The Ultimate Clothing Brand Tier List.
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Today I'm going to be ranking fashion Brands across all categories from Fast Fashion all the way to luxury and Obviously there are way too many Brands Out there that exist for me to rank all Of them but we do have a pretty Extensive list to go through and I've Got three rules one for Simplicity sake I will only rank brands that do Men's Wear they can do both men's and women's Or Be unisex but I will leave out the Women's wear specific Brands number two I will leave out certain brands whose Clothing I haven't really experienced Enough to form a strong opinion and That'll mainly be some of the high-end Fashion houses like LV Dior Prada Etc And three I will focus on clothing only So we're leaving out the Footwear only Brands as well as jewelry brands Starting off with Levis I like Levis I Think for many people it's their entry Into denim for me it definitely was I've Had my fair share of Levi's jeans got The classic 501s of course so I'm going To put it in the would buy category Urban Outfitters that's a nostalgic one That reminds me of my childhood man That's the brand that I feel like when I Was in my teenage years I would get most Of my slightly edgier you can call them Pieces from there so a lot of graphic Teas or some tiedye sweatshirts that Sort of stuff I got a bunch of stuff
From Urban Outfitters but not going to Lie I haven't sho from there in a while I've browsed their website once in a While seeing what they got but these Days I'm not really feeling it I would Say Urban Outfitters we'll put in the mid category Or Legacy I love our Legacy my most worn Shoes are from that brand but we're not Ranking shoes here even though that's my Favorite piece from the brand the camon Boots you've seen me wear it you've seen Many people wear it probably but I think Their clothing are sick as well they Have a slightly more fashion forward Athetic some pretty cool pieces in there Uh notably their denim I think their Denim is really cool I've got a cool Oversized pinstripe shirt from them our Legacy for me is a standout brand this Logo is small man but this is Miz mikara Yasuo a very very cool Japanese brand It's been coming up like crazy in the Fashion scene lately I've seen a bunch Of people wear their pieces I myself Bought a really cool red checkered shirt From them with some nice distressing and Some really unique details miar yiro I Would say is a standout brand for me as Well okay we got Marne up next really Cool brand I actually had the Opportunity to visit their main store Out in Milan recently I was in Milan Nice little summer getaway for the first
Time go on the tangent but Marne is a Cool brand I I would buy from Marne oh Oh almost put in the trash category Would buy kith okay kith is a weird one Because they hold a bunch of brands in Their stores but they do have their main Kith apparel as well I've been to their Kith store in Paris a few times this Year actually I love it every time I go To Paris I make sure I head to the kith Store see what they got out there Because they always have a really nice Selection of pieces and I'm going to be Honest I have purchased a bunch of Shorts from kith probably a little too Many kith we're going to put It as a would buy we got cause one of The main High Street Brands if you like That minimalist Scandinavian aesthetic It is a great brand to go to with Reasonable prices it's not crazy Expensive it's not cheap either but you Can get some really solid Basics from There I would put it as a would buy okay Next up we got Cole Buxton I like Cole Buxton I really like Cole bu A lot of my pieces are from there Anytime they come out with a new drop Always find something to cop stand out Brand Prim Mark trash actually actually no wait Wait wait one sec one sec one sec Putting Primark back in there I have More to say about Primark Primark you
Know what I'll say about Primark I think For a lot of people me included we've Purchased from them before you know I Was a broke student didn't have a lot of Money to spend on clothes but still love Fashion still wanted to buy stuff and I Did buy a bunch of stuff from Primark Before but it's still trash Rick Owens I Think that's one of those brands that People either love or hate you've got The Diehard Rick Owens fans dripped out From head to toe and Rick I personally Really like some of their Shoes it's either a wood buy or a Standout I feel like it's too much of an Iconic Brand to not be in a standout category Off whites you know I love my out of Office sneakers I wear them all the time But again we're not focusing on the Shoes here here and clothing wise lately I haven't seen anything crazy from Offwhite I I do browse them and there Are some things I buy I like some of Their slogan caps I love their shoes But put it would bue would bue Abra Cromi and fit absolutely a standout Brand I love their denim range I love Their trousers I get my wide fitmart Trousers from there spoken about them in A fair few videos recently great brand Muji I haven't actually purchased Clothing from Muji in a while besides my Socks I get all of my socks from there
Great socks clothing wise they have a Lot of unbranded minimalistic clothing Nothing too crazy I'm going to say mid Zara Zara is one of those Hit or Miss Brands feel like you can try 20 items From Zara and you'll have that rare gem You'll find some pieces that are Absolutely amazing fit great great value For their money but they also have a lot Of weird stuff a lot of stuff that Doesn't fit well they are absolute pros At ripping off high-end designs and Making them in a more afford a way Really quickly the epitome of fast Fashion but I have bought from Zara in The past I still do buy sometimes from Zara so I'll say I would buy it Earl It's not a super popular brand they've Had a cool collab with your recently I Like their hoodies they've got some cool Pieces in there some stuff a little too Funky for my taste but I would buy mimo Duty I feel like that's one of those Brands when you want to get into the old Money style the old money aesthetic a Lot of people gravitate towards a RF Lauren a mimo Duty or if you got a Higher budget a lower piano Duty Although it's not my style I'm going to Put it as a as a would buy because I Know a lot of people do like the brand And they do have some solid pieces for The price Gap they tried to have a a Little comeback with the uh Yeezy
Balenciaga collab honestly I still don't Shop from there haven't seen anything Super interesting from There feel feel a little bit bad but I'm Going to put it trash um Calvin Klein Calvin Klein love their boxers but Besides that I don't buy from there I Don't really like their stuff I browsed Their website nothing great trash BGA Veta one of the few high-end fashioned Houses we'll have in there I have tried Some of their pieces excellent quality I Really like their designs I think They've come up with some really cool Creative stuff I like some of their TR Designs they've done recently where they Do these leather pieces that actually Look like denim they like to do that a Lot play around with the materials I'd Say it's a standout brand next we've got Represent feel like represent is one of Those brands that has evolved a lot over The years lately I've been really Enjoying their stuff I think in the Latest fall winter collection for this Year they had some really cool pieces I've purchased one myself I'm going to Put it today I would put it as a Standout brand then we've got nushka Nushka is a Cool brand one of my first Pieces from the brand were their faux Leather shorts they're really known for Their vegan leather faux leather however You like to call it they've done some
Cool shorts in that fabric some cool Puffer jackets in that fabric I overall Really cool brand some Innovative Designs I'm going to put it as a Standout All Saints All Saints All Saints I haven't Purchased from them in a while All Saints was one of those Brands earlier Into my fashion journey I would purchase Quite a bit from some of my favorite Oversized sweaters were from there I Actually still have one piece from them That I've owned for years and I still Wear all the time it is a pair of Wideleg shorts with some cool drawrings Today I'm going to put it in the mid Category is Miyaki absolutely legendary Designer Rest in Peace by the way that Is an icon IC brand for me they've come Up with the um pleats a really Innovative material that the designer Worked on for years Man could this be the first in the goat Category yeah I think it has to go in The goat category isaki is absolutely Legendary it's goated which brand has Come up with a material this Innovative That dozens of other brands have copied From obviously they've got the um black Plita trousers that so many fashioned People have worn and styled incorpor cre It into their own aesthetic it's a goat It's a goated brand moving on we got Reese okay I'm not going to be too mean
But mid Reese is mid Thisal absolute Trash I can't believe that there was a Day I would actually unironically Purchase from this ell I thought I'd Look cool I was wrong my mom used to buy So much thisy well colorful standard Colorful standard solid Basics solid Basics I have some sweatpants from them I read them to the gym gym quite a bit They got some nice hoodies some Sweatshirts really basic Timeless Staples in terms of silhouette I Wouldn't say it's the most Innovative Brand they got some cool stuff [Music] But did they make it as a would buy We're going mid we're going mid Sandro Sandro par cool stuff some cool stuff Would I buy from them though would I buy Would I buy from Sandro never seen you Buy from Sanro You' got your answer woo me love The brand honestly beautiful Silhouettes Some really cool designs I wouldn't wear Everything they make but I've gotten a Few really cool pieces from there Stand Out brand standout brand the Frankie Shop I actually got introduced to the Frankie shop a few years ago when they Only did women's wear I saw some fashion Blogger wearing it it must have been um Maybe Leone maybe Leon H and uh they had They had cool coats and cool overshirts
And then I remember stumbling on their Website again maybe last year and Noticed that they finally made a mentor Category and honestly they got some cool Stuff very much a brand that likes their Oversized clothing some extremely Oversized I've got a I've got a very Oversized overshirt from them a flannel I would buy from them capital A brand I've been purchasing more from Recently I think they have some unique pieces I Wouldn't wear everything from the brand But I would buy from them next up we Have Jill sander out of all the high-end Luxury Brands I would say it's one of Those that embodies that minimalist Aesthetic the best I got a really nice Pair of uh smart black trousers from Them I've got that graphic tea with the Logo it's a nice prand I uh would buy Ralph Floren okay Ralph has a lot of Different subcategories I feel like they Got their different labels they got the Purple Label the Luxury Line and then They have their Polo Ralph Lauren but Let's think of it as a as a global brand All of their labels combined I think They've done a lot for the fashion Industry it's definitely an iconic brand Within the fashion industry personally Would I buy from them I say it doesn't Really suit my aesthetic as much and and I might not buy from them now I'm going To put them mid they deserve to be in
The wood buy category but this is a Subjective tier list so I'm going to put The mid next up we've got Essentials uh Okay I do buy a lot from Essentials I Like Jerry Lorenzo as a designer I've Bought from both Mainline fear of God And from Essentials before and whenever They have a new drop I do tend to order Some pieces to try out I don't always Keep everything but I do wear a lot of Essentials would bue uniclo the goat is It the goat though as many of you know Unico was one of my key Brands both in My fashion Journey on my YouTube channel I've spoken about them a lot I work with Them now I partner with them many people Who get into fashion shop from Unico They have a lot of quality Staples I Think the quality to price ratio from Unico is great their arism I'm wearing It right now it's still my most worn T-shirt but I don't know I don't think It deserves the goat spot because lately I haven't been the most impressed Especially with their collaborations Their uniclo UL lines and unic sea lines I used to be a lot more impressed by Them and I feel like they've slowly Fallen off so going to put it as a Standout brand 2024 it's a standout Brand Louis some very unique pieces Really cool fashion house I don't know If it's a standout for me though I buy Some of their pieces Sheen obviously
Goat psych absolute trash do not shop From Sheen ideally Axel Arigato Absolutely love their Footwear clothing Wise got some cool pieces I buy from Them I used to shop from there more is a Cool brand I like their aesthetic am I Going to anger some people if I say it's Similar to Al oh tough one tough one Okay Would buy I can't I can't put it as a Standout brand Al mondor who hasn't Spoken about Al recently I feel like It's one of the most hype Brands right Now even when I was interviewing random People in the street for the uh what People are wearing in London video had An Al counter that's how many times it Was uttered so many people mentioning Al Is one of their favorite Brands globally Their aesthetic I wouldn't say is that Close to my style but I've bought some Pieces from them they do have really Cool stuff I just saw their latest Collection I was browsing earlier they Have these uh skeleton looking like bone Gloves that look absolutely sick we'll See if I buite them Al I have to put it As a standout brand Fred Perry I haven't Heard that name in a while I used to Have some of their polos um I got to put A trash Hollister one of my friends used To work there also haven't heard that Name in a while they got into some Controversy cuz they would only hire
Like really good-looking people it Doesn't deserve the mid category it's Trash Stan Ray some of my oldest pieces Is from San R got it before I even Started my YouTube channel the carpenter Pants with the paint splatters on them It's a cool brand got some cool pieces I Would buy new look trash DK and trash Studio Nicholson independent British Designer cool pieces very oversized Again if you like that scandy aesthetic They got some cool stuff I've bought From them in the past I would buy from Them again St it I uh I haven't bought From them a lot I've bought from them a Little bit in the past when I was Younger I was actually browsing their Website earlier they got they got some Decent stuff we'll put as a would buy Jaded London they got some crazy stuff Super fashion forward stuff personally I Feel like they've gone downhill a bit I've owned some of their stuff in the Past I think now most of their stuff is Just a little too crazy for me I don't See it again it's subjective but for me Trash arit another brand kind of like Cause quality Staples not too cheap not Too expensive um you can find some good Stuff in there some of this stuff just Size is a little too big for me but it's A solid brand would buy we got supreme Next very hype brand used to be at least Lot of big cues forming out of the
Supreme shop not going to lie though I've looked at some pieces recently that A cool football Jersey saw my friend JC Wear a really cool I don't know if it's Leather but like a black bomber style Jacket from them I'm going to put them As a would buy berska have I bought from Berska in the past I've been in berska Stores long enough for me to potentially Buy something and I didn't so it's got To be trash uh seven stores it used to Be called '90s back it is a British Brand I think they get a lot of their Stuff from South Korea actually they Used to get stuff from South Korea I Don't know if they still make their Stuff there I remember back in the day a Few years ago they had this uh I think They call it the airport set this hoodie And jogger set the really thick material And the boxy silhouette when there Weren't that many brands that were doing Something specifically like this it's a Cool brand I haven't purchased from them In a while but they deserve to be in the Wood buy category Asos one of those fast Fashioned brands that stores everything And anything huge catalog I've bought From them in the past I've got some nice Trousers that I still wear from them you Can find some cool pieces in there a Little like Zara there is a lot of But there's also some okay stuff in There it allows you to experiment with
Maybe some more funky designs at a at an Affordable price we'll go mid panga one Of those loungewear Brands although I Feel like now they've expanded Beyond Loungewear they've got a much more of an Extensive catalog of pieces but it's one Of those brands that blew up during uh Co can I say that word on YouTube still They got some cool stuff I have one of Their pieces in one of my open tabs so I Was I'm going to put them as a would buy Suit supply back when I used to work Corporate I will get uh most of my suits Made from there I like that you can go Custom made they don't only have ready To wear pieces so really solid brand for Suiting would bue Kenzo feel like Kenzo Has gone through a pretty hefty shift in The in the past years I think it's going In a strong Direction I wouldn't buy From them yet but maybe next year Amy Paris Alexandro matusi great designer Lot of cool stuff I think Amy is a Cool Brand Stand Out brand for me jackam Let's put their accessories aside I know They're very much known for their bags Let's just raid their men's Weare I've Tried a few pieces from there they have Some cool stuff I don't know if it's Good enough to make it as a standout for Me though let's put as a would buy fear Of God clearly one of my favorite Brands I wear a lot of their stuff I have spent A little bit too much money purchasing
From that brand love the brand great Designs Jerry Lorenzo is a great Designer I've spent way too much money At fear of God if you asked me last year Honestly I would put it as a goat Honestly the prices are getting so crazy They're getting so crazy it's not even Justifiable anymore their last Collection I didn't even buy anything That's that's how expensive things are Getting there man okay okay stand out Brand think could just lowered your Prices a little bit you know just make It a little bit more attainable might Make it into the goat category Lam mer Kristoff Lam mer designer of uniu but We're rating his own brand his own Designs l mer just bought a bag from Them recently really cool croissant bag I like Lam mer next time I go to Paris Definitely plan on visiting their store Stand Out brand River Island not much to Say about them trash salt Studio new Brand coming up I uh stumbled on it Recently I think it started maybe 2 or 3 Years ago Joseph POI designer he's based In the US and uh he is a really talented Designer it's uh it's one of the brands That I'm I've been the most keen on Lately they have some really Innovative Designs that is absolutely a standout Brand for me I'd highly recommend Checking them out they just got to up Their stock a bit cuz they're always out
Of stock sells out too quickly Florence Black really cool brand Florence Black They've evolved a lot over the years and Their latest collection has some really Cool pieces it is absolutely a standout Brand for me okay we got rude I like Their shorts and I really like their Spring summer 2025 collection they Filmed it in Lake Como had some cool Pieces in there I wouldn't buy Everything but I would buy acne Studios One of the most probably diverse Brands I've seen in terms of uh in terms of Designs they have some uh funky designs And they have some plain Timeless ones I Think it's a really varied brand wide Range of options but good quality stuff Some good designs Stand Out brand and Lastly we have L Septra South Korean Brand not French it is one of my Favorite Brands right now actually Stunning Silhouettes great Fabrics Overall standout brand and that WRA WS Up my tier list of fashion brands for 2024 first time doing this format so I Hope you guys enjoyed it let me know in The comments if this is something that You would like to see me do again next Year maybe and on that note I wish you All a beautiful day and I will see you In the next one