
The third version of one of the world’s most popular race shoes, the Alphafly 3, sees several updates. That includes a wider carbon plate to increase stability, a new midsole design that features fully connected ZoomX foam for a smoother ride, and a revamped AtomKnit upper for better lockdown as well as breathability.

The Wave Rebellion Pro 2 is a race shoe that Mizuno says is designed for elite-level runners aiming to get a sub-2-and-a-half hour marathon time. Like the Wave Rebellion Pro, it features one of the most noticeable shapes to be found in super shoes, with the bulk of the midsole foam positioned in the centre of the shoe.

Tom has been testing the shoes out to see how they compare.

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00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:17 – Stats
00:44 – Design
02:06 – How’s The Fit?
03:14 – The Run Test
08:39 – Verdict

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Hey Tommy for the in testers in this Video I'm going to be doing a comparison Of two uh car plate Super Shoes the uh Muno waver bellan Pro 2 and the Nike Alphafly 3 Let's dive in and take a Look the Nike alphafly 3 costs £ 28499 or $285 it weighs 202 G or 7.1 Oz for men In a size 8 and the drop is8 8 mm the Muno wave Rebellion Pro 2 cost £210 or $250 it weighs 214 G or 7.5 o for men in A size 8 and the drop is 1.5 Mm the third version of one of the World's most popular Ray shoes sees a Number of updates that includes a wider Carbon plate to increase stability a new Midsole design that features fully Connected zoomx foam for a smoother ride And a revamped atom upper for better Lock down as well as Breathability the alpha 53 still has all The elements Runners have come to expr From the shoe including its Hallmark Dual Air Zoom units in the forefoot and Its impressive Notch laces however this Time it's lighter than the previous Version aiming to provide an even faster Ride the wave Rebellion Pro 2 is a race Shoe that Muno says is designed for Elite level Runners aiming to get sub 2 And 1/ half hour marathon time like the Wave Rebellion Pro it features one of The most noticeable shapes to be found In super shoes with the bulk of the

Midso foam positioned in the center of The shoe that Mido is dual layered with The lower layer being the more Responsive Muno enery light and the Upper the softer bouncy mauno enery Light plus of which there has been more Added than in the previous version other Updates include a redesigned carbon Fiber wave plate to improve speed a Slightly wider base to increase Stability and the shoe gets rid of the Cutout midsole section seen in the Original the upper has also been Modified to make it slightly roomier and There's an impressive layer of G3 outso Rubber for grip and Durability okay so the fit for me in the Muno wave Rebellion Pro 2 uh I'm a size Eight in the UK this is a size eight I Found it to be a very comfortable shoe Um there's definitely a little bit of Room in the forefoot uh which um Probably more so than I would often Expect from a super shoe that's designed For racing but there's plenty of space In it the only issue I I have had with This shoe is that there's not a lot of Pting around the back section of the Shoes so the ankle collar so it is a Little bit harder to get a lock down fit In it um once you've got it it's fine I've not had any issues with it since But um just take that into consideration But I would say to my size in the um

Waver bring Pro 2 the Nike Alpha 53 Again size 8 in the UK um I found this To be a really comfortable well-fitting Shoe the upper is very very nicely Designed um and once you've got your Foot in it it really holds it down There's plenty of padding around the Ankle collar or nice bit of padding Around it um and the upper really uh it Has sort of stretchy material um that Just fits very nicely so I would Definitely stay to my size in both of These Shoes so the Nike Ally 3 is one of the Best known carbon plate Ray shoes around At the moment is very highly sought After shoe and has been quite hard to Get hold of over the past few months um It's an interesting shoe because the It's a development of the AL range Obviously which has seen um a few Different changes since the Ally 1 um I Haven't tried the Ally 2 I went from the Ally 1 straight to the Ally 3 I love the Ally 1 it's one of my favorite shoes of All time might be my favorite complex Shoe of all time if not the S Dophin Pro 3 but it's between those two uh this the Nike Al 3 what I've actually found with It is that I'm not sure I like it as Much as the alow one and I think the Reason for that uh is that I think it's Lost a little bit of the um the Propulsive feel of it uh that you get

From the Nike fly one uh it feels really Comfortable to wear it feels very fast I Do feel like it's a little bit softer in The midsole and as a result it sinks in A little more and I feel like I'm losing A bit more energy than I would lose in The Nike alphafly 1 uh I know Nick Prefers the alphafly 3 to the alphafly 1 Um but for me um it just loses a little Bit of the magic of the alphafly one I Still think it's a fantastically fast Shoe it feels a little bit like it's is Going more towards the world of the Vaporfly than the uh the alphafly one to Me as I say I haven't tried the two um But it's still very fasy very Comfortable wear bit more natural Feeling possibly than the original Ally One um and I think I might be using this Actually for Boston Marathon next week So we'll see um if I decide on this or The socc dorfin Pro 4 um but yeah it's Still very very much what you would Expect from the afly range it's fast There's got the it's got the airpod feel In it which really adds a lovely bit of Bounce on the toe off um but for me I Think this it it just comes in this back Section the heel section of the midle Foam it just feels a little bit too soft For me and I do feel myself sinking in It a little bit so the Muno wave Rebellion Pro 2 is a very different shoe Than a lot of carbon plate shoes out

There the design of the shoe has this Weird sort of um it cuts out the front And back sections of the shoe and the Bulk of the midell foam sits in the Middle so you'll see the highest point Of the mid cell phone sits in the middle Right in the midfoot section of the shoe Now I'm in foot Runner so I hit that um Big bit of midell foam head on when I'm Running and it really does feel like a Trampoline it's a bit softer than the Wave Rebellion Pro one uh and it just Bounces you up every time it's a really Interesting and fun feeling um and it's Very dependent on how you land on this Shoe as to what the experiences you'll Get for me I'm hitting dead on at the Highest point of this midle so I can Really get the experience of what of What the shoe is like um when you pick Up the pace in this shoe uh the idea is That you roll forward onto it um because Of this sort of boatlike design that That that tees you off um onto onto your Onto your toes um and it works really Nicely in certain ways so I've done a Half marathon in the shoe I've done Inter sessions in it I've done part runs In it and the time where I find it works The best is the shorter distances where I'm really picking up the pace and it And just knocking me back um onto my Toes so I can really um Pick up with some propulsion from this

Shoe um and it just works really well For that if you're running slower in This shoe it doesn't really do that Because what I found is when I'm hitting That midsole it's bouncing me like a Trampoline but isn't really pushing me Over in the way that I do when I go fast So it it's a little bit Counterproductive if you're running Slower definitely if you're doing an Easy Pace running this year it does not Feel very nice it feels very odd um and Almost like it's stopping you from Running naturally it's definitely Stopping from run naturally because it's Doing something quite noticeable um but When you're doing those easier sessions It's it it doesn't work at all and so I I think for me it's not a shoe that's Designed for things like half marathons And marathons I struggled a bit with it When I did the Hastings half marathon in It just because uh on it was a really Hilly race and on the downhills it Worked really well cuz it really team me Off my toes when I was going uphill it Just didn't seem to do anything it was It was almost deadening my running as I With every step because I just wasn't Getting to the point where it was Tipping me over here it was just Bouncing me um almost upwards every time I was I was trying to move forwards so It's a very interesting shoe it's a very

Fun shoe uh but it's a shoe that is not Very natural in the way it runs and Ultimately I think that a lot of people Might try this and go this isn't working For me it's it's probably a shoe that Needs to be tried on to really Understand if it works for you for me it Really does work at certain paces and I Love running in the shoe I think it's Very enjoyable but I don't think it's Necessarily a shoe that will work for Everyone uh so the difference between These shoes really comes down to the Fact that the alphafly 3 is a very Accessible enjoyable fast shoe that has Been proven to be popular with pretty Much everyone who picks it up um and uh It's just has the feelings that you want From a fast super shoe there's nothing Particularly uh surprising about this Shoe over and above the other ales that Have come out U apart from the fact that It probably does feel a little bit Leaner on the feet and um for me as I Say it's probably a little bit too soft In the mid tole whereas the wave Pro 2 Is a very very alien feeling shoe and For some people you'll absolutely love It for some people you just might not Get one with this shoe at All so my verdict on these two shoes uh It's a tricky one uh if it was down to Me um I would probably say I would want The MAA waver ban Pro 2 just because it

Works for me and I really enjoy this Shoe but um for actual racing uh over Different distances so I'm going to do Boston Marathon uh next week week and I Think I'm probably going to be doing in The Nike Ally 3 because over that Distance I think this is a much more um It's just a shoe that will work better For for running at that pace for me Which is about 4 minute kilometers for Me or hopefully will be um over that Over that distance um it's not Necessarily a conventional running shoe It has some of the most impressive Tech That you will find in U Super Shoes at The moment um but it does have a nice Fluid motion it's very comfortable to Run in um and it just work it just works For a lot more people whereas the Mauna Wave Bell and pro two I I I really enjoy The shoe but I'm not going to use it for Boston Marathon it's just because I just Don't think it's going to be beneficial To me um over that distance at the pace That I'd run out of that distance um but I do enjoy running in the myuno waver Bing Pro two over certain distances um Over and above the alphafly 3 so I if if I had to pick one of these based on the Type of running that I'm doing and how Much I enjoy the shoes I'd go my Xeno Wer ban Pro 2 but if I was just G the Best shoe for my for running in general Uh I would go for the Nike Alpha I3

Because you can use it from anything From 5K up to Marathon distance and it's Absolutely fantastic for those sorts of Runs ticks all the boxes um and you Can't really go wrong with it whereas The Muno wave Rebellion Pro 2 you Probably won't get the best out of it if You don't run in the right in the way That the shoe want you to running and You might not really enjoy this shoe That's it from me on this versus thanks A lot for watching don't to like sub Subscribe click that little bell and Check the channel out for all the other Videos we've got coming up if go to Catch below you can also find a link to Our podcast which comes out a couple of Times each month thanks a lot catch you Next Time