Get ahead of the style game with the top men’s fashion trends for 2025! From affluent menswear looks and statement accessories to breatheable fabrics and minimalist streetwear, we’re breaking down everything you need to elevate your wardrobe this year. Whether you’re into dressing up or dressing down, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss out—hit that subscribe button for more style tips and trend updates! ????✨
intro: 0:00
2024 recap: 0:23
Office Wear: 1:09
Breathable fabrics: 2:02
Floral Print: 2:34
Sports Fashion: 3:51
Graphic Beanies: 5:03
Puffer Jackers: 5:56
Knitwear: 6:40
Dark Jeans: 7:36
Baggy Sweatpants: 8:26
Short Shorts: 8:47
Statement Belts: 9:20
Footwear: 9:40
Sneakers: 10:17
I have a feeling a lot of you are going To feel some type of way with how people Are dressing this year so brace Yourselves I've scoured the internet for Weeks sifting through countless vog and GQ articles watching runways I've come Through every YouTube video and Tik Tok To inform you guys how people are going To be dressing this year maybe I've Sprinkled in a few opinions of a Canadian men's fashion YouTuber in there But hey you're free to wear whatever you Like think of this as like me reporting The news Okay so let's briefly speak on What fashion trends are going to carry Over from 2024 before jumping into Specific clothing items Men's Wear is Very much thriving with tailored and Affluent looks I've covered this topic Many times in my Trend report videos but If you're watching this for the first Time this includes outfits with pleated Trousers loafers nit polos and striped Oxfords for example whether you call it Old money quiet luxury or eclectic Grandpa people are preferring to dress Up more and more guys like Tyler the Creator Jacob alori ASAP Rocky Austin Butler and Coleman Domingo embody this Aesthetic the absolute best street wear Will still be baggy shirts and jackets Will still be cropped large branding in Logos are still kind of tacky and what's Left to sneaker culture will be
Dominated by Y2K Retros meaning your Favorite sneakers from 2017 will Struggle to sell and I'll tell you why a Little bit later on 2025 has some Overarching themes that you'll see a lot Of this year and the first one is office Wear this trend is very closely tied With how Men's Wear is trending this Year and one of the commonalities that I've seen with this office wear trend is The incorporation of a tie with casual Wear this was heavily seen at the Paris Spring summer fashion show both this Year and last so it's safe to say that It's here to stay but I know what you're Thinking how can I incorporate this in My everyday style and the best way to Incorporate this in real life is to pair It with more casual clothing items like A baseball hat denim or leather jacket Or maybe you just leave the Blazer on And wear it with a tank top or a white T-shirt underneath in my opinion these Looks are a lot more approachable the Key here is making use of a fashion Trend known as juab position where you Take two contrasting items and you pair Them together to create one unique look This is something that guys like ASAP Rocky and Tyler their creator use all The time and the reason why it works so Well is because it's a bit riskier it's A little bit more unpredictable it's a Break from how the average person
Dresses and doing that will ultimately Make you perceived as a more stylish Person the next theme for spring and Summer is the incorporation of breezier Fabrics sheer undershirts outerwear and Accessories we're seen a lot this year And to be honest I don't think that this Is as approachable as say crochet for Example but one thing that this trend is Great for is for those who live in a hot Climate in fact one of my most frequent Comments that I receive is oh I live in Florida I live in Texas it's too hot I Can't wear these things well good news Breathable Fabrics are the move for you This year it's also a great way to add Texture to your outfit and honestly I'm Just a sucker for a good knit Polo or Button-up there were two prints that Dominated runways for spring summer 2025 And the first is floral prints one thing That I've noticed is definitely a new Trend you didn't really see floral that Much last year so I'm very interested to See how this translate into everyday Fashion floral is obviously synonymous With spring and summer so the Incorporation of this print with muted Items can make for a really clean look And it's a great way to incorporate Color into your wardrobe which I'm Always looking to do there was also a Lot of plaen checkered shirts personally I've always kept a flannel in the mix
But there are so many creative ways to Style these like a pro whether it's Plaid pants jackets suits or even Wrapping it around your waist which for Me always reminds me of Kanye West and Despite his recent craziness I kind of Miss the guy like he has so many iconic Outfits that are just imprinted in my Brain and there's one more print that You really see a lot more of in real Life and that's camo to me camo is Something that never really goes out of Style and it never really goes in style It's always just kind of there but on Instagram man you see it everywhere Whether it's a camel jacket or of course Camel pants and before I began my Research on this video I actually just Bought a pair of rle see floral camo Pants which is a funny coincidence that Obviously combines two of these patterns In one they're super unique and I Absolutely love them but I do think that Camo really did get a bump at forel's Louis vuon show and we even got the Classic Minecraft camo print which I Thought was super cool and fun fact Minecraft is the most popular video game Of all time and I actually have never Played it before the next theme we are Going to see a lot of is sports inspired Fashion for years's athletes have been Using their platform to show off their Unique sense of style and year-over-year
It seems like high fashioned brands are Not only embracing this but also Investing and designing around these Opportunities most notably is Louis Vuitton is partnered with LeBron James Jude Belling him and Carlos elarz just To name a few but it seems like as of Late World football has been most Intertwined with fashion and I'm certain Over the past few years you've come Across a video talking about bloore in Inis Fashion Week there were more and More jerseys on the runway now what does This mean for everyday fashion Enthusiasts like you and me expect Brands like Al kith and Pompei to Release more fashion forward jerseys Expect more athletes to be Fe featured In campaigns and what I'm most excited About are real creative content creators Who are making these fun interpretations Of wearable football boots for example And trust me these are going to go Triple platinum on Tik Tok and Instagram Mood boards if you didn't know I've Played the game since I was 5 years old That's 25 years of kicking a ball and It's obviously a topic that I'm very Passionate about now if you've gotten Value out of the video so far be sure to Hit the Subscribe button it takes very Little effort from you guys but of Course it helps me tremendously but it Is time to jump in into specific
Clothing items so let's go from top to Bottom starting with Hats printed or Graphic beanies is something that you See a lot of people wearing and the First one that comes to mind of course Would be arteric these are everywhere so Much so that they actually sell out a Beanie selling out online and in store This beanie is almost like a part of the Men's fashion Creator starter pack but It's not just arteric there's checkered Beanies from the brand Sundays and There's even that Hab brand that Kai Sonat promotes which is called archive I Believe that makes these crazy knit Crochet hats that are super colorful These have exploded and really have Launched the brand you see a ton of like Streamers internet personalities Celebrities athletes wearing these and For sunglasses tinted frames are popping Up more and more specifically like that Aviator style you see forel wear these All the time usually they have like a Tortoise shell pattern sunglasses to me Are like an underrated accessory when it Comes to like building a cohesive outfit Especially if you know that you're going Outdoors next up are puffer jackets now Let me be very clear okay if you live in A cold climate like I do wearing a Puffer jacket is not a fashion trend it Is literally a necessity but I think we Can all agree especially on social media
And in real life videos of puffer Jackets and unique puffer jackets have Exploded it seems like the UK is Definitely leading the way on this and I Want to give them credit but take the Viral merita heat reactive puffer jacket For example for a smaller brand to put Out such a technical fabric that you Normally see with like Stone island or Louis Vuitton I think it's actually very Impressive now traditionally it was like You get one puffer jacket and you're Good for the next like 5 years but Nowadays it's like people have a Collection of unique cover jackets now It seems like in the sort of men's Fashion Zeitgeist people have really Latched on to knitwear and it's great Because it can really elevate a look in Multiple different seasons whether it's Fall winter or even Springtime and when You think of knitwear you probably think Of like a chunky you know cable knit Sweater or something and this year there Are a number of different styles that Are gaining popularity first being the Crew neck cardigan which is a cardigan That you can button up all the way to Your neck it may or may not have a Collar option as well in my opinion the Simple tweak of the neckline gives you More occasions that you can wear this in There's also like a craze going on right Now with both quarter zip and full zip
Sweaters like there's literally articles About how people are dishing crazy money To buy them luckily there's a ton of Affordable options as well so I'll be Sure to leave a link in the description Another like IRL Trend that I'm seeing a Lot of is people layering t-shirts over A thermal base layer I think this is a Really clean look that gives a nod to Like that Y2K style that's so popular Right now and you you can get sort of Plain ones from uni La I recommend Getting them in a few different colors As well but what I love most about this Is that it's a great transition piece to Wear in between Seasons all right now Let's talk pants now dark denim is 100% In right now you are seeing it Everywhere there is definitely a raw Denim Resurgence shout out to Drew Joiner who's kind of like leaving the Movement right now every other day on Tik Tok it's either I'm seeing someone Buying a new pair of raw denim in Japan Or I'm getting a tutorial on how to wash Myself as jeans I don't know maybe That's just my algorithm and I don't Know I feel like 2025 is just like the Perfect year to invest a good pair of Jeans you know it doesn't have to be Salvage by the way if you're looking for Just a simple pair of dark jeans uni has A pair that I have and I highly Recommend them if you just want
Something easy but if you're looking for An entry level pair of Salvage uh Something just has a simple straight fit I recommend the niedan famous true guy Fits made in Canada with Japanese denim Highly recommend from a fashion outfits Perspective you don't really see people Wearing slim fitting cuff joggers as Much I wear them personally from time to Time but I have become like a baggy Sweatpant fish andado I just recently Picked up a pair from entire Studios and I'm honestly obsessed with them they are So freaking cool which you can get from Like a number of different places Speaking of which those viral uni l sea Sweatpants sort of like tore up the Internet for a while there so I'll leave A link in the description to them I know They're doing a number of restocks and Maybe they're available now now Something I thought that was interesting All over the runway this year we saw Short shorts and GQ celebrated Paul Mesal like crazy this year and he was Like the short shorts guy now what does This mean for you because one moment and It's baggy other way like it's sure like I understand how confusing it can be but If you prefer the street wear aesthetic Jorts baggy sweatsh shorts that's going To be your Vibe but if you float more on The men's rist side don't be afraid to Wear a shorter short and pair them with
Like a nit Polo and lfers for example For your boy I've been hitting legs Twice a week so don't be surprised if You see a quad pop out from time to time No Diddy since we're talking about Shorts and pants belts have really Popped off in a big way this year Specifically though for a statement belt Whether it's a Western belt black Leather with a simple you know silver Heart Hardware on it could be a leopard Print or some vibrant color maybe it's White for example the point being is That the addition of a statement belt Can really add a nice bit of detail to Your outfit especially if you're the Type of person to wear crop shirts or Jackets all right let's talk Footwear We're kind of in like a post streetwear Sneaker era right now where people are Way more open to wearing alternative Types of Footwear which I think is Amazing however there are some Diabolical Footwear choices out there GQ Praised the fisherman sandal which is Giving like Puerto Rican uncle Respectfully the W's in the chat for all The Puerto Rican uncles out there but it Looks good on some people but just not For me but chunky boat shoes are another One of those things that I'm seeing both Online and in real life a lot more and If you're looking for outfit inspiration Al has a ton of collaborations with them
And they obviously have Elite lookbooks Now in terms of sneakers there are a ton Of great sneakers to get still for 2025 And there are a number of sneaker trends That are honestly surprising to me so I Made a whole video about it when it's Ready it'll be available right here so Why don't we click on that and I'll meet You guys there