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Get the luxurious and elegant old money aesthetic for less! In this video, we’ll show you how to achieve this classic look without breaking the bank.
Learn how to put together stylish and sophisticated outfits that embody the old money aesthetic. From vintage finds to affordable pieces, we’ll give you tips on how to create this timeless style without spending a fortune. Upgrade your wardrobe and channel your inner old money with these budget-friendly looks!
Today we're going to dive into the Timeless Allure of the old money Aesthetic a look that gives off Sophistication and class now you may Think you need money to achieve this Look but the truth is you really don't You don't need to be a trust fund baby To rock this style so in today's video I'm going to break down the key elements Of the old money aesthetic and show you How to achieve this look on a budget now Before we get into it if you guys like Fashion sneakers and Men's Grooming go Ahead and hit that subscribe button down Below now let's go ahead and get into This video so first things first let's Talk about what the old money aesthetic Is the old money aesthetic is a blend of Classic Timeless and quality pieces Drawing inspiration from traditional Men's Wear think tailored suits neutral Color palettes and Timeless accessories It's less about flashy logos and more About quality so step one to achieve This look let's talk about the type of Clothing you actually need first up is Shirts optin for crisp well-fitted dress Shirts in neutral tones like white and Light blue number two is sweaters when It comes to sweaters choose quality Fabrics like Morano wool and Cashmere in Muted colors such as navy gray and camel Number three the old money aesthetic Demands well-fitted tailored pants
Invest in chinos or wool trousers and Neutral Shades category number four the Old money style Embraces casual Footwear Opt in for Timeless sneakers and a clean And simple design white leather sneakers With minimal branding will be your best Bet so now that you got that down let's Go ahead and get into step number two The neutral color palette forget those Bright loud colors because they are the Furthest thing from old money old money Style is more focused on neutral tones These are colors like Navy camel and Earthy Hues also makes it easier to mix And match with your wardrobe instead of Splurging on countless other pieces that Don't really mix and match with each Other getting into step number three Let's talk about thrift stores think About it these old men and women aren't Reselling their expensive rare items on Places like deop or grilled so what do You think they do they toss them to the Goodwill for us peasants to buy but Seriously thrifting is a gold mine if You want to achieve that old money look On a budget you want to hunt for Quality Pieces like sweaters jackets polos and Other random accessories like hats or Simple jewelry you'll be amazed at what You can find at your local thrift shop Just by going a couple times a week now If you don't have time for that then EBay is another great option but just
Know these items might cost a bit more Since these people want to make a profit Since they most likely found these at Thrift stores for half the price either Way you'll still get that classic Aesthetic without the Hefty price tag Real quick guys if you want to achieve That old money aesthetic and you're not Practicing self-care then none of this Matters you want to hop on a good Skincare system that'll make you look And feel like a million bucks that's why You need to check out today's sponsor Teach Hanley teach Hanley is the go-to Skincare system for men especially if You're on a budget te Chanley has Everything you need and nothing you Don't so here's what you can get with The level one system you get a daily Face wash which I love to use first Thing in the morning and right before Bed you also get an exfoliating scrub to Get rid of all those dead skin cells and Make your face look and feel brand new You also get an AM and PM moisturizer a Lot of you guys forget to moisturize and It's just as important as anything else Now since teach Hanley is today's Sponsor they want to hook you guys up With an amazing deal you'll be able to Get 30% off your first box plus a free Gift using the first link in the Description down below trust me it's the Best investment you can make for
Yourself so don't miss out check out T Chanley first link in the description Down below now let's go ahead and get Back into the video getting into step Number four this one is crucial Tailoring a well-fitted outfit instantly Elevates your style and that's something Almost every old money aesthetic outfit Has down shirts and pants fit perfectly So a tailor should definitely be Something you invest in go into Google And type in tailor near me and check Them out especially if your items are Thrifted they were already cheap so Spending a few extra bucks to make sure They fit perfect on your body is the Best investment you can make again we're On a budget so you'll have that custom Looking piece without the custom price Tag getting into step number five invest In some Timeless accessories these are Pieces like a classic watch a leather Belt and even ties if you want to go all Out these pieces are key to adding a Touch of luxury to any outfit they don't Have have to cost a fortune you can Thrift everything or even check out some Pieces on Amazon they have everything From watches belts and other accessories That won't cost you a fortune but still Will help you achieve that old money Look now of course you want to Choose Wisely don't get anything too crazy like A watch with diamonds because that's
Really not old money keep it lowkey and You'll be turning heads in your new Aesthetic lastly it all comes down to Confidence rocking the old money Aesthetic isn't just about what you wear It's how you wear it so have good Posture practice self-care speak slowly And clearly and lastly dress well Rock Yourself with confidence and you'll make Anything look like a million bucks and There you have it six easy ways to Achieve that old money aesthetic on a Budget comment down below your favorite Tips and don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button if you enjoyed Today's video again don't forget to Check out today's sponsor teach Handley First link in the description down below As always I appreciate you guys for Watching and I will see you in the next One Peace [Music]