
The Nike Invincible 3 and the Infinity Run 4 are two Nike shoes designed to soak up plenty of running time. They deliver that with different designs and notably, different midsole foams.

The Nike Invincible 3 has a thick wedge of Nike’s ZoomX foam in the midsole for a super-cushioned, plush ride while the Infinity RN4 features an all-new midsole, and is the most substantial change to the line since Nike launched the first Infinity Run.

Testers Jane, Mike and Nick have run in both shoes and give their verdict on whether you go for Invincible 3 or the Infinity RN4.

Check out our full reviews of both shoes for more info:

Nike Invincible 3 review:
Nike Infinity 4 review:

00:00 – Intro
00:05 – Design and Key Stats
01:27 – Fit
04:02 – The Run Test
12:19 – Verdict

Nike Invincible 3 vs Nike Vomero 17:
Nike Pegasus 40 vs Nike Invincible 3:
Nike Invincible 3 vs Adidas Ultraboost Light:
Adidas Ultraboost Light Multi-Tester Review:
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New Balance Fresh Foam X More v4 Review:
Brooks Glycerin 20 vs Nike Infinity Run 3:

[Music] Hi I'm Jane one of the Run testers and Today I'm going to be comparing my All-time fave my the Nike Invincible 3 Versus the Nike Infinity for let's get Into it these are two popular shoes two New ish shoes on the market I think the Nike Invincible round three you're Getting a Max Max cushion shoe you've Got the zoom X foam and it's mainly Designed for kind of easy and long runs You're getting a lot of Bounce a lot a Lot of cushioning it was launched Earlier this year and it's about 170 Pounds or 180 dollars it has been around For a few months now so you might get it For a little bit cheaper but a super Super plush Super cushioned running shoe With the Nike Infinity round four you're Getting the latest version of Nike's Infinity line it's got the new react X Midsole foam which is designed to be More environmentally friendly and Increase energy return by 13 it's a Super stable shoe it's got a revamped Design it looks very different to the Other versions of the shoe and it's best Suited for kind of easy in recovery runs And it's 155 pounds or 100 160 dollars So let's get in to the fit the ram test And which one you should buy So I have both of these shoes in my Normal running shoe size which is a uk9 Which for Nike Equestria us10 us10 is

What I have for all Nike shoes and these Fit me really well I've got a good Amount of room in the toe box reasonable Hold around the midfoot and the heel has Been pretty much fine for me the heel is Definitely worse than the Invincible It's a bit more slippery and although I've not had significant heel rub with It I know that other people have it'll Be something I'd look out for if I was Buying Invincible I've had no such Concerns at all with the infinity so got A slightly better fit around the heel There but both of them I will stick to Your normal running shoe size So fit wise I'm a UK five I run in a UK 5 and most brands in New Balance have to Go up a bit so this is my normal Nike Size and both of these fit really well I would say by Design the infinity 4 is A little bit snugger you've got this Kind of more booty upper and it does Wrap around the foot you're a bit more Secure in the shoe with the Invincible It's a bit more relaxed you've got a Little bit more room it's got this wide Toe box so I would say this is a kind of Snugger fit I have quite high arches and I can really feel locked into this shoe I think with the Invincible I probably Have to tweak it a little bit more I Can't just slip it on I have to kind of Tighten it Um so you do get a lot more locked in

Feel in the Infinity but both fit true To size I wouldn't size up or down any Of the shoe So in terms I feel I've had both of These shoes in the UK size and now Typically what I found and I convincible And the Invincible three is that it Feels like it runs a little bit long for Me um up front here in the toes so I Think that's something to be mindful of I don't think everyone's going to have That issue but it's definitely something That I've noticed in my time with the Invincible words I think with the Infinity Run 4 and the previous Infinity Shoes they definitely fit a little bit Nicer I would say on the four it's Definitely a little bit more snug here At the toes but you know I didn't feel Uncomfortable in any kind of way now the Uppers and the uppers are different do Kind of dictate how these shoes feel the Affinity Run 4 definitely has a little Bit more padding that the upper feels a Little bit more snug uh in terms of fit As well so if that's something that you Want and obviously that is you know it's Adding a little bit more weight in General in terms of getting it compared To the Invincible three and that's Something to keep in mind of that you've Got less material here I think on the Invincible 3 does open up a little bit More to give that kind of wider kind of

More stable bass in it as well so yeah For me I've had a better fit with the Infinity Run for compared to the Invincible 3 where I think maybe some People might need to play around with The sizing Um just based on what I found in my runs And Tech So it's fair to say that these two shoes Are designed for similar runs but I Would say the experience of running or Doing those types of rounds do differ Across these shoes now I'll start with The Nike Invincible three and I'd say For me if you're looking for the shoe Between these two that offers the most Lively energetic I think enjoyable ride That's what you're gonna get from the United Invincible three it's mainly down To the fact you've got that Zoom X foam In there which does you know you can Really sink into does give you that kind Of liveliness that actually gives you Scope to run a little bit quicker in This and it feels enjoyable to run it a Little bit quicker in this shoe now I think you look at the Nike Affinity Run 4 you've got that react X midsole Foam in here which is definitely not as Energetic and bouncy and Lively as what You're getting in the Invincible three But I do you know and I'm going to get To Gray in terms of what the other guys Have found I found it still pretty

Comfortable and in terms of running kind Of easier Pace slightly moderate Pace uh Runs in this shoe it's felt pretty Stable accommodating and supportive the Things that I would you know look for in A kind of shoe that you want to cover a Lot of ground in I think you can do that In Infinity Run 4. in the past I've had Issues in terms of the arch support here On this shoe and it's definitely less Prominent on here so I think that's Something that I've really appreciated And again as I think it's a very kind of Stable running shoe that maybe isn't you Know doesn't have that bounce and Liveliness that you get in the Invincible three but I still think it's A a good enough ride to let you kind of Cover a lot of ground you know quite Comfortably as well too Um it's obviously the weight difference This is a lighter shoe and it's a shame You know you know I didn't really feel The heaviness of this shoe but I wish it Was maybe a little bit you know a touch Lighter Um in in general whereas I think with The Invincible three It's definitely the lighter shoes if you If that's something that you value then The Nike visible 3 is going to give you That I would say outsole wise I mean if You can probably look and see that the Outsole kind of design it's very similar

You're getting a little bit more Protection I think at the heel and the Forefoot on the Invincible three but I Think ultimately these are shoes that Are going to probably give you similar Levels of durability I would say and Kind of life I think that you know they're built for Kind of Road and Pavements I think they Can handle some lighter Trail stuff I Have done you know some lighter Trail Stuff with both of these shoes and They've been absolutely fine you know They're not going to eat away at the Outsole if you're kind of mixing the Kind of surfaces up a little bit So yeah I think these are two kind of Shoes that you know as I said are built For similar types of runs but I think in Terms of the one that's probably going To be a bit more memorable in terms of That feeling it's going to be like Invisible three and I think it works a Little bit better at quicker slightly Quicker Paces as well where I think the 1950 Run 4 is really about comfort Really about delivering that Comfort Over consistently over your run and you Know pretty keeping it pretty easy and Maybe giving the scope to slightly pick The pace up but you're definitely going To run a little bit quicker a little bit Nicer and then like Invincible three Over so for the run test I'll start by

Saying I preferred the last version of Both of these shoes I'm a really Stompy Runner I'm not the fastest runner in the World I really love a cushioned Cushioned running shoe I think you get That with the Invincible the Invincible Is a lot lot softer with the zoom X foam You're getting this kind of really Really plush sinking feeling when you're Running this shoe and I think if you're A faster runner that probably gets a bit Lost and you don't have the carbon Plates you've not you're sinking into The shoe and you're not getting an awful Lot of kind of Bounce but I think if You're going out for an easy run this is An exciting shoe to run in it is soft it Is bouncy sure it's not as bouncy as a Super shoe but you wouldn't be doing Easy miles in a super shoe I've been Such a fan of this line since it Launched a few years ago and it is the Shoe I reach for for my easy running Days I also used it for well I use the Second version of this shoe for a lot of My long runs for London when I was going Out and I wasn't really I was kind of Watching my heart rate more than my pace And you know trying to pick up the pace And parts of the run but I did a lot of My long runs for London in this shoe and It you know I wouldn't race in it but There's no reason you couldn't it's a Really kind of plush running shoe with

The infinity 4. I think we said this in The review of the shoe but I think with The react X foam it's softer than the React foam that's been used in previous Versions of this shoe but it has lost a Little bit of its responsiveness it's Not as anywhere near as soft as the zoom X-frame you're not sinking into it it Definitely still feels like a firmer Shoe but you're not it's not got that Same versatility I don't think I think It's you know it's definitely a shoe you Could reach for for your easy runs but There are probably better Easy running Shoes on the market and I think it's not Really responsive enough anymore to use It for a Tempo session either so I think For an easy kind of recovery running Shoe it probably wouldn't be my favorite Um yeah it is slightly more stable but I Don't think it's It's not different enough for me to want To reach for it for my easy running shoe On the run it doesn't it doesn't feel Heavy but it's just a little bit clunky I found and I think previous versions of This shoe were a lot more responsive Onto the run test then and I will say That neither of these shoes has really Delighted me this year I think they're Both updates that are worse than the Previous versions of these shoes but Let's talk about them nevertheless and Compare them directly to each other the

Invincible is certainly the softer shoe You've got the extra bounce there of the Zoom X foam you get a fairly big sink in And then a nice amount of bounce back From it it's not I'd say the most Lively Bounce issue you will get a little bit Lost in this phone because it is such a Big stack of it and the energy isn't Directed by a plate or anything so as Your foot sinks in it kind of wobbles Around a bit and you lose a bit of full Momentum but at the right time is a very Enjoyable and comfortable shoe but it Does have to be at the right time Because like I say it is a bit wobbly There are times when I've gone into Rolling it with little niggles and I Just haven't felt very comfortable using It because it's a wobbly base it's just Not what I want at those times I prefer A slightly firmer shoe a more a stable Shoe and actually that gives you a Little bit more secure 34 that so while The Invincible is nice from time to time I like taking out for short easy runs Because it is a little bit more bouncy And fun than some of the other shoes out There it's not an issue I'd like to Crank out lots of miles or having a Rotation when doing marathon training Just because I don't feel like I could Trust it that much in a way and it used To be that in those times of need you Could easily turn a shoe like the Nike

Infinity 3 which was a very stable Slightly firmer shoe with a very smooth Rocker really felt very good for those Kind of runs it wasn't the most exciting Ride but it did provide a good level of Support and I did enjoy using it when I Was tired on Marathon books I will not Be able to do the same with the Nike Infinity 4 because they've swapped out This midsole for the react X phone which Is a fair bit softer than the normal React tone that we had on the previous Versions it's still not as soft as the Immediable it's a firmer phone than that But it's got a bit more squish there but It's not really about it's you squidge Into it and then you don't get a lot Back so it ends up being not the most Pleasant feeling at all the ride is just Not great I think for reruns of any type Like for short easy runs it was kind of Okay up to kind of five miles 10K that Kind of thing it was okay but moving Beyond that distance it just felt like It was sapping my energy a little bit to Run on this soft midsole that just Doesn't really give you that much back And certainly I'll be the case if you're Looking for any kind of Versatility any Of these shoes especially versatile Course but the Invincible does give you A bit more bounce back if you're going To try and run quick and it's also just Really heavy like the invincible's not a

Light shoe but the ability for is heavy So the combination of the heavy weight The midsole that's kind of you sink into And then just kind of get lost in this Murky kind of swamp of midsole foam and Don't get any bounce back just makes it I think a shoe that's hard to keep Turning your legs over in and not that Fun to do that in either so yeah on the Run test I think I might prefer the Invincible but even then I have my Doubts about it about how much I'd use It and really I don't see where I'd have The Infinity for any rotation at all Because I don't really enjoy the rifle For any kind of run and certainly for Longer runs it just feels a bit kind of Stodgy but Invincible yeah you could Have around because it's quite fun at Times but even though I do have some Concerns about stability so Addict What should you buy Um again it's worth mentioning both of The previous versions of this shoe are Almost better so it's definitely worth Considering them but I would definitely Reach for the Invincible I think it's Just a more exciting running shoe I Think it's it it's just it is what it Says on the tin it's a really plush Really bouncy really fun running shoe to Run in I think on days where I really Can't be bothered to head out the door

For a run I reach for this shoe you can See how beaten up it is I reach for the Shoe from nearly all of my easy runs Unless I'm testing something else I love It again I know that if you're a faster Runner you might find it a little bit Clunky you might want something else but I think it's it is super plush it is Super bouncy and is exciting to run it I Didn't love the infinity as much It's definitely a little bit more Unstable than the Invincible but I think There are kind of better Easy running Shoes out there to be honest Um like I said The infinity 3 I was a fan of the Original Infinity I loved Um and the previous versions of the Events below also loved so if you are on A budget it's worth saving your money And getting last season but of these two Shoes I would go to the Invincible okay So verdict or whether I would go for the Nike Invincible 3 over the Nike Infinity Run 4. now the interesting thing about This is I've actually you know Post-testing I've actually spent more Time in the united Affinity run for now Not to say it's a better shoe but I've Just found it easier to get on with uh In general in terms of my runs and I Found you know I love the way that the The upper fits you know the midsole Isn't the most exciting but in general

It's been very comfortable for me and if I need to go out and do kind of Comfortable kind of very easy going runs It's been absolutely fine now you can do That in this shoe as well and you have The scope to run a little bit quicker in It and if you want the Nike shoe here That kind of gives you that more Memorable kind of running experience Than the Nike Invincible 3 is going to Give you that it's lighter as well As I said it's definitely a little bit More versatile than the Affinity run for But personally from my experience in Terms of what I've reached for most post Kind of testing it actually has been the Knight Infinity Run 4 for me for Different runs compared to the Nike Men's ball three But ultimately it's I've had a kind of Nicer experience in general I think Mainly because of the fit and the fit Hasn't quite 100 worked for me in the Invincible three but I think if you are Looking for a one shoe to kind of do a Lot of different runs Um Nike Invincible 3 is going to serve You better if you're looking for a Nike Shoe which is built around Comfort Support just giving you know giving you A ride that's very consistent and smooth Um and just about soaking up a lot of Time on your feet and I think the Infinity Round 4 can give you that as I

Said but I think the Invincible 3 is Going to give you something that's gonna As I said be more memorable and also Work a little bit better at quicker Paces so yeah that's kind of my take on The United invisible 3 versus Infinity Run 4. this is the shoot I've been using More recently uh but ultimately I think If you're looking for a more versatile Shoe that works for easy paces and some Slightly quicker stuff from a lighter Shoe then I would say go for this onto The verdict then it's a bit tough one I'm not gonna give you either he's a Glowing recommendation as you probably Tell from the run test I'd be looking Elsewhere within Nike's range I like the Romero or outside of Nike myself but if You are looking just between these two Shoes the Invincible I think is the Better running shoe for sure like there Are times where it does feel really good And that big Zoom X midsole is something That you're not going to get anywhere Else it's bouncy it's light it's Exciting and it is comfortable and it's Fun and it's softer than the infinity And you get more bounce out of it and It's a lighter shoe Infinity you know in The past would have the fact that it was A stable you know quite reliable shoe to Have to go up against the Invincible That was this big selling point and now I don't think it is that stable the

Upper's a bit Loose as well the foam is A bit soft it's not got the big heel Clipping more like it is more stay with The Invincible but there's certainly Better shoes if you're looking for Stability in terms of a neutral a stable Neutral shoe like even if America has Got a slightly more stable ride just Naturally I think so yeah there's not Really any run I really want to use the Infinity for invincible I'd occasionally Want to use so it will get my vote out Of these two shoes but I certainly have My doubts about both of them and really I'd be looking and going to get any Invincible 2 and the infinity 3. then You've got a lovely pair if you get both Of those in a nice discount you've got a Nice fun spring issue for easy runs Occasionally and then a more stable work Or shoot in the infinity 3 for easy runs Other times but yeah of these two I Would still get the Invincible [Music]