The On Cloudboom Strike LS is the LightSpray version of On’s new super-shoe, which has a one-piece upper that reduces the weight of the shoe and creates a seamless fit. It’s the shoe Hellen Obiri used to win the Boston Marathon, and while we couldn’t quite do the same in our first run test, Nick did tackle a parkrun as part of a workout in the shoe with 5Ks at marathon pace either side. Here’s his first impressions of the On Cloudboom Strike LS.
Check out our review of the On Cloudboom Echo 3:
00:00 – Intro
00:15 – Design & Key Stats
02:15 – How’s The Fit
03:38 – First Run
06:33 – Early Verdict
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Hello and welcome to run testers my name Is Nick and this is our first run review Of the on cloud boom strike LS the cloud boom strike LS is the light Spray version of the cloud boom strike Which differs from The Standard Version Because of this rather exciting upper They have on the shoe which is put Together using a robot it's a lot Lighter than the regular Upp and that Does up the price a fair bit it is $330 Or €330 not sure on the UK price just Yet drops the weight though this is Just1 192 G or 6.8 o in my UK size 9 Which is among the lighest shoes I've Tested over the past year or so the only One lighter I think is the metas speed Sky Paris haven't tested the Eds Pro Evo Still got the 4mm drop and a stack Height of 39.5 mm at the heel 35.5 at The 4ot the light spray upper is the Star feature with this version of the Shoe obviously it's an upgrade on the Regular Cloud Brom strikes standard Upper by making the shoe a lot lighter And giving it this seamless glueless Design and fit it's the style of the Shoe that was worn by Helen aeria when She won the Boston Marathon I'm sure We'll be seeing it at the Olympics as Well so it's a one piece upper made by a Robot in this 3 minute process where the Robot uh uses 1.5 km of this filament Material and kind of winds around a last
To make this upper there's no glue or Seams it's bonded to the mid soole using Thermal fusing technology there's some Very exciting videos online you can see The whole process I would go and do that I'll probably explain it better than I Could it's also a recyclable material Which reduces the waste but in general It just creates this booty style fit but A very close fit a snug fit that is Incredibly lightweight underneath this Upper you got the same kind of setup as You get with the cloud boom strike which Is two layers of on Helen HF hyper foam Which is a pe- based foam with a carbon Speedboard running between those layers It's a On's best foam they're kind of Bounciest foam what we saw introduced With the cloud boom Echo 3 and your foot Sits directly on that phone with the Cloud boom strike both versions there's No sock liner beneath your foot you got A rubber out Soo on the shoe with pretty Good coverage on the for foot and heel There and kind of better coverage than He had with the cloud boom which did Have durability problems we found Obviously I've only done one run in the Shoe so far in general there seems to be A bit more rubber and hopefully it'll be A bit more longlasting than what we saw With the cloud boom Echo so it comes to the fit of the shoe Uh it's pretty hard to get on the first
Time out I found it quite hard to get on I was quite wary of pulling very hard on This material I mean imagine if I just Ripped it straight out of the box but I Think it is quite a Hardy material I Have had to yank in it quite hard to get My foot in because obviously you need a Secure and tight fit with the shoe when It's on for racing so it does have to be A little bit tricky to get on I've seen Some comments talking about this Potentially as a triathlon shoe but I Think this will be a nightmare in Transitions I don't necessarily think That'll be the way to go I'm not a Triathlete so I can't say for sure but Yeah took a little while to get on Bo it Is on it does have a really really good Fit it you it does have that kind of Second skin feel there's no kind of Pressure points no rubbing points no Irritation at the Achilles no hot spots Around the front of the foot it just Feels really smooth and feels very Lightweight as well so on the right run Today I did like I was doing loops and The park runs on the loop and there some Sharp turns and just no worries about Lateral movement my foot's not sliding Back and forth or to the side it just Has a really good fit or round this is a Uk9 a us99.5 which is my normal size and I think obviously getting the right size Is going to be key but that is the exact
Size of used for all of on shoes and Yeah I've got a really good fit with it And I wouldn't have any concerns about This upper in any way being loose or Anything like that durability is Obviously something I can't test after One run that's OB going to be very key With this because you don't want any Stretch to this material over time so I'll be looking out for that but so far Yeah it's a really good upper it's a Extra outlay for sure on what you pay For with a normal Cloud boom strike but It does seem to really do the Job hello and welcome to gunpowder Park In North London I'm here to do my first Run in the on cloud boom strike light Spray version I've got a park run Sandwich today I'm going to do 5K at 330 Beforehand park run and then another 5K At 3:30 I'm running a bit late so I got To start this 5K soon that's basically Marathon pace a good hard push bit of Marathon pace after should be a good Test of the Shoes so I've done the first 5k and the Park run it was a bit of a struggle uh The first 5k getting into it but took 3K Just to kind of warm up cuz it was a Pretty Rush start but um yeah got into That felt okay by the end Park on was a Bit late which helped me recover a bit More time for recover around kind of 1616 I think which is solid time for me
On this course like it's pretty good Time given you know the workout before In general not exactly in 5K Peak shape Right now so pretty pleased with that Shoes felt good the upper we'll talk About the upper first is the most Interesting thing I guess right now is Couple of sharp turns and this course One at the bottom of steep hill like no Lateral movement or anything like that So no concerns about the hold it's very Comfortable feels really good so far the Upper underfoot feeling is certainly Bouncy you've got that helium HF foam I Think you've got a slightly more springy Setup here than you had on the um Cloud Boom Echo 3 which was a sure I liked That was probably a bit more rocket this Is a bit more kind of sink and punch I'd Say with a propulsion and it's working Pretty well like she felt in the 5K I Was going to kind of fall apart a bit There but actually I a k second half and Rallied a little bit last K and shoe was Really light definitely you feel that Kind of any uphill you got the nice Nimble turnover with a lot of punch it's Definitely I think easier to get Propulsion from the plate and the foam Here than it was on the cloud mecho for Someone like me who's not a big bounding Runner like I can still unlock it there So yeah all was pretty good I'm going to Go and run this this last 5K now and
Then get home but so I'll see how this Feels hopefully it'll feel better than The first 5k because I was really rushed For that and it didn't start very Well so I'm all done uh that last 5K Wasn't too bad like um was able to Control the pace quite well definitely Feel this is the first time I've been in An on shoe a non-carbon shoe where you Know as you're really flagging the shoe Just helps you maintain that pace and Push on for those last few K like even The cloud Meco 3 I think didn't quite Have that like it was for me quite hard To pick up when I started to struggle in That shoe whereas this has a lot much Lighter feel obviously and that really Helps as a high can Runner but just in General feels like the bounce comes a Bit more easily from it so yeah roll Through that okay at the end there so Free solid 5Ks not a lot of warm up and Cool down today I've got to get back kid Stuff isn't it it's a Saturday so um so It was something like 17 16 16 16 17 16 You know 17 20s on the first first and The last one and a really good hard Effort in in between so yeah pleased With that and enjoy the shoe I'll bit More of a think about it a few more Thoughts uh but I think On's made a Really good shoe here and I think the Upper is working really well for me so Far it obviously that's something you
Have to test with your ability but Really enjoyed it on the first run Today so back home now after the run Earlier which was yeah a good fun Morning a good hit out there at the park Run and just had a lot of fun running in The shoe it's certainly what I feel a Big upgrade on what we've had before From on with the cloud boom Echo 3 I Haven't tested the regular Cloud boom Strik so it'll be interesting to maybe Compare them but just the fact this is a Fair bit lighter I'm sure will really Come into play and this upper you know I Really enjoyed it on that first run Today it's quite hard to get on but once It's on it's got a really nice fit all Round like I have massive problems with Regular uppers but I love the idea of it Being lighter that's always a big thing For me and this shoe is very lightweight And that toll today at the end of the Kind of hard reps and the run it and the Park run itself and the fact you can Save so much weight by using this upper While keeping the same midside is Obviously a big plus to the light spray Version of the shoe midsole is Definitely I think On's best performance Midsole so far like the cloud boom Maco 3 was a good shoe I enjoyed running in That shoe had a nice rocket to it but Yeah I did feel like I had to be running Well and working hard to get the best
From this this feels like a much easier To engage plate and midell combat comb It's a bit softer it's bouncier it you Know just really feels good straight out The box like even if I didn't feel very Good at the start of that run cuz I Hadn't really warmed up at all you know The shoe felt good and as I moved into The session yeah it really felt good and Definitely that was big for me the way I Felt in the kind of final K of the park Run and the last couple of K of the the Second 5K after the park run just felt Like I keep ticking over in the shoe and It would just help me maintain a nice Efficient stride and maintain the pace Even if I was really tired and finished Quite strongly in the park run which I Was you know wasn't necessarily Expecting after fairly third and fourth Cas in terms of pace I felt like guys Are running okay but yeah then pulled it Back a bit in the last case so certainly I haven't had that experience before With one's carbon shoes especially you Know the versions before the Cloudy Mecho 3 this feels like an upgrade in Materials and design and just you know a Faster shoe so obviously you're not Going to give any really big conclusions Now it's after one run and no Comparisons to the rest of the market You know all my favorite shoes out there But I suppose one firm conclusion would
Be that I do think this is On's best Racing shoe yet and I'm sure be Interesting to see how it compares to The cloud Brom strike but you know the Fact that it's lighter is such a big Plus point and the upper really does Seem to work quite well so far and it's Obviously a really big outlay to get This shoe and with the carbon Market Being so good I think it's hard to Justify really looking at these very Expensive models like even like the pro EVO One and this shoe as well that when There such Amazing shoes available for Even1 Less which are already quite Expensive shoes it's going to be hard to Necessarily justify that step up but Just in terms of how much fun I had in The run today and how fast I felt in the Shoe yeah big thumbs up really good First run in the Shoe that's our first look at the on Cloud boom strike light spray version Let us know what you think in the Comments below please do like and Subscribe ring a little bell and we'll See you next time