We can make this a little bit sturdier And then I can get started on doing all Of this decorative stitching that's cool Man it looks really really clean I was Sing on the sidelines watching you cut That was freaking smooth bro thank you Real quick Jordan said a lot there for The skying we have to remove some of the Leather on the back so when we connect It it's not bulky all the lines that you See here on the leather panel are going To get sewn over once it's all done it's Going to look like actual panels from a Jordan One so we are Upstairs again in my house um and this Is where I do all of my skying I do it
On top of this um granite or stone tile And I use this little shaver to to to Vix Point remove any excess leather that Way when they lay on top of each other It's nice and flush and flat and there's No extra bulk and we're going to go up Into my spare room where I have all of My Leather and we are going to grab This yellow calf Skin for our Wolverine side All right so we have our uppers Completely cut out and ready to go but They are a little floppy right now so we Need to use some of this reinforcement Material and that's going to give it Some stiffness and make it so that way These are nice and sturdy and we hold up So we already did one off camera so you Can see it's nice and neat but that's Not the point the leather's a lot more Firm so when you put it together it's Going to have a nice shade to it it's Not going to fall apart you need some Help I do need your help so this is a Two-man job and let's get this going This is Jordan's way of uh getting me to Work reinforcements on both panels we Did some pretty good teamwork right There yes we did what's next uh so next We just have to punch out these vent Holes on the toe boxes before we get the First part of our liner put in okay Do so we have our holes punched out of
Our toe box here and now the next thing We have to do is attach our liner so we Can start sewing this thing up cool so We got black and blue yeah black is Obviously for the Dead It matches the sole nicely what about Your blue and we got this royal blue That matches the out soole perfectly for This Wolverine pair so what's this Process look like um so really it's Pretty simple we're just going to spray This down uh The Backs side of it with Some spray glue and then we're going to Lay it on top of our liner here that way It sticks it doesn't shift and then we Can go in and hit all of the decorative Stitching that we need to before we Close them up and eventually get the Shoe finished so you basically kill two Birds with one stone get the stitching On there with the liner as well right Yep and that'll lock it in but we uh did Cheat a little bit and we got this toe Box stitched on that way when we go to Last we can add our toe reinforcement Still um and the liner won't be in the Way all right let's go get some spray Glue So our next step is going to be Stitching on all of our decorative Stitching to really give it that Air Jordan one look we're going to be using My posted machine this is my Adler 888 This is my Workhorse I do 95% of all of
My work on this machine I absolutely Love this machine I can't say enough Good things about it so let's get going All right Jordan did a great job with The stitching now it's my turn of paint I got some dark red paint inside the Airbrush we're going to lay it down what I want to do is have the gradient go From the sole and work its way up not Too crazy though I want it to be nice And subtle the reason why I'm doing this Is cuz if you look at the Depo costume There's different shades of red same Thing with the Wolverine we want to Create that look All right we got the de pull down the Gradient looks sick let's do the same Thing with the Wolverine One all right gradient is down these Look fantastic I just love how they Resemble the suits now but I'm beat it's Time to call it a day all right bro that Was a solid good day W dude thank you so Much I appreciate you appreciate all Your hard work thanks for com I'm stoked On how they're coming out man day too Bro I'll see you tomorrow get some rest Take care all right man that was great We did a lot of work we designed a shoe We cut leather we sewed we painted I'm Beat let's go get some food all right Guys it's day two we got the paint done Last night what do you think dude I Think it really really sells that look
That we were going for you did an Amazing job super consistent gradient I'm so excited to see how these come out Dude it's coming together nicely between The stitching the color of the leather The gradients what's next so next we uh Have our double layered swooshes we're Going to do a black and white swoosh on The Deadpool pair and we are going to do A blue and silver swoosh on the Wolverine pair dude that's going to be So sick so what do we think for the Swooshes As far as the shape goes cuz There's a lot of different shapes you Can do I want to keep that OG Air Jordan One low swoosh that big swoosh the one That's on the medial side of the Travis That everybody loves um but I want it to Be a little bit altered so we kind of Did a an overlaid double swoosh sort of Look I think it really is going to sell That eye piece of the Deadpool Mask Right um and to make sure that they're Absolutely perfect we can load that up Into my Cricut Machine and have it cut Out those whooshes like I said so that Way the shape is just perfect sounds Good then we still have to do some Embroidering on the tongues and that'll Be basically it dude it's going to pop Like crazy what are you doing bro set up The Cricket got the cricket dude I forgot it I got all the leather though come on
Jordan I got to take matters into my own Hands We made it I don't know where the Cricket machine is Jordan I don't know where it is Jordan Looking for it I'm looking I'm looking So this is what every customizer does in My studio they touch my stuff my shoes My everything so this what I'm going to Do to Jordan oh hey Max want to help me touch Jordan's stuff Oh yeah right there Oh yeah found it thanks Jordan Mr Maxwell Max we have our blue leather which is Going to be the bottom part of the Swoosh for our Wolverine side we're Going to match it up right here with our Map on the Cricket just go ahead and pop this On our silver our silver is going to Start at the five [Applause] All right so because I think I'm going To have a hard time actually stitching This really sharp tail I feel like Instead of having an overlay we can just Have a cut out and then we can put the Silver underneath it that makes sense And do an underlay but with that I feel Like this is not quite enough Edge on The blue whiten it a little bit yeah
It's not quite enough to to be able to Comfortably be able to sew something um So I feel like doing the blue a little Bit wider and kind of taking out some of That silver and just giving us a little Bit more room to the edge will be easier Um it'll give us a better end result Yeah dude whatever works for you I like That look though yeah doesn't look bad The problem is I just don't want to lose Too much of That that swoosh look you know what I Mean I think it's so important but we Can make this a little sharper Initially we were going to do an overlay On top of our swoosh that looked Something like this but this tail here Was proving to be a bit of a problem When it came down to sewing so what we Decided to do was switch it and put the Silver underneath our blue and we also Made it a little bit smaller so now this Is our updated swoosh that we have right Here now that we have our medial side Done the only thing left to do is get Our lateral piece done and then we're Going to move over to the Deadpool pair The Deadpool one's going to look crazy Yeah that's really going to bring that Mask look for sure all right man let's Get to it [Music] [Music] Awesome so so we have both of our
Swooshes cut out with the underlays Applied the uh Deadpool pair is nice and Firm so I don't think this needs any Reinforcement material but the temper on This leather is quite soft so what I'm Going to do is add some reinforcement Material so it's a little bit stiffer And it allows me to apply it and sew it Nice and Evenly all right the swooshes look great They're all laid down let's head Upstairs and start stitching them [Music] On we have our swooshes all sewn on they Look beautiful and now the next thing we Have to do is close up our upper so I'm Going to add a piece of double-sided Tape right along this Edge we're going To put these two edges together and then Give it a stitch along this line and Then our upper will be completely closed And all we'll have to do is add our Liners and our internal components and Our tongues and we'll be all ready to Last so we have our uppers completely Closed we trimmed out this middle Portion of our liner and now all we have To do is add our internal components Like these heel counters here so these Are the last components that we need for Our uppers we have our liners our heel Counters and our Foams the first thing That we're going to to do is heat up our Heel counters then we're going to sew in
Our liners here and then we can install Our Foams flip the liner over sew Everything in and they'll be good to Go bro these are in insane dude I keep Saying it the gradient I think really Made the shoe I think we're done for Tonight I think that's a good place to End off we got the liner put in and Everything's stitched now all that we Have left to do is punch out our lace Holes attach our tongues and get the Shoe lasted and ready for SES dude let's Get some sleep all right guys it's day Three what's next bro so all that we Have left to do is to punch out these Holes here for the laces and then we're Going to make our tongues so we have our Silver for our Wolverine pair and then You have the brown right there for the Deadpool pair the Brown's going to be a Nice touch we got to punch the holes First cut out the leather get the Binding ready for the tongues and get The liner ready as Well for our Deadpool tongue tags I Think we're going to do white Nike Air With a red swoosh and then on the silver For the Wolverine pair we are going to Do yellow Nike Air with a red SW [Music] I love them I love the uh red swooshes Are really nice touch and they'll make Everything look super Cohesive and we just finished this last
Final Stitch here on this so these Uppers are completely done our Deadpool Pair is complete we have to move on to Las thing but first we have one more Final Stitch to do on our Wolverine pair And we're going to do it Together all right so I'm pretty sure in This video I've said sick at least 10,000 times but I'm going to say it one More time man these look freaking sick The tongues really tied it together bro But as of right now they're looking Pretty flimsy yeah what's next so the Last thing that we have to do is called The lasting process and the way that Works is we have our lasting boards that We cut out of this material here and it Matches perfectly with the bottom of the Last then we're going to take our uppers Put them over the last and use nails to Nail in the bottom part of this upper All around this lasting board here and That's going to give it that shoe shape Once we do that they'll be ready for Sols all right you want me to cut this Out please Do you not look at me I don't I get Nervous I can feel looking at me so when We start lasting we really want to make Sure that our alignment is right um this Has an open seam right here so it makes It kind of easy for us it gives us a Center line that we can use to match up With the back of the last if you
Remember we installed that heel counter And it's Thermo moldable so basically When we hit it with heat it's going to Soften up and it's going to form to this Last and then when it cools down it will Get hard in that same shape so we have Our rear portion of the shoe completely Lasted you can see we have that nice Nice sloped Shape very smooth around the edges like That and then what's left is we're going To glue all inside of here so that way We can get this tacked down and we're Also just going to glue this blue liner Piece now that we have our rear part of The shoe glued down we also have our Liner glued down we are going to flip up This toe part of the liner just like This That way we can install our toe puff now Our toe puff works the exact same way as Our heel cups where when they're heated Up they become soft and pliable and then When they cool back down they will Harden so we are going to heat this up Stretch it over this front part of the Toe and then we can fold this back over Finish lasting the toe and they're done Bro you crease the toe box dude no I Don't just kidding dude take it back [Music] Now that we have our toe puff installed Onto the front of our toe we can flip The upper back over and now we're going
To last this portion just like we last This portion and then we're going to be All Done during the lasting process these Little pleats form you can see them Right here I've removed most of them we Still have one left um we're also going To fill this little area here with some Leather uh again to make it really flat And really comfortable and here's a Quick little look at how they're going To look as a finished Product I'm telling you guys in person These look crazy you still got to get The sole onto the upper we got to make Sure it's lined up properly all around Front back and sides I'm going to use a Pen once it's all lined up nicely I'm Going to draw the outline all around After that I'm going to go outside Dremel the area on the bottom get it Roughened up so we can get it ready for The glue job while Vic is doing that I Going to last our Deadpool [Applause] Side I don't know if you guys know this But this step is extremely sketchy we've Been at it for 3 days this is a lot of Work one little snip up will ruin the Whole thing so I got about an inch two Inches to go let's hold my breath For the sols yesterday I removed the Glue using the Dremel now there's one Final step I'm going to use some acetone
And cboss to give it one final wipe down After that we'll move on to the Glue I miss my apron I miss my mask I Miss my compressor but it's all good It's well worth it these Customs are Coming out tell me how you really Feel Jordan finish up the Deadpool Custom man I'm going to be laying down a Nice Den even coat all around the upper Same thing with the sole not too thick I Want it to be nice and even all around The key is to not go above the Line uppers are good to go now we're on To the sole same exact thing I'll lay Down some glue spread it all around let It cure and we'll stick everything Together all right man we're basically Almost done last couple hours we spent a Lot of work kind of going back and forth On the Deadpools and the Wolverines I Did all the prep work in between time You were doing during the last thing on The Deadpools we got Souls glued on the Wolverines as well we'll show you guys How those look in just a bit now we Still got to do the Deadpool but I'm Going to let you handle that cuz I want This to come out perfect I feel like at This point I might mess it up I don't Think you would but I'm happy to do it Uh we're going to do a little trick with Some parchment paper when we're bonding The soles I like to let the glue cure Overnight so that way it's not so tacky
But we're on a little bit of a time Crunch and this is a great way to do it If you don't have time to wait for them Overnight that's right so what's the Trick with this parchment paper I mean What does it do the parchment paper does Not stick to the sole or the upper so we Put it in between the two while we're Trying to do the bond and we slowly pull It that way we can line everything up And stick just the exposed parts and it Makes it way easier so much less stress And it's a really fun Trick all right so our soles are stuck On but they're not exactly Done Yet the Glue that we used uses heat to activate So we need to throw it in the oven real Quick 250° for 2 and 1/2 minutes and That's going to reactivate that glue Make it super sticky and then we can go And finish our bond time to make the Chimy Chongas now that we have our last Removed from the shoes the only thing Left to do is to stitch the soles on so I'm going to do that Now dude I'm so impressed two days ago We started off with the mockup that we Designed on the spot had all the Materials couple days later a ton of Hours we have the physical shoe in her Hands I'm so impressed by how it looks It straight up gives off Deadpool and Wolverine Vibes thank you so much Vic
I'm happy that you're happy I love them Too I think like I said I keep saying it But that gradient really sold the look Um but what's next and what's last is my Favorite part of Sho making putting Laces in let's lace it up red lace for The Deadpool yellow lace for the Wolverine it's a No-brainer they came out way better than I even expected them to I think uh you Know it's hard when you start with a Mockup it's digital you don't really Know what that's going to translate to In real life um but I'm super super Happy with how they came out the cool Thing about these is they straight up Screen Deadpool and Wolverine and There's not a single X-Men logo not a Single Deadpool logo or Wolverine There's no slash marks there's no blades Or knives or gunshots or any stuff like That that kind of scream that point Wolverine if you look at these shoes Without any of that stuff you know what They are that's very true yeah I Couldn't I couldn't have said it better Myself but now that the shoes are laced Up with some SES attached to them what's Some other details that you like about The shoes um I just love the Simplicity Of the design um we again you know I Talked about how I've been experimenting A lot with single piece designs so the Base of the upper is all one single
Piece of leather of course the uh Swooshes are additional pieces but the Yellow and in your case the red um is All made from one single piece of Premium calf skin 100% I don't mean to Cut you off but it also gives off that Impression like there is panels on the Shoe when you look get it from a Distance it just looks like there's Panels but when you look it up close It's just one piece of leather it's just Amazing exactly yeah I think it really Gives that traditional Air Jordan one Feel people that love that design myself Included um I think will really Appreciate this but it's kind of an Updated take on it um the premium Materials the silver tongue I love how We did the matching red swooshes on the Nike Air tongue tags we didn't plan that All of the all of these things really Come together and make for a beautiful Design and not just a silver on that Tongue dude the brown over here is nice And subtle it was a nice way to tie that In with the Deadpool colorway the Embroidery on the tongue tags is super Clean it just looks like something that KN can produce themselves again this Custom is absolutely perfect bro I know We're pretty biased cuz we're the ones That made them but at the end of the day I don't think anybody else out there can Create what we just did today I agree
Thank you guys for coming over and Hanging out with me at my house this is Normally where I get all of my work done So it's really nice but it is 9:30 you Don't have to go home but you got to get The hell out of here I don't get to Thank you for uh hospitality and stuff Now real quick dude I do want to thank You you opened up the house to me Ace Miguel it's been awesome dude we've been Hanging out here for 3 days did an Awesome custom and not just that dude Got to hang out with my boy yes Absolutely what's better thanks for Tuning into this video you guys hope you Guys enjoyed it this is a little bit Different from the regular Monday videos So let us know down below if you like it Also let us know what you guys think About these Customs if you guys would Have done anything differently this is Vic Almighty and Jordan deab we'll catch You guys next time see you guys