
The InfinityRN 4 Gore-tex takes the latest model of the Infinity and adds a new upper to help protect the feet from moisture. Like the original Infinity 4, it has the same new ReactX midsole foam to provide additional bounce, which also lowers the carbon footprint of the material by at least 43%.

The shoe also features the same wide toebox for increased comfort, as well as additional stability. There’s a curved outsole design to promote a rocker experience when running, as well as a Storm Tread outsole to provide a high level of grip and extra protection for the midsole.

Tom has been testing the shoe out to see if it’s worth buying.

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00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:37 – Stats
00:52 – Design
01:40 – How’s The Fit?
02:20 – The Run Test
08:30 – Verdict

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Nike InfinityRN 4 GORE-TEX:

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Hey Tommy from the Run testers with Another full running shoe review in this Video I'm going to be taking a look at The Nike Infiniti 4 gortex uh shoe these Were sent to me by the guys over at Sport shoes so big thanks to them for Sending these over I'm not paid to Review this shoe so I can say whatever I Want but cheers for getting this over so That I can do this review uh also if you Go into the ction below you can find a Link to find out more about these shoes On sport shoes is an affiliate link so If you do end up buying these then just Be aware of that right start in and I'm Going to talk about this Shoe the Nike Infinity Run 4 gex cost £74.95 or $180 weighs in at 382 G or 13.5 Oz for men in a size 8 and the drop Is 8 [Music] Mm the Infinity Run 4 gortex takes the Latest model of the Infiniti and adds a New upper to help protect the feet from Moisture like the original Infinity 4 it Has the same new react X midell phone to Provide additional bounce which also Lowers the carbon footprint of the Material by at least 43% the shoe also Features the same wide toe box for Increased comfort as well as additional Stability there's a curved outsole Design to promote a rocker experience When running as well as a storm tread

Outsole to provide a high level of grip And extra protection for the midsole There's plenty of Cushing around the Ankle collar for a nice level of Stepping Comfort pull tabs on both the Heel and the tongue and a reinforced Water rep pendant layer in the toe Box so the fit for me in this shoe I Would stick to my size I'm a size eight In the UK uh this is also a size 9 in The US um what I would say about it and I said in the first run is that it's a Very roomy shoe there is a lot of space In this shoe if you've got narrow feet You're probably going to notice that There is an enormous amount of space in There around the midside of the uh the Foot and uh in the for foot as well There's a little bit of extra space I Would still stick to my size in it cuz I Did find them very com comfortable but Just be aware of that it is a very roomy Shoe um other than that the upper is Very comfortable um there's a lot of Space in across the whole shoe but it is Quite easy to get a nice lock down fit In this the lacing system is pretty good Uh so I stick to my size in this Shoe okay so this is a funny shoe it's a Really really heavy shoe um it one of The heavi shoes I've ever tested Basically um the addition of the gortex In the upper has not massively changed The weight of the shoe the shoe was

Already heavy in its previous version Before it had this gortex in it so it is Just a really heavy shoe what I would Say about it is that I tested the Infinity 2 and infinity 3 I found those To be solid shoes but I never really Used them that much for running after Testing them because they were just the Mido was just very very firm um it just Didn't they just didn't seem to have any Life in them they're very solid stable Shoes Um but they basically got turned into Gym shoes for me and the Infinity Run Three has been my gym shoe for like 2 Years now I absolutely love that shoe It's just very stable good for Weightlifting and stuff like that uh but For running not great I hardly ever use It for running um and I think there's Better stability shoes out there so I Don't never really understood what the Infinity range is for uh the new uh Infinity4 um it is a hulking shoe it's Heavy it's big there's a space in it There's loads going on with this shoe um And as a running shoe it makes it very Difficult to review because um it's not Really a running shoe in a lot of ways Because of those elements like the Weight and things like that so I've done About 50k in this shoe so far and that Has largely been easy efforts um I have Tried to run faster in it I can't run

Faster in the shoe it is not a fast Running shoe it's too heavy the design Of the shoe isn't really built for uh Speed there's no propulsion that Mido Foam in it is it's very stable it's very Um thick and hardwearing but there is no Real life in this shoe it's not a shoe That's designed um for long runs or any Sort of performance type running it's Just a really solid shoe um to the point Where um it's almost a walking shoe for Walking it is so comfortable it is a Really comfortable shoe there's lots of Space in the 4ot it's got uh loads of Padding in it it's just a really nice Stable wide shoe that is just very Comfortable to wear um if you're out Walking but for running it's not quite So good at easy Paces it it's okay you Can run in it there's a bit of a smooth Motion in running in it um you Definitely wouldn't want to go long Distance in this shoe it's way too heavy For that but it's fine you can you can Run in it but only the most General Level of running if you're just going Out and ticking off 5 K maybe this will Be fine for that you wouldn't go and do Any sort of session in it you wouldn't Aim to go run long distances in the shoe You could just use it for doing bits of Running maybe if you're in the gym and You are using it for doing exercises and You're going on the treadmill and things

Like that that's probably fine but when You put it up against other running Shoes um it's it just doesn't really Deliver there's it's too heavy it's too Bulky and it doesn't really have any Performance benefits that you might want From a road running shoe now the bit That I should probably talk about is This gortex upper now um that's Obviously the selling point it's a Gortex shoe and Nike has decided to put Gortex on the Infinity Run for um to to Improve it or to make it suit a Different type of Runner that wants that Gortex I've never really looked for Waterproof running shoes even when it's Raining I'm not really that bothered About my feet getting wet um but when I'm walking I do care about that so if I'm out walking um and I'm going across Fields or I'm walking in the mornings And it's dewy or there's a little bit of Rain uh I do care about my feet getting Wet then and this shoe is actually Really good for that I really like the Upper on this shoe it does a fantastic Job at protecting the feet against the Wet so it's been raining a lot in Brighton recently um and I've been Wearing these shoes quite a bit for both Walking and in my running testing and it Does keep your feet dry it's really Really good at it um I don't think it Would keep the fet completely dry if you

Were in IAL rain and it started coming Dripping down your legs and going into It but for light showers for um rain That just is sort of intermittent it's Absolutely fine it beads on the out Outside of the shoe very nicely and it Is a very very impressive gortex outer On it so for me that gortex outer is Actually really good for walking uh Because it it's the sort of thing that I Want for my walking shoes which not Really bother about in my Runing shoes Um so essentially what I'm saying is is This shoe is a very very good solid nice Looking fashionable walking shoe that Can then deal with the elements but for The running testing that I'm doing it's Not been great the other thing I would Say is that the outsole so it's got this Um storm tread wet traction rubber Outsole on it um which is like a Semitrail outsole when I actually opened The box for these shoes I I it straight Away thought it was a trail shoe it's Gortex it's got this um uh more Substantial outso on it it's not exactly The same as a trail shoe the lugs aren't Massive they're it's not really designed Like that but it's definitely designed For wet traction on uh trickier terrain And trickier Road services and it's Great it's really really good for that I've been running in the rain in it and It just feels so stable uh and like your

Feet are in place it is a very very nice Outsole and you could also use it and This is where I think this shoe really Comes into its own is semi-trailers so If you're running along wet paths Um public footpath that sort of thing This actually delivers a bit more like a Trail shoe it is a lot heavier than what You want from a road shoe uh it's not Designed for Speed or anything like that But it is a really solid Workhorse for Tricky conditions so if you are the sort Of person that's out walking or running Um on um put foot paths Canal pass Things like that this is a roo that is Basically designed to tackle those Things and it does a very good job of it It's a solid waterproof shoe basically Bally my verdict on the Nike Infiniti Run 4 gortex is that it is a solid Walking shoe for tackling the elements So if you uh are looking for a shoe that Is can keep your feet dry uh can handle Slippy surfaces um and you're walking It's great it's really really Comfortable there's loads of padding in It there's loads of space in it it is a Fantastic shoe for walking around in and I presume from the design that it's also Focused on the fashion side as well um I Use this shoe it's basically become a Gym shoe for me like the uh infinity1 3 Was before it uh and I think it's Absolutely great for that it's solid

It's stable it FS your keeps your feet In place um and it just just feels Really nice and comfortable as well uh As a Runing shoe I don't know I I I Can't think of what it's competing with Um I don't think that anybody who had This shoe would want to do more than About 5k in it I think it's maybe at Best a general running shoe uh designed For people maybe going to the gym and Using treadmills or somebody that is Just going out and doing 5K very Comfortably not with no performance Benefits no speed work or anything like That maybe in conditions that are a Little bit tricky so maybe if you live In the countryside and the roads are Maybe not um as smooth or as um well Irrigated as you might get in in in Urban environments this might be a good Option for that you could probably deal With foot paths and stuff like that as Well in this shoe and it would would do A fine job but other than that I would Say that it's not really a running shoe It it's more like a general fitness shoe Which you can use for a bit of running But definitely very comfortable walking Shoe that I am using quite a lot but for The price for a runner I would I would Say this shoe doesn't really serve a Purpose Okay that's it from me on this revieww Of the Nike Infinity Run for gex thanks

A lot for watching don't forget to like Subscribe click that little bell and if You go to the catch blow you can find a Link to this shoe on the sports shoes Website thanks a lot for watching catch You next Time