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Intro: 0:00
2023 Recap: 0:12
Quiet Luxury: 0:36
Pop of Color: 1:46
Y2K Aesthetic: 2:18
Sports Marketing: 3:02
Influencer Brands: 3:54
Cropped Shirts: 4:47
Knitwear: 6:00
zip hoodies: 7:17
Bomber Jackets: 7:50
Leather Jackets: 8:27
Double Breasted: 9:00
Trench Coats: 9:11
Wide Leg Sweats: 9:35
Baggy Cargos: 10:05
wide fit chinos:10:35
Graphic Beanies: 10:47
Sneakers: 11:19

New trends are emerging and what better Time to lay it all out than the Beginning of the year there were a lot Of great Styles and Aesthetics that came Off the Runway late last year that will Soon trickle into your YouTube Instagram And Tik Tok mood boards and feeds now There were a ton of great fashion trends That came about in 2023 there was the SBA takeover people started wearing jean Shorts with Timberland boots in early 2000s fashion was the go-to trendy era That people were mimicking now whether You like it or not you're going to Continue to see a lot of the hottest Fashion trends from 2023 in the new year But first let's go over some trending Overarching themes from 2024 before Diving into specific trending clothing Items so the first trend for 2024 is Going to be the emphasis on classic Tailoring I'm talking about tonal Monochromatic outfits really more Elegant Styles a lot of people will call This quiet luxury and I know some people Tend to uh roll their eyes at the Buzzword but basically what quiet luxury Means for those that don't know is that It emphasizes investment in highquality Minimalist pieces that have a Timeless Appeal so once again these are just just Classy tailored looks with the absence Of big branding and logos gone to the Days of you know the 2016 off-white

Supreme Vape where it's just these Really obnoxious patterns logos just Thrown in your face people are just Preferring something a little bit more Minimal I think this applies for Streetwear as well as opposed to having Like the It clothing item that has some Big branding on it that everybody can See it's more of a focus on the actual Silhouette itself with good proportions And the overall look now when I think of Quiet luxury one of the things that Comes to mind would be Kendall Roy from Succession wearing like a $600 cashmere Hat that's not something I'm into Overpaying for very simplistic clothing But Brands like cause the Uno U Collection and of course Ralph Lauren All have a lot of these styles for a More affordable price another one of the Overarching themes that was huge on the Runway was just a little pop of color Now I think that this is perfect for Anybody uh similar to me who has been Building up a wardrobe of sort of Neutral tone colored items want to just Differentiate themselves a bit by Incorporating a little bit more color Especially in the summertime and the Spring spring time um where you just Have a statement piece something that Has uh definitely a primary color like Yellow red and blue but let me be very Clear this isn't having your entire

Outfit filled with different colors it's More so just having a very neutral Colored outfit and having one clothing Item that just has a splash of color one Of the biggest themes from 2023 that is Going to be still relevant this year is The sort of Y 2K fashion trend and this Goes for sneakers and clothing uh for Sneakers uh gq's 2023 shoe of the year Was the A6 gel Kayo 14 um definitely a Very comfortable shoe and if you have Yet to try it I highly recommend we of Course know that the Nike Vero is Bubbling as well but even on the female Side women are wearing ballet flats and Wraparound sunglasses and it just seems To be the preferred aesthetic for uh Sort of the Gen Z Millennial I think Because this is now considered vintage So either way this is something that uh I enjoy wearing from time to time There's like a couple things that I'll Take from it um like layering a t-shirt Over a long sleeve and I also love do Love the sneakers because a lot of them Are comfortable but Y2K is definitely Going to be still relevant in 2024 the Next Trend would be the increase in Sports Marketing in fashion business of Fashion released a brilliant article and Case study of this basically just saying That athletes are going to be invested In more from these fashion houses to Help promote their brand we saw this

With Jude Bellingham who was just Received a humongous uh brand promotion From Louis Vuitton there's also the Tennis pro Carlos alcaraz who received a Similar deal Louis Hamilton of course Has been doing his thing um from the Driving side as well ultimately athletes Are being used more to help promote Fashion I think there's two main reasons Of this number one just athletes in General being more interested in fashion But also Virgil ablo giving these Opportunities originally a few years Back to these athletes to help promote Themselves and help uh you know Demonstrate their creativity Specifically on the runway the next Trend that we're going to see a lot more In 2024 and Beyond would be the rise of Influencer Brands there are a ton of Creators out there with very successful Clothing brands uh first ones that come To mind would be Daniel Simmons okay There is Ethan Glenn uh with every other Thursday there's also ronning and I Could just keep going on and on I think That in terms of manufacturing clothing And sourcing clothing as well as Marketing it is getting a little bit Easier for creators there's less demand There's less barriers and Gatekeepers Preventing them from promoting their own Brands and from a Creator perspective And I know this fir hand having your own

Products to sell means that you don't Have to seek approval from these large Brands or or have to sign these elusive Contracts that sort of lock you in for a Certain amount of years um and plus a Lot of these creators already have the Marketing down right with their audience And I think that this is easily one of The best Trends because a lot of your Audience are sort of like an emotional Attachment they enjoy watching you so Giving them a product that they can you Know treasure and wear is just something That's really dope the next Trend would Be cropped everything okay I mean tops Jackets hoodies you name it where it if It is cropped okay and I think that this Came about uh from the commercial side Of just brand selling crop clothing but Also from the the DIY side there was a Big Trend last year and years prior Where people were just cutting the Bottoms of their their shirts the ones That fit too big um and I think that This really resonated with sort of like The thrifting and the DIY Community as Well now one of the reasons why I love It is that hey if you're watching this And you're a fellow Shore king or just In general you want to appear taller Crop clothing especially tops is the Perfect thing because if you have a crop Shirt and some high-waisted pants for Example it's going to extend the length

Of your legs or at least make that Illusion which will make you appear Taller now for brand recommendations uh For hoodies Elwood makes a great cropped Hoodie for te's there's obviously the Uni low U oversized airism t-shirt this Is exactly what I'm wearing right now And then also abomi has these cro Flannels which are selling out like hot Cakes so if a lot of people seem to be Interested in it I think maybe you would Be too so if you've learned anything From the video so far you enjoyed this Conversation be sure to hit the Subscribe button I'm posting videos About fashion and sneakers every single Week okay so let's get into the Nitty-gritty of it all let's talk about Very specific clothing items items that I think are going to be trending for 2024 the first category let's start with Tops specifically knit sweaters okay There's so many different varieties that We get into but knit sweaters have Become one of the preferred uh you know Fashion items for people who want to Dress well um and I think it plays into A number of different uh categories that We talked about which would be the Classic tailoring just an overall Classier look with a thick chunky knit Sweater but also that pop of color Because the ones I'm talking about Specifically have like an ombre effect

To them or pattern or play with one of Those primary colors that I was Referring to so whether it is a long Sleeve knit sweater or a sleeveless V-neck sweater like Tyler the Creator Wears them trust me you can't go wrong For brand recommendations there's one Called 545 they were just doing a Pre-order there's also cost I recently Picked up this blue ombre knit sweater That I absolutely love I got it for 50% Off too there's also these ribbed full Zip sweaters that I'm seeing a lot more Of and I absolutely love the washed rib Knit material because on the outside of The knit it has this wash effect to it But as then it stretches it shows that True color on the inside which I think Is really cool it's a really cool effect There's definitely some great trending Hoodie options as well I think that Hoodies are being talked about more than Ever before so I feel like it's very Important to really pick your uh hoodies Wisely and really invest in a good Quality hoodie uh zip up hoodies Specifically I think are really popping At the moment and uh there's so many Different great Brands one of my Favorites and you'll hear me recommend Them a few times in this video is a Brand called entire Studios it's just a Really clean boxy silhouette with of Course that crop comes in different

Washes or different solid colors really Good quality stuff there's also sweats Collective which I mean as the name Suggests just has a ton of variety to Choose from and then for an affordable Option you can go with abomb I have a Couple of their zip ups and they're Pretty good and the best part is that There's always sales going on so there's No need to pay full price but let's move Into the next topic which would be Jackets okay specifically bomber jackets All right now I'm not talking about very Clear I'm not talking about those super Thin it's cheap ones that you would get Like H&M or whatever I'm talking about a Nice puffy traditional style ma1 bomber Jacket something with some substance and A little bit of puff to it as well now I Have talked about bomber jackets in the Past like three different Trends videos So trust me you guys need to get on this If you have yet to so many great ones Entire Studios makes another one that I Was mentioning but the thing with bomber Jackets is is that they truly never Really go out of style so if you buy one Now and you invest you can wear for the Rest of your life next up would be just Simple good quality leather jackets I'm Not talking about like biker jackets I Feel like it's a little bit too busy for Like the current style Trend something With a collar very plain a zipper okay

Maybe a button detail you can get a ton Of these vintage as well which is Excellent but for brand recommendations I own one from carb Studios and it was a Very reasonably priced item they came in A few different colors and this one is Actually a vegan leather option but the Leather quality does not suck okay it Doesn't wrinkle it doesn't look cheap Either so I highly recommend this one And it's very affordable mix up from Like the Men's Wear tip would be double Breasted suits these were everywhere Okay this is definitely on point with The Quiet luxury aesthetic that I was Talking about earlier if you got a Wedding too this is a great option so Whenever you need a dress up trust me go Double rested and next up would be just Long trench coats this is really is like A capsule wardrobe piece okay if you buy One good one you can just keep it for The rest of your life because they never Go out of style they're super elegant And classies and for brand Recommendations the first one that comes To mind would be from the uni lowu Collection I feel like each and every Season Reon they drop uh a version of The uh trench coat uh for a very Reasonable price too but I did find that They always fit massive so be sure to Size down Okay so let's talk about pants Now the first ones that come to mind

Would be wideleg sweatpants this is I Think a reaction to the trend of bgy Pants in 2024 which is very uh relevant Still and uh it's super cozy super cozy Vibes obviously if you like to wear Sweatpants raining champ uh is a Great Canadian brand they have some good wide Fit sweatpants Lululemon's got their own Version and abomi is another one I've Mentioned them a few times but they just Make great affordable alternatives for Stuff so uh yeah definitely don't sleep On wide leg sweatpants and then this Kind of Segways into baggy caros I feel Like this is another one of those Absolute Staples especially if you enjoy Streetwear outfits and for brand Recommendations there's so many to Choose from everybody makes caros these Days some of my favorites are from K2 Studios um uh I just picked up a recent Pair off gr absolutely love them uh Ronning I'll be mentioning them once More in the video uh but even the Gap Like the gaps got stuff everybody's Making cargo so uh just get some that Doesn't have that tight cuff at the Bottom from a more men's wear tailored Perspective wide fit chinos definitely Still the way to go even when it comes To like more business casual tailoring The trend is still to go for our more Wider Silhouettes and J crew went a Little bit viral last year with their

Wide fit chino pants I'm actually Planning on picking up a pair let's move Forward to accessories okay first one That come to mind easy taking over Social media would be printed beanies Right uh tkes as us Canadians call it Just a beanie with a different print on It think of Arc TXS okay those ones are Absolutely buzzing right now I have this Black one I think I wear it too much Okay but there's uh old man Allen makes Some great beanies for a very affordable Price as well as Sundays right these are Checkered beanies I think it's just a Good little statement piece a little bit Of popup color texture but yeah this one Is uh definitely really popping Especially will be for 2024 as well now It's time to talk about sneakers I made An entire video dedicated to the best Sneakers to wear and watch out for in 2024 so if you want to check that video Out you can do so right here me click on It and I'll meet you guys there