
Welcome to Shoe Care Academy, your go-to series for mastering the art of shoe cleaning! In this episode, Vick Almighty took on the challenge of cleaning TWO pairs of Nigel RM Bike Air 4 sneakers in the striking “Fence Green” and “Driveway Gray” colorways. The Fence Green pair had seen some serious wear from Winona Kicks’ 30-day wear test, but Vick was ready to show exactly how to bring them back to life.

To start, he used an air compressor to blow away surface dust and debris, ensuring no grime was left behind. The details matter & Vick showcased this as he picked out small rocks lodged in the soles, setting the stage for a deeper clean.

Next, he dry-brushed both pairs, removing any lingering dirt before moving on to the real cleaning process. Vick started with Reshoevn8r’s Stiff Bristle Brush and the BRAND NEW Sneaker and hat Foam Cleaner, tackling the outsoles to restore their fresh appearance. He then moved on to the midsoles, using the Medium Bristle Brush to scrub away dirt without damaging the uppers.

When it came time to clean the nubuck suede uppers, Vick demonstrated his skill with delicate materials. To avoid oversaturating the suede, he skipped using water and instead relied solely on the foam cleaner and a soft bristle brush. His careful approach ensured the nubuck remained in perfect condition throughout the cleaning.

He then deep-cleaned the laces and insoles by placing them in the washing machine using Reshoevn8r’s sneaker laundry bag and sneaker laundry pods, ensuring that every part of the shoes was spotless.

After the sneakers were dry, Vick took extra care to reset the nap on the nubuck using a brass bristle brush, being cautious to avoid the plastic areas of the shoes. Finally, he brought the color back to life by applying Reshoevn8r’s Mink Oil with a horsehair brush, leaving the shoes vibrant and revived.

Overall, this cleaning made a night and day difference in the sneakers, and that is all thanks to Vick’s expertise and the NEW Reshoevn8r Sneaker and Hat Foam Cleaner. Pick up yours today at Reshoevn8r.com!

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What's going on everyone welcome back to Another shoe care Academy today I got Two pairs of the RM Jordan fors by Nel Sylvester the first pair is the driveway Grays and the second pair is the fence Greens this pair was worn by my boy Charlie AKA Winona kicks he worn them For a month straight and straight up Beat these up I sometimes hate the guy Cuz he over wears his shoes on this pair There's pain cracking on the back he Basically scraped off the air I told the Guy to wear them not beat him up but That's okay I might turn these into a Restoration video later on for now I'm Going to show you guys a proper way on How to clean both of these pairs using Our brand new rejuvenator oxyclean foam Cleaner let's get Started like I mentioned we are going to Be using our brand new sneaker foam Cleaner we've been working on this Product for over a year to ensure that We bring you the best sneaker foam Cleaner in the market we even Collaborated with oxylean to give it That extra kick this product works great On all materials canvas suede new buuck Leather plastic rubber you name it when Using this product there's two ways you Can go about it if the shoe isn't that Dirty depending on the material you can Do a simple spot clean pump directly Onto the shoe brush in circular motion

Dry it right off and it's good to go Another way to go about it if the shoe Is a lot dirtier you can do a full clean Using our foam cleaner bowl of water and A brush and lastly our foam cleaner Isn't just designed for sneakers it can Also take care of hats and anything else With similar materials our brand new Foam cleaner is available now at Rejuvenator tocom both of these shoes Are extremely dirty so they're not going To be no spot cleaning we got to give These full cleanings and set it now to Make things easier on my end and for Before and after purposes I'm going to Take both of these shoes out of frame And just focus on these two right here First things first I'm going to take out The laces and insults to clean those up Separately When it comes to the insoles you got to Be very careful a lot of the times it's Glued in there good if you do it too Fast you can rip out the insole and Cause damage take your Time see how much debris is on the Insole alone that's why I always take Them out and clean these up separately Same thing with the inside it's Disgusting all right before I bust out The foam the water and all the brushes There's one thing we need to do and this Is going to make the process so much Easier we're going to go next door and

Use the compressor to blow off as much Of the surface dust and it be from the Inside of the shoe fully out I know a Lot of people don't have a compressor That's okay you can also use a dry brush To brush a shoe take your time doing so It could take 5 minutes it could take 20 Minutes get inside the crevices get Inside the shoe it's going to make a Roll of a difference before you put the Water and foam onto the sneakers let's Go next door [Music] Freaking Charlie went up the Beach I always say this to get the best Results when it comes to a cleaning you Got to spend a lot of time with the prep Work we already got a good chunk of the Grime and dirt off just by dry brushing And using the compressor we're in a way Better place compared to where we were Originally but we're still not done with The prep I'm going to grab a pick scrape At all the grime that's inside the Crevices and remove all the little Pebbles this is going to make it a lot Easier to clean with the S bristle brush When I get to that point I'm also going To brush the uppers and the insides of The shoe one more time using the medium Bristle brush just to make sure I got All the dirt off from all the crevices And every millimeter of the [Music]

Shoe we're done with the dry brushing These sneakers look really good as is But there's still some marks on the Uppers there's some water marks some Spillage all around the newbook we'll Clean that off with the foam cleaner and Just a bit the next step is to use our Shoe trees we're going to pop them in These shoes are used so there is some Creasing once you're done with the Cleaning these toil boxes should look a Lot Better Sho trees are in let's get on With the cleaning typically I always Start with cleaning up the uppers work My way down to the mols and then finish Out with the SS in this case I'm going To do the opposite I'm going to take Care of the harder part first that's the Sols mainly because I've never C these Shoes before they just came out I'm not Exactly sure how this material is going To react to water and the foam cleaner One thing I don't want to do is Oversaturate the material so I'm going To save it till the end to go about it Correctly first I'm going to focus on The SES using our STI bristle brush I'm Going to grab a bowl of water first our Brand new foam cleaner and the stiff Bristle brush as you can see these Bristles are a lot tougher compared to Our other bristles on the other brushes So this is perfect for the job on the

Soles to start this process I'm going to Pump some foam directly onto the Sole I'm going to go ahead and Pat it Down dry see if it needs another Passover so we can keep it Moving that looks great just one Passover did the trick let me take care Of the next One the Second Sole looks just as good There are a couple of blemishes right on The red easy stuff I'm going to grab the Towel dip it in solution and just buff It out Now I'm going to be using the medium Bristol brush on the mels and the rest Of the Rubber the medium Bristol brush is our Allpurpose brush it does great on all Different materials cleaning up these Mels nicely same thing with the rubber The only thing I'm not going to clean is The uppers just in case the uppers are Delicate we're done with the first two Brushes the outsoles and the MOs are Looking brand new now for the uppers the Reason why it's a little challenging is Because I don't know how this material Is going to react sometimes when you get Certain suedes wet with water or Solution it changes to a different Texture sometimes to a leather-like feel Or it just completely rough I don't want To ruin these shoes so I'm going to go About it very carefully we're going to

Find out if these shoes are cleanable With foam and water so to go about it Correctly I am going to be using our sof Bristle brush this is our most delicate Brush and it's perfect for the job Originally when I was cleaning the mid Soos and the soles I was pumping the Foam directly on there in this case I'm Going to pump it onto the brush I'm Going to try not to use water so I don't Oversaturate the material as I'm Cleaning I'm going to be brushing in Circular motion and patting it down dry As I Go all right so far so good I don't see Any more water mark on the new book Itself I think it's drying nicely I Didn't oversaturate the material at all The only parts that I still need to Clean up is the tongue the sock liner And the plastic areas on the uppers for Now I'm going to put this to the side do The same thing with this one The green pair I thought was going to Bleed like crazy but as you can see on The brush and the towel there's no green Dye at all I'm not sure if that's Because I didn't oversaturate the Material but so far it's looking good Uppers look good while they're still wet I'm going to take care of the rest the Tongue isn't too dirty but I'm going to Hit it up anyway since it is a different Material I am going to pump directly

Onto the tongue and use water this time All right tongues look good on both of Them all I have to do is clean up the Sock liner once again the insides aren't Too dirty but I still want to clean them Up anyway it is a nice s material so in This case I'm going to pump foam Directly onto the towel and give it a Wipe down from the Inside all right cleaning is complete For now all that's left to do is to put These outside to dry all that's has to Do is to clean up the laces and the Insoles since these aren't delicate Materials we want to get these as clean As possible so I'm going to pre-treat Them first using our brush water and our Foam cleaner after that I will be Putting them in a laundry bag I'll put Them inside put them in the washing Machine to get a deep clean on both Parts the only thing I don't recommend Is putting them by himself save some Water just throw in with some old Laundry and you'll get the cleanest Results Possible it doesn't matter how dirty the Shoe is I always clean up the insoles This part of the shoe always collects Sweat and odors from your feet so it's Really important to give it a good scrub And put them in the Wash all right I'm going to go see if Steve has any dirty laundry to put these

Inside with the washing machine be right Back Both shoes are fully dried since I Didn't oversaturate any area on the Sneaker it didn't take very long to dry I put them outside and last them 30 Minutes they were good to go now the Suede on both sneakers almost feel like A leather-like texture it's not smooth At all this is exactly what I was trying To avoid by not oversaturate the Material but unfortunately it still Happened but to fix that it should be Pretty simple I hope I'm going to be Using our brass bral brush I'm going to Hit the suede up brush in different Directions until the suede is back to Its original texture The one thing I will say you guys when Using this brush and on this shoe Specifically there's a lot of different Materials on the shoe when brushing try To use the first couple of rows just so You avoid brushing the mle or the Plastic areas and scraping those areas Up this is my favorite part after using A brass brle brush when you brush the Sued back and forth you can see the Texture one quick thing I want to point Out when I cleaned up the uppers I was Really careful not oversaturating the Sneaker I applied the foam brushed it in And quickly Pat it down dry when I clean The sols I was Heavy with the water and

The foam but for the most part I did a Good job of not getting any of that on The uppers except for one little area Right here it's kind of hard to tell but There's a water stain that's from the Water and foam that spilled onto there I Should have P it down dry right away but I didn't after this video I'll go back And clean it one more time to eliminate It and if you do make sure you hit the Shoe evenly all around to avoid any Marks like this but for the most part I'm not complaining this way looks good But from the wear and tear the cleaning And the brass brel brush I did remove Some of the color from the suede on both Sneakers I'm going to bring it back Using our ruinator mink oil and our HSE Aair brush the material on these Sneakers are very delicate I don't want To kick the mink oil onto the shoe so What I'm going to do is apply it onto The brush and massage it into the shoe a Couple of times until I get the color Where I need it to be Mink oil did wonders I didn't think it Was going to do too much cuz the sued Already look great but they look so much Better now almost brand new the last Step that's left to do is to lace them Up and put the insoles inside I got These out of the wash fully dried Insoles look amazing and they smell Great same thing with the laces the

Black I'm not worried about but the White is back to White let's lace them Up All right guys that's going to bring us To an end on both of these cleanings I'm Really glad I got to clean up these Specific shoes for a couple of different Reasons I'm a big fan of the sneakers And Sylvester plus now I know that These shoes are cleanable using the Right techniques and the right products The start of this cleaning was Definitely a renator sneaker foam Cleaner it did the job when it came to Cleaning up the midsoles the outsoles And the uppers what also helped me get These results were a few other renator Products such as all three brushes soft Medium and stiff definitely did the job Afterwards I sprayed some rejuvenator Mink oil directly on our horsehair brush Massaged it into the sneakers to bring The color back to its original state I Do want to give a shout out to my boy Winona kicks he always does a great job With the wear test I might have to turn This pair into a restoration video for Monday he not only wore these sneakers But he also skated in them on the mile There's paint chipping all around the Bike gear is all chewed up paint missing The air is missing as well let me know In the comments if you want to see a Restoration video out of these sneakers

As always you can find all our products At rum.com use promo code 9 till2 to Save 20% off but it's only good for the Next 24 hours this is Vic Almighty I'll Catch you guys on Monday see you guys