In today’s video, Vick Almighty takes on an exciting and unique challenge: restoring a rare pair of Mister Cartoon Air Force 1s, a first for our channel! This restoration project requires swapping the crumbled air unit while keeping both the sole and the upper intact—something you’ve never seen on our channel before.
Step 1: Deconstructing the Shoes
The restoration process begins with deconstructing the shoes. Older sneakers are typically easier to separate because the glue becomes brittle over time. Vick uses a sharp blade to cut through the stitching and separate the upper from the sole.
Step 2: Removing Old Glue
With the shoes deconstructed, it’s time to remove the old glue. Vick starts by scything the glue off the uppers, always using a fresh, sharp blade for clean and precise cuts. Next, he uses acetone and cotton balls to remove the remaining glue from the soles and lasting boards.
Step 3: Dealing with Oxidation
Older shoes often have oxidized soles, but this pair wasn’t too bad! After several hours in the Vick 2000, the soles were back to white and ready for cleaning. Vick uses the Reshoevn8r Stiff and Brass Bristle Brush to clean the midsole and outsole, bringing them back to life.
Step 4: Reassembling the Shoes
Now it’s time to put the shoes back together. After hitting the uppers with a Dremel and applying several layers of glue, Vick carefully pieces the shoes together. This step is crucial, as it’s a one-shot deal to ensure everything fits perfectly.
Final Touch: Cleaning with Reshoevn8r Essential Kit
Vick wraps up the restoration by giving the shoes a final clean using the Reshoevn8r Essential Cleaning Kit, leaving them looking as good as new.
Don’t miss this unique restoration project—watch the full video to see Vick Almighty work his magic on these rare Mister Cartoon Air Force 1s!
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Hi rejuvenator these are my 2005 friends And family Mr cartoon Air Force Ones I Hope you can restore them for me because The air unit popped out wore them a few Times and popped out please help thank You this is the first time I've ever Worked on a Mr cartoon Air Force 1es When it comes to air force 1es this One's up there this is also going to be The first time I replace the air unit While keeping the outo original this Should be a fun project so let's get Started first things first is Deconstruction we're going to start off With taking out the laces and insoles And start removing the stitching from The outsoles once the stitching is Removed the uppers should come right off The outo that's how brittle the glue is Let's also get rid of these horrible Shoe Trees it's super important I go slow With the step I don't want to cut or Damage the uppers that will be bad Busted now that the sols are off I can Heat up and scrape off any remaining Polyurethane left on the upper lasting Boards lasting boards are all cleaned up Now we're on to some skying this part is Always time consuming but we're going to Be using using a blade to shave off all The O glue it's all about the Technique to do this right you want to Have a sharp blade you want to be
Switching it out as much as possible the Sharper the blade the easier the process Is you also want to stay away from the Uppers cuz once you cut into that There's no going back also don't cut too Much into the material to shave off that Thin top layer All done with the skying on the uppers Let's move on to the outsoles on the Inside we have a lot of broken down poly Aane and air units that are no longer Functionable we got to get all that Stuff out luckily for me this stuff is Not really stuck on the outsole I'm Going to grab a trash can and dump all This stuff Out so far so good we got the inside Cleaned out all that's left to do is use Some anone C of and a heat gun to remove The glue that's still stuck on the Soles We also have to remove the glue that's On the lasting boards I'm going to heat Everything up get some addone and cotton Balls and wipe it off [Music] [Music] Prep is almost complete it's the end of The day I'm going to put these SES Inside the indoor setup so tomorrow when I come in this so could be back to White So you can see it's only one of them That's pretty bad this one's all right This one has a pretty bad tint of Yellowing just on one side once you're
In the Ino setup for a good 12 hours They should be back to White while I'm At it I'm also going to stick the uppers Inside all done using the indoor setup After a few hours with some UV rays we Got this so looking nice and white and Matches the other so nicely now they Still pretty dirty I'm going to be using Rejuvenator products to get these as Clean as possible before I put them onto The uppers I'm going to be using the St Bristle brush and the brass bristle Brush if I need it I'm also going to be Cleaning up these dirty shoelaces and These leather insoles [Music] All right so and so is all cleaned up Let's move on to the laces wait hold on Someone's playing on my hoop it's my [Music] Hoop dude it's my Hoop I want to make sure my boy Miguel Gets an assist I'm going to show Vic how it's done got Stinky Breath almost broke the sweat there had To shut them up real quick all right Like I was saying insult and so are good To go let's finish it up with the laces The laces are pretty dirty I'm not in a Rush I'm going to let this sit inside The water and solution for a few hours Once it's good I'll put them in the Washing machine to complete the cleaning
While those are outside drying let's Jump to the uppers real quick before we Can lay down some glue there's one more Step I got to do with the Dremel I'm Going to go ahead and hit the entire Bottom part that I skyed all I want to Do is roughen it up and just can't hit The uppers cuz that ruin it [Music] Prep is fully complete it's time to lay Down some fresh glue but real quick let Me show you our replacement air units With some fresh polyurethane in the past I've always had to buy a pair of Air Force Ones separate the uppers from the Soles then separate the air units from The sols pretty easy stuff to do but it Takes a while luckily for me there is a Seller on Etsy that sells these for Really cheap these are a size 9 and They're going to fit the SS perfectly It's an exact same replica of what Nike Uses in their shoes so I'm going to lay Down glue On The Soles the air units and The uppers let it care for a few hours And then we'll stick everything together [Music] Glue is fully cured we're going to start Off by gluing down the air units onto The soles I'm going heat it up by Sections starting off with the back then The front once it's in there I'm going To do all the Sides one once I have it stuck down and
Everything's lined up I'm going to use a Wooden Mallet to make sure there's a Strong bond if you smacks should do the Trick air units are installed let's do The same thing with the uppers and the Soles I'm going to heat up the toe cap Just a little bit connect them do the Same thing with the back and then take Care of the rest Glue drop is complete I let it dry for a Couple of hours alignment's on point I Would say out of all the shoes that I've Glued the Air Force Ones is one of the Easiest ones everything just lines up Super nicely now we still have to go in And apply the stitching as always I'm Going to be using some white thread I'm Going to be using two pieces one for the Inside and one for the outside and I'll Stitch it together using a sewing all Blue job is complete now we got to touch The air on the Soles it's fading off I'm Going to be using some squadron blue It's the closest to the original I'm Also going to mix it in with some matte Finish so it aderes nicely to the sole And is protected All that has to do is give the uppers a Good wipe down I'm going to be using Some solution and our stof bristle brush The uppers aren't really that dirty but They still need a cleaning same thing With the sock liners on the inside I'm Also going to be using some shoe treats
For this cleaning during the cleaning And while they dry it should help Eliminate the creasing on the toe boox To give it a better Shape these shoes are also on the older Side so the natural oils in the solution Will recondition the leather and keep it Healthy for years to come [Music] Last thing to do is lace them up now if You guys don't know about this shoe Here's the backstory on these Air Force Ones these were designed by legendary Tattoo artist Mark Machado also known as Mr cartoon he's originally from Los Angeles who began his art career Airbrushing t-shirts and cars at 12 Years old and that's how made a name for Himself so much so that Nike gave him The opportunity to design an Air Force One displaying his undying love for LA And Mexican American Heritage the upper Is Navy and gray with spiderweb Detailing on the toe box while graffiti Style La embroidery on the heel Resembles the daughter's logo all right Restoration is fully complete these look Amazing everything looks perfect on them I can't wait to show the owner let's get On a call with him hey what's up Jimmy Can you hear me hey how you doing Vic Doing good man how are you doing good Man how's your day going it's just one Of those days man it's another day a man
It's better be an exciting day bro I Just hooked your Air Force Ones up dude Clean is it yeah bro I hate that they're A size nine too cuz you and I are a size Nine you know really just so you know Before I ship these back I'm going to Try them on cuz this might be the only Opportunity I get to try these on hey go Ahead man I'll let you I'll let you try Them on dude quick little test work bro I want to make sure they're solid for Your feet we'll call it that all right Bro well real quick let me show you the Shoes bro so basically it's hard to tell What I did cuz obviously the internals Is what I replaced but this is the shoe Bro so I did a few different things to It I'll start off with you know I popped The shoe open got inside replaced all That broken down polye thinge and air Unit all that stuff was dust and cake I'm sure you can feel it when you you Know put them on your feet oh yeah so I Got in there opened up the shoe cleaned All that stuff out replac it with the Brand new one so it's you know perfectly In there it sits nice it's comfortable I Also uh touched up the air on both shoes They were fading off you know so I Touched it up with a little bit of blue That matches the paint perfectly cleaned Up the shoelaces gave it a good ass Stress test so like the shoes are good Bro you know so good to be wor be worn
Again they're not going to separate on You they should be healthy for the next 10 15 years hopefully nice thank you Thank you absolutely bro you know it's Crazy you know so I watch you for a long Time so that's what's up man love the Opportunity that I got to actually send The shoes to you and have you work on it Dude you know I appreciate that man I Appreciate you being a day one and stuff Watching all my videos and stuff for Years that's cool man was a cool Experience for both of us so you got Your shoes restored and this is my first Time uh working on some Mr cartoons Thanks brother bye later bro all right Guys that's going to wrap it up on the Restoration of these Mr cartoon Air Force Ones since you guys stuck around To the very end I got a special giveaway Comment down below your favorite Air Force win of all time and I'm going to Pick a lucky winner to win a rejuvenator Essal shoe cleaning kit but one last Thing before I leave you guys let me Show you guys next week's video we got Some cooked Dior Jordan Ones this is the First time I've ever worked on this pair I'm not even sure how I'm going to fix These toe boxes but it's got to get done Stay tuned for next Monday see you guys