
The New Balance SC Trainer v3 is a plated super-trainer with a high stack of PEBA/EVA foam in its midsole, along with a forked carbon plate. The main upgrade on the previous model is the new midsole foam, so has the ride of the shoe improved? Nick has been out for a first run to find out, and to see if the Trainer v3 can live up to its very high price tag.

00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:13 – Design & Key Stats
02:17 – How’s The Fit?
03:11 – First Run
06:35 – Early Verdict

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Hello and welcome to run testers my Name's Nick and this is our first run Review of the New Balance super comp Trainer [Music] V3 the super comp trainer is a shoe That's undergone quite drastic changes With each of the three versions so far The first version was a mega stack shoe Like well over 40 mm really bouncy very Rocket shoe things were toned down a Fair bit with the second version of the Shoe which came back down to a 40 mm Stack heite which is what you've got With the FC trainer V3 as well but the Big update here is that new balance has Introduced a new P Eva Blended midell Foam into the SC trainer3 like we've Seen across the fuel cell range a fair Bit this year it's a very expensive shoe In the UK at 230 it's kind of more Normally priced in the US for a super Trainer $180 that UK price is pretty Pretty flabbergasting uh it weighs in at 278 G or 9.8 o in a UK size 9 it's got a 6 mm drop from Hill to toe and a stack Of of 40 mm at the heel 34 mm at the Forefoot so you got a phantom fit mesh Upper which is similar to the ones we've Seen on shoes like the rebel and the Scv4 elite shoe this year you got a Little bit more padding around the heel Than with the SC Elite it's still quite An open design youve got that internal

Heel counter the General New Balance Heel design has caused some problems With have a few shoes this year so it' Be interesting to see if there's any Problems with the SC Trainer V3 but I Did wear it all day yesterday when Traveling up to iness and it was Perfectly comfortable for walking around So hopefully it'll be fine on the run Today then the mid so you have the same Version of fuel cell that I think is Found on the rebel V4 which means it's a Peber Eva blend I think it's about 20% Peber you can dive into all the exact Makeup of all these Foams and you know What materials are used and what amounts But obviously it would just be how it Feels on the run it felt very good on The run with the rebel you've got a Higher stack of it here with a carbon Plate running through the shoe that you Can see from the bottom of the shoe There the plate is forked under the 4 Foot to reduce a little bit of weight Which is a difference to the SC Trainer V2 and the other difference you have Here is that the big cutout doesn't Extend all the way to the front of the Shoe with the trainer V3 got a more Solid block of foam under the for of the Shoe so it'll be interesting to see how That's changed the ride then you got a Rubber out sole pretty thick layer and Good coverage on the forefoot two strips

Of rubber on the back all the kind of Key stuff covered and it should be okay In terms of grip and [Music] Durability comes to the fit of the New Balance F trainer V3 it was really good For me in my normal running she saw no Concerns at all like New Balance has had Some interesting fits from it shoes this Year heel design being a bit weird Coming in a bit short in the toe box and Things like the Pacer and I had no Problems with this at all like it's my Normal size got enough room in the toe Box it's not the most voluminous toe box I would say like it's not as kind of low To the toes as the ballos is but it is Something that you can feel the fabric Of the shoe a little bit on your toes But not in a way that maybe me feel Cramped in any way today I wouldn't have Any concerns about running long in the Shoe on that front and the heel stayed Put no rubbing no Achilles irritation Anything like that so all around the fit Was very good for me in my normal size So this shoe is a uk9 us99.5 which is The size I usually go for and balance I Tend to be a us99.5 or a US 10 I think If this was a US 10 it wouldn't have Been a problem really that would worked For me as well but I was pretty happy in The smaller of those two sizes I tend to Have yeah no concerns at all with the

[Music] Fit hello from iness in Scotland I'm About to head out and do my first run in The New Balance SC Trainer V3 I'm doing An easy to steady 45 minutes today with Some stri at the end I am racing Tomorrow I'm doing the Riven s10k here But with the aim of focusing on bigger Goals I'm kind of training through this Week doing a pretty normal week of Training so today's run is a pretty Standard training run I start off nice Gentle Pace work down to somewhere Usually around 340 345 a k by the end do Some strides to live up the legs for Tomorrow's 10K and hopefully get a good Feel for the shoe like I've not been the Biggest fan of this line of shoes from New Balance so far first one was very Fun very bouncy but I just found it a Bit much over longer runs in particular I just found it was a bit too much shoe For me I prefer something slightly Nimbler second shoe was nimbler but the Phone R didn't have much spark to it it Didn't really feel like a far shoe at All it felt just like a pretty standard Daily trainer and you know for a super Trainer with a super trainer price IO a Bit more from it so I'm hoping the third Version with the improved foam here will Have a bit more to it in that regard It's it's obviously got a very high Price in the UK I think we basically

Have to review this on the US price Alone because £230 obviously more Expensive than some of the best racing Shoes on the market but we'll see how it Feels today uh with a nice progression [Music] Run so just back from the run now and a Very enjoyable run it was alongside the Riveness and into the middle of it on The nest islands and stuff like lots of Really nice pass Pretty flat very Enjoyable nice views throughout and move Through the gears more or less as Expected keeping it fairly you know Controlled today with the race tomorrow Going down to around of 340 a pace at The end few strides first taste of Really cold air for the for the year for Me like it's not that cold here yet Today but you know Fair bit colder than It was in London yesterday so my lungs Are getting used to that cuz something I Tend to adjust to a bit slowly at the Start of winter but very enjoyable run Sho was pretty good as well like you Didn't really blow me away but it was Pretty enjoyable out there it's not got A load of sink in and squish yet I think That's something that might come a bit More as it break in obviously this is Just one run is a very initial thoughts On the shoe but given the huge stack of Foam here expected maybe a slightly Squishier feeling and more bouncy

Feeling but it feels a lot more to me in Line with the SC Trainer V2 than the V1 Which was very bouncy from the off you Certainly got a more controlled feeling At the foref foot in particular without The kind of gaping Canyon underneath it There you hit that and you get a nice Bit of punch off it it has a bit more of That I'd say the second version for me So far like it was easier to run a bit Quicker in the shoe than it was the SC Trainer V2 which I just felt was bit Muddy in transition I felt like I kind Of got lost in the middle of the shoe And didn't really get a nice feeling Going onto my forefoot and then punching Off that but bit more of that with this Shoe for sure it felt comfortable with Those Paces no problems with the heel or Anything like that certainly feels like A shoe you could cruise through a lot of Easy and steady miles in like as part of Marathon training or something like that It feels pretty comfortable at that not Sure if we're going to have a lot more Speed in it beyond that we'll see how it Feels if I try and hold you know a good Pace for something like an hour things Like that but I'll try that a bit more Before the full review but it was a good First run experience in the shoe but Maybe not one that really stood out that Much you think there's a lot of Interesting stuff going on here it looks

Fantastic hopefully it's going to have a Really explosive and fun feeling under Foot you don't really get that so much Certainly shoes that had a more striking First run for me things like the the Muno Neo Vista the hok ma XD like the Case of the mauno it's a lot softer a Lot bouncier straight from the offer as The Mac felt a bit more spritely bit More fast this felt pretty good but yeah Like I said not that striking but I do Think there's a potential here for the Foam to break in bit and get a bit more Soft and Squishy and springy over [Music] Time so early verdict on the New Balance Trainer V3 it looks like another solid Addition to new balan's training lineup So far it feels like the version of the SC Trainer that's going to suit me the Best of the 31 so far I found the first One just a bit too big and bulky for me To run long in and the second one I Didn't really like very much at all I Didn't really feel like I had any kind Of punch for faster running and I do Think this shoe has a bit more of that It feels like it's going to be a bit More comfortable at faster Paces feels a Bit more Nimble and less unwieldy than The first version of the shoe although I Know that was a shoe that lots of people Loved because it was so exaggeratedly Bouncy it just was a bit much for me so

That's good it does feel like a shoe you Can rack up a lot of miles in I mean the Price in the UK I don't know what's Happened here like you £230 versus $180 I mean £30 full stop is a very silly Price for a shoe like this I think Because that puts you more expensive Than some absolutely amazing carbon Blate running shoes and just it's just Too much money obviously like you can Spend a lot less than that and get the Hok ma X2 the sock Dophin speed for like Yeah so I think in the UK I know wait For it to be half price something like That but in the US 180 is much more in Line with other super trainers and how It competes against those will be a bit More interesting because you know it's Not going to be able to compete in the UK with that price I think I don't know What's happened there it be very Interesting to know why it is £230 $18 But like $180 it feels like a TR quy More at the end where it's a bit more Relaxed bit more mileage focused bit More daily training Focus than you know Really explosive super trainer you could Maybe Sub in for a race station Something like the hok max2 so orph Speed for those tend to be my preferred PL to choose because if I'm looking at Spending a lot of money on a plated Super trainer I want one that can do the F offu really well and still be pretty

Comfortable for easy stuff this feels Like it's more the other end where it Will do the easy stuff really well and Then be okay for the fast stuff see how That is though I'll do some actual fast Running in this shoe before our full Review take it up some long runs I think That's probably where it's going to be Really at its best is kind of long runs I'm just getting going with my Valencia Marathon block so there be lots of Opportunities to do long runs pretty Hard long runs in the shoe and see how It feels for those you know probably Going up against things like the mauno Neo which I think are really good really Strong in this area of the super trainer Market the kind of more relaxed ones That can do lots of mileage obviously in The New Balance range you've got loads Of really good shoes now that are good Versatile trainers you know the rebel Which is you know a lower stack Plateless version of this which I really Love as a shoe and actually felt quite Comfortable for long runs and felt very Light and Nimble for faster stuff There's the ballos which is an Incredible long run shoe really soft Really balanced nice and rocked no plate But fair bit lighter than this shoe and You know I'm not sure you're going to Have too much of a difference in terms Of their capability see at faster paces

And the BOS is you know really fun for Those long runs then you got the BOS Price compared to this is very funny Because that's £200 which is obviously Yeah definitely a better deal than the Shoe in the UK but there it's $200 so It's more expensive than the shoe in the US so all kinds of fun and games and New Balances of pricing this year but so Those are a couple of good shoes you're Obviously actually you know more Expensive than Your Balanced Pacer V2 Which is obviously a full carbon plate Racing shoe more focused on kind of Shorter stuff and you know it's not Actually that far off the price of the FC Elite V4 which you know has a similar Stack type but a full P of midell so That's actually a good shoe lots of Training potentially as well so you know It's quite a lot going on in new balan's Range I think it does have its place as The super trainer but I'd like to see That phone break in a fair bit and get a Bit more squishy and fun as uh training Goes on in the shoe but that was a Pretty solid first run in the New Balance trainer V3