
The Eastbourne 10k is a fast and flat race on the south coast with a delightful view of the sea, lots of cheering crowds and a friendly community atmosphere.

Tom headed over to test Puma’s latest race shoe, the Deviate Nitro Elite 3, to see how it compares with its predecessors.


00:00 – Intro
01:06 – The Eastbourne 10k 2024
04:34 – The Kit

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Hey Tom here I am in eastborn today for The eastborn 10K I've never done it Before uh it's going to be quite a nice Day it's a little bit Breezy but it's Very sunny so it could be a tough one I'm not feeling that fit at the moment So I thought I'd stick in a 10K just to See uh where I'm at after doing Worthing A few weeks ago um but I am going to be Testing out the pummer DVA Nitro Elite 3s which um I was I liked the uh Previous two versions of the elites uh They are not cushioned enough for me for Longer distances I tended to use them For 5 10K distance but never used them For anything too long uh but these feel A bit different these feel a bit Bouncier a bit more cushioned a bit Softer so I think they may work for me So I'm going to give them a go on this Race and report back in a bit right see You shortly Okay so I've just got back from the Eastborn 10K it's not a race I've done Before I have raced a few times in Eastborn various events happen Throughout the year some of them smaller Ones on the coast some of them Bigger ones like the eastor half Marathon which I did earlier in the year And is a really really hard half Marathon so I wasn't too sure what to Expect from the eastborn 10K it's a Really nice race it starts off pretty

Close to the train station it's very Flat apart from one bit at about 3K Where you have a really quick Hill and Then you're back down again so it's not It's a pretty fast race it does take Place all on the paths uh on the coast So you don't actually run on roads it's Not corned off or anything so there are Pedestrians running on the route which Can be a bit tricky there were dogs and Things on the route so you had to be a Little bit careful there was one point Where I had to slow down cuz there was a Dog running towards me so it's worth Taking that into consideration if you're Planning on getting a PB because you do Have to be aware of all the people that Are running around the course is pretty Simple you basically run down the Coastal path up and around and back down The coastal path for another 5K and then Back around again so it's a pretty Simple route it's quite a nice route so You're looking at the sea most of the Time they're quite nice pass they're Fairly WI For um passs that you can run on but as I said there's still a lot of people on There and sometimes there were bikes and Things on there as well because it's not Really marshaled in the same way that a C off event would be so it's it's Definitely event that you need to pay Attention to um with you're planning on

Running really really fast because there Are things that might be moving in and Out so it's worth paying attention um Things around you um the course as I Said is pretty flat so it's a pretty Good PB course today's event was really Really quite good conditions uh it's Starting to get a bit warm um but There's a nice breeze as well so I Didn't really have any major issues uh With the weather at all it was it if I Was fit enough I probably would have got A pretty good time in the event today Marshing was fantastic everyone was Really nice the setup at the start of The race was really quick and efficient Um and the Finish was great as well so All in all really pleased with the event I have not really been training that Hard since uh my training block before Boston Marathon And the last race I did was Worthing 10K Which I got I think about 3915 in I got 3930 something today I Can't remember the exact amount but so I'm definitely not not in uh race Condition at the moment um I'm going to Have another month or so until I start Picking up the training for Valencia um In December so at the moment I'm just Trying to just keep it going a bit um Keep the runs going but I'm generally Focused a little bit more on those easy Comfortable runs uh as opposed to really

Pushing myself hard uh at the moment cuz I'm moving house as well so I'm got a Lot of time to train loads um but I'm Hoping to pick that pace up a little bit Over the next few weeks um as I start to Introduce a few more interval sessions But overall really good event well worth Looking at if you want a fast Comfortable enjoyable uh 10K to do on The coast um there's water stops halfway And the you get a nice medal at the end So well worth having a look at uh very Much enjoyed It okay so the shoe that I wore is uh a Really interesting one because uh it's The pummer deviate uh Nitro Elite 3 now I have used the previous two versions of The uh Nitro Elite and I I like them um But they weren't quite a shoe for me What I found about those shoes is that They were quite firm the level of Cushioning that you got in those shoes Was was quite minimal in the world of Car plate shoes at the moment so if you Compared the previous two versions of This shoe to something like the alphafly Or the vaporfly it was a very different Shoe it you didn't get the same sort of Bounce back same sort of cushioning um And as a result I I tended to use those More for like a park run or maybe a 10K But it was definitely not on my list for Shoes that I would want to use for Big Race attempts I would never use them for

A marathon because there's just not Enough cushioning in those shoes for me Um but absolutely fine for like shorter Faster efforts I actually tended to use Them a lot for track Um that because they were just very Quick and Poppy but not very good for Longer distance for me cuz I like Cushioning this uh version of the shoe Big changes big big changes and as a Result really really liking this so um As I mentioned in that early bit I'm not Match fit at the moment when it comes to Running so um I wasn't expecting to get A PB or anything today but um what I Found about the shoe is that midso firm In it the redesign midell foam is a big Difference from the earlier two uh Iterations of this shoe it feels softer It feels bouncier it feels softer in Both the heel section and the forefoot You can really notice it and as a result It's really starting to feel like a shoe That you would compare with things like The VAP fly the alphafly the socony Endorphin Pro 3 those sorts of shoes um Which is great cuz I think pummer has Been missing that for a long time They've had quite a lot of uh carbon Plate shoes that have come out but They've really not been competitive when It comes to those same sorts of Experiences that you get from things Like the outfly and vly this is this is

Uh it is up there now and I think it's Definitely a shuee that I would look at As an option for running half marathons Marathons in as well over the course of That 10K it I could really feel that uh Cushioning in the mid so I could really Feel the bounds just walking around in It before the race I could really feel The difference in this shoe um and I Think if I was if I was at tip toop Fitness uh like I was last year I think This would be I'd really I've got a good Time in this year I think I would have Really enjoyed racing and um pushing Myself in in in the 10K today so it's a Fantastic Improvement so far based off Of that first run that I've done or that First race uh and I'm really enjoying it So I'm looking forward to using this for A lot more races um and I think pummer Has finally got a super shoe that is up There with the best of the best now um Although I will wait till the full Review to give my um thoughts based on a Few more runs in this but overall really Impressive of it one thing I would say Is though is if you're a fan of the Channel you will know that I have a Problem with outsoles on shoes I tend to Rip off this section at the bottom of The shoe which is the outer uh section Of the mids soole at the around the heel Starting to come off a tiny bit there so Um getting a little bit worried about

That when I ran in the vaporfly 3s when I ran in the Hawker rocket X2 I Completely ripped this section off so This does seem a bit sturdier it's Pummer grip it's a bit thicker than what You get on those other shoes but tiny Bit com enough which is concerning me a Little bit so I'll keep an eye on that Hopefully it'll still be on by the time We do the full review um but great work Pmer on this very much enjoyed it in That race today definitely a shoe that's Going to sit in my top tier pile now uh When it comes to uh Super Shoes for for Race day and that's a lot of distances For race day um so yeah more of that to Come that's it from me on this East Spawn 10k race test testing out the Pummer DVA Nitro Elite 3 uh also um Thank you to all the guys that came up To me during or before or after the race Um I forgotten your names but there were Loads of you that came over to say hello And talk about your shoes and talk about These shoes uh really nice talking to You all and um um hope you had a great Day so um that's it from me catch you Next time