
The Balos may not have a plate, but the soft and bouncy PEBA-blended foam makes it a shoe that fits neatly into the world of super trainers. Designed for versatility, the midsole provides a high level of cushioning for easy runs but can easily allow you to pick up the pace thanks to an impressive level of energy return and a smooth rocker geometry.

The New Balance Rebel V4 is a daily shoe that’s designed for faster training while still providing plenty of cushioning. The FuelCell midsole foam is a PEBA/EVA blend that offers a soft ride as well as a good level of propulsion, with a geometry that’s taller and wider than its predecessor.

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00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:15 – Stats
00:41 – Design
01:48 – How’s The Fit?
03:34 – The Run Test
12:27 – Verdict

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Hey Tomy from the r testers in this Video we are going to be doing a Comparison of the new balance balos and The New Balance Rebel V4 let's see how These two shoes [Music] Compare the New Balance BOS costs £200 Or $199.99 it weighs 243 G or 8.6 Oz for Men in a size eight and the drop is 6 mm The New Balance Rebel V4 costs $40 or [Music] $139.99 it weighs 207 G or 7.3 Oz for Men in a size 8 and the drop is 6 [Music] Mm the BOS may not have a plate but the Soft and bouncy pea Blended foam makes It a shoe that fits neatly into the World of super trainers designed for Versatility the midso provides a high Level of cushioning for easy runs but Can easily allow you to pick up the pace Thanks to an impressive level of energy Return and a smooth rocker geometry as Well as the balanced midsole foam There's healthy layer of ground contact Eva on the out soole built to provide Protection and add grip while helping to Retain a relatively lightweight finally The upper combines cre mesh material With a knit tongue as well as plenty of Padding around the ankle collar the New Balance Rebel V4 is a daily shoe that's Designed for faster training while still

Providing plenty of cushioning the fuel So foam is a peber Eva blend that offers A soft ride as well as a good level of Propulsion with a geometry that's taller And wider than its predecessor the upper Is a breathable mesh that uses the Brand's Phantom knit technology to Ensure a supportive fit with a good Level of padding around the ankle collar On the out soole is a generous layer of Rubber across the foref foot as well as Strategically placed sections to the Rear of the [Music] Shoe when it comes to fit of the two Shoes I've actually tried two different Sizes in the rebel I've tried a uk9 and A UK 9.5 I'm usually a uk9 which is a US 9.5 when you balance and I tried the US As well which is this one and both have Fit me pretty much okay I think I'd have Been fine in my normal size I did opt For a half size up initially because the Rebel has been quite a short Chew in the Past particularly with the early models But actually with the latest version I Think it fits well in my normal running Shoe size it's got a wider toe box and Just a more roomy fit in general than Past versions of the shoe BOS I Completely fine in my normal size uk9 Us99.5 it's quite a low toebox it's not Got a lot of volume in there you Certainly got a bit more width and room

I think at the front of the Rebel but I've done long runs in both shoes and I Was very happy with them in those so Yeah I would stick to your normal size Bearing in mind that New Balance can be A little bit cramped sometimes but I was Happy enough in both shoes no concerns About the heel on midfoot either so the Fit for me in these two shoes is very Similar I'm a size eight in the UK these Are both size eights I found both of Them to be very comfortable shoes um What I would say is that uh even though There's plenty of space in the forefoot In both of them around the sides of the Uh toes and around the front of the toes For me they um the upper is quite Shallow for me in both of these shoes The upper in the New Balance Rebel V4 is Really really flexible and light so even Though it's slightly shallow in the Foref fo I didn't have any issues with It at all and found to be very Comfortable shoe I've not had any any Issues in about 70k of running in this Shoe BOS I was a little bit concerned When I put these on just because I did Think they were a little bit shallow in The forefoot um but what I found after Doing about 60k of running in the Sho is I've had no issues at all and like the Rebel V4 uh the upper is quite a Flexible upper so you do get a little Bit of give in the run and it does

Become a bit more forgiving as you run In it so I would stay to my sides in Both of these Shoes so the rebel and the ballos are Two shoes that I've really enjoyed Running in this year I've put on I think About over 80k in both of these shoes And used them for a really wide variety Of training I've been to the track in Both shoes I've done 15 MERS in both Shoes some easy to steady runs as well And I think they're both you know real Crackers Rebel came in first and I Immediately took to it like I've liked Previous models of the Rebel as well I Found them nice versatile lightweight Simple daily trainers that are very Effective and the newer version I think Is an improvement on previous models Because you've got the wider base here You've got a softer foam it's a more Comfortable shoe for long runs and a More supportive one thanks to that wider Design and while it's not quite as Nimble and spritely as past versions of The Rebel it is still a really Lightweight shoe has happy running reps On the track in the shoe and I think It's just a really well-designed simple Sh it's not the most Lively foam in the Mid it's not really giving you a whole Load of sink in and bounce but it is Nice and responsive it is good for Turning your feet over at faster Paces

But also comfortable I think for long Runs the ballos then came in and this Assured a bit more hype about it Tom was Very excited about the shoe from the off And it is a really exciting shoe it's a Very bouncy ride it's certainly softer And bouncier than the rebel and feels Lighter than it is it feels quite Nimble For a high stack shoe and you've got That noticeable kind of rocker point at The midfoot that you do feel like as you Sink in and then bounce on your way of The shoe you also get that smooth rocket Feeling so it really has a lot going for It I think I really enjoyed it for long Runs in particular easy runs it's the Kind of shoe I talked about the reviewer I had to get up early for a 10m run and The fact I was going to use this shoe Just made it more exciting because it's Nice you to use it's one you look Forward to using has some limitations I Think when it comes to fast efforts Because it is quite soft so taken it to Track and done like kind of faster Longer runs and it's okay for them it Does them perfectly well but I think the Softness there just means it starts to Sink in a bit too much for me at the end Of holding a pace for a little while and I think it you can compress a little bit So I don't think it's ideal for kind of Sustained Paces but it is a pretty fast Shoe and you can do pretty much

Everything in it similar to the rebel I Think they are both very versatile just Got those different ride feels which I Think did come across when I ran in both At the same time the ballos is Noticeably softer bouncier it's more of An exciting shoe more of a wow sensation The rebel has a flatter feeling for sure And is less cushioned I find it Cushioned enough for pretty much Everything like but you will notice less Cushioning with the rebel compared to The ballos if you're someone he likes That soft field under fo likes a really Cushion shoot the batt will be a better Option for easy and long runs for sure But I think the rebel has enough Cushioning for me and I feel like it's a You know a really light sh maybe that Gives a little bit more versatility at Fast Paces than the ballos and I do Think this phone well not as exciting as The sinky squishy foam on the ballos This kind of P Eva blend you have on the Rebel does keep giving you you know a Fair bit back when you're running at PACE for a long spell I think it is Quite a responsive foam so although it Doesn't feel quite as good as the ballos At first I think it does hold its own Long inter runs it does work really well So yeah both shoes that I really enjoyed Running in the B is certainly more of a Wow feeling shoe but the rebel really is

One that pushes itself into your Affections over time by being such a Dependable option and very good value Okay so New Balance has released quite a Lot of shoes over the past year and they Cross over quite a bit uh so it can be Tricky for people to decide which shoe They want based on uh the wide range of Options that New Balance now has these Are both two shoes that you're going to Be looking at if you're maybe looking For daily shoes that can do a little bit More if you want something that you can Use for lots of your training sessions Whether that's for 10K whether that's For a marathon both these shoes will pop Up in that that search um but they are Different in a few ways so I'll start With the new band Rebel V4 big fan of This shoe uh and it's probably my Favorite version of the Rebels so far um The main reason for that is that as the Rebels have developed the foam that's in There has become a little bit softer uh And I like a softer shoe uh when I'm Doing any sort of run basically um and What I found about the Reel before is That um the early versions of the Rebel Were a little bit leaner they were they Didn't have as much cushioning in I Found them to quite fast in for for Certain sessions but for me they were Pretty limited because um especially the First version of the Rebel it just

Didn't have um the cushioning I want if I'm going to do longer distances uh and If I'm going to be doing Tempo sessions Or anything like that Rebel V4 is a lot More versatile so that cushioning in it Is softer um you can definitely feel More cushioning in it I'm more likely to Use this shoe for easy days if I had to I definitely wouldn't use it as my main Easy day shoe but if I wanted to run Slowly it's it's fine for it because you Get a lot of comfort and cushioning in This shoe but when you want to pick up The pace that's when the shoe really Comes into its own it really it's a Great shoe for running faster and and I Tend to use this more for Interval Sessions Flex Tempo sessions that sort Of thing where I want a shoe that I can Pick up the pace in but also have a shoe That when I'm doing my rest sections or When I'm just uh running doing my warmup For 10 minutes 15 minutes before it's a Nicey for that as well it feels very Comfortable um and it's a much better Allrounder shoe uh as part of the the Rebel range I would say that the foam is Probably not as dense as I'd like for Longer sessions I'd probably uh I do Notice the the foam giving away a little Bit more than than I'd like for some of My if I'm doing a longer session if I'm Doing a Tempo session I can feel that Phone pushes in quite a bit when I'm

Running it compresses quite a lot um so I'm less likely to use this shoe for a Longer session uh especially if I'm Doing like a Tempo session for uh maybe Marathon training or something like that Because I do like a little bit more Bounce and a little bit more um foam in My shoes which is where the ballos comes In so I've been very excited about the Ballos um since I saw uh an early Picture of It from the American running Show um and because it seemingly is a Shoe that is very much focused on that Soft bouncy feeling with a nice big Stack of midell foam in it as well um And I've really enjoyed running in this Shoe it's it's it's basically my perfect Sort of shoe for running it's got this Really light bouncy um energy returning Midsole in it which just is so much fun To run in uh I've used this shoe for Various runs I've even used it well I've Used it for a few easy sessions I've Used it for longer runs but I've also Used it for track session as well uh Which I was actually going pretty full Pelt on for me so if I'm doing a track Session I'm normally hitting it around Um 3 minute 40 3 minute 30 per kilometer If I'm doing like 800 things like that Um and I actually didn't find it too bad At all for doing that I found I could Really maintain that pace um and really It felt like a shoe that was giving me a

Lot of energy back for doing that but It's also very very good for easy runs So I've used this for a few easy runs Now and it just works really well for That midsole it's a very versatile Midsole so you can really use it for uh A 5k recovery run it just feels nice and Comfortable and soft um but when you Pick up the pace in it it really kicks Into gear and you get a nice bouncy Feeling in it both of these shoes have a Nice rolling action to them it's not Really noticeable it's not like it's Pushing you forward um and you you know You're really tipping forward it's very Nice and comfortable for a coasting Feeling uh I would say that the Difference between these two shoes Really is when it comes to what type of Runs you would use these for I think for Me the rebel V4 is really versatile shoe But I probably wouldn't use it for Marathon Tempo sessions or anything like That because I just want more cushioning In it uh the BOS perfect shoe for uh Marathon session training sessions so if I'm going to go and do a marathon Training session uh towards the end of My Marathon block I'm looking at Probably doing two and a half hours Where maybe at least half of that is Going to be at my marathon pace so I Want something that's going to give me Quite a lot of pickup and speed and help

Me get along with that session um but Also feel good the distance as well Whereas uh if I was using the rebel V4 Um I could pick up the pace for it but I Just think for that distance and at that Pace I'm just not getting as much Cushioning and energy return as I need Or as I want uh for those sorts of Sessions and I think I'd struggle quite A bit more in the rebel V4 I think Nick's probably uh the paces that he Runs at and the fact that he doesn't Like necessarily need as much cushioning As me he's all right with that shoe uh For those sorts of runs for me I just Want more cushioning so for for those Sort of runs I'd go for the ballos as Well uh the outs on these two shoes um Is actually the outsole on the rebel V4 Really good lots of rubber on it there Is some exposed sections on there and I Haven't seen any signs of wh te in that So far so it seems pretty good I would Have been concerned with this midsole That uh it's a little bit more delicate And without having a rubber covering it I thought it would probably rip it a Little bit but no problems at all on That BOS actually has much less it's got This sort of um composite design on it So you have this uh it's not really Rubber but it's more like a hardened Midsole area in the for foot and on some On the back section as well there's only

Really two small bits of fullon rubber At the right at the front and at the Back uh there are some signs of wear on The midsole on the ballos so I don't Think it's going to be as um durable as The rebel V4 uh which is not a great Thing cuz this is the sho I'm probably Going to use for a lot more longer Distance stuff so I'll probably end up Doing a more miles in this um so the Outso I would say on the rebel V4 is Better okay so my ICT on these two shoes As always it's a tricky one because I Think these are shoes that are probably Designed for different purposes um if You're talking about cost and there's a Big cost difference between these shoes I think I would say the r V4 is by far The best value shoe uh you can get if You're training for a marathon or shter Distance race and you want something to Do more versatile runs in this is a good Option uh if you don't want to spend Loads and loads of money if money isn't An option the ball off is the better Shoe so if you just want a great the Best option out there from New Balance For your faster training sessions for Your um longer um Tempo sessions all Those sorts of things I think the Balance is is a really good option I Haven't tried the SC Trainer V3 yet so I'm sure Nick will be picking that up in A video sh soon um but I think that if

It comes down to just the best shoe for Those sorts of tempo runs um it's going To be the Ballas all the way but for me I think if I was going to suggest to Somebody which youo to buy I'd say the New Balance Rebel V4 just because balas Is a really expensive shoe and I think When you're paying paying that much Money for a shoe you don't just want it To do training sessions you want it to Do a lot more um and there's probably Shoes like the super blast out there Which I would probably say is better for Uh a wider range of training I think the Superlast is a faster shoe and Definitely better for faster marathon Training sessions um so if you were Going to spend 200 on a shoe I'd Probably say super Blast 2 but um I do Think the Ballance is fantastic and if You really want Comfort Above All Else And some versatility I think the Ballance is a great option out of these Two I'm going to suggest getting the Rebel V4 just because of the cost um Between the two I just think it's a Better value shoe um all round so comes To verdict these are both really good Daily trainers from New Balance this Year I say the Ballance is more fun to Run in if you're not looking at price at All it's the most enjoyable shoe of These two for just cruising for your Daily training doing long runs really

Bouncy really fun some limitations at Top speeds I'd say but I don't think It's much less verstyle than the rebel Really I think they have quite a similar Level of performance all round it's just The ride feels a bit different you got That flatter feeling that slightly Firmer more responsive feeling in the in The rebel which I like and I find it Cushioned enough for easy runs as well But the ball is certainly a more cushion Shoe if you're looking at that end of Things and a softer shoe and yeah a more Fun shoe all around I'd say but there is A very big price difference between These shoes and I think the rebel is Such a good shoe myself that I would Just go for the cheaper one here and get The rebel because not sure you're Getting you know what it's $60 60 worth More from the ballos as fun as it is to Run in I think the rebel is a great shoe I really like using it and I'll be Perfectly happy to have it at that much Cheaper price Ballance is bounc here It's more fun and I like I say if you do Want a more cushion the shoe if you're Daily training is definitely the one to Go for cuz the rebel is cushion but it's Not as cushion as the ballos but overall I'd say you've got two good options here If you don't mind spending the money the Balles you know more fun and more Enjoyable daily trainer the rebel is

Fantastic value and a really good shoe For everything and a nice lightweight Simple trainer exactly the kind of shoe I really like for using for a bit of Everything so probably lean towards the Reubel myself and make the saving but Yeah the balance is there if you want That all out soft spring that's it from Us on this versus thanks a lot for Watching don't forget to like subscribe Click the little bell and if you're Going to catch below you kind of find a Link to our podcast comes out a couple Of times each month thanks a lot for Watching catch you next time [Music]