
Watch this video to see the best step by step process to cleaning these highly sought after Nike Air Force 1 Tiffany’s.

So my boy Rico reselling dropped off These Tiffany Air Forces to get clean to Start it off we're going to unlace them And then dust off any loose dirt after That we going to use a suede eraser to Take off some of the Stains then we're going to take the Rejuvenator products out so we can fully Clean this shoe if you want to try any Of these products click the link in my Bio and then use my discount code so you Get that discount on your entire order And after you finish cleaning and Letting them dry they look like this Now to revive the suede we going to use The suede eraser again brush all that Off and then spray all around the shoe With meink oil spray mink oil brings Back the color of the shoe and then Helps make the suede soft and buttery Make sure to brush it again so evenly Spread the oil now just lace them up and Then here's the end results let me know If I got my boy right