Welcome back to another episode of “Customs and Restorations with Vick” on the Reshoevn8r YouTube channel! This week, Vick Almighty teams up with A1 Restorations for a special project: restoring the highly coveted and rare $5,000 Air Jordan 5 Tokyo. ????????
In this detailed tutorial, Vick and A1 Restorations bring these iconic sneakers back to life, showcasing every step of the intricate restoration process. Whether you’re a sneakerhead, a collector, or just passionate about customizations, this video is packed with expert tips and techniques you won’t want to miss.
Project Breakdown:
Stitch Removal: Watch as Vick meticulously removes the old stitching to detach the soles, ensuring the utmost care with these rare sneakers.
Glue Removal: Learn the best practices for removing old glue from the soles and midsoles, a crucial step in any sneaker restoration.
Midsole Prep: Discover the tedious process of heating and scraping off old midsoles, and the importance of preparation for a flawless finish.
Donor Soles: See how Vick separates donor soles from their midsoles and preps them for the restoration.
Paint Mixing: Follow along as Vick mixes seven different colors to achieve the perfect match for the Tokyo 5’s iconic look.
Painting Process: From base coats to speckled finishes, Vick shares his painting techniques to replicate the original design.
Glue Application: Learn the steps to apply glue and bond the new soles to the uppers, ensuring a secure and lasting fit.
Final Touches: Watch the final steps of restitching the soles, followed by a light cleaning to make these Jordans look like they’re worth $5,000 again.
Join us in this incredible journey of restoring the legendary Air Jordan 5 Tokyo. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more customizations and restorations!
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What's going on Vic and the rejuvenator Team my name is Abraham I saw you guys Made a comment that you guys possibly Could work on the Jordan that I want Restored hopefully by Vic Almighty I've Been following rejuvenator for a long Time I love Vic's work I I love the Renator team even the whole capsule Thing that uh was showcased in one of Your videos but yeah I'll send you some More pictures of the shoes that I want Restored but it's honestly one of my Favorite shoes of all time and the fact That I was was able to grab this shoe Was just crazy on its own but uh here You go Man as you can tell from age they're Just St to fall apart so I got a couple Wees in them and uh they're gone um so Yeah I would love to see Vic work on These I think it'll make for a great Video and uh yeah let's do it [Music] The Tokyo 5es is one of the rarest Jordan 5s to ever come out the last sale On stock a went for $4,000 but the thing Is all these shoes are unwearable to do This project right I had to bring out One of the best in the game Enrique AKA A1 Restorations welcome back man thank You for having me again of course man All right Vic so what's the plan for Today the task today bro is to make These wearable again you ready hell yeah
Let's do it let's get it man Back in 2011 in Japan they opened up a Store called Tokyo 23 to commemorate the Grand opening of the store they released A super limited run of these beautiful Tokyo fives so the thing about these Tokyos is they have some of the worst Mols I've ever seen I've worked on a few Pairs throughout the years and they Always do this they just split and Normally after about 15 years that's When the ship start crumbling when was The first time you worked on a pair uh It's about 2019 these Ms all suck then Let's get them off first things first Let's take out the laces insults so we Can get to Work all right next we're going to take Out the stitching and pull off the SES what you copy me for Bro all right so we're getting all the Leftover polyurethane that's stuck on The midsole luckily for us it's pretty Easy to remove just using our thumbs to Kind of scrape it Off so with shoes like threes fours and Fives we reuse the SES and only replace The midols so now that we scraped off All of the polyurethane we're going to Go ahead heat it up and remove all of The glue with some aceton colon balls Ready [Applause] [Applause]
So those are out prepped let's move on To the uppers we're going to heat it up And hopefully remove the mitole in one Piece even if it doesn't come off in one Piece we'll still be able to take it off What he Said unfortunately the full so did not Come off in one piece but that's okay There is still some poly earthing left On the uppers to remove that I'm going To heat up the upper then with the thin Spatula scrape at It so we got the rest of the Polyurethane off and the next step to do Is use an X-Acto blade in order to take Off all the old glue we can't use Acetone because it's Suede and it will Just bleed into it and pretty much mess It up that's right so this part is Pretty tedious after a few times of Going back and forth with the blade I Got to replace it cuz it gets pretty Dull we want to make this process as Easy as Possible prep is complete on the Tokyo Fives let's move on to the donors for The donors we're going to be using some Craft Jordan Fives the donors are good How however I wish the air units would Have been yellow but they don't sell Them like that so we're going to have to Work with what we got as always I'm Going to take off some parts from the Shoe like the insoles the tongues and
The netting for future Projects with the tongues out of the way We're going to focus on removing the toe Cap stitching to get these donor mles Off once the stitching is removed we can Take these outside and pour some anone Inside them this is going to start Eating up the glue so we can separate The uppers from the midsole Aseton is inside the shoe to finish a Job I'm going to put the steamer inside The sneaker to peel it right Off uppers are off super easy stuff now We got to do the same thing and remove The sole from the midsole how do we do This part so we're going to use a heat Gun heat it up as much as we can without Damaging the moles get a syringe get Some acetone and once we get a little Gap going we could just stick it in There pour the acetone and it'll Separate like nothing now when it comes To the heat what do we do about it when It comes to the air units we don't apply Too much heat and pop it right yeah that And one of the ways to actually avoid That is I like to put a piece of tape Over it and it completely avoids it cuz Then of the hot air will hit it good Little trick I never knew that yeah as Long as it's sealed off I mean the air Isn't hitting it you know it's just it's Just bouncing off have you popped the Air unit before yeah it sucks yeah you
Have to buy a whole another pair of Meres that sound is horrible I just Hearing that like it's Heartbreaking now we still need to do Some prep workk on the top portion of The midsole there's some residue from The uppers that got stuck on the midsole We got to shave all that off using the Dremel [Music] So now that they got the top of the Mido Prepped up I'm going to go ahead and Move on to the bottom the moles don't Really fit the STS quite well and Doesn't sit flush so I'm going to be Shaving down a layer of the midsole so That way it sits properly Pre is complete now we got to make some Paint for the midsole we only got to get The yellow it's going to be a tricky Color we have all these colors right Here some black neon yellow pale yellow Yellow Buttercup neon orange and some White we're going to start off with the Yellow and go from there [Music] Got the yellow paint all mixed up took Some trial and error but we got that out The way next we got to do some prop work On the mid soap before we start painting Using some acetone and cotton balls We're going to wipe off some of the gray And the factory finish so the paint Adheres nicely after that we're going to
Do some taping so we can lay down some White [Music] Tape drop is complete I'm going lay down Some white paint with the airbrush after That we'll move on to some hand Painting white paint is good to go now We're on to the yellow paint I'm going To lay it down on the teeth and the Inside Triangle I'm going to hand paint It using some brushes and for assistance I'm going to use some Tape now hand painting Jordan five Mentos can be tricky with the teeth but It's like painting any other section as Long as I tape off the area I can take My time and lay down as many coats as [Music] Needed yellow is down now we're on to The speckle job for this we're going to Be laying down some black paint using a Toothbrush I'm going to let A1 do this One cuz I think he's better at it All right what's next Captain all right So now that we got the Speckles put down We got to do one last step when it comes To paint and that's painting these two Sections on both miss you want to do Both oh you want to help me one I guess All right let's do it come on man Mell repaint is complete took some time To get it perfect but they look great Now we're back on to the sols what's Next so next we're going to be adding a
Thin layer of glue and painting the Inside white in order to create that White film that clear souls are known For just like these SS are good to go I nicely got the white Paint down what's next A1 we're going to Go ahead and put glue on the SES the mid SES and the uppers and let it cure and Get to gluing on the next step all right [Music] All right so we went ahead and put glue On each part of the shoes the SES the Mid SES bottom and top and also onto the Uppers now we're going to start with Gluing the souls onto the mids first and We got to be really careful with this Because we pretty much have only one Shot at it where're we're going to have To prep and redo everything all over [Music] Again now let's move on to regluing Dippers [Music] All right glue job is complete time to Check out a1's Work bad not bad think I could have done A better job but we'll just uh he's over There in the back listening no I'm just Kidding G one these look pretty good bro I'm glad you begged me to do these all Right now I still got all right now the Final step for this regue is to reapply The yellow stitching on the toe caps we Saved it when we took it apart we got
Some white thread from the inside we're Going to apply it using the sewing off Toe caps are complete now for the Cleaning of the uppers I'm going to be Very careful I'm not going to be using Any solution or brushes the materials Are very delicate so I'm just going to Be using some sandpaper to take care of Some areas for example right here on the Shoe there's a couple of marks I'm just Going to sand it down hopefully that Takes it Off we're basically done with the rest Restoration A1 is lacing up the shoes as We speak in the meantime let me tell you Guys about our July giveaway we're Giving away some futuras or born and Raised dunks in your size it's super Easy to enter all you got to do is Subscribe to rejuvenator and comment What shoe you would pick we'll pick the Winner at the end of July good luck Everyone let's go see how a1's doing all Right got the shoes finished laced up And ready to go what do you think about Them Vic bro I think you kill these man I know you keep on saying we but this One bro like the alignment all around For the reglue is on point it's one of Those things where in person you can't Even tell they've been SW Like the paint jobs better than original Alignment's good dude these look great Come on Vic you didn't do so bad
Yourself you did a good job on the paint You got Chris Lions all around you did a Very good job on the color match and Overall man we both did a good job I Appreciate that man I'm going to bounce It back to you the speckle jobs came out On point a lot of the times I see people Do a horrible job when it comes to that That looks Factory bro all around dude The shoe looks great it's not even just About how it looks too dude we want to About it right so these shoes should Hold up nicely and they look great they For sure will they're going to hold up For another 10 plus years probably Longer than they did on their own Original Souls by far dude without your Expertise and experience this project Would not have been possible thank you Bro really appreciate it stay tuned you Guys we do have another project in the Works as always you can find all our Renator products at rat.com use our Promo code a120 to save 20% on your next Order this is Vic Almighty A1 Restorations we'll catch you guys next Time see you guys dude how's it going Good man good happy to hear from you man Yeah man it's a pleasure to finally meet You man I like the collection in the Back thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah For sure to SI display so dude I won't Hold you up too much man so we just Wrapped up this project uh they came out
Sick man so I know you've been excited For this one you've been it's been a few Months in the making so you know I won't Take up too much of your time these are It bro can't even tell they've been Swapped man they look like nothing ever Happened so I'll give you a better Closeup yo I don't know how you do it Man you do it every time man I did this All by myself bro all by myself I'm just Kidding dude so real quick I want you to Meet A1 Restorations he was here for a Few days helping me out with this Project U we basically tackled it Together what's up man how you doing Good man good you guys thanks man so Without this guy this project wouldn't Have been possible they could have done It you know they got the skills but it Was cool to come byy and uh you know put In a little bit of work help him out Yeah basically he did one shoe I did the Other shoe we did a lot of skying Removed all that old glue got the donors Ready good donors you sent in by the way Yeah we mess with them and everything Make sure that they're not going to Separate they're solid bro you're going To be able to wear them yeah man 10 Years they look good they're wearable They're solid bro nice man I don't know If I can flip the camera here but look I Got a little spot for it here Look I plan on putting him right here
Man that's display it is sick yeah bro These are good to go man so we wrapped Up the video Project's all done I'm Going to box them up send them your way And we're good to go I just have one More favor man you gotta sign the box I'll sign the shoe Bro don't don't touch the shoes we're Good we're good I'll put a nice stencil On this shoe don't worry probably right In the toe box I could put Vic right Here A1 on the other one one of On all right I'll send the box for you Though man and I'll ship them your way ASAP later bro appreciate you